wow, all those urban problems with murder, suicide, drugs, etc. sure disappeared quickly after the raids
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i think for their next thing they should occupy a luxury hotel.
*reclines in silk robe*

this sure beats sleeping on mud while todd plows rebeqqa in my tent
occupy a hospital and offer free healthcare by setting up tents in the lobby and demanding the doctor1% reveal the truth about cardiovascular surgery

parabolart posted:

occupy a hospital and offer free healthcare by setting up tents in the lobby and demanding the doctor1% reveal the truth about cardiovascular surgery

i taunted a whole heck of a lot of stupid ass cops today
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let us barn one end to end
and pass it over to my friend
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swampman posted:
i taunted a whole heck of a lot of stupid ass cops today

collapsing the global capitalist system, one mild taunt at a time

congratulations you just did the revolutionary equivalent of chanting "swing batter batter"

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well son i shouted "defence" at the hockey game and that's how i won the stanley cup
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there's a guy in france who is really popular on the far left who argues that the key problem with old socialism is that it kept organizations. like there were firms that had accounting and did things. he's like that's where your problem is - you should get rid of firms altogether. just get rid of organizations as a mediating and accounting force and you'll be fine. O_O

tpaine posted:
there was a gross guy in a wheelchair tonite and after he left i had to clean up urine on the bathroom floor. from what i was able to surmise he probably didn't hoist himself up onto the toilet at all and just opened his fly and went chair to chair, aiming his probably nattered weiner in the toilet bowl as best he can and being, all things considered, pretty successful but not really all that successful. i mop urine my life f. oyu guys

at least you're not, like, the urine, man. can you imagine that? being urine? please check out my blog occupysamsara.org

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tpaine posted:

getfiscal posted:

tpaine posted:

there was a gross guy in a wheelchair tonite and after he left i had to clean up urine on the bathroom floor. from what i was able to surmise he probably didn't hoist himself up onto the toilet at all and just opened his fly and went chair to chair, aiming his probably nattered weiner in the toilet bowl as best he can and being, all things considered, pretty successful but not really all that successful. i mop urine my life f. oyu guys

at least you're not, like, the urine, man. can you imagine that? being urine? please check out my blog occupysamsara.org

quoted forever

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also: the first three minutes.
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pigs did them a favor imo. no way the protests would have lasted through the winter, it's clear the next step is actually occupying wall street instead of the park next to it which is what should have happened tomorrow anyway in a utopia. now the stage is set and the lines have been drawn, there's definitely no more idealism about the police, the politicians, and the law as allies of the movement.

it all depends on how many people show up tomorrow at wall street, how well organized and militant it is, how the state reacts to the backlash from clearing out the parks illegally. portland was a failure because masses of people came out and defied the eviction, but the ows organizers couldn't do anything positive with all those people. hopefully new york learns from that and does more than reclaim the park and march around a bit next to the wall street bull's testicles.
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the riots proved to be a better organization model
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babyhueypnewton posted:
pigs did them a favor imo. no way the protests would have lasted through the winter, it's clear the next step is actually occupying wall street instead of the park next to it which is what should have happened tomorrow anyway in a utopia. now the stage is set and the lines have been drawn, there's definitely no more idealism about the police, the politicians, and the law as allies of the movement.

it all depends on how many people show up tomorrow at wall street, how well organized and militant it is, how the state reacts to the backlash from clearing out the parks illegally. portland was a failure because masses of people came out and defied the eviction, but the ows organizers couldn't do anything positive with all those people. hopefully new york learns from that and does more than reclaim the park and march around a bit next to the wall street bull's testicles.

agreed, altho i suspect bloomberg will keep things under pretty close control tomorrow and the new york bunch isnt radical enough (yet) to escalate. but im not there and only read stuff on the internet so idk


discipline posted:

i didnt want to spoil the surprise but yes, the most beautifulist part

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tear gas an 84 year old woman for neoliberalism - seattle pd