c_man posted:ilmdge posted:that would be kinda shitty to be someone like pussy riot or malola and to have all these actual positions but then in western media to have your image just totally co-opted to serve imperialist interests
im sure it also sucks to have actual positions and then be ignored by progressives who accuse them of being purely imperialst shills
i doubt that's really a big deal
Ironicwarcriminal posted:had dinner with my parents tonight and it was pretty remarkable to see how they'd internalized the sort of brussels/state department line on this and on putin being a warmonger and such.
it's pretty obvious now that all that 'putin mean to gays qq' propaganda during the olympics was meant to get people thinking this way, so what exactly has the US been playing at?
ukraine your neck
to crimea river
russian to and fro
putin on a show
ilmdge posted:Seriously the entire western propaganda machine is using these people for their purposes and youre worried about some random leftists taking pot shots at them?
so you agree that you dont actually care about their concerns at all, just whose politics exploit them. just wanted to be clear
c_man posted:ilmdge posted:Seriously the entire western propaganda machine is using these people for their purposes and youre worried about some random leftists taking pot shots at them?
so you agree that you dont actually care about their concerns at all, just whose politics exploit them. just wanted to be clear
Uh what. My point is that definitely isn't one of their concerns in the first place

c_man posted:im not equivocating, im saying that portraying these figures as purely imperialist stooges is buying into the imperialist rhetoric itself. unless i misunderstand you, you're concerned with potential backlash at home. im saying that progressives who characterize them as imperialist stooges are a part of that same backlash as any lionization by pro-imperialist media. i agree that these statements make up a relatively small portion of the total discourse but its still part of the same discourse that these people are somehow outsiders in their homelands, working for foreign forces.
thanks for clearing that up
the papers keep citing poland and hungary as "success stories" despite the fact that they got donald tusk and viktor orban who are fascists
c_man posted:ilmdge posted:
Seriously the entire western propaganda machine is using these people for their purposes and youre worried about some random leftists taking pot shots at them?
so you agree that you dont actually care about their concerns at all, just whose politics exploit them. just wanted to be clear
i agree, end famine, tackle climate change and protect the rights of pussy riots everywhere
HenryKrinkle posted:
whoa how'd they get that sign from the future

This is the Second of my political oriented figurines. As many of you guys know Russia is bringing an all out war against the civil right of Gay people in Russia. Leading the charge is Mr. Putin and his homophobic leadership.
I wanted to ridicule Mr. Putin so i wanted to make a voodo like doll of him so people could do whatever they wanted to Mr. Putin in the privacy of their own home.. However, what a better way to attack Mr. Putin's shirtless bear wrestling reputation? make him into the shape of a butt plug. If you guys help me make this viral this could get the attention of this homophobe and ridicule him world wide.
(This model can only be 3d printed in sandstone color print. This is not to be used as an actual sex toy or is recommended for such use.. Sandstone is very porous and has a rough surface.. So please don't attempt such use.) We are looking to make this into an actual usable toy but we need funds and resources to manufacture this.. For the meanwhile This is meant as a decorative item and a conversation piece.
If you think Mr. Putin should be ridiculed like this please share and tweet this item to spread the word. EDIT:
I originally made this to bring attention to what is happening in Russia.. However, since i started designing this butt plug Putin invaded Ukraine and Republicans have developed a fetish for Putin. I honestly feel that is pretty unpatriotic that the right is now worshiping Putin in order to attack Obama. So i almost wish i could send a couple of these to Fox news since they are so in love with him. If you don't know what i'm talking about watch this clip
MadMedico posted:
(This model can only be 3d printed in sandstone color print. This is not to be used as an actual sex toy or is recommended for such use.. Sandstone is very porous and has a rough surface.. So please don't attempt such use.)
this is a literal recreation of the nickname for a rock buttplug you find in the CIA torture manual. the "sandstone putin." traditionally it's not 3d printed though.
Bills being passed by the Ukrainian parliament after the flight of Viktor Yanukovich have caused the ire of Ukrainians of Russian descent, as well as Moscow, and are raising eyebrows around the world.
Among the bills passed by the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) is one of especial interest to Greeks as it bans the use of their native tongue to minorities. Greek was an official minority language in Ukraine, which has a Greek diaspora community of 150,000.
Russia's Foreign Ministry has published an official statement, in which the most recent actions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine were found illegitimate.
The statement runs that Ukraine is now "rubber stamping" laws violating the right of national minorities, including Russians. All this is being down with reference to revolutionary reforms.
The ministry noted that Ukraine is threatening Russian-speaking individuals and conducting a struggle against monuments of Russian culture.
