its free online you ninnies
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Learning From the Best: US Airborne Brigade Sent to Ukraine Has History of War Atrocities
A veteran of the 173rd Airborne Brigade writes about what Ukraine can learn from his former unit

This photograph was taken in Camp Zinn, Vietnam, sometime after March 1966. Camp Zinn was the firebase and home of the second infantry battalion of the 173rd Airborne Brigade (paratroopers). The “Charger” in “Charger Country” refers to “C” company of the second battalion. Camp Zinn was about thirty miles from Saigon.

A severed ear on a necklace and a bloody machete are depicted in the upper left hand corner of the billboard. They are not drawn to scale. Next to the ear is “Sorry ‘Bout That” which was G.I. slang used to mock the misfortunes of others. And below that is “All the Way Sir” which clearly signals that the depicted activity was sanctioned by the officers as was the erection of this billboard.

I was a rifleman in the 173rd Airborne Brigade and in the second battalion and in “Charger” Company. I was there from about the Spring of 1965 to the Spring of 1966. I don’t remember seeing this billboard and even if I had I wouldn’t have thought it noteworthy at the time. We took ears and even a few heads. It was common and it was common knowledge that we did so at all levels of our brigade. And just for the record I bet ranking officers at brigade level also took ears.

What I want all to focus on is that this billboard was large and clearly visible to all. What’s more Camp Zinn was a sort of “Show Case” firebase because of its proximity to Saigon. Visiting dignitaries, both civilian and military, were common. We were visited by playboy bunnies and Hollywood celebrities and politicians and members of the press.

Do you recall the scene in the movie Apocalypse Now when the G.I.s rushed the stage with the playboy bunnies on it? Well, such an event actually did occur and it happened to the visiting playboy bunnies while I was with the 173rd. And the troubled officer Capt. Willard of the same movie is clearly identified as a 173rd veteran by the 173rd unit patch on his right shoulder.

In addition to mutilating corpses we also burnt down houses — I Zippoed up a few myself. And we commonly shot livestock from chicken size up to waterbuffalo. Anecdotal evidence also credits a Vietnam-era 173rd paratrooper with the unofficial record number of ears on a necklace: 17. Also worthy of noting is the fact that many West Point graduates sought postings to the 173rd Airborne because its fierce reputation enhanced their promotion prospects. We were a showcase unit heavily infused with West Point officers. And what did we do? We started committing atrocities almost from the day we arrived in Vietnam on then bragged about it publicly via this billboard.

Nowadays the 173rd has been sent to the Ukraine for the stated purpose of “training” Ukrainian troops. Gosh, I didn’t know that those Punisher battalions needed any instructions in mutilating bodies, torching homes, smashing property, popping stimulant pills and looting. Judging from the videos I’ve seen on Youtube those frisky Right Sector fellas are up to speed on all those activities.

And last but still worthy of note to any Rooskies this is a “Jody Chant” that we aspiring paratroopers ran and marched to during paratrooper training at Ft. Benning, Georgia back in 1964:

If I die on the Russian Front

Bury me with a Russian cunt

Pin my wings upon my chest

And tell my mom I did my best

I just wanted you Russians to know what sort of fellows are camping out on your border.


[account deactivated]
An entire field of butter??
Is he a wwp guy or what
[account deactivated]
are you thinking of lipid_lady?
[account deactivated]
butterfield is with WWP, yes you cointelpro goober. good on them for officially sending someone out to the field.

Edited by Urbandale ()

lol, the angelic voice of the anti-stalinist intellectual


Crow posted:

So it looks like the latest assassinations in Ukraine (they have now gone from "suicides" to open hits) is tied to NATO coordination, tracked to a datacenter in Dallas:


this is basically meaningless because this can be set to anything by the server admin. like you could tracert on rhizzone.net and it could come back saying PSYOPS.CIA.GOV

please make it do that, whoever can make it do that
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

jools posted:

Crow posted:

So it looks like the latest assassinations in Ukraine (they have now gone from "suicides" to open hits) is tied to NATO coordination, tracked to a datacenter in Dallas:


this is basically meaningless because this can be set to anything by the server admin. like you could tracert on rhizzone.net and it could come back saying PSYOPS.CIA.GOV

Send my Ass into My Ass

kinda an obscure address to send it to, though

Crow posted:

kinda an obscure address to send it to, though

Nah, everyone's been there.


Crow posted:

jools posted:

Crow posted:

So it looks like the latest assassinations in Ukraine (they have now gone from "suicides" to open hits) is tied to NATO coordination, tracked to a datacenter in Dallas:


this is basically meaningless because this can be set to anything by the server admin. like you could tracert on rhizzone.net and it could come back saying PSYOPS.CIA.GOV

Send my Ass into My Ass

talk about a bad gateway. Sheesh....

So theres a new video of the Azov battalion crucifying someone and setting the cross on fire. Im not going to post it. Contra tactics par excellence, just like ISIS
didn't yatsenyuk's extremely fascist minister of youth and sports claim to have been crucified last year?
[account deactivated]
I'm on my phone but look up the YouTube for Crucified by Army of Lovers instead of those Azovholes bullcrap
if anyone's planning to go defend the people's republic make sure to not only prepare for military action but also VICE reporters
damn you for tricking me into clicking on a Vice video, can we please get some fuckin trigger warnings up in here? mods??
according to the comments int he youtube video Crow didn't post an outfit called The Misanthropic Division admitted responsibility for this. tpaine what the fuck were you up to
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

Urbandale posted:

butterfield is with WWP, yes you cointelpro goober. good on them for officially sending someone out to the field.

uh actually they do it all the time.

i know, i was acknowledging and applauding this in this post

[account deactivated]
world wide pants
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

littlegreenpills posted:

according to the comments int he youtube video Crow didn't post an outfit called The Misanthropic Division admitted responsibility for this. tpaine what the fuck were you up to

someone kill those nerds tia

Crow posted:

Marines are cowards. Fucker couldn't keep away from another mercenary outfit without spinning the ole "occupation is going swell" line.

I'm hiding behind a mask cause of future employment hazards, now watch me crucify and immolate this 'innocent' sympathizer.
Federal Migration Service (FMS) Director Konstantin Romodanovsky to Putin: "There are 2.5 million Ukrainians in Russia now. Of them, 970k—refugees, 550k—evading draft"


Edited by Crow ()