Been meaning to post something about the "Paradise Papers" (getting really sick of the cutesy names assigned to every leaked document dump these days but whatever). This is the latest in a series of leaks where a bunch of files relating to offshore tax havens have found their way to journalists who then kindly decide on our behalf what we need to know about them. Depending on where you live and your news outlet of choice this can mean breathlessly exposing celebrity tax dodges, or breathlessly demanding congressional hearings into Trump business associates who may once have smiled warmly at a ruble. The usual fare.
But the thing that leapt out at me, that I think could yield really interesting results with more exploration and analysis, is the revelation of details about the private estate of Queen Elizabeth II. The linked article focuses on a couple of the shadier operations that received indirect investment from funds linked to the Duchy of Lancaster, administrators of the private finances of the sovereign (as opposed to the Crown Estate). Revelations about the Queen's investment portfolio contributing to the misery of some of her poorest citizens are certainly newsworthy and help draw interest in the topic, but I can't help but think they should just be a jumping off point for a deeper exploration of international finance, class, and sovereignty. One I sadly have no time to conduct. Hell, maybe I'll get onto it after I finish the Zizek post
New York Times 2h ago
Toppling a regime. Relaxing on the computer. Fuck, gunfire.
Edited by ilmdge ()
"You look so beautiful!"
"Thank you! I love your shoes, they are so CUTE!"
"Hey, lets go on a vacation!"
newly entering third doll: "Can I come?"
one of the original princess dolls: "No! You're not invited!"
Not even exaggerating at all
tears posted:Slicing Open double PREGNANT FROZEN ELSA w/ Spiderman vs Doctor Pink Spidergirl Funny superhero Fun!
thankfully my kid is limited to old Disney movies off Netflix, which means that he'll develop a fetish for anthropomorphic foxes like God intended
shapes posted:thankfully my kid is limited to old Disney movies off Netflix, which means that he'll develop a fetish for anthropomorphic foxes like God intended
i've wondered if disney's robin hood didn't also contribute in some small way to the palatability of libertarianism among the youth of my generation:
Petrol posted:
is there any way to actually access the papers directly or is it another panama filtered through the obviously very trustworthy eyes of what the GUARDIAN and BBC deem to be important; i want the juicy drug smuggling money deets
xipe posted:Can we start feeding all front page articles into the creepy kids video generators?
Most articles already contained dead babies so that aspect is covered, but we can start scaling out communist indoctrination for this generation of toddlers
Stalin goes to the Dentist Hoxha Surprise Egg Learn Colours Candy
tears posted:Petrol posted:is there any way to actually access the papers directly or is it another panama filtered through the obviously very trustworthy eyes of what the GUARDIAN and BBC deem to be important; i want the juicy drug smuggling money deets
the closest they've come to making source docs available on this one is this section in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks database, which also has a broader search function for previous similar leaks but not raw data dumps sadly
AZ_IZ_OT posted:also something of this size has to have stuff linking people to pedophile rings like come on
anything involving this much money has a lot to do with paedophile rings but dont hold your breath waiting for receipts mate
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
AZ_IZ_OT posted:I’m trying to find a pdf of this:
"Current public health literature suggests that the mentally ill may represent as much as half of the smokers in America. In Smoking Privileges, Laura Hirshbein highlights the complex problem of mentally ill smokers, placing it in the context of changes in psychiatry, in the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, and in the experience of mental illness over the last century. Hirshbein, a medical historian and clinical psychiatrist, first shows how cigarettes functioned in the old system of psychiatric care, revealing that mental health providers long ago noted the important role of cigarettes within treatment settings and the strong attachment of many mentally ill individuals to their cigarettes. Hirshbein also relates how, as the sale of cigarettes dwindled, the tobacco industry quietly researched alternative markets, including those who smoked for psychological reasons, ultimately discovering connections between mental states and smoking, and the addictive properties of nicotine. However, Smoking Privileges warns that to see smoking among the mentally ill only in terms of addiction misses how this behavior fits into the broader context of their lives. Cigarettes not only helped structure their relationships with other people, but also have been important objects of attachment. Indeed, even after psychiatric hospitals belatedly instituted smoking bans in the late twentieth century, smoking remained an integral part of life for many seriