Disagree, the current pop culture convention is to call literally everyone a narcissist & the common thinkpiece critique of this is to say that no John, you are the narcissist. As father fuck explained in his post. Ie the issue is a wide band one not narrow.
Fk page break
It's more related to an attempt to redefine ppl as strangers or Jews in the sense of that one guy who's name I can't remembers idea, an unknown which is familiar and among us. The successful are sociopaths, our exes are narcissists etc etc and we come to a place where our failures or normalcy is a moral good in the face of something other... seems to be the case to me. We see a very similar idea expressed in zizeks inversions a lot of the time... the whole thing seems very reactionary to me.

Gibbonstrength posted:

This i claim is a good point. If anything it seems like the way people define these mental illnesses (like bpd and narcissism) is design to quarantine those conditions off into a few extreme cases. In a way it's our society's defence mechanism: define narcissism so narrowly and tied so such a rare constellation of symptoms that it's never about me, it's always about somebody else, some mythical weirdo. You could say the dsm definition of narcissism is a narcissistic defence.

I see what you mean about the "mythical weirdo" but I feel it's more that people now reserve the right to place their erstwhile allies and lifelong enemies alike outside the borders of sanity & unreachable by discussion based on what they happened to say this week, that this behavior is cheered on as sportsmanlike or even heroic. I've been guilty of it as well. This is part of a mechanism where everyone has come to expect it and accept it from others, so much so that many people have started to cast about for accepted ways to be officially infantilized and degraded by certain sets of these assumptions to avoid getting called the wrong sort of crazy at a vulnerable time. That sadly to me seems reasonable as a self-defense strategy in certain ways.

You claim your own diagnosis, get there first with a cooperative provider, and anchor it to bourgeois institutions and their records so other people constantly trying to lay an antagonistic diagnosis on you from afar, using "common wisdom" against you, can be refuted by an appeal to medical authority. "Acting crazy" in this growing sense isn't about trying to prove to yourself or others that you're a dangerous edge case or even that you're oppressed, it's about beating all the little wannabe psychiatrists around you to the punch, at your job, among your friends, your family, your spouse or partner, or if you're in the public eye, anyone writing anything that might get picked up by the press - beating these roving pseudo-physicians by getting the "real" diagnosis down on paper that can be put in a drawer somewhere and brought out to argue against a "misdiagnosis", whether to maintain what you have or struggle to survive when it's taken away "at will".

The most often cited of these is how psychiatry has affirmed changing social norms about trans identity and gender dysphoria by keeping the disorder on the books but changing the treatment to hormones, surgical reassignment etc. per the comfort of the patient. Some radical feminists sometimes try to follow this down a trail of pure divine logic and "point out" that identity disturbance isn't treated this way on the same books, like it's an earth-shaking discovery they've made that it would be considered abusive and harmful to handle identity disturbance under the same "rules". Or they argue that someone with severe identity disturbance wouldn't be considered a protected class under current legal theories of discrimination and try to use that to attack laws to protect trans people in the workplace or in public accommodations.

That seems cosmically beside the point to me because obviously people who are indisputably disordered under existing social norms, like BPD patients, also have to "cheat" if they want to live a life that matches their relative ability to function or even allows them to stave off suicide. They have to "reassign" themselves with a professional's help to a diagnosis that's considered treatable because the institutional one that matches their symptoms was used as a sort of wastebasket taxon and a way to discipline patients for failing to satisfy therapists' bourgeois ambitions in earlier generations, especially women.

If you "are" BPD under the current model, and you can work a job if given treatment, and indeed want to work a job, you can't "be" BPD, not in a lot of places and certainly not under a private insurance regime. To agree to treatment that might (and I stress, might) be effective in helping you pursue not only individual, but collective and political goals, you have to disown the diagnosis that recommends that treatment and find a professional willing to maintain the lie for you to provide it regardless. And I mean, forget investigating etiology further or developing more effective treatments when it's a disorder with a high risk of suicide and you're required to use private insurance. People aren't going to risk death revealing themselves even when promised privacy, and they're smart not to, because under the current economic and social system even collective benefits down the line seem unlikely as an outcome.

