the united states is a sham construct used to keep the people down
my thesis is that federalism is a sham. it's really obvious that governors like rick scott, rick perry, bobby jindal, etc are basically banana republic governors, set on getting incredibly personally wealthy while auctioning off public assets, shuttering up regulatory bodies, increasing the state's dependance on the federal government while impoverishing its citizens at the benefit of wall street and beltway fatcats. the answer is creating a shadow state that delivers community services and then kicking out the state legislatures and seceding from the union, or at least renegotiating the terms of being a part of it.
there is no solution to be found in local government or in the local electoral system. running as a third party locally in the united states means the national parties will descend and pour money into some no-name who will run against you as a party man. the answer is to organize first to gain legitimacy and encourage communities. we can see what kind of fear this causes in the black nationalist movement, as the BPPSD and NOI were violently cut down and infiltrated by the FBI, imprisoned and harassed. the response reflects how powerful this local strategy really is. the fact of the matter is that rural illiterates ankle-deep in hurricane water in mississippi have absolutely nothing in common with yanquis living it up off their backs in connecticut except for this false sense of nationalism, that there is something somehow connecting the two together. attempts for the people to seize power at a national level would be foiled for pretty obvious tactical reasons and besides, we can hardly say that the rich brats leading the charge at Occupy Wall Street and charging $5,000 for speaking engagements really understand or have much in common with those who are actually oppressed by this system.
the solution is raising consciousness state-by-state.. not as some false "big government off our backs" construct, but in looking to communities and organizing on a local level to raise the standard of living while raising political awareness of what is going on, preparing for the worst and holding the right sorts of people accountable. so my plan is to write something about parts of the USA as intentionally under-developed locations governed by what I could only at this point describe as one or two cores and several semi-peripheries. corrupt carpetbaggers like rick scott and rick perry should be run out on a rail and people should get to turn back to the wealth of their land and ability. honestly, I think this is the outcome of the current trajectory anyway.. states are near-intentionally bankrupting themselves to become more dependent on a federal government that is less and less able to render public services to those in need. a solution that would organize people on the ground first could turn this really terrible situation into an opportunity for actual justice and prosperity on a local level. workers and neighborhood councils and stuff. thank you.