JohnBeige posted:Abby Martin, Chris Hedges, Lee Camp, and Oliver Stone are all having their works deleted by Google/YouTube. mostly for ties to RT, whether its their shows, interviews, whatever, but Oliver Stone seems to have only lost his anti-maidan documentary
i think its cool and rad google banned RT but you can easily access neo-nazi recruiting videos from the official azov battalion youtube channel

shriekingviolet posted:damb, the wily rus is so evil they can lie about thing AND get the bad result that would happen if thing were true, at the same time, somehow, very powerful technique!!
I remember the state of imperialist propaganda around Syria and Libya being intense but what is going on now feels like something else, a mutation of recent trends. The engines of “counter misinformation” spun up by the western media in the past 5 or so years finally let rampant against an external enemy. An online social media culture primed on outrage and aggression.
We’ve talked about the snopes style of debunking theories on here before, this move to headline something as false, then buried in the fine print admit it as true in different terms. It seems like there is a new one everyday, along with a crew ready to defend any level of myth or falsehood - even while admitting it as false - as a universal good if it supports their side.
Another example I saw when browsing twitter the other day. The top set of links:
Keep scrolling down to read:
Edited by solidar ()
These sources seem to think that Western companies will hold the line here once Ukraine gets replaced in Western news press headlines by other global & domestic issues for whatever reason, or that the state will require it of them. It seems more likely that when the headlines shift, and as soon as possible, Western companies will slowly and quietly reopen business in Russia with salutary neglect by the U.S. government, the UK government and the rest. The same Slava-Ukraini types promoted by these states as Important Voices now will complain about it to no avail beyond rhetorical acknowledgments. Too much money involved. To Ames and company's credit, they are balancing this by repeatedly pointing out that the EU is still pumping as much Gazprom product as they can.
I never cared about them or that history podcast but I hoped when this all happened they would be worth checking out for information given there's not much choice. To be fair no one on social media is much better since all the "Marxists" with media followings today are also left realists who take "geopolitics" as the principle law of capitalism but Ames and Levine have let their egos cloud even that.
If the level of propaganda and bloodthirst bothers you remember that reality insists on its existence
babyhueypnewton posted:If you haven't been following the reddit army in Ukraine that got blown up it is hilarious
If the level of propaganda and bloodthirst bothers you remember that reality insists on its existence
i've been enjoying this person's posting in that sub, someone buy him an account here

In a livestream last night, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy ordered the banning of the nation's 11 remaining left-wing opposition parties:
— Challenge Magazine (@ChallengeYCL) March 20, 2022
"Opposition Platform - For Life, Sharij’s Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, Derzhava, (1/6) pic.twitter.com/vve7K8refV
winebaby posted:i'm starting to warm up to the probability of the "poland invades western ukraine as a peacekeeping mission" hypothetical
It would be really interesting to watch Poland deconstruct their own national mythology of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact by partitioning a neighboring country on live tv. This is also a once in a lifetime opportunity for Fidesz if Poland goes in, given that Trianon is Hungary’s own founding mythology but they’re stuck in an election season lol
The Big Four pulling out / cutting ties with their Russian affiliates was big news in the business world, because they'll do business with pretty much anyone; really, they're gigantic collections of different firms bought out and haphazardly integrated under the same brand. That integration varies by country and is only to the degree that local conditions recommend. At least a couple of the Big Four have constantly translated their structure in, through and out of intentionally legally complex forms, such as the Swiss verein, to keep themselves in optimal position under similarly changing legal regimes and state policies. I'm sure that whatever e.g. PricewaterhouseCooper's Russian firm just became officially, it's at the very least lined up to become PwC again as soon as it's feasible for the global firm to reintegrate.
When one of those brands says it's "cutting ties" with its Russian firm, I start to wonder which ties are being maintained and how.
So far, I doubt the Biden administration and its NATO allies in Europe care as much about true divestment from the Russian market in this case as they do the publicity of showing growing collections of corporate logos gathering on the "right" side. That's an easy win for everyone involved, but real costs & benefits are another matter. For one thing, it seems Europe still desperately needs Russian fuel to flow westward, and that requires continuity of business. Despite what their P.R. people would have the world believe, there's no way the accounting / advisory / risk services firms just emptied their offices, hopped on planes and flew away. They're still there, at the very least as temporarily spun-off satellite firms, and probably with a lot of unofficial coordination and communication with their "former" partner firms that I doubt the bourgeois governments of the West will care to impede. These firms are, after all, the reigning experts in that exact area of law.
cars posted:
lmao holy shit.................
here's the tweet this guy deleted:
Hey Pavel, bud, why'd you delete the tweet, buddyhttps://t.co/pPmHGZ5Zhd pic.twitter.com/DBn56Ck6bu
— Mr Crow (From 1980's (@Alekce) March 23, 2022
haha whoops!! 😳

United $naKKKe$ (free market, good): limits trading because you're not supposed to buy the video game stock
those western chowderheads who went out a couple of years only to be pasted in airstrikes on the most militarised front in the world found out. this war is like nothing ive ever seen, growing up in the salad years of iraq, afganistan and syria; but now i know what C21st conventional hell lurked beneath asymmetry. feel like i've finally understood what "artillery fires" really mean. i hate every armchair general. slava death

cars posted:"senior Ukrainian military intelligence official" telling the saddest CIA dead drop (Yahoo! News) today that Ukraine's invasion of Russia makes Ukraine like “Finland in 1939". okay dude if you insist.

kinch posted:artillery is the god of war and all that, but i really hate seeing these ukrainian ssr towns razed to the ground. it's disgusting to me. nothing will replace them.
a while back putin said something like, you want desovietisation well now you'll get it and they really have
kinch posted:i didnt quite finish that thought but i think celebrating the destruction of ukraine is barbaric
this isnt aimed at you tears, im mostly frustrated at my own tendency to get a lift whenever the russians advance. this isnt a progressive war in any sense