lacan: the silent partners is my pet name for my penis & testicles
pretty sad that your testicles is silent
theyre both the silent partners. lacan gives the lectures

Impper posted:
no you're not, you're posting nonsense that is so unspecific that i honestly can't tell which character you find problematic. i'm sorry man but it's Bullshit, and this is you acting superior instead of trying to help somebody out or whatever. your comments don't make sense in the context of the post you quoted either

i would like to submit to the board that the type of criticism one gets about their work is always rooted in the work itself. if you think people arent making any sense when they criticize your stuff, its very likely the cause is that your stuff isnt making sense either. honestly, i still dont know what the point of the scene is, why its there, what it accomplished, what it meant and a part of the confusion stems from not having read the rest of the story but a llot of it is just well, incoherent writing. if i had to come up with a title for the scene i couldn't do it cause i dont really know what the major thing was. maybe it was the soviet story? but i dont know why the dude decided to tell the story then and there, i dont know what the girl thought of it, i dont know how hearing that story changed her perceptions of the dudes, i dont know if thats the first time milos has heard the guy talk about stuff like that, i dont know how milos' perception of the dude changed after the story. i dont know if the dude regretted telling the story or not, i dont know if the dude told the story to the girl or both the girl and milos, i dont know if this is how milos and the dude always chat.

like she hears that huge rambling mess of a monologue and comments 'i like you guys' that just doesnt follow at all. we need more. descriptions of her face after hearing the thing, descriptions of narrators take on her reaction, something way more natural as the answer and if that story is indeed the major thing in the scene, then you must must must must must explain to the reader what the effect of the major thing was, what it accomplished. if you dont, then im left with a thing happening but having no idea how it affected the characters. and thats incredibly confusing and frustrating and it makes the whole thing feel like a huge waste of time. so have the plot be as rambling as you like, thats your prerogative, and its not any worse of an approach than any other. but every scene needs closure. just a simple line or two at the end.

"what a pair of grade a weirdoes", she thought.
milos pulled over. he looked at her and knew that during the short ride they had lost her with their gay ramblings. she was texting someone. he was certain it was either the police or her boyfriend.
he couldnt have been happier. she felt like a natural addition to the group. god knows it was rare enough for guys like them to find a girl willing to listen to their banter, much rarer to find one who enjoyed it. milos shut the engine and the simple fact that she hadnt fled out the car before it had even stopped like they always do, made him think of the future. and how right now, it felt like he had one.
anything really that shows that the scene had an effect, that it was worth having that it moved the characters in some direction.

ah, i see what you mean fucker, though it's int he first person so won't be going into emily's head for this particular part. now, obviously a work should speak for itself, and this is something i'm guilty of but it's a sort of twilight scene, a transportation and a filling of time, hence the title "the ride," but also contained within is the narrator's condemnations of himself, and the confirmation thereof both in his behaviors and the bankruptcy of his values, juxtaposed with milos' simple confidence and internal coherency. i framed it partially through their slight competition, but maybe used too many words to do it. i dont know

as related to the criticisms making sense or not, yours and others' made sense, just not baby finlands - the way he thinks makes my head hurt

Edited by Impper ()

also the main reason i posted it as opposed to other scenes is that it had much less action than the others and was about explicating my bad & stupid thoughts, which i assumed people would enjoy reading more than a bunch of drama between characters they don't know a lick about
[account deactivated]
she a freak, girl, she a freak and i know, she a freak, girl, she a freak and i know, and i know
"im obsessed with getfiscal - even after he shows his stupid face i cant stop being fucking insanely obessed in love with him"

i love you too sosie/icare. i'm not sure how to get over myself. theory? more theory? i'm lost at sea.
I read the first two chapters of Read My Desire and I don't really see what her point is thus far. I'm getting pretty bored with it so maybe you could t ell me why I'm reading this

this doesnt really get going until about 5 mins in but its pretty funny
So I got the hankering and I picked up a bunch of my favorite How to Make Book books and some that I hadn't gotten around to. I started reading Steven King's On Writing and it's nice.
[account deactivated]
i cant write
heres the third chapter from a thing i just started. please let me know exactly how bad & gay it is