So on that basis it's hard for me to look at people who wrap themselves up in their self-assigned (or "official") diagnoses in online communities together and see edge cases or freaks, or anything but the likely near future of much of humanity in the West, for all of us beneath the bourgeoisie, only we'll all be required to perform similarly and reproduce those performances on cue in order to stay employed and employable, or, barring that, to receive public assistance and thus survive. We may already be there or close to it given the wild spikes in mood disorder diagnoses among the described population. Like, the nightmare on both the political left and right in literature and other media for decades has been all of us controlled through prescription drugs, but I think it's maybe a lot scarier if we're all taking drugs, or pretending to take drugs, that actually do jack shit while we're forced to affirm their effectiveness in treating conditions we're required to "have". Using the term loosely, that's a hell of a lot of surplus repression.

one frightening way you can see the class nature of this reproduced is that at least in my dumb anecdotal experience, while those who need treatment from the "lower" class segments long ago learned how and when to work the system from their families, bourgeois "business owner" families in the U.S. still have a habit of maintaining weird Gothic suspense film situations with severely mentally ill or mentally disabled family members where they cordon them off to a wing of a house or ship them off to their own apartment elsewhere in the community, try to set them up with unsuspecting "roommates" to take care of them, etc., basically stave off acceptance and treatment for as long as possible as the family member gets worse and worse, because it's shameful to the family's perceived public image and their self-image.

i saw this because when some of these families finally feel they "have to do something about" their family member they sometimes come to services for the indigent and try to pass off the family member as financially independent of them and in need of assistance from public and quasi-public agencies, but they invariably fuck up and reveal that they pay the gas bill every month or whatever and get auto-denied.
[account deactivated]
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I'm actually a supernormal, otherwise healthy.

tpaine posted:

did you ever get the help you need, daddyholes

nay goon sir. full dromal and can see the Matrix ever since garbage day '05.

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let us sing the tale again from the before times: i went on the sadbrains thread in old lf for my single post in that thread and was like well if you have these diagnoses and you think they're legit maybe step away from a place where people are telling you to kill you're self every day because it's self harm. and then from what i read here i guess they all ended up on wddp or the post pizza or whatever and tried to keep the place but ban each individual person telling them that one by one as they appeared.
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:



OK, so this is my blog and I'll digress if I want to. A Facebook friend who writes a colum about technology for seniors (oh my God I now fit into that category) asked, "I'm writing a column about smartphones and why everyone should have them. Tell me why you don't juse them and I will conveince you that you should." I justify writing a blog about this because I am a lonely author who works out of my home.

So why don't I use a smartphone? Who knows; I may in the future. But not now. People talk about why it's so great. But there are lots of things I don't have to worry about.

As I said, keep in mind I work as an author at home and don't live the life of a traveling execdutive. And by the way, these are all true stories.

I don't worry about not enough battery time and not having wi fi. I don't wory how much I have to pay for all this. I don't worry I am going to lose every bit of data in one device.

When I go to lunch with friends, I don't have to stack my phone on the table and play the game of whoever picks up theirs first pays the tab. If I have friends coming in from out of town I don't automatically attack my phone after dinner as a habit while they are sitting there saying, "Hey, we came here to visit you."

Friends can't get away with texting me "I guess I'm not going to be there after all" or "I'll be late" because I know people who WOULD be late just because they could do that. I don't worry about not having access because if I am of desperate need of information from the net (like an address) there are many ways of getting it (last time I asked the secretary at a reception desk to look something up).

When I travel to Mexico I don't need to worry when I only had the address of the hotel on my cell and now I don't know where it is because I don't get reception because it's in the wilds of Mexico.

I don't worry about having the latest and greatest technology to impress my friends and find strangers to ...meet for coffee, let's just say. I don't worry that I am missing apps because I when I go out (and too rarely it is) I want to be OUT, not in again.

I don't worry about people reaching me when I'm on vacation. I don't worry about my relationships with people getting shallower. I don't worry I am going to text and drive. I donj't worry about cell phone addiction. I don't worry I am going to fall into the ocean because I am texting.

