apparentlythe French think americans speaking french with an american accent is just as hot as americans think french accents are, i dated a french girl for awhile and she made me read random snippets of french out loud even though i speak no french at all heh

getfiscal take note
chicks dig accents so the particulars don't even matter, but let's just say my chinese one is near-perfect
love the one you're with, lf

Senorah posted:

love the one you're with, lf

i was listening to the isley brothers cover of that song yesterday. good tune!

don't worry y'all i'm dating one person now
sorry for your loss

dank_xiaopeng posted:

sorry for your loss

boy, do i got the craigslist post for some of u dudes out there on the rhizzone:

who here posted that, confess
thats me. thats my okc profile. thanks for posting it AGAIN, tons of visitors. Ciao gonna bang!
been over a month since gf dumped me for being a dirty godhaver and her inability to be interested stuff i am (despite actually sharing a lot of common interests).

i think i'm finally at "anger" now and still p depressed.
you're lucky the next stage is called 'getting another girlfriend' and it's the fun one.
ive done that stage a bit. it's pretty dull and boring. it involves a lot of me nodding and not being interested.
That's me to everything
Except when u talk theoretical physics rashi-chan :3

guidoanselmi posted:

ive done that stage a bit. it's pretty dull and boring. it involves a lot of me nodding and not being interested.

this is a bad sign imo

youre totally right, no dispute there.

i have a pretty high bar/im pretty weird with a lot of contradictory interests, so finding someone i enjoy and am compatible with is practically impossible. im pretty tired of being relationships with people i know i dont want to be with.

this last relationship was with one of the few people i've met/seen that i'd be interested in marrying (which is something i do want to do). she thinks she can find someone more compatible than me. her ideal is "you, but with a more similar world view..." of course during the course of the relationship, she never really accepted anything i believed in or got into meaningful conversations about them. rather, she asked me about my beliefs and I answered pretty academically - but she ended up feeling defensive despite her asking me!

nevermind the fact that i likely wouldn't have all the qualities she loves in me without my system of beliefs she doesn't like or try to understand.

Edited by guidoanselmi ()


guidoanselmi posted:

youre totally right, no dispute there.

i have a pretty high bar/im pretty weird with a lot of contradictory interests, so finding someone i enjoy and am compatible with is practically impossible. im pretty tired of being relationships with people i know i dont want to be with.

Would you be able to meet someone's equally high standards?

^incredibly likely.

man i have to stop realposting
Nvm. You edited to say that you want to get married so you're just set on being miserable one way or the other.
p much. i've reached many of my life goals but will never reach some, i'm certain. i want to have kids to have faith in the futjklfajdlfasd

guidoanselmi posted:

man i have to stop realposting

that's what this thread is here for. littlegreenpills will be along shortly with a solution for you.

one of my friends from hs is jewish by his mom but his dad's catholic. only the mom was concerned about the kids' religion and they grew up jewish but would go to catholic mass on xmas eve. what i'm saying is that bringing up your kids in ur favorite religious tradition can be easier than you think
no shit. tell my ex that. oh wait. she doesnt like it when i fast because it's too hard for her. you see, we have to plan dinner around me fasting and no sex during the day.

and then the real tragedy is not being able to enjoy wine & beer tasting with her SO. im a fucking failure shoot this (<<<) pos godhaver

e: of course i told her i'd celebrate christmas with her (not that she's religious) even though i think it's a terrible hallmark holiday because it's always better to use differences between people to become closer together. i'd be happy to help celebrate her family traditions.
"anger" phase indeed
i wouldn't date anyone from a religion where fun isn't allowed either
then she shouldnt have, let alone said a year in, "ya im generally cool with this"
yeah i have a no-religion dating policy but if i had gotten into one and been ok with it that's a shitty way to deal with it.

guidoanselmi posted:

no shit. tell my ex that. oh wait. she doesnt like it when i fast because it's too hard for her. you see, we have to plan dinner around me fasting and no sex during the day.

Lol i hear that

I fast all the time and its not even a big deal.
guido i think perhaps you need a nice muslim girl
Iim really fast and i run everywhere I go
i have been sending social justice tumblr girl articles like that marxist-feminist critique of intersectionality that was going round a few months ago & it's probably not long until she abandons bourgeois ideology for dialectical materialism

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

guido i think perhaps you need a nice muslim girl

this. show your parents this thread and chances are they will find a suitable girl for you. after triumphally rubbing in your face for hours how you shd have listened to them in the first place and not waste time w white girls its the least they can do

Greetings fellow high bar havers.
q: how do i find happiness through other people?
a: u fokkin stupid bru

TheIneff posted:

q: how do i find happiness through other people?
a: lower the bar until it hits them on their fokken 'ed

Teenagers are reportedly putting Burt's Bees lip balm on their eyelids to enhance their overall inebriated experience.

The new fad, called "Beezin,"