Imagine you could see the world as it really is.
To do this you need to strip away every illusion. First there are all the conceptual entities that don’t really exist: a country has no physical reality, its flag is just a strip of cloth, its borders are, however historically justified, arbitrary. Neither is there really any such thing as the family, the state, the church, the judicial system, the literary canon, the working class, ethnicity, religion, ideology; get rid of them all, forget them, they’re not real. There are other, more fundamental fictions. We can start with the most obvious. There are no colours; colour is invented by our minds in response to different wavelengths of light. The real world is monochrome. There is no sound, only vibrations in the air. There is no light, only a ceaseless torrent of subatomic particles.
Everything we have a name for is false as well. A rose isn’t a rose, it’s carbon and hydrogen and oxygen arranged in various combinations. A mountain isn’t a mountain, it’s a protuberance in the Earth’s crust. Your mother isn’t your mother, she’s an ape; once you were the same ape, but the past is not real. Your emotions, your opinions, your desires, your soul: they’re just sparks and secretions in your brain.
You can’t really talk of discrete objects any more either. Everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made mostly of empty space in which a few pinpricks of energy shine. They’re never still; individually they dance in jittering little orbits, in their multitudes they flow in great sweeping arcs. The hand that holds the pen is a loose mass of these quivering particles, so is the pen itself, so is the wall to one side, so is the air that surrounds everything, they all fade into a single oscillation. An inanimate object is visible only as a point of intensity; reacting constantly with the matter that surrounds it, its edges are hard to discern. A living being is almost invisible: matter and energy is always flowing in and out, it’s not so much a thing as a gyre in the field of specks that surrounds it.
Life and death have no meaning either. When an organism dies, its vibrations and radiations don’t cease, they just become more diffuse. The heat pours out, the saprophages scurry in. Just as before, its particles are constantly being exchanged with its surroundings. It never really stops, its flows spread out across the world, there was no ‘it’ to begin with.
This is the real world. Everything else is a fiction. You are now standing in a vast, dark space, dotted with countless tiny points of light that swirl and swarm, constantly, with no cause or reason beyond the purely physical. It’s cold and stark and infinite. You squint at the buzzing particles, trying to see them as something other than what they are, trying to get them to coalesce back into recognisable objects so you can once again feel the sunshine on your face and the grass beneath your feet. Too late. It’s impossible now. You have abandoned all illusions.
the story itself is about a white dude on a selfish pursuit of the Real who goes to africa and becomes an unwitting imperialist
nice prose but it only encourages relativism and thus apathy and degeneracy.
haha thats pretty good, you have a good voice for the character. hes eminently despicable and familiar (i.e. people will read it and be like oh man i know someone just like this, or if they are that person they will totally get it)

deadken posted:
heres the third chapter from a thing i just started. please let me know exactly how bad & gay it is

Imagine you could see the world as it really is.
To do this you need to strip away every illusion. First there are all the conceptual entities that don’t really exist: a country has no physical reality, its flag is just a strip of cloth, its borders are, however historically justified, arbitrary. Neither is there really any such thing as the family, the state, the church, the judicial system, the literary canon, the working class, ethnicity, religion, ideology; get rid of them all, forget them, they’re not real. There are other, more fundamental fictions. We can start with the most obvious. There are no colours; colour is invented by our minds in response to different wavelengths of light. The real world is monochrome. There is no sound, only vibrations in the air. There is no light, only a ceaseless torrent of subatomic particles.
Everything we have a name for is false as well. A rose isn’t a rose, it’s carbon and hydrogen and oxygen arranged in various combinations. A mountain isn’t a mountain, it’s a protuberance in the Earth’s crust. Your mother isn’t your mother, she’s an ape; once you were the same ape, but the past is not real. Your emotions, your opinions, your desires, your soul: they’re just sparks and secretions in your brain.
You can’t really talk of discrete objects any more either. Everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made mostly of empty space in which a few pinpricks of energy shine. They’re never still; individually they dance in jittering little orbits, in their multitudes they flow in great sweeping arcs. The hand that holds the pen is a loose mass of these quivering particles, so is the pen itself, so is the wall to one side, so is the air that surrounds everything, they all fade into a single oscillation. An inanimate object is visible only as a point of intensity; reacting constantly with the matter that surrounds it, its edges are hard to discern. A living being is almost invisible: matter and energy is always flowing in and out, it’s not so much a thing as a gyre in the field of specks that surrounds it.
Life and death have no meaning either. When an organism dies, its vibrations and radiations don’t cease, they just become more diffuse. The heat pours out, the saprophages scurry in. Just as before, its particles are constantly being exchanged with its surroundings. It never really stops, its flows spread out across the world, there was no ‘it’ to begin with.
This is the real world. Everything else is a fiction. You are now standing in a vast, dark space, dotted with countless tiny points of light that swirl and swarm, constantly, with no cause or reason beyond the purely physical. It’s cold and stark and infinite. You squint at the buzzing particles, trying to see them as something other than what they are, trying to get them to coalesce back into recognisable objects so you can once again feel the sunshine on your face and the grass beneath your feet. Too late. It’s impossible now. You have abandoned all illusions.