Earlier, the foreign ministry had expressed concerns about the desecration of monuments in Ukraine, pointing out the demolition of the monument to Kutuzov in the town of Brody on 25 February and the desecration of memorials to Soviet warriors.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also condemned the decision of the Rada to hold early presidential elections on 25 May. Mr Lavrov stated that the move to ban the broadcast of Russian TV channels in Ukraine would be a violation of freedom of speech. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev released similar statements yesterday.
More specifically, on 23 February, the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) voted the following bills:
4201 – Bill to ban Ukrainian Communist Party activity.
4217 – Bill to redress antecedents of the Soviet occupation of Ukraine.
4176 – Bill to repeal law penalizing Nazi propaganda.
4184 – Bill to place V. Avakov as minister of the interior and members of “Right Sector” party on ministry staff (Avakov also belongs to the party which many consider fascist). Σ
4215 – Bill to establish a “Pantheon of national heroes.”
4203 - Bill to curb state spending.
4215 – Bill to pay tribute to participants in the clashes during peaceful demonstrations.
4197 – Bill to place "Svoboda" party member Α.Mahnitskogo as Prosecutor General.
4204 – Bill delineating the duties of the President of the Uraine.
4191 – Bill to place "UDAR" party member V.A. Nalivaychenko as overseer of Ukrainian Security Agencies
4211 – Bill to fire incumbent officers and personnel of security forces and replace them with new personnel (the latter are believed to be members of extreme right wing groups).
4199- Bill to repeal the use of their native language by minorities , which refers to Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Greek.
On 25 February, the Rada also voted to send the fugitive president Viktor Yanukovych to The Hague to be tried over the violence that led to at least 82 deaths in Kiev last week.
i need you to get to the bottom of this

proshchay КПУ:* ;(~~
HenryKrinkle posted:http://www.thetoc.gr/eng/news/article/ukraine-to-ban-greek-as-official-minority-language
Bills being passed by the Ukrainian parliament after the flight of Viktor Yanukovich have caused the ire of Ukrainians of Russian descent, as well as Moscow, and are raising eyebrows around the world.
Among the bills passed by the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) is one of especial interest to Greeks as it bans the use of their native tongue to minorities. Greek was an official minority language in Ukraine, which has a Greek diaspora community of 150,000.
Russia's Foreign Ministry has published an official statement, in which the most recent actions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine were found illegitimate.
The statement runs that Ukraine is now "rubber stamping" laws violating the right of national minorities, including Russians. All this is being down with reference to revolutionary reforms.
The ministry noted that Ukraine is threatening Russian-speaking individuals and conducting a struggle against monuments of Russian culture.
Earlier, the foreign ministry had expressed concerns about the desecration of monuments in Ukraine, pointing out the demolition of the monument to Kutuzov in the town of Brody on 25 February and the desecration of memorials to Soviet warriors.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also condemned the decision of the Rada to hold early presidential elections on 25 May. Mr Lavrov stated that the move to ban the broadcast of Russian TV channels in Ukraine would be a violation of freedom of speech. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev released similar statements yesterday.
More specifically, on 23 February, the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) voted the following bills:
4201 – Bill to ban Ukrainian Communist Party activity.
4217 – Bill to redress antecedents of the Soviet occupation of Ukraine.
4176 – Bill to repeal law penalizing Nazi propaganda.
4184 – Bill to place V. Avakov as minister of the interior and members of “Right Sector” party on ministry staff (Avakov also belongs to the party which many consider fascist). Σ
4215 – Bill to establish a “Pantheon of national heroes.”
4203 - Bill to curb state spending.
4215 – Bill to pay tribute to participants in the clashes during peaceful demonstrations.
4197 – Bill to place "Svoboda" party member Α.Mahnitskogo as Prosecutor General.
4204 – Bill delineating the duties of the President of the Uraine.
4191 – Bill to place "UDAR" party member V.A. Nalivaychenko as overseer of Ukrainian Security Agencies
4211 – Bill to fire incumbent officers and personnel of security forces and replace them with new personnel (the latter are believed to be members of extreme right wing groups).
4199- Bill to repeal the use of their native language by minorities , which refers to Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Greek.
On 25 February, the Rada also voted to send the fugitive president Viktor Yanukovych to The Hague to be tried over the violence that led to at least 82 deaths in Kiev last week.
uh oh
translation here: http://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=155481
Information about the meeting of the leaders of the Maidan Oleg Tyagnibok (party "Freedom") and Dmitry Yarosh ("Right sector") became part of the public domain. It took place on February 25 in Kiev restaurant "Turgenef" on Large Zhytomyr. The abridged transcript of the conversation is published below:
D. Yarosh : Oleg, you already know that they'll ditch us soon. Well, maybe not me because Maidan is behind me, but you they'll ditch for sure.
O.Tyagnibok: That would be difficult since "Freedom" is now in the lead.
