
deadken posted:

can we get some screencaps up in this b*tch

yeah, can we, krink?

i respect but do not condone such posting. truthbombs often kill those who drop them first.

i wonder who owns this account of mine: http://i.imgur.com/ImKuNtA.png

Edited by ilmdge ()

ilmdge thats really embarrassing since it shows where i just reposted a getfiscal post from like a week aog
i cant read at that resolution, i'm hitlerally blind

daddyholes posted:

ilmdge thats really embarrassing since it shows where i just reposted a getfiscal post from like a week aog

which post

i'm reading the scum manifesto. truth hurts.
the one about how no one sane could condone Communism as a system since leaders lived in bigger houses than other people

getfiscal posted:

i'm reading the scum manifesto. truth hurts.

i read avital ronnell's intro to the scum manifesto and now i feel no need to actually read it.

nlr 183, a special essay by perry anderson,

Containment was limited neither in its range nor in its means. It was an Ermattungskreig, not a Neiderwerfungskrieg, but the objective was the same.
[account deactivated]
i made that robin williams meme
one of the posters in this thread has to be tpaine:
[account deactivated]
he thought too much about it, fucking nerd
[account deactivated]
Surely there is no straight line from The Communist Manifesto to the gulags, and no reason why young lefties need uncritically to adopt Badiou at his most chilling. In his introduction to a new edition of The Communist Manifesto, Professor Eric Hobsbawm suggests
i think its dumb and gay imo
go blog getfiscal

roseweird posted:

why did descartes say "i think therefore i am" instead of just "i am"

p sure it's because the entire point was that existing is a logical conclusion from the only independently knowable fact, that one is engaged in the act of thinking, whatever we define that as; everything else could be an elaborate trick. the only way I know I exist is because of the thinking

... in case you were asking a real question

descartes is a fuckhead and i hate him and want him to be seen as the philosophical foundation of all bad things because he is.

ilmdge posted:

http://i.imgur.com/3W9ra39.pngi wonder who owns this account of mine: http://i.imgur.com/ImKuNtA.png

hahahahaha lol

what happened to aaaarg.org. every time I go there chome tells me it can't load the page.
[account deactivated]
I got some trotskyites book collection at a thrift store for 2$ total ^_^

Squalid posted:

what happened to aaaarg.org. every time I go there chome tells me it can't load the page.

it works fine?


roseweird posted:

.custom199315{color:#FFCC00 !important; background-color:#8F0000 !important; }drwhat posted:the only independently knowable fact, that one is engaged in the act of thinking

i was asking a real question yeah thank you for a real response. i found the previous descartes discussion unsatisfying and it occurred to me that i don't understand why we are supposed to take thinking for granted but not to take being for granted. i know that's how descartes justified himself but i don't think we have to accept the assertion that thought is independently knowable just because he wanted to believe that he independently knew himself as a whole and pure intellect.

.custom199315{color:#FFCC00 !important; background-color:#8F0000 !important; }drwhat posted:everything else could be an elaborate trick

right like that sounds kind of crazy paranoid though and maybe if you're thinking in this manner—someone is playing a trick on me and my body isn't real!—you are actually experiencing a deeply pathological state that shouldn't form the basis of rational thought in the western tradition

being is before thinking, anyways since you seem to agree with him i will recommend that you read Heidegger again.

[account deactivated]

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

I got some trotskyites book collection at a thrift store for 2$ total ^_^

Burn it

[account deactivated]

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

I got some trotskyites book collection at a thrift store for 2$ total ^_^

i'm gonna read some trots / only got 20 dimes in my pocket


roseweird posted:

drwhat posted:

the only independently knowable fact, that one is engaged in the act of thinking

i was asking a real question yeah thank you for a real response. i found the previous descartes discussion unsatisfying and it occurred to me that i don't understand why we are supposed to take thinking for granted but not to take being for granted. i know that's how descartes justified himself but i don't think we have to accept the assertion that thought is independently knowable just because he wanted to believe that he independently knew himself as a whole and pure intellect.

drwhat posted:

everything else could be an elaborate trick

right like that sounds kind of crazy paranoid though and maybe if you're thinking in this manner—someone is playing a trick on me and my body isn't real!—you are actually experiencing a deeply pathological state that shouldn't form the basis of rational thought in the western tradition

well it is crazy paranoid, you don't really have to believe that descartes actually truly believed this though. it is just the basic cartesian thought experiment: what if i can trust none of the experience of perceiving reality, then where do i start from?

it's a pretty weird idea. solipsistic and subjective. and then from that we get the concept of objective rationalism. p dumb. the real, absurd irrationality of existence is way more interesting, but it's harder to deal with isn't it

descartes is cool because he pretty much lays out that subjectivity is form of insanity

palafox posted:

Squalid posted:

what happened to aaaarg.org. every time I go there chome tells me it can't load the page.

it works fine?

Ah I guess it does. I was just following the first google link for searching aaarg which is aaaaarg.org, which although it appears to be aaaarg.org, is actually dead. Sorry for time wasting.

aaaarg.org doesn't work for me. The page loads but clicking links doesn't do anything? Some bring the page up but clicking pdf doesn't do anything and some don't bring the page up at all.
man in the holocene aka boring ficcion that is actually really cool.

i read tao lin's tapei as a study so that i could review that sort of thing. it was physically painful

Edited by animedad ()


wasted posted:

descartes is cool because he pretty much lays out that subjectivity is form of insanity
