
Guess what the speed limit is on East Hastings. No, don’t bother, you’ll never guess. It’s 30 kph. Not mph, OK? Kph—because too many colorful personalities (not to say junkies and whores) were getting bumped by thoughtless cars zooming past at 50k. So the miserable Anglican newspapers and the miserable Anglo news shows crusaded for walking-speed limits to preserve the insufficiently-endangered fauna. You live in Canada for a few months and you know down deep in your spleen why the working whites vote Tory. They know damn well the Tories hate’em, use’em, but you just get so goddamn angry at the bum-hugging post-Anglicans who’d let you and your dog die because you won’t grovel but love, love love, love, an outright bum, wanna wash his feet for the six o’clock news every damn night. Don’t try to scrape by in Vancouver; you’ll never do it. Wages are miserable and prices are Dubai level. You’re way better off just giving up like the people we knew in Brentwood Bay, whiny thieves who floated on subsidized methadone. If you haven’t used Methadone…oh, it’s paradise. And they get it free on the Eastside. If you give up.

Occupy Vancouver draft demands:

surprise surprise it includes nonsense like 9/11 truth, free herbal medicine and a totally incoherent banking policy.
how do Canadians spell college?

O so u want a future EH fuckers. Well feel my steel. Yaaa. YEH. YUh! Taste My Pain. Yeaa...uh!! UNGhh
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getfiscal posted:
Occupy protesters slammed by homeless boss
Do something meaningful rather than 'smoke dope and shake a fist at injustices', Richter says

he's correct but most people are idiots regardless of the "correctness" (whatever that means) of the occupy protests. democracy this and 1% that from inarticulates, garbage!


goopstein posted:
christ do i hate Troops

"There is a point in the history of society when it becomes so pathologically soft and tender that among other things it sides even with those who harm it, criminals, and does this quite seriously and honestly."

were there ever actually any far left groups that required you to kill a cop to join
yes, seek escape through juvenility you macro-creating half-ape

that'll fix everything
(i know you didn't make that ^__^)

Amended: riots are incredibly surreal. I wandered into a student-sports riot not all that dissimilar from the penn state coach thing, and it was like stepping around a nightmare. Smoke everywhere, yelling, attack dogs, crowds surging this way and that, people throwing things, cops shooting pepper spray and beanbags. This was a few years ago, and what has really stayed with me is how weird it felt. Like, even before I realized what was going on, from the periphery, my body could tell that there was something dangerous going on.

Edited by winebaby ()

that penn st thing is funny. my precious sports coach hehehehe
why are four of the eight posters here probated
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tpaine posted:

goopstein posted:
why are four of the eight posters here probated

No, your attitude is what's wrong here. I'm not going to start some huge nerdy flame battle over the internet. So we can agree to disagree, but you shouldn't put down the military is all I'm saying. It is easy to subjectively pass judgement upon them from the safety and anonymity of your home. But they fight a battle they too disagree with. You should try to think of the things they go through, and if you did, you wouldn't be calling them "dogs". So go fuck yourself and have a nice day

you and others are racist towards her because she is completely white, all the way through. you're an absolute scumbag. a distortion to reality.

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oh mandy. i saw fiddler on the roof years ago on broadway i guess. harvey fierstein played the old raspy dude which ruled. mandy doesn't seem like a shtetl type. more like a convert to christianity to become a minor state official.

Edited by getfiscal ()

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discipline posted:
david harvey gave a really nice speech tonight at occupy london

yeah all the occupys other than the american ones are nice with nice people and speeches

too bad no one cares and they're totally unremarked upon in the media

lol Change

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i used to go to a pub down the road from st pauls a whole bunch, it was full of city boys, early in the evening theyd be quacking away merrily at each other but by closing time thered always be this weird melancholy in their eyes, as if theyd realised that all their jouissance was a hollow simulacrum of actual happiness & that future generations would remember them as parasites or not at all. i find it funny b/c im literally never sad
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that was me, i was on dxm
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i know
wow did you rape that young banker? pretty gross, and expect a call from the mi:6 or whoever the british police are
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Police Raid on OWS NYC

20,000+ viewers

they're trying to shame the police "the world is watching" "youre wasting thousands of dollars, how does it feel"

i dont think that's gonna cause any shame, silly
lol the nypd trashed their free library of 5,000 books
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this is a better stream, but has periodic 30 second commercials. its at the front line, but theres CNN camera crew here so maybe they won't crack down while they have the media there/at that location
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discipline posted:
actually I guess this is when we see what the movement is made of

i figure if they fail here, they'll have plenty of opportunities in the near future as things get darker and more desperate

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