D.Yarosh : That's true only now. They'll not let "Freedom" to gain power. That yid with punched-out brains (presumably V.Klichko) and Yatsenyuk will both push you aside. They already started pushing Julia. Did you see what they showed on "1+1" (tv channel) about Zhenya (the daughter of Julia Timoshenko Eugenia)? How would you react if they did that about your Darinka (Tyagnibok's daughter)? It's total mudslinging. And it will get worse.
O.Tyagnibok : Are you sure about Zhenya?
D.Yarosh : Yes. It's Martynenko's job, and Yatsenyuk stands behind him.
O.Tyagnibok : A Julia Vladimirovna (Tymoshenko) know about this?
D.Yarosh : I think she knows.
O.Tyagnibok : What do you suggest?
D.Yarosh : It's very simple. Our goals are the same. We both stand for Ukraine without Yids and Katsaps (Russians derogatory). You'll help me, I'll help you. Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, the "boxer", and Julia too, they all think only about how to best grab as much money as possible. And Julia also wants to avenge her imprisonment to her "benefactors". They do us more harm than good.
O.Tyagnibok : So what do you expect from me?
D.Yarosh : Oleg, I need neither power nor money. If I wanted them, I would have already had both. I want Ukraine to be for Ukrainians. Right now I need to become the chief of the SBU. Yes and to clean up the communications of our "bespeki" (security forces) with Muscovites , and they know too much about us. If you help me, we can work together.
O.Tyagnibok : I've heard that your guys wanted to make you the head of SBU, but did not think it was true. Why do you need it? Go into politics. You have a lot of support.
D.Yarosh : Politics? Why? So I can wear a beautiful jacket? I already have the power. Gone are the times when we indulged slingshotting. Now I have so many weapons that it will be enough to break all kinds of "internal occupants". If my guys have the SBU, I will bring order to the "katsapschine" (East Ukraine derogatory) and in the Crimea. Katsaps will flee Sevastopol voluntarily. I'll cause the earth to burn under their feet. Matrosnyu will start to choke some of them, maybe blow up a couple of ships. They'll flee like rats and take their henchmen with them! I'll crush all this evil. Parallelly we could start stirring shit up in Voronezh, Belgorod and Kursk regions (Russian regions with Ukrainian population). Prepare battle groups of Tatars and direct them to the Caucasus to help the Emirate. Bellamy Muzychko will help with that. He has the experience, connections, the Chechens respect him. Point is - the more problems the Muscovites have at home, the less they will be a problem for us and the less they'll bother us. In the meantime we can gather strength to stand on our own feet.
O.Tyagnibok : You have plans like Napoleon.
D.Yarosh : No, like Bandera.
O.Tyagnibok : And what if the Katsap rise in Ukraine? In Donetsk, Kharkiv, Sevastopol there's lot of them. "Regions" and Commies are still showing some teeth.
D.Yarosh : They'll swallow it and wash it down with yushkа (Ukrainian soup). I think we can quietly remove the most violent of them. The rest will calm down.
O.Tyagnibok : That's risky. Кemember Gangadze?
D.Yarosh : Kuchma was simply betrayed. And by his own people. It doesn't happen with us. If we do something, we do it well. None had yet "surfaced".
O.Tyagnibok : And what will Europe say? They won't tolerate bloodshed for long.
D.Yarosh : Oleg, let's clarify where we stand. I am willing to endure this circus about Euro-integration as long as we're not seriously talking about joining the EU. I would rather embrace a Kuban Cossack than a Euro fag. Joining Europe is death for Ukraine. Death for the state and for Christianity. We want Ukraine for Ukrainians, ruled by Ukrainians and not serving the interests of others. Including America and the EU. And there's no other way.
O.Tyagnibok : Okay, with Muscovites and Europe it is clear enough, what about the Poles? They are seriously claiming Volyn now. On the maps they're already drawing Eastern Kresy (eastern borderlands). There are strong pro-Polish sentiments there. If we can't reach an agreement with the EU, they might release the Polish dogs on us. In January, the Polish Sejm accused "Freedom" of conducting an anti-Polish policy. They called me an anti-Semite and a Russophobe. There was so much howling!
D.Yarosh : You should be proud. No one called me that yet! OUN and UPA didn't kill enough AK (Armia Krajowa)? If they raise their little heads, we'll give them a second Katyn in no time. We won't give a meter of Ukrainian land to any Muscovite nor lyahs (Poles), even more so to the Jews! There's enough streetlamps for everyone. And to you, friend, I have the following proposition. I will not dismiss the Maidan until the presidential election. I'll establishes control over the work of the most important ministries and authorities in the regions. I'll provide support for our movement. Together with the political capabilities of your "Freedom", we will be powerful. Later, if the patsyuks (rats) start selling Ukraine again, we will again raise the Maidan and take power.