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xipe posted:

cool man; i've a mental capacity 1/10 that of yours, & i'm still finding it really satisfying & interesting.
i reckon i'd suit you really well

let me know if i can assist in any way


drwhat posted:

this might sound a little bullshitty but I think a creative mind that can accommodate difficult, imprecise topics like you kind of need to have to really get much into weird philosophy/psychology or marxist & related perspectives on modern society is actually very well suited to the weird problems you have to wrestle with in software architecture, and once you get through the basic dumb shit of how to mechanically do it, you'd probably be very good at the stuff considered very hard in the tech world

at this point I don't even really do the mechanical stuff and it's all about grappling with weird abstract problems. it's still bullshit because it's a job, but it can be mentally satisfying

yeah i think i'm done with all of that stuff anyways, though coming back to rhizzone has made me feel sucked back into it a bit because it's hard to do something new that might not fit in with very much. i'm kinda figuring out what to do next now and programming is definitely a possibility.

i'm having trouble getting into much in terms of reading lately because of anhedonia

e: gk chesterton seems hard

Edited by laika ()

[account deactivated]
I repeat, Dont listen to Joel, the man's a dog.

i'm rereading a hero of our time. have any of you read zizek's new book?
i think accounting is a good match also bc at the big 4 level dealing with multinationals youre dealing with dozens of arcane interlocking frameworks for holding and moving world-shaping amounts of money which you might find inherently fascinating (I know i do)

babyhueypnewton posted:

NoFreeWill posted:

ask yourself why it's necessary to read them at all when there are much more accessible, scientifically versed thinkers on the same subject.

hmm yes why.......why would all those marxists during the height of class struggle in the 60s be interested in lacan while all those scientists during the neo-liberal attack on knowledge dismiss philosophy as 'unscentific'? oh wait nm alan sokal showed it's all a huge consipracy in academia to use made up language, probably the jews.

i think its safe to say a vanishingly small number of marxists were interested in lacan in the 60s. and the same is true now lol

im in the future reading sam deadken kriss's take on fergie's retirement, which he should start writing immediately if he doesnt want to cause a time paradox

laika posted:

xipe posted:

drwhat posted:

e: gk chesterton seems hard

Anyhow with the failure of Zionism would fall the last and best attempt at a rationalistic theory of the Jew. We should be left facing a mystery which no other rationalism has ever come so near to providing within rational cause and cure. Whatever we do, we shall not return to that insular innocence and comfortable unconsciousness of Christendom, in which the Victorian agnostics could suppose that the Semitic problem was a brief medieval insanity. In this as in greater things, even if we lost our faith we could not recover our agnosticism. We can never recover agnosticism, any more than any other kind of ignorance. We know that there is a Jewish problem; we only hope that there is a Jewish solution.


xipe posted:

swampman posted:

xipe posted:

like i enjoy reading d+g, and the perspectives that they open up... maybe i'm just not in the right mindset now to appreciate them properly.
probly like how the israeli army felt in 2006

how would you feel about reading some D H Lawrence?

why do u recommend him? any works in particular youd point to?
looks promising!

yes i suggest reading his "non-fiction," especially psychoanalysis and the unconscious and fantasia of the unconscious.


A former Kosovo health minister and another Pristina official are among eight suspects in a new EU probe into a human organ trafficking case, a local daily reported Tuesday.

Last Tuesday, a day after a European Union-led court in Kosovo convicted five doctors of harvesting and selling kidneys at a Pristina clinic, the EU’s Pristina mission announced the new probe without revealing the identity of the suspects.

It said they were under investigation for “organised crime, trafficking in persons, grievous bodily harm, abusing official position of authority, fraud and trading in influence”.
The eight are suspected of using their influence to cover up the case in which around 30 illegal kidney removals and transplants were carried out at the Medicus clinic in Pristina in 2008, the daily said.