how do people write those squiggly lines over posts, so i can help you edit this.

i think the direction would have been better if you opened with "strip away every bacon strip" and then segued that into the fact that beggin' strips are the Real, while canadian bacon, and so forth, are merely a simulacrum. but i dunno, that's just me and my food centered thought process might be due to the fact the hyper-exaggerated Tom character t-pain writes about is written with my real life in mind

i hope this heelps. i'm going to go poach some eggs.


AmericanNazbro posted:

deadken posted:
heres the third chapter from a thing i just started. please let me know exactly how bad & gay it is

Imagine you could see the world as it really is.
To do this you need to strip away every illusion. First there are all the conceptual entities that don’t really exist: a country has no physical reality, its flag is just a strip of cloth, its borders are, however historically justified, arbitrary. Neither is there really any such thing as the family, the state, the church, the judicial system, the literary canon, the working class, ethnicity, religion, ideology; get rid of them all, forget them, they’re not real. There are other, more fundamental fictions. We can start with the most obvious. There are no colours; colour is invented by our minds in response to different wavelengths of light. The real world is monochrome. There is no sound, only vibrations in the air. There is no light, only a ceaseless torrent of subatomic particles.
Everything we have a name for is false as well. A rose isn’t a rose, it’s carbon and hydrogen and oxygen arranged in various combinations. A mountain isn’t a mountain, it’s a protuberance in the Earth’s crust. Your mother isn’t your mother, she’s an ape; once you were the same ape, but the past is not real. Your emotions, your opinions, your desires, your soul: they’re just sparks and secretions in your brain.
You can’t really talk of discrete objects any more either. Everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made mostly of empty space in which a few pinpricks of energy shine. They’re never still; individually they dance in jittering little orbits, in their multitudes they flow in great sweeping arcs. The hand that holds the pen is a loose mass of these quivering particles, so is the pen itself, so is the wall to one side, so is the air that surrounds everything, they all fade into a single oscillation. An inanimate object is visible only as a point of intensity; reacting constantly with the matter that surrounds it, its edges are hard to discern. A living being is almost invisible: matter and energy is always flowing in and out, it’s not so much a thing as a gyre in the field of specks that surrounds it.
Life and death have no meaning either. When an organism dies, its vibrations and radiations don’t cease, they just become more diffuse. The heat pours out, the saprophages scurry in. Just as before, its particles are constantly being exchanged with its surroundings. It never really stops, its flows spread out across the world, there was no ‘it’ to begin with.
This is the real world. Everything else is a fiction. You are now standing in a vast, dark space, dotted with countless tiny points of light that swirl and swarm, constantly, with no cause or reason beyond the purely physical. It’s cold and stark and infinite. You squint at the buzzing particles, trying to see them as something other than what they are, trying to get them to coalesce back into recognisable objects so you can once again feel the sunshine on your face and the grass beneath your feet. Too late. It’s impossible now. You have abandoned all illusions.

how do people write those squiggly lines over posts, so i can help you edit this.

i think the direction would have been better if you opened with "strip away every bacon strip" and then segued that into the fact that beggin' strips are the Real, while canadian bacon, and so forth, are merely a simulacrum. but i dunno, that's just me and my food centered thought process might be due to the fact the hyper-exaggerated Tom character t-pain writes about is written with my real life in mind

i hope this heelps. i'm going to go poach some eggs.

