ok go back to talking about impper. bye. jesus fucking christ hell hell

sosie posted:
Impper posted:
fuck, what? obey the fucking law. i am a conservative

And you! you reuined LF! even before the LF from the olden days i hated you, you were so stupid but people for whatever reason pretended you weren't an idiot

joan copjec. hopefully you will kill yourselves

what in gods name are you talking about?


Fucker posted:
deadken posted:
if u read a scene from a longer work without context you might not have a full & complete understanding of it tho?

györgy konrád said that even if a reader was presented with a random sentence cut off from your work, it alone should be enough to give them something to think about.

i used to think of that as trite but after every new great novel read i agree with it more and more. heres a randomly chosen sentence from his work (i just opened the book at a random page and pointed at one) "He smiles picturing a situation that was under his control alone"

lets be more lenient and just cut off a genuinely randomly chosen string of a couple sentences from master & margarita

"Natasha opened her fist and revealed some gold coins. Margarita turned her questioning eyes to Woland. He nodded. That's when Natasha threw herself to Margaritas embrace, gave her a melodramatic kiss and triumphantly flew out the window."

now, i translated those from the finnish editions so they prolly dont make you feel like the originals or the (really hella good) finnish translations do. but i get genuine joy of living just from those few sentences without any context. the feeling that you get when you read prose by masters. that were all just people, livin within our surroundings, interacting with other people. thats its ok. its gonna be ok. what im sayin is, every scene should be enjoyable, meaningful and a joy to read out of context. a really good thing every writer should do is at least in their mind give every chapter a title to the tune of "chapter 8, where..."

so is the imppers scene "chapter 3, where a conversation is had in miloses car" or "where the girl learns about the two friends" or "where we meet miloses car". whatever one chooses, that has to be the focus of the chapter and explicitly so. a whole bunch of other stuff can happen of course, but they should not be something that the reader needs to remember later in the story. or i guess you can go super rhizomatic and not give a fuck but then you reeeeaaally need to be a master of your craft and have a super sharp hattori hanzo of a style

the bird brains word christlove is a really really good one btw. ponder on it, all.

i agree with all of this a lot... though i don't love either of those passages too much. but i ko what u mean

you. can't. write. .

sosie was probated until (Oct. 19, 2011 15:32:56) for this post!

I didn't tell you to read that, but i. Am telling you now. Read it. Read the book. My voice persists, its not mine, its beyond my control, I persist you read thet book. Read the essays, read every one of them, Take the book, and read it, Silently, Negatively, Persisting voice, haunting, Obeying, Relentless, You listen.listen silently. My silent partner, read the Book, the Voice, Command, the Law
[account deactivated]
great writers aren't the product of their circumstance or their own trials and errors and their BIG trials and errors
writers are chosen by the moment, by the place, by everything but the talent of the guy or girl who's writing

sosie posted:
you. can't. write. .

why did you hate me "since olden lf days?" what? oh, i'm idiot. ok.

no body will ever read your stupid bullshit. no body cares. you are better off swallowing a bottle of drano. goodbye, i won't miss you!
fuck yo too, "sosie"
sosie if you dont post a sample of your own writing then a thing
are you a girl? you better become a surgeon. i want a whole wrld of twirls and sunglasses and finger tips
baby ahe Finalnd
i will wrihght for you something so sexond you tell me what's wrong with you
i don't have a sample of my writing because i am not a writer but a political death machine
there is absolutely nothing wrong with me whatsoever.
politics is for perverts and losers
[account deactivated]
finland: we need something to

tpaine posted:
Impper posted:
sosie posted:
Impper posted:
fuck, what? obey the fucking law. i am a conservative

And you! you reuined LF! even before the LF from the olden days i hated you, you were so stupid but people for whatever reason pretended you weren't an idiot

joan copjec. hopefully you will kill yourselves
what in gods name are you talking about?

i think that's 2009 mod achille's_tendency??

oh, i remember this asshole

finland we want something
who can locate finland and slice something away from him
you are all pathetic
i wrote the fly episode of breaking bad
i thought you'd all come up with Something before me. you couldn't even come up with Flesh
it never occured to anyone to cut something off of the actual human being . i would just slice something off the tip of his nose, by which i of course mean give him a big smooch
i would give him a huge smack on the face and hug him for ten minutes
it's really difficult to be dedicated to changing the world

Impper posted:
i agree with all of this a lot... though i don't love either of those passages too much. but i ko what u mean

i really butchered em, heres one from Irving straite from the source 'Saskia had stopped being a prostitute more than ten years before; her retirement hadn't improved her disposition, Nico forewarned Jack.". freakin magic. the kind of sentence that makes you angry if you dont get to read the next one. basically every one should be like that and with the best of em they are. enticing

then i would invite him back to my house where i have delicious vegetables and would eat healthy food and play some fun games before getting back to dedicating our lives to the cause of
ok stop spamming the thread please, lets get it back on topic
exactly my sentiment., we like to have fun and love life, but our ultimate idea is to push the world into the Beyond
i pushed the "beyond" button on purpose- i think that there Realy is a Beyond
we are such idiots and morons that we are probably not privvy to thwat is actually going on at the OWS meetings

deadken posted:
great novels are never really character-based imo, every great literary character has been a stand-in for some general idea or principle

dats not even close to being true in any sense way or form, mang

we are fucked up people who have weird mental prblems and are crazy and should be kept as fart away from the real shit as possible!
i think that boys should get together and chop off their balls on wall street
we should accept the fact that we are basically insane and will never know true love

Fucker posted:

deadken posted:
great novels are never really character-based imo, every great literary character has been a stand-in for some general idea or principle

dats not even close to being true in any sense way or form, mang

your innocence actually really bothers me, i hate you and i hope you die, bye!