The donors were recruited from poor eastern European and Central Asian countries and promised about 15,000 euros ($20,000) for their organs. The recipients, mainly Israelis, would pay up to 100,000 euros each.


palafox posted:

Anyhow with the failure of Zionism would fall the last and best attempt at a rationalistic theory of the Jew. We should be left facing a mystery which no other rationalism has ever come so near to providing within rational cause and cure. Whatever we do, we shall not return to that insular innocence and comfortable unconsciousness of Christendom, in which the Victorian agnostics could suppose that the Semitic problem was a brief medieval insanity. In this as in greater things, even if we lost our faith we could not recover our agnosticism. We can never recover agnosticism, any more than any other kind of ignorance. We know that there is a Jewish problem; we only hope that there is a Jewish solution.



cleanhands posted:

more seriously im not sure lacan as a revolutionary paradigm has worked out all that well and i only like philosophies that havent failed yet

shoot first and analyze later imo

Time for a classic!

cleanhands posted:

i think accounting is a good match also bc at the big 4 level dealing with multinationals youre dealing with dozens of arcane interlocking frameworks for holding and moving world-shaping amounts of money which you might find inherently fascinating (I know i do)

yeah, the interlocking frameworks are cool and the logic of all of the assets and liabilities and credits and debits, oh my. also the institutional arrangements and the stuff R.T. Naylor writes about.

i honestly don't know what to think about the world-moving amounts of money though lol

the "arcane interlocking" of high finance together with the ridiculous complexity of huge high end high tech, simultaneously, is actually basically my job irl

but it's ok, i totally wear my che t-shirt while i adjust the systems that manipulate the capital flows of the world

drwhat posted:

the "arcane interlocking" of high finance together with the ridiculous complexity of huge high end high tech, simultaneously, is actually basically my job irl

this sounds pretty interesting, what do you do exactly?

he farts into chairs and sees how many variables he can rename 'butt' without anything crashing
lacan was a charlatan. freud was a coked up sex pervert. marx was a dumb moron with a beard. our lord jesus christ was a wimpo. and me? i'm the Biggest Fucking Faggot

cleanhands posted:

im in the future reading sam deadken kriss's take on fergie's retirement, which he should start writing immediately if he doesnt want to cause a time paradox

whats a fergie


babyhueypnewton posted:

NoFreeWill posted:

ask yourself why it's necessary to read them at all when there are much more accessible, scientifically versed thinkers on the same subject.

hmm yes why.......why would all those marxists during the height of class struggle in the 60s be interested in lacan while all those scientists during the neo-liberal attack on knowledge dismiss philosophy as 'unscentific'? oh wait nm alan sokal showed it's all a huge consipracy in academia to use made up language, probably the jews.

bc obv it was just the kick in the pants the Babby Boomers needed to create our present, supremely marxist conditions. lol. LaCONNED again, bubba-b**ch


drwhat posted:

the "arcane interlocking" of high finance together with the ridiculous complexity of huge high end high tech, simultaneously, is actually basically my job irl

as tHE rHizzonE posters enter their late 20s all threads become about jobs. is this a safe space for me to ask, who on the forum has the best job? I am most assuredly in the top 5, sorta depends on your metrics. Definitely not top 5 by income and benefits alone. But I even have employees now. Its interesting how well you can pay people when you pay yourself at the same rate for the same amt of work. Very very interesting


d4ky posted:

drwhat posted:
the "arcane interlocking" of high finance together with the ridiculous complexity of huge high end high tech, simultaneously, is actually basically my job irl

this sounds pretty interesting, what do you do exactly?

i design & control & adjust the systems used for securities trading for one of the world's largest investment banks. i am basically the worst part of capitalism. i've only been doing it for seven weeks, but so far it's fascinating. and terrible. but fascinating.


swampman posted:

as tHE rHizzonE posters enter their late 20s all threads become about jobs. is this a safe space for me to ask, who on the forum has the best job? I am most assuredly in the top 5, sorta depends on your metrics. Definitely not top 5 by income and benefits alone. But I even have employees now.

i think this is a disgusting conversation to have that demeans every worker throughout history and makes all the participants a willing contributor to the dehumanization of anyone who brings money home to feed themselves and their family.

i probably make way more money than anyone here. luckily for you(!!!) i've had a lot to drink tonight so i'll actually admit it. it's still bullshit. fuck it. i try to give a lot of it to the rest of my family.