<Ask> Me about Poaching Eggs

streaky bacon is definitely Not the Real
every day im poaChin em, every day im poachin em
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:
haha thats pretty good, you have a good voice for the character. hes eminently despicable and familiar (i.e. people will read it and be like oh man i know someone just like this, or if they are that person they will totally get it)

i know youre being ironic but thats basically the case, this bit comes from the point of view of a character whos basically an overblown caricature of the worst aspects of myself


deadken posted:

babyfinland posted:
haha thats pretty good, you have a good voice for the character. hes eminently despicable and familiar (i.e. people will read it and be like oh man i know someone just like this, or if they are that person they will totally get it)

i know youre being ironic but thats basically the case, this bit comes from the point of view of a character whos basically an overblown caricature of the worst aspects of myself

im not being ironic


deadken posted:
heres the third chapter from a thing i just started. please let me know exactly how bad & gay it is

Imagine you could see the world as it really is.
To do this you need to strip away every illusion. First there are all the conceptual entities that don’t really exist: a country has no physical reality, its flag is just a strip of cloth, its borders are, however historically justified, arbitrary. Neither is there really any such thing as the family, the state, the church, the judicial system, the literary canon, the working class, ethnicity, religion, ideology; get rid of them all, forget them, they’re not real. There are other, more fundamental fictions. We can start with the most obvious. There are no colours; colour is invented by our minds in response to different wavelengths of light. The real world is monochrome. There is no sound, only vibrations in the air. There is no light, only a ceaseless torrent of subatomic particles.
Everything we have a name for is false as well. A rose isn’t a rose, it’s carbon and hydrogen and oxygen arranged in various combinations. A mountain isn’t a mountain, it’s a protuberance in the Earth’s crust. Your mother isn’t your mother, she’s an ape; once you were the same ape, but the past is not real. Your emotions, your opinions, your desires, your soul: they’re just sparks and secretions in your brain.
You can’t really talk of discrete objects any more either. Everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made mostly of empty space in which a few pinpricks of energy shine. They’re never still; individually they dance in jittering little orbits, in their multitudes they flow in great sweeping arcs. The hand that holds the pen is a loose mass of these quivering particles, so is the pen itself, so is the wall to one side, so is the air that surrounds everything, they all fade into a single oscillation. An inanimate object is visible only as a point of intensity; reacting constantly with the matter that surrounds it, its edges are hard to discern. A living being is almost invisible: matter and energy is always flowing in and out, it’s not so much a thing as a gyre in the field of specks that surrounds it.
Life and death have no meaning either. When an organism dies, its vibrations and radiations don’t cease, they just become more diffuse. The heat pours out, the saprophages scurry in. Just as before, its particles are constantly being exchanged with its surroundings. It never really stops, its flows spread out across the world, there was no ‘it’ to begin with.
This is the real world. Everything else is a fiction. You are now standing in a vast, dark space, dotted with countless tiny points of light that swirl and swarm, constantly, with no cause or reason beyond the purely physical. It’s cold and stark and infinite. You squint at the buzzing particles, trying to see them as something other than what they are, trying to get them to coalesce back into recognisable objects so you can once again feel the sunshine on your face and the grass beneath your feet. Too late. It’s impossible now. You have abandoned all illusions.

ehh, it's good on a basic level, reading sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph. it's thought out, i certainly wouldnt put it down. but its also well-tread territory, said more or less in every work that addresses the mind and what have you. part of me also resists it, sweeping "illusions" and brain-thoughts and stuff over what you're trying to say, acknowledging my being in the form of the weight i'm exerting and the aches in my back even as i read what you wrote. also at the end it's really not too late, since idk what was trying to happen or w.e


