
roseweird posted:


Don't mock me lady! I'm more powerful than you can imagine...


littlegreenpills posted:

maybe you should ask about your mother's interests and make an effort to engage with them and spend quality time together

i talk to my mom too much, really.

[account deactivated]

AmericanNazbro posted:

Oh, the OP wasn't being ironic with this thread? pfffthahahahahahah

It's Doctor Pepper Puimp Jedi, a dumbass of nearly mythic proportions


chickeon posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

Oh, the OP wasn't being ironic with this thread? pfffthahahahahahah

It's Doctor Pepper Puimp Jedi, a dumbass of nearly mythic proportions

wait really


The_Boourns_Identity posted:

a Palestinian orphan child with scars who dreams of "killing all the Jews"

btw this is a cool racial fantasy. Good shit

it reminds me of how this freek from montana here was telling some scot about how "arabs love swastikas because they admire what the Nazis did to the jews" when not even outright Nazis accept the Holocaust. common arabs are more savage and evil than even unrepentant white supremacist Nazis Humm makes u think ARE THEY BROTHERS?

nazis didn't invent ethnic purity. it has always been a core element of judaism. read your bible
What are you blathering about
well sometimes people act like israel's behavior is just a reaction to the nazis. that they have adopted nazi behavior themselves is seen as ironic or hypocritical. but the truth is that the religion of judaism has always held a few major tenets, such as the primacy of the holy land, and the chosen people. the old testament regularly advocates for the wholesale death of other people in the land and for the enemies of israel. this includes women and children. it so consistently advocates for it, there is no way an israeli could look to spiritual sources for guidance and not end up convinced that wholesale slaughter of their enemies is moral and right and condoned by God. all of the prophets condemn foreign nations in the most final terms. it is strongly in opposition to whatever might be called 'multiculturalism', or the acceptance of other religions in the land. according to the OT, accepting the presence of other religions is literally the worst thing you can do. it is idolatry. the reason God punishes the israelites and expels them from the land is because they accepted the presence of other religions. the 'good' kings are those which actively ban and slaughter other religions. the OT strongly condemns miscegenation and even encourages the breakup of mixed families in books such as ezra and nehemiah, which are all about rebuilding zion after the exile. quite simply, all of the devilish things israelis are advocating for are those prescribed by their religion, as it has been for thousands of years. i know there are some rabbis who oppose zionism but their views are honestly very liberal interpretations of the text. it's not going to be possible to change the israeli view of things short of them all changing their religion.
You could very well say the same about the Vatican. Obviously things are not so simple. Still, I agree that the best solution would be for everyone to convert to Islam.
Actually the 'liberal' interpretations indeed tend to the most zionist ones. More strictly 'religious' jews, ie. Haredi, tend to reject zionism and even violently oppose the zionist project. Likewise, the secular jews abroad are much more susceptible to zionist propaganda and sympathies, while most conservative and ("Ultra")Orthodox are highly skeptical and routinely hostile. There is nothing in the 'Jewish essence' that is zionist, and if anything, the aggressively white-secular aspects of modern zionism points to a purely *opportunistic* reading of the old texts.

Nonetheless, there's no use engaging in any obfuscating or mystification: zionist racism is thoroughly modern in form and substance. It has far more in common with the mechanics of white supremacy and racial construction than some bronze-age tribal social relations. Likewise, the opportunistic religious reading that zionists engage in is much closer in style to the opportunistic reading of certain ahem, wahhabist formations, as well as the chauvinist biblical readings that are so common in many corners of le Usa *derps*

i think your both right in your own ways
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sounds like everyone is dumb in this situation *nods knowingly to Anil Potti*

roseweird posted:

