you could try revitalizing The Faily Planet subforum which is supposed to be about cat pics, but in practice is about terrible posts
I made overtures to the elders of the forums where my political awakening occurred, but they felt we didn't meet the level of sophistication required to mix with posters at /r/dixiechicks

chickeon posted:

yall love stalin right

i'm probably the least overtly communist of the crowd, most everyone is pretty tankie. i'm pretty ambivalent on stalin. he's fine, he did a buncha good things he did some uncool things.

am i gonna get interrogated for ideological purity? this is very exciting

swampman posted:

Would you accept, aheh, the Lion Assad?!

no he is not a real cat

our admin is a cat that posts as a man
hi. i don't know anything about this historical rift, but i approve of cool people coming together to talk about things. i've heard of mugabe glasses in passing and they seem cool. if it is necessary to offer goatstein up as a scapegoat (GET IT) i figure very little of value would be lost, as I have decisively demonstrated my ability to iteratively perfect/rip off and render obsolete the few things of quality he provides.
actually, if there's anything productive i could contribute to this, it would be to say that looking back on a decade of fruitless and frustrating Actually Existing Activism, that grudges aren't worth cultivating, especially against people you know to be competent and intelligent. it doesn't help anyone but Our Mutual Enemy. I welcome all fellow strugglers, until such a point as I get frustrated and bring out the meany cuss words.

shriekingviolet posted:

hi. i don't know anything about this historical rift, but i approve of cool people coming together to talk about things. i've heard of mugabe glasses in passing and they seem cool. if it is necessary to offer goatstein up as a scapegoat (GET IT) i figure very little of value would be lost, as I have decisively demonstrated my ability to iteratively perfect/rip off and render obsolete the few things of quality he provides.

i don't think i've ever considered the things of quality he provides
i'm curious about what those could possibly be, but on the other hand, it's been a very very long time since he has taken up space in my mind and i think i preferred things that way
unless he's changed, in which case i am curious again


shriekingviolet posted:

actually, if there's anything productive i could contribute to this, it would be to say that looking back on a decade of fruitless and frustrating Actually Existing Activism, that grudges aren't worth cultivating, especially against people you know to be competent and intelligent. it doesn't help anyone but Our Mutual Enemy. I welcome all fellow strugglers, until such a point as I get frustrated and bring out the meany cuss words.

i agree with this, tho it's something i've been thinking a lot about for a while, and i think there are some important qualifiers
because while petty grudges are stupid and distracting, there are sometimes legitimately harmful interpersonal dynamics and real abuse happens and having community mechanisms to deal with that is important, so that's the other side i guess


mugabe_glasses posted:

i don't think i've ever considered the things of quality he provides
i'm curious about what those could possibly be, but on the other hand, it's been a very very long time since he has taken up space in my mind and i think i preferred things that way
unless he's changed, in which case i am curious again

goat was confined to the faily planet exclusively for a long time and let out for no good reason. i don't know their posting genealogy or whatever because i'm new to these parts. he's kind of gross about anything involving the slightest modicum of human compassion or decency, but provides a pretty good insight into a moderately competent left-liberal misanthropic attitude, and i appreciate having that around in-house in a familiar context because it's more easily accessible than sampling it elsewhere. but I don't object to others who are more affected wanting him absent.


shriekingviolet posted:

mugabe_glasses posted:
i don't think i've ever considered the things of quality he provides
i'm curious about what those could possibly be, but on the other hand, it's been a very very long time since he has taken up space in my mind and i think i preferred things that way
unless he's changed, in which case i am curious again

goat was confined to the faily planet exclusively for a long time and let out for no good reason. i don't know their posting genealogy or whatever because i'm new to these parts. he's kind of gross about anything involving the slightest modicum of human compassion or decency, but provides a pretty good insight into a moderately competent left-liberal misanthropic attitude, and i appreciate having that around in-house in a familiar context because it's more easily accessible than sampling it elsewhere. but I don't object to others who are more affected wanting him absent.

this is a useful perspective, i will adopt it

unless he still does that thing where he gets fixated on people and hounds them relentlessly, i won't lie, i found that a particularly unpleasant quality
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

tpaine's embarrassing and inappropriate slurs were an integral part of the rhizzone ecosystem and swampman is taking advantage of his absence to attempt a major pattern shift. i intend to expose this transparent plot.

