Keven posted:I cant eat food
what kind of can't eat food do you have. a nurse friend recently caught too many bugs working at the hospital and was on a ton of antibiotics for too long, which screwed up the balance of their gut bacteria and they got c.diff for their trouble. couldn't eat anything without having atomic agony poops.
Keven posted:I cant eat food
food isn't that bad
Keven posted:Had jaw surgery & I cant have even like soup or bntohing till the swelling goes down some
I'm getting some massive dental work done next tuesday or wednesday or something and I don't want to think about it at all and I think it'll traumatize me forever and i hate it aighrhfuhrhfhuh
drwhat posted:Keven posted:Had jaw surgery & I cant have even like soup or bntohing till the swelling goes down some
I'm getting some massive dental work done next tuesday or wednesday or something and I don't want to think about it at all and I think it'll traumatize me forever and i hate it aighrhfuhrhfhuh
are you due for your annual brushing
Keven posted:Had jaw surgery & I cant have even like soup or bntohing till the swelling goes down some
Damn, what happened? Infection? Tmj?
roseweird posted:tough couple of months for lots of rhizzone crew..
earlier this year i slipped into a pretty bad depressive funk due to personal reasons too pathetic to get into, but im clawing my way out of it. i now hit the gym every morning before work, i am learning piano, i cut down the weed a bunch, and i started volunteering at the library teaching adult literacy. i know its not an Organization but we dont really have those in my town

Keven posted:Had jaw surgery & I cant have even like soup or bntohing till the swelling goes down some
i was lucky not to need surgery, jut having it closed with rubber bands and pins has been tough enough.. much respect
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i've been doing some looking into analytics for work and basically all of broadcast television advertising is a scam. for example, an episode of Orphan Black gets about 400,000-500,000 viewers and has a budget of a little under 2 million an episode. an average Red Letter Media video on youtube will do that amount and bring in less than 1/2000th the ad revenue. there's DVD sales and international licensing for the tv show of course but it doesn't begin to bridge that gap. the difference is that on tv they can't prove that the ads don't work, are ignored and nobody gives a shit
Remembered this upon reading that some popular YouTube channel was paid $44 for a video with over a million views
also google: here is our new campus on the moon
gay_swimmer posted:today my boss told me that i'm not allowed to listen to CBC radio at my desk anymore because it's too disruptive. i'm bloody cross mate
lmao cbc radio too disruptive
do you work in a cemetery
drwhat posted:lmao cbc radio too disruptive
do you work in a cemetery
the insane people in my end of the country are so infuriated by the very idea of public radio that i can easily see changing the tuner to cbc causing a workplace altercation

finally my demographic is being served
drwhat posted:finally my demographic is being served
lighter in that pic just made me realize i got bic'd last night, damnit
The #IWC confronts the suspicions, allegations and
— IWC KSA (@fekerksa_en) May 5, 2017
falsehoods propagated to distort the image of Islam, its wisdom, mercifulness and purpose
Woman 1: In a healthy relationship the woman is submissive to the man, that's a faithful marriage.
Woman 2: Well... I think-
Woman 1: But it goes both ways! I mean, the man respects the wife. They uh, they respect each other!
Woman 2: Yeah...
Woman 1: It's all part of God's plan. The wife being faithful and submissive.
Woman 2: Uh sure...
*me slowly backing away*
Edited by Synergy ()
Does anybody have tips on surviving shift work or operating commercial carpet cleaners?