Lol its a disgusting conversation for you to have because you're the fattest tick on the blackest vein. I still make under $25k in NYC. No health care, medical aid care, etc ONe of best reasons my job is better than yours is I get to be outside all day. Don't act all sullen like you're going about your woeful duty like if you were sentenced to community service for drunken posting. If you don't like it go work at the airport. There is no shame in working at the airport even if its sad there. And you'll be in a good place if CPUSA ever gets its shit together and wants to take control of global transport.
no i'm completely happy and my life is basically fantastic. i'm not trying to bullshit about it. it's just still empty and meaningless. but it's mentally challenging and the rest of my life is great. but i can still rationally acknowledge that everything i do is in service of the destruction of a fulfilled social humanity. you should probably literally shoot me or at the very least explode my office. hth.

swampman posted:

Its interesting how well you can pay people when you pay yourself at the same rate for the same amt of work. Very very interesting

except ur taking money out of the pockets of the investment banks that could be investing that money for you and creating jobs rather than into your employee's stomachs just to be shit out, way 2 go u commie fuck

[account deactivated]

drwhat posted:

no i'm completely happy and my life is basically fantastic. i'm not trying to bullshit about it. it's just still empty and meaningless. but it's mentally challenging and the rest of my life is great. but i can still rationally acknowledge that everything i do is in service of the destruction of a fulfilled social humanity. you should probably literally shoot me or at the very least explode my office. hth.

you don't seem completely happy. I think a happy person would describe their life as full and having meaning. I also think it's easy to trivialize all human activity to be nothing more than entropy on the crust of the earth. But your life is real and permanent and has value. I am sure your family would prefer for you to do something that is important to you.

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Hold me at arm's length, tiny dancer
[account deactivated]

swampman posted:

you don't seem completely happy. I think a happy person would describe their life as full and having meaning. I also think it's easy to trivialize all human activity to be nothing more than entropy on the crust of the earth. But your life is real and permanent and has value. I am sure your family would prefer for you to do something that is important to you.

it's not complete but it's not bad. do you really want to read a defense of this? i can help my mother actually retire at the age when one should, and stop working horrible minimum wage bullshit. i can help my single mom sister send her daughter to the school she wants to send her to, and not feed her trash, etc. like i said, i am intellectually able to be challenged pretty much every day at work. i still know that it is bullshit at its core but for all of these positives i'm willing to accept it for now.

i am sincerely of the belief that our entire societal structure is fucked in the medium-term anyway, but also that i have no agency over it, so i am just trying to make it as good as possible for me & those i love as much as possible before it all goes to shit.

im training to be an intellectual property lawyer for basically the same reasons as drwhat, socialism failed so im gonna have to look after my 2 parents and 4 siblings someday bc im the only one able to stack big paper, sorry third world but get on my level
[account deactivated]
Matthew 19 (second half)

The Rich Young Man.

16 Now someone approached him and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?”
17 He answered him, “Why do you ask me about the good? There is only One who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
18 He asked him, “Which ones?” And Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness;
19 honor your father and your mother’; and ‘you shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
20 The young man said to him, “All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?”
21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.
24 Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and said, “Who then can be saved?”
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”
27 Then Peter said to him in reply, “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?”
28 Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you that you who have followed me, in the new age, when the Son of Man is seated on his throne of glory, will yourselves sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life.
30 But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.
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Basically my Economic Philosophic Model is this: 1. Western Capital will inevitably collapse. 2. Hopefully not before I can cash in my 401ks and Roth IRA. 3. For a man of Means you can get a fairly fucking large pickup truck.