However, now I DO worry that others are texting and driving. I worry that we now have to have public service messages to combat a whole new level of stupidity.

(And we don't need a new level of stupidity. I just saw a guy on TV stop people in the street and ask them if they knew what political party president Obama belonged to. You would not believe the number of people who had no idea.)

I saw a lovely T-shirt the other day of a satirical picture of the classic painting "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" except everyone was texting instead of enjoying a day at the park. I gave it as a present to a friend. He would have thanked me, he said, except I didn't text and it was too hard to communicate any other way.

We are all doomed.....


roseweird posted:

Why are narcissists not prone to suicide? Simple: they died a long time ago. They are the true zombies of the world. Read vampire and zombie legends and you will see how narcissistic these creatures are."

Continue to read this article here (click on this link):

This kind of thing is exactly what I'm tlaking about... an expression of the author (and presumably also you, the enlightened reader) as the only real humans in the world, the masses degenerated into slavering non-entities, unknowable & alien. The Leftist blames Modernity, the conservative blames also modernity but in a way that we imply is fat, either way the author and reader are morally good simply by virtue of being real thinking living people in a world of slaves, zombies, crazies, Jews, non-Christians etc. etc.

This of course leads to the extremely obvious and common response, aahh you assume an intrinsic special self, perhaps you are the liberal / narcissist / sociopath / like the money changer in the temple / etc.

How Ever both of these positions shy away from the truth, the awful truth, the terrible, unbearable truth: that we are all but andy roonys in a world that has no interest in us, howling, howling howling at our lack of place & community.

[account deactivated]
Thanks. However, I've given up
1. Alcohol
2. Coffee
3. Jacking off my dick (reddit.com/r/nofap check it out)
4. Driving (environment + too stressful)
5. Dating (volcel)

So it's not really an option for me
[account deactivated]
I enjoy talking to most people and I'm mostly good now at remembering their political opinions are a miasma of false consciousness and that we should talk about baseball instead. The other day a young conservative guy caused me to raise my voice before I caught myself, proving that all of us will move from troll to trolled.
[account deactivated]

i was asked to do comedy by a friend recently. it went poorly, i don't think people 'got' my pol pot joke.

postposting posted:

i was asked to do comedy by a friend recently. it went poorly, i don't think people 'got' my pol pot joke.

Keep at it until you nail the Pol Pot jokes.

it was about how google glass showed he was just ahead of his time, but i guess it fell flat because 'some people' (poss. trots) just weren't aware of the material progression of cambodian history
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[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

shriekingviolet is that you, at your job

black robe and spooky pumpkin head is my life

Big dramatic Real Life news: my housemate's dog has discovered the forbidden treat of delicious cat turds with kitty litter garnish. she is a bulldog with a big ole shovelmouth so it is not a subtle affair. dogs are gross
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This is why I support phasing out private pet ownership and using the saved resources to support women's shelters. If someone says their dangerous dog is more important than the survival of women, well, then you know what side they are on. (We would take the existing pets and put them into cat cafes and dog arenas so petting addicts could have a transition period.)
i love cat cafes

Happy 99th aniversary of october revolution.

Celebrated the 99th aniversary of the October revolution in traditional communist style - by listening to 3 hours of back to back speeches denouncing British and amerikan imperialism, listening to a geordie sing some revolutionary chinese opera, and then getting drunk

hope everyone here had an enjoyable time wherever they are
here's hoping putin is running the long con as a good kgb man, and we get something like this for the 100th anniversary
I celebrated the 99th anniversary of the October Revolution by going to red lobster where my mother in law yelled at the waitress and refused to tip her because she let the paper wrapper from the straw fall in her coke
[account deactivated]
you can do it (without caffeine!)

glomper_stomper posted:

i'm gonna be getting drunk at a "lo-fi synthpop" whinefest in a shed and projecting all of my hatred of the political system onto the despicable art people there so i don't have to waste any time on the election tomorrow.

all power to the soviets or whatever

"lo-fi synthpop" sounds like my jam