Impper posted:
ehh, it's good on a basic level, reading sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph. it's thought out, i certainly wouldnt put it down. but its also well-tread territory, said more or less in every work that addresses the mind and what have you. part of me also resists it, sweeping "illusions" and brain-thoughts and stuff over what you're trying to say, acknowledging my being in the form of the weight i'm exerting and the aches in my back even as i read what you wrote. also at the end it's really not too late, since idk what was trying to happen or w.e

well youre kinda meant to resist it a bit.... youre right that its hardly new ground tho, people been making this point since, like, kant..... im trying to think of ways to make it more novel, maybe directly describing the process by which illusions be gettin swept away, make dat shit more visceral, whatever....

in other news ~~~I JUST WROTE A SEX SCENE~~~ in which the man fakes orgasm.... though the amphetamines are starting to wear off so i dont know if its any good

impper i finally got round to reading more of your kobebook.... a lot of it is really kewl, what i assume is your self-portraiture is painfully honest, milos in particular is a great character, utterly repellent, awesome, glory to serbia.... sometimes tho it really does feel like the theory is intruding on the plot, like when you have the nba dudes who catch john in the house briefly discuss kierkegaard with him. this is a thing i struggle with a lot as well, i want to say things in my writing & its a constant struggle to stop my brainflatulence from seizing the story contrictor stylee and swallowing it whole. my current plan is to put all that shit in its own chapters and then maybe get rid of it all on second draft and see if i can imply shit instead of hitting the reader about the head with it. iono. also i dunno how far the 1st/3rd person shifts are justifiable
i would argue you shouldnt give a shit about letting theory get in the way. there is a chapter in dh lawrence's women in love where he has a character get ill so they can lie in bed in the dark and meditate on the nature of love and relationships. he does this so he can insert an essay he wrote as the "meditation", which takes up the entire chapter.
ya and dostoevsky + houellebecq + p much everyone i read do it the whole time too.... thing is im thinking i might have a shot at getting this one published (like all the other ones i never finished, lol) & i dont know how much those dudes like that sort of thing....
it's a dang ol' zarathustra remake the normal rules don't apply

deadken posted:
well youre kinda meant to resist it a bit.... youre right that its hardly new ground tho, people been making this point since, like, kant..... im trying to think of ways to make it more novel, maybe directly describing the process by which illusions be gettin swept away, make dat shit more visceral, whatever....

in other news ~~~I JUST WROTE A SEX SCENE~~~ in which the man fakes orgasm.... though the amphetamines are starting to wear off so i dont know if its any good

aahh yea definitely, i just usually don't resist things in people's writing so that was almost a very unique thing to happen, so if it was meant to be like that then congrats? im talkin like reading a girlfriend's weird vampire shit and accepting every bizarre premise she puts forth without question

self-publish anyway imo

deadken posted:
impper i finally got round to reading more of your kobebook.... a lot of it is really kewl, what i assume is your self-portraiture is painfully honest, milos in particular is a great character, utterly repellent, awesome, glory to serbia.... sometimes tho it really does feel like the theory is intruding on the plot, like when you have the nba dudes who catch john in the house briefly discuss kierkegaard with him. this is a thing i struggle with a lot as well, i want to say things in my writing & its a constant struggle to stop my brainflatulence from seizing the story contrictor stylee and swallowing it whole. my current plan is to put all that shit in its own chapters and then maybe get rid of it all on second draft and see if i can imply shit instead of hitting the reader about the head with it. iono. also i dunno how far the 1st/3rd person shifts are justifiable

ah, hell yea. youre defo rite that theory does intrude all over the plot multiple times and as you say i'm not sure how well it works (also the plot itself is not only intruded on but based entirely on some theory shit, which might not be as apparent) . . . guess it just has to be rolled with. i'm dealing pretty explicitly with that in the thing i'm writing atm, which is entirely 100% dialogue and thus has to be dealt with in perhaps a different way.

i did deal a lot with the 1st/3rd shifts in my sort of edit/rewrite time, which is i think after the version u got. but i dont know if i made it any better at all

also if kundera, bloch, musil, houellebecq, mishima, and whoever else can toss a bunch of essays into their novels i dont see why u cant
btw im reading kobo abe's the box man and it is almost literally insane w/r/t perspective shifts, reality, character identity, and so on. regardless of how many times i re-read sections to try to figure out what happens i end up being even more confused. there are also many practical tips for living in a box
i wish i had the courage to write weird vampire shit
it's not really courage so much as a lack of self awareness (ime)