
mugabe_glasses posted:

well for one i wouldn't eat all the grain and babies

Stalin Ate All The Grain And Paid The Clouds Not To Rain.


drwhat posted:

fixed, sorry.

I supposedly "banned" him but it turns out the way this piece of shit website is coded, disabling a login doesn't actually stop you from clicking "forgot my password". awesome security. top notch. good shit.

that no longer works. please let me know if you get any impossibly stupid PMs, it is almost always mustang. unless you want to talk to him, in which case I will make you an ifap mod. the account i'm letting him keep is "zorrex", which has PMs disabled.

let me talk to her

paganism lol
monotheism won the goku-superman debate by making up a new character that had every power at all times
We have an open forum (registration required, but no approval) over on post place. Didn't try to recruit anyone, and it hasn't grown. The IP Board software does make everything easy to manage and read.

I'm down in the Philly area currently and have participated in a little bit of organizing, but I'm a work addict and my life is consumed with either working or then relieving work stress (also the reason I've missed opportunities to meet up with people like Shape up in NYC where all my family is).

I disagree with both people on PP and Kevin that people would already be here if they wanted---since p'zone is open I've had no reason to register here in the years since I originally found WDDP after LF. But I'm not a post post poster by nature.

Also, I heard the mcrib... is back?!

sunny posted:

We have an open forum (registration required, but no approval) over on post place.

Some of us were not welcome. But that was back years now.... the memories are almost faded... and in their place... nothing but pure hearts of love and bank accounts of misery.


sunny posted:

easy to manage and read

that's why you didn't grow, you have to give people a challenge


getfiscal posted:

You can register and start posting right away


drwhat posted:

There is no struggle but DIV CLASS struggle?


sunny posted:

drwhat posted:

There is no struggle but DIV CLASS struggle?

i struggle with it every time i open the editor and cry


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

paganism lol

Well, not any old paganism. The Classics contain a correct understanding of theology, and you should disavow the post claiming that monotheists (presumably Abrahamists) won any sort of debate. The only good parts of Abrahamism are those directly ripped from Classical Hellenic thinking.

Edited by Lykourgos ()

I do a lot of the unsung labor here, maintaining the secret pdf sub

Lykourgos posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

paganism lol

Well, not any old paganism. The Classics contain a correct understanding of theology, and you should disavow the post claiming that monotheists (presumably Abrahamists) won any sort of debate. The only good parts of Abrahamism are those directly ripped from Classical Hellenic thinking.

you mean the kid fondling


Lykourgos posted:

a correct understanding of theology

a correct understanding of the taxonomy of the ocean life on the klingon homeworld

theology created science

cars posted:

theology created science

alchemy created chemistry

that's correct, the point being that your Star Trek analogy is historically backwards
Hey everyone. I made an account here to mourn vilerat postbenghazi a few years ago but didn't stay after. I'm glad rhizzones a thing

I've spent the last several years in seclusion writing a manuscript refutation of krupskaya's remininsences of Lenin premised on the fact that American workers have diabetes because they're labor aristocrats, about ready to publish it as an @SallyAlbright tweetstorm, pretty excited
finish the serbia LP (laughtrack)

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

finish the serbia LP (laughtrack)

does anyone have any good stories of wddp meltdowns. what about cbass. is he into gen pop yet or does the institution still have him in isolation
hey, fuck you. read impper's book if you want to savor the schadenfreude of comrade anguish intended to be private.

sunny posted:

read impper's book.


Read my book.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Lykourgos posted:

a correct understanding of theology

a correct understanding of the taxonomy of the ocean life on the klingon homeworld

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Lykourgos posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Lykourgos posted:

a correct understanding of theology

a correct understanding of the taxonomy of the ocean life on the klingon homeworld

what does the scouter say about his philosophy level

wow two dbz refs in one thread. that's something the ancients couldnt hope to manage
[account deactivated]
dante gave you the first circle, take your W

roseweird posted:

people think you are a gimmick because no one believes you could be blind to the poverty of your style of presentation of what you claim to be of utmost importance to you

that sentence is so ugly it renders people blind

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

truth must be given just as it is

if you knew the truth you'd be Classicist-posting too

Who's the best greek philosopher
[account deactivated]

fape posted:

Who's the best greek philosopher

john chrysostom

just kidding. it's literally santa claus