sorry that was excessively confrontational. you're not wrong, \orthodox jews do oppose zionism and a lot of liberal jews do support it (as a palliative for their alienation from orthodox jewish faith? something on the order of a christian pilgrimage? meanwhile other liberal jews deny it to piss off their cryptozionist parents. but lets not psychoanalyze), but this still doesn't contradict the fundamental semitic-chauvinist message of the torah... instead they see the secular zionist state as a faithless attempt to force events that adherence to torah demands be brought about by the coming of the messiah. i only know what a handful of orthodox acquaintances have told me about their beliefs, though: the jewish people must remain in stateless exile until the coming of the messiah, which ... will happen. someday. and be known... somehow. if you have more experience please continue and i will be educated. but if zionism is white-supremacist (and duh, of course it is), it is relevant that it actually is easily backed up by any reading of the torah. oh, canaan son of ham will be a servant to shem, whose dominion stretches from syria to persia? oh, abraham arose from ur to subjugate the hamitic peoples of the coast? with the coming of the messiah, the law of jerusalem will spread to every nation of the earth, and have total dominion over all peoples! i don't know, we can't just handwave this stuff away, it has to trouble us at least a little no matter what we conclude

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Who gives a shit if a book is "pppporoblematic". I got a "ppppppowerbook" right here that has that book an more at the touch of a button. It's not about the damn book. It's about the real movement of people. Is it reasonable to blame a damn book for capitalist accumulation? Shame on you. Leave the poor jews alone, theyve suffered enough
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Panopticon posted:

i think your both right in your own ways

Maybe the truth, is somewhere in the middle,


roseweird posted:

also wait though last point, orthodox jews spend like all fucking day reading that book and the talmud and these inform their movement and shape the minds of their leadership and i'm trying to tell you the bit i know about the manner in which they do so, you're content to observe that they do not currently support the zionist regime, which you read about on the internet or in a book, without understanding why it matters ideologically or to the lived movement. *posts a mad funny gif, END OF DISCUSSION*

so your scientific observations are once again reduced to your lackluster, scattershot lifestyle, rather than any sort of like, oh i dont know, concrete historical or material analysis. thanks for stopping by, again.

anyway, there's no mythic-universal roots to settler racism. they are purely historic, and its modern forms are generated and sustained by capitalist accumulation and production. they are not contained in some pure religious idea, or entirely wrapped by a body of text. if it was, then you would see it arising precisely from these 'Ultra-Orthodox' teachings, and not from secular, liberal zionism.

your conflation of this underlying 'ethnic chauvinism' found in the Torah and zionism is obviously tenuous, regardless of the 'secret intentions' of orthodox pals, wherever they may hide. because the whole discussion is about zionism and white supremacy


Petrol posted:

You could very well say the same about the Vatican.

Jesus christ was a champion of peace and tolerance. So no you couldnt.

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The Nature of Rhizzone is Conflict. In a Word, War.

Crow posted:

your lackluster, scattershot lifestyle, rather than any sort of like, oh i dont know, concrete historical or material analysis. thanks for stopping by, again.

hmm... are you saying that roseweird is a rootless cosmopolitan?

perhaps crow simply wants roseweird to get a job

Petrol posted:

Panopticon posted:

i think your both right in your own ways

Maybe the truth, is somewhere in the middle,



Agnus_Dei posted:

it's not going to be possible to change the israeli view of things short of them all changing their religion.

Hmm. Perhaps there is, some, final solution?

most of the russian expats i know were or are registered members of the Communist party
imo its absolutely ridiculous to say the torah has anything to do with contemporary Zionism that isnt completely accidental. Israel was from the beginning a colonial enterprise where Zionist Jews colluded with European and american capitalists to divide and wreck and conquer postwar middle east/north africa over resource questions. the zionists knew the interest of the Western ruling class was just to undermine any rival power bloc that could arise regionally and they didnt care and their entire project up to the present day follows that outline.
my boss is a bulgarian expat and hes strongly neoliberal. he also thinks america is the least racist place around because he's coming from the european brand of racism/immigrant xenophobia and doesnt understand the american brand of white supremacy of which he's a new member
yes the subtler American brand of racism where they kill like a hundred thousand times more people with it lmoa