and you can ignore them, if you want, as daddyholes suggests, if you think it is important or helpful to ignore them. but imo the reason israel spends so much time and energy accentuating its secular lady gaga side despite being in fact a blatantly ethnonationalist state with important and explicitly religious state institutions is a recognition that however crucial those beliefs are to its origin and continued growth, they are a substantial liability on the international stage
littlegreenpills posted:zionists are the biggest anti-semites
this guy gets it
Superabound posted:Its almost as if Zionists intentionally foster seemingly opposite aspects that can appeal to both liberals and conservatives, in order to secure themselves a strong position, control both sides of the debate, and retain permanent allies in Washington regardless of which of the two parties is currently in power
How rather, dialectic, of them.
the star on our flag is blue
we're gonna murder your families
and burn down your villages too
who's there?
Natyu who?
Natyu, anymore.
dipshit420 posted:and jesus was a gamer when he noclipped upon the water
and he spent a long time watching from his lonely 2fort tower
and when he knew for certain only pubbie groups could see him
he said all men will be gamers then until live shall free them
Yeah i thjink they posted recently
stegosaurus posted:based on my really cursory reading of some parts of the holy texts and some theology, islam is actually the light.
Sorry, i meant, Yeah i thjink they posted recently
They see anti-zionism in other british trot groups as a form of "stalinist degeneration" and thus condem the groups that condem "stalinism" as stalinist for not supporting israel and a two state solution.
This was so novel to me I had to get a pamphlet - 44 A4 insane pages about how anti-zionism is a plot by trotsyites who are secret crypto-stalinists to corrupt the true legacy of trotsky and how the palestinians brought it all on their own heads and/or were peaceful peoples until they were incited to anti-zionism by stalin for he own gain
US subsidies do not give the USA control over Israel. There is no sense in which Israel functions to secure US or European Union influence or power over the Arab states. On the contrary, Israel has habitually strained and sometimes disrupted US/EU-Arab relations. The disapearance of Israel would probably make it easier for the big powers to strengthen their links with the Arab bourgioisies
last time I checked someone from Alliance for Workers Liberty was on the "leadership committee" or whatever of Momentum, and was busy destroying the movement from the inside
I fucking hate trots, I will destroy all trots
(and fuck u boons_supremacy)
tears posted:and how the palestinians brought it all on their own heads and/or were peaceful peoples until they were incited to anti-zionism by stalin for he own grain
The United States plans to withdraw from UNESCO, citing financial reasons, as well as what it said was an anti-Israel bias at the U.N.’s educational, cultural and science organization... The government stopped paying its dues in 2011 after UNESCO voted to include the Palestinian Authority as a member.
Israel is not the only one politicking in this "cahos"
Demonstrators hold placards as they stage a protest against Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari, Qatar's candidate of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization new leader outside the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017
Caesura109 posted:I get political too fast so its a doomed friendship anyways, I'll bail
i think you need to chill out you know, just relax a bit and not be so political all the time, its just stuff happening out there in the world, not that important when you really think about it