getfiscal take note
Senorah posted:love the one you're with, lf
i was listening to the isley brothers cover of that song yesterday. good tune!
dank_xiaopeng posted:sorry for your loss
i think i'm finally at "anger" now and still p depressed.
guidoanselmi posted:ive done that stage a bit. it's pretty dull and boring. it involves a lot of me nodding and not being interested.
this is a bad sign imo
i have a pretty high bar/im pretty weird with a lot of contradictory interests, so finding someone i enjoy and am compatible with is practically impossible. im pretty tired of being relationships with people i know i dont want to be with.
this last relationship was with one of the few people i've met/seen that i'd be interested in marrying (which is something i do want to do). she thinks she can find someone more compatible than me. her ideal is "you, but with a more similar world view..." of course during the course of the relationship, she never really accepted anything i believed in or got into meaningful conversations about them. rather, she asked me about my beliefs and I answered pretty academically - but she ended up feeling defensive despite her asking me!
nevermind the fact that i likely wouldn't have all the qualities she loves in me without my system of beliefs she doesn't like or try to understand.
Edited by guidoanselmi ()
guidoanselmi posted:youre totally right, no dispute there.
i have a pretty high bar/im pretty weird with a lot of contradictory interests, so finding someone i enjoy and am compatible with is practically impossible. im pretty tired of being relationships with people i know i dont want to be with.
Would you be able to meet someone's equally high standards?
man i have to stop realposting
guidoanselmi posted:man i have to stop realposting
that's what this thread is here for. littlegreenpills will be along shortly with a solution for you.
and then the real tragedy is not being able to enjoy wine & beer tasting with her SO. im a fucking failure shoot this (<<<) pos godhaver
e: of course i told her i'd celebrate christmas with her (not that she's religious) even though i think it's a terrible hallmark holiday because it's always better to use differences between people to become closer together. i'd be happy to help celebrate her family traditions.
guidoanselmi posted:no shit. tell my ex that. oh wait. she doesnt like it when i fast because it's too hard for her. you see, we have to plan dinner around me fasting and no sex during the day.
Lol i hear that
Ironicwarcriminal posted:guido i think perhaps you need a nice muslim girl
this. show your parents this thread and chances are they will find a suitable girl for you. after triumphally rubbing in your face for hours how you shd have listened to them in the first place and not waste time w white girls its the least they can do
a: u fokkin stupid bru
TheIneff posted:q: how do i find happiness through other people?
a: lower the bar until it hits them on their fokken 'ed
The new fad, called "Beezin,"