what role did they play

i feel like dr shevek when he leaves anarres and visits a-io for the first time

mugabe_glasses posted:

unless he still does that thing where he gets fixated on people and hounds them relentlessly,

i can't speak to the past, but stalking and harassment has been treated as absolutely unacceptable in my time here. the only reasons anyone has ever been thoroughly banned have been stalking/doxing or obviously severe mental unwellness and unhealthy obsession with the entire community to the point of self harm.


roseweird posted:

tpaine's embarrassing and inappropriate slurs were an integral part of the rhizzone ecosystem and swampman is taking advantage of his absence to attempt a major pattern shift. i intend to expose this transparent plot.

i miss tpaine and hope they will come back without feeling the need to play the belligerent cranky uncle role.

tpaine was ranting about how the ZzonE was turning into WDDP before he left. When he returns to find the site filled with WDDP posters and retitled "the rHizzonE presents: WDDP", Swampman's plan to gaslight his old rival to the brink of madness will be complete.
i am continuously befuddled by the insistence on a false dichotomy between making jokes and being respectful to people, but i guess i'm just one sane person from the real world. what do i know.

shriekingviolet posted:

i am continuously befuddled by the insistence on a false dichotomy between making jokes and being respectful to people, but i guess i'm just one sane person from the real world. what do i know.

nuance is hard and it worked to just be a dick while a teen so why shouldn't that just keep working fuckk you for taking away my only effective tool

i used to flirt with tpaine all the time, maybe he'll try to impress me by cleaning up his act
welcome to the rhizzone we're a weird bunch here and we fight and argue all the time and sometimes drop out and don't return for months but hell, isn't that exactly what a family is
hello 'dips, the admins would like to apologize for the placeholder emoticons but rest assured are still working diligently in restoring them with actual real ones
[account deactivated]
Goatstein is a djinn, a trickster spirit that hounds us day and night with his foul temptations, like posting memes he found on reddit. But we must allow these temptations to appear and disappear like passing clouds, because to engage with the djinn is to feed the djinn. Also, goatstein is not a reference to Judaism, but rather "the goat stein", a beer stein he owns which looks like a goat.
Goatstein is a vegetarian solely because he finds the motives and behaviours of other human beings fiendish and repulsive. He loathes that they take such simple pleasure in consuming cheap processed flesh at a fierce rate, making thmselves fat and bloated. It is as a result that his attitude of unrelenting abstinence from meat is motivated by a deep revulsion for human beings. In one so dedicated to chastity and self-discipline, yet also held at arms length by a reciprocally contemptuous Mankind, I can see only the most profound moral heroism.
That's thoughtful to say but i also care about animals. Without reference to its propagation of this vast, grotesque and unnecessary suffering, human gluttony, while obviously repulsive, loses the really existing character of its fundamental viciousness
I didn't know you were a vegetarian, that's cool buddy me too.
left veg chat

toyotathon posted:

mugabe_glasses posted:
i feel like dr shevek when he leaves anarres and visits a-io for the first time

you sure this isn't anarres? swampman seems keen on recycling WDDP heyo

Yes I am 100% certain that this is not anarres. You all are very weird here, in an unfamiliar way. There are a lot of walls here, I'm not sure yet what their functions are- if they're load bearing, if they occasionally come down, if they're relics from the bad days, etc

Why are you unwilling to extend the compassion you feel toward animals to humans? Because of their viciousness?
i am excited for this new era in the zzone's history, where there are a lot of new posts and virtually none of them are music youtubes. as for the wddp/rhizzone schism, i say we let bygones be bygones. as for goatstein, i dont think we should ban him but i do think we should heap piles of scorn upon his incorrect views (basically all of them)
i am not incapable of compassion for people, merely for the suffering they bring upon themselves as a result of their own stupidity, that is to say, most of it

glorp posted:

I'm tilde and I post nothing good ever so you may regret this olive branch probably.

Have i got a subforum for you!

That seems like an arbitrary line to draw to me.
Do you ever feel lonely or alienated, goatstein?

mugabe_glasses posted:

That seems like an arbitrary line to draw to me.
Do you ever feel lonely or alienated, goatstein?

all principles are arbitrary

Oh okay
pretty interested in the inside take that mugabe's glasses would have on the third chimurenga, that is, if you actually are who you claim to be

mugabe_glasses posted:

am i gonna get interrogated for ideological purity? this is very exciting

no need when you'vce voluntarily confessed