
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

same except replace becket with martin amis

oh noes!!! theyre takin maah becket!!


GoldenLionTamarin posted:

deadken posted:

star wars 7 will be worthless, the star wars prequels were worthless, the original trilogy were worthless, watchmen was worthless, ulysses was worthless, duchamp was worthless. the only cultural texts of any value are the novels of samuel beckett, and they only because they demonstrated how utterly pointless the entire endeavour is. we should now put aside such nonsense and devote ourselves to unfeeling mechanical sex, analytic philosophy, and building socialism and/or barbarism

this was me reacting to the prospect of star wars 7

got a good idea here: let's crowdsource a script for this new trilogy. just the rhizzone. each of us gets a user account on rhizzonenewtrilogywiki.net and we work together to put together a kickass story. idea number one: more suggested incest! moar!
let's start a petition to get patton oswalt in the new trilogy.
John "Christy" as the roguish, self-centered avatar of male potency with a heart of gold
Grumblefish as the priggish robotic brit
Tom as enigmatic soldier-of-fortune BOBYFETLAND
"i don't understand why this alien named trautzkee is motivated to try to destroy the galactic people's republic. also you've described him as hook-nosed."
identity politics would be a HEAD-ACHE to deal with in that universe

hey posted:

identity politics would be a HEAD-ACHE to deal with in that universe

jedi privilege.


getfiscal posted:

"i don't understand why this alien named trautzkee is motivated to try to destroy the galactic people's republic. also you've described him as hook-nosed."



gyrofry posted:

getfiscal posted:

"i don't understand why this alien named trautzkee is motivated to try to destroy the galactic people's republic. also you've described him as hook-nosed."


and i say he's a good man

Lando's character was named "Blackie The Caped Jew" in pre-production scripts, but was changed to Lando at the same time Luke Skywalker changed from Deke Starkiller and Darth Vader was changed from Gorf Homo.

Keven posted:

Lando's character was named "Blackie The Caped Jew" in pre-production scripts, but was changed to Lando at the same time Luke Skywalker changed from Deke Starkiller and Darth Vader was changed from Gorf Homo.

that's apocryphal

[account deactivated]
The popular Caped, Black Jew trope was seen in multiple films from the 50s to the early 80s. The waning influence and eventual death of Sammy Davis, Jr. led to the death of this trope. However, the Caped, Black Jew can still be seen on rare occasions.
any time your name is a compound of normal words your whole family was probably either really poor or really rich. like if your name is wolf runningdeer then you probably live in poverty. if your name is sparrow green then you probably are a rich girl. now, a skywalker, that dude lived in the middle of a fail desert. but leia was a skywalker and was a princess.
[account deactivated]
fail dessert
Perhaps I'm alone on this, but this is a great opportunity to annex the Boy Meets World series into the Star Wars universe.
boy meets worlds
boy meets third world

getfiscal posted:

got a good idea here: let's crowdsource a script for this new trilogy. just the rhizzone. each of us gets a user account on rhizzonenewtrilogywiki.net and we work together to put together a kickass story. idea number one: more suggested incest! moar!

if lucas had real balls instead of just having a brother/sister incest suggestion darth vader would been the one with leia in chains & half a dress

missed out on that one huh george

four point oh five billion dollar george


xxCraigxx posted:

Perhaps I'm alone on this, but this is a great opportunity to annex the Boy Meets World series into the Star Wars universe.

True story, William Daniels auditioned for the part of Obi Wan Kenobi

boba fett was a lameass who called a TIPS hotline and then fell into a giant pit. suck on THAT, people
Your fearless takedown of Bobba Fett leaves me angry, but with a strong respect for your willingness to march to the beat of your own drum.
well great fucking work guys
really fucked this one up
Fucking crazy to see how funny I was 3 years ago and then to look in a mirror and notice that I'm even funnier and smarter and better looking now & there's no end in sight to this progress.
yeah rite dude. i'm going thru your old posts now. oof. damn dude you are one angry persyn. even on weed. dam.
[account deactivated]
i downoladed a cam and watched it on my phone. 2 thumbs up. my ass.
I recently rewatched the originals w my gf who'd never seen them and i realized that boba fett doesnt do shit. Not sure how he became such a popular part of the franchise
[account deactivated]
Because darth vader, han solo, lando calzone, and jabba the AMERICAN (LOL) all treat boba with respect
[account deactivated]
hmm guy has a jetpack and people think hes badass. what could be going on here?
He just kinda stands there behind some ppl and then finally when he does use the jetpack he dies instantly afterwards
[account deactivated]