OK fine dude i wont give you context any more. Enjoy


Crow posted:

OK fine dude i wont give you context any more. Enjoy

Lol relax ya big baby

Shoo the too foo Dumass.

Elsewhere in the Donetsk region, Mr Taruta says, self-defence units made up of Ukrainian “patriots” with military experience are being formed to take on the militants in their midst. In Donetsk itself, however, the scheme stalled after insurgents got hold of lists of volunteers and started threatening them and their families.
I've been reading a lot of your articles about the situation in Ukraine, as well as articles from the NY Times and such. I'm quite confused by the whole situation. Could you clarify what's going on? Also, what makes the neo-nazis neo-nazis?
Asked by infinitiesofinfinity

A U.S.-EU backed right-wing movement, popularly known as Euromaidan, overthrew the elected government of Ukraine in February. For the U.S. in particular, the aim was to place NATO bases on Russia’s border as part of its longterm strategy of strangling and breaking up an independent capitalist Russia.

While the U.S. and especially the EU were putting a neoliberal, technocrat face on the new Ukrainian regime, the driving force behind it was and is fascist movements like Svoboda (which openly takes its inspiration from Stepan Bandera, the Hitler collaborator of occupied Ukraine during World War II), the Right Sector, and the Fatherland party. These racist, violent, anti-communist groups control the main levers of state power in the coup government, and their shock troops form the back bone of the National Guard, which is the only military force the regime has been able to rely on.

What imperialism did not reckon on was a popular anti-fascist resistance movement, which quickly broke out in the south east of Ukraine, in Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Odessa, etc. Russian capitalism has acted defensively to the U.S.-fascist provocation on its Western border, but the Obama administration and the media have falsely portrayed the Putin government as the aggressors.

While the fascist influence has made some of the European powers nervous, the U.S. has been egging on the most aggressive elements to wage war on the fight-back movement in the South East, while also threatening Russia with U.S. warships, build up of ground troops in Eastern Europe, the largest-ever NATO war games, etc.

The result has been devastating massacres like burning of the Trade Union House in Odessa on May 2 by neo-Nazis, killing 46 people, and the shooting of civilians at a Victory Day parade in Mariupol by the National Guard, killing 20. Progressive and anti-fascist organizers have been forced underground.

It is imperative that anti-fascists, anti-imperialists and the antiwar movement come out against these dangerous provocations of U.S. and European imperialism, and support the anti-fascist resistance in southeast Ukraine.

Edited by ilmdge ()

i feel compelled for some reason to say that the us/nato should be opposed even if their puppets werent literally fascists
Prince Charles said Putin is basically Hitler.


The Queen will be negotiating peace on Putin's terms any day now.
you can now read my thoughts on the situation in ukraine in the noted imperialist apologist magazine jacobin
why didnt you buy a mcrib fucker
how much did mcd's pay you for that subtle viral marketing shoutout you wrecker sellout slime

deadken posted:

you can now read my thoughts on the situation in ukraine in the noted imperialist apologist magazine jacobin

Okay so is this a subtle parody of Thomas Friedman or something

Golden Arches-Deng Xiaoping Theory
if they had mcribs in kiev there wouldnt be any of this trouble
who paid for you to go out there?

c_man posted:

edit in someone doing the worm after that


postposting posted:

who paid for you to go out there?

i did


deadken posted:

postposting posted:

who paid for you to go out there?

i did

sam do u think its funny how ppl treat u different bc ur name is on pieces of paper now

thanks, i was just curious because i know jacobin wouldn't pony up for that kind of trip
yeah but did he actually go or just study youtube videos like renowned foreign affairs journalist brown moses

babyfinland posted:

sam do u think its funny how ppl treat u different bc ur name is on pieces of paper now

pretty cool

babyfinland who here got published in VICE, i am updating the spreadsheet
ur mom "How I sucked Baby Finland's Dick For Free"
no special characters please
im a special character daddyholes
this was based on some post youd posted in the blogs thread but maybe you just meant people should read VICE, lol. so far i have confirmed rhizzones in counterpunch, jacobin, tni, uhhh north star if thats even a thing, the six novels of John Christy and getfiscal's economics blog.
i am published in the Executive Intelligence Review
yes surely one day the words "the rhizzone" will be whispered with the same somber respect and awe as "the illuminati"
as an actual member of the Illuminati i have to tell you we don't get a lot of whispers

babyfinland posted:

deadken posted:

postposting posted:

who paid for you to go out there?

i did

sam do u think its funny how ppl treat u different bc ur name is on pieces of paper now

yea lol. i'm like, it's ok, i like having the skin on my grapes. but they dont listen


daddyholes posted:

this was based on some post youd posted in the blogs thread but maybe you just meant people should read VICE, lol. so far i have confirmed rhizzones in counterpunch, jacobin, tni, uhhh north star if thats even a thing, the six novels of John Christy and getfiscal's economics blog.

ive got something in the works for n+1, & khamsek and i have both been published in adbusters, we are going to get married and i will be her husband

how did a nitwit like you get so publishable?
When is your piece on irony going to be published in the NY times?
just edit it to mention the US somewhere to make hermsprong happy (there is no making hermsprong happy)
i think hermsprong just wants everything to just be an article with a title like Defend The Donbass Against Fascist Imperialism! Long Live The Popular Committees! and really boring
louis proyect called it 'petty-bourgeois impressionism' which is true and at the same time deeply idiotic
lenin's tomb called it a 'playful but mysterious little strawman'