i think it's also in part because goatstein is still an active poster. also Hitler posts here (but only sometimes)
yeah, although there are differences between us, we both despise capitalism and wish to see it destroyed. i say, until capitalism has been destroyed, let us be of mutual support and assistance, and keep criticism very mild between us, and always constructive.
the world is a big place, once capitalism has been destroyed worldwide there will be plenty of opportunity to try out different theories, and space for each to breathe.
i propose we call the new synthesized forum "sexcopter."
Hello. My name is stegosaurus I posted in the wddp threads in like 2007. I'm very glad to see a rapprochement and look forward to exploring new horizons with everyone.
Now that wddp is integrated into the rhizzone, all that's left is to bring in the LeftBook coomunity
goatstein huh

did goatstein post the steampunk wedding pictures, is that why y'all still let him post here
He's still holding out on us.
*narrows eyes*

what other possible explanation is there then, I am out of hypotheses
because you touch yourself at night
actually i don't want to start being mean on the internet again, except for to rahm emanual whom i will damn to hell every day on twitter, but i don't wanna be mean to random internet dorks anymore. is there a block feature
*edit*unimportant & old stuff*/edit* anyway transphobia, or otherwise being a terf is frowned upon here and "bannable" but we keep goatstein around despite that because well i don't know

Edited by aerdil ()

because he hasn't posted the steampunk wedding photos yet. it's like holding a hostage, nobody wants to act in case he deletes them. if he already has...
ehhhhhhhhhh i remember some real antagonism happening toward some of my trans friends and I am not interested in trying to mull over the specifics or whatever. i'm happy to leave it in the past if people really have changed and don't tolerate that shit anymore.

anyway, hi. who's cool here now, is gyrofry still around?
is the guy who wanted to buy my period blood here

mugabe_glasses posted:

i don't wanna be mean to random internet dorks anymore

wow, mods?!

Hey everyone. I'm just waiting to hear back from grade skull, and I hope all of you are doing well. You can chillax here.

Red_Canadian posted:

because he hasn't posted the steampunk wedding photos yet. it's like holding a hostage, nobody wants to act in case he deletes them. if he already has...

this does not seem like an effective way to obtain the steam puke wedding pictures, but what do i know i haven't gotten them either


getfiscal posted:

Hey everyone. I'm just waiting to hear back from grade skull, and I hope all of you are doing well. You can chillax here.

hello donald how are you, why are you going back to grade school do you need to remedial maths

my favorite wddp-lf drama moment was the impper fiasco with his debut "novel," fuck and destroy

mugabe_glasses posted:

ehhhhhhhhhh i remember some real antagonism happening toward some of my trans friends and I am not interested in trying to mull over the specifics or whatever. i'm happy to leave it in the past if people really have changed and don't tolerate that shit anymore.

anyway, hi. who's cool here now, is gyrofry still around?
is the guy who wanted to buy my period blood here

Gyrofry is around. Tpaine usually makes about 85% of the posts on the forum but he's been sulking for the last few weeks because swampman won't let him post slurs and unjustly closed the videogame music thread. Dunno who the period blood guy is.

the slur viveur
why does tpaine want to post slurs so bad

mugabe_glasses posted:

why does tpaine want to post slurs so bad

cumulative damage from longterm irony/alcohol poisoning

Please stop saying mean words about tpaine
this is really cool though, i love seeing all these new but semi-familiar faces here in this thread and i hope you guys stick around. good job swampman and thank you new-ish folks for giving this place a chance, hopefully we dont let you down!

mugabe_glasses posted:

is the guy who wanted to buy my period blood here

i'm not that guy, but if you're selling


mugabe_glasses posted:

how come there are bigots and transphobes here, it seems like that should not be allowed, but im a alien from a alien forum so i dont know your rules

the only things people have been banned here for are spamming the forums to the extent that they were made unusable and doxxing/threatening to doxx people afaik


innsmouthful posted:

my favorite wddp-lf drama moment was the impper fiasco with his debut "novel," fuck and destroy

he has ceased posting in favor of playing the popular mobile phone game "clumsy ninja" and, one assumes, imbibing ketamine daily

hi mugables how r u

ilmdge posted:

this is really cool though, i love seeing all these new but semi-familiar faces here in this thread and i hope you guys stick around. good job swampman and thank you new-ish folks for giving this place a chance, hopefully we dont let you down!

did you used to post in the bad place? what was your name


gyrofry posted:

hi mugables how r u

hi gyrofry im pretty good, my kitty rolled off of my lap while asleep so i am simultaneously amused and feeling guilty for being a negligent kitty momma

i hope that life has been good to you
for me its been fine i guess
life is beautiful, mostly, from atop this comfy skull-throne
i made the mistake of name searching and some of it was really unpleasant, but otoh i see that you defended my honor approximately 4 years ago, so thank you for that gyrofry i knew we were truly friends

in the interest of solidarity allow me to proffer this humble avatar
lf: a place for friends

tam posted:

toutvabien posted:

idk what wddp is but hello people!

so old lf on sa was contemporary with helldump, within which the worst debate & discussion poster thread became a chat thread, and was booted off sa for making fun of mods too much. they made an offsite to keep posting in the one thread. later old lf was booted off sa for more or less similar reasons except also there was the secret service thing, and new lf was hosted on the wddp site in a separate subforum. new lf started with very little moderation but tensions within old lf were magnified and posters drifted into divergent visions for the forum and expressed these disagreements by being really shitty to one another and admins stepped in with new rules, mods, and various interventions, which didn't work. it got too stressful to mod and lf was booted off the wddp site, and the posters of lf split into three postdoms, the 'zzone, the post*, and the stay-behinds. anyway i think over time the difference in our visions of what a good forum would be have crystallized and become reflected in the really existing forums and there's no real sort of getting closer as communities possible. but a few people might be interested in reading or posting or w/e

Crystallize and reflect my balls

That's a little more local humor for you. I agree that it's not necessary or desirable to try for some kind of merger. Seems like everyone is happy with what they have but an increase in tourism is useful. My friend Panopticon was complaining in another thread about the restricted travel to and from so-called "democracies" and it inspired me to examine our own over-mined border trenches. I really encourage yall visitors to read through some threads from the past couple years ESPECIALLY MINE.
yall love stalin right

swampman posted:

That's a little more local humor for you. I agree that it's not necessary or desirable to try for some kind of merger. Seems like everyone is happy with what they have but an increase in tourism is useful. My friend Panopticon was complaining in another thread about the restricted travel to and from so-called "democracies" and it inspired me to examine our own over-mined border trenches. I really encourage yall visitors to read through some threads from the past couple years ESPECIALLY MINE.

do you have any good threads about cats

Would you accept, aheh, the Lion Assad?!