roseweird posted:the "eating food" and "watching tv" threads are really taking off
the natural endpoint of the sincereposting trend
rolaids posted:I feel like I'm the only person in the world who didn't like the Babadook. the opening 30 minutes or so was really unsettling and I found the story of a grieving mother with a terrible child slowly losing her mind horrifying in its own right but then the corny ass monster showed up and I lost interest. More like Babadookie imo
yeah this film was shit, first off, completly ideologically barren, no mention of the achievements of the 5 year plans AND it completly failed to uphold the cultural revolution, the main character didn't even have a single portrait of stalin on the wall ffs, dumped it straight in the trash after watching; hard avoid
Pretty funny that the Pentagon used it as a reference for the Iraq counter-insurgency, but it actually makes sense since it's a glorified cop-and-mouse thriller (tho good in that sense), not an especially good portrait of senescent empire's vast butchery.
Edited by neckwattle ()
There aas a hidden message in the closed captioms of #NathanForYou and I'm sad now. Geez this show is smart, sad, and funny
— Saw (Binoculars) (@Enduerrment) November 10, 2017
Caesura109 posted:the only show where cops can beat the poor and not make me feel too uncomfortable.
kamelred posted:I want to see it again before I say anything else but bladerunner is easily one of the best movies of the decade
the only good part is the holographic waifu being called JOI
kamelred posted:i dont want to spoil things but if i had to pick one big flaw it would be an eye-rolling star trek level lapse into idealism in the third act, but even that works so well as Big Twist that you kind of have to let it slide, and anyway its something thematically consistent with the original if not tonally. other than that br2049's story really completes the idea that replicant is a social relation, not a physical property of a being. replicant is a historical identifier, its a question of how other people see you, and arguably the whole point is that this is just-so in the way the philosophical puzzles and thought experiments are formulated in such a way as to defy the sorts of quibbles that are involved in questioning whether deckard in the original is really human or a replicant or whatever. its a distinction without difference thing
its a fucking crying shame that this movie is going to bomb, honestly. arguably the one reason it was made at all is because sony has been a ten year long disaster and they really needed a prestige kind of film to build pedigree so in all likelihood there wont be anything like this for another 10 years or at all. i would see it in IMAX if you have any fondness at for the original
no, it makes replicants into fucking boring secularised christians who apparently have some kind of inborn ethic of self-sacrifice in complete contradiction to the original where roy batty is a badass whose sense of humanity is defined by not wanting to die
blinkandwheeze posted:Agreed with tears, but to derail the conversation, Re: Bladerunner i disliked how much of the film focused on the same kind of desolate post-apocalypic landscapes that are in basically every hollywood science fiction film now. imo probably the exact opposite aesthetic cue people should be taking from the original
it also suffered from the stuff-being-just-left-lying-around-for-30-years problem
tpaine posted:the thing (1982) is the best horror movie
actually the best horror movie is possession (1981)
Petrol posted:the Hobbit bullshit
i watched the first half of the first one of those movies a few days ago. Jackson never wanted to direct it in the first place and you can tell but he's still responsible for it
Me: do you the children actors actually talk like children or do they have peculiar sentiments likely seen in writers that are 20-30 yrs old?
Them: They're kids, they're all so innocent...
Me: Innocent protagonists... Of course!
Them: ?
swampman posted:L:et's get real: Blade Runner 2: 049 was a bad movie. All of you who said it was good need to figure out your lives.
levoydpage posted:In no unrelated way... I'm just dying to talk some shit on BR 2049...
OTOH Babe 2: Pig in the City is THEE most insane film I have ever seen. Highly recommend.
swampman posted:L:et's get real: Blade Runner 2: 049 was a bad movie. All of you who said it was good need to figure out your lives.
it was bad and Villeneuve is a hack (way more so than any random Hollywood mercenary because he has pretensions of autheurity) but in the vein of Camelread's comment I think it was cool in that the dystopia is not some post-cataclysm hellscape where characters fondly remember their Lynchian suburban idylls even though they led to self-destruction (like so much Hollywood scifi) but OUR VERY OWN hellscape just a lil gussied up, no big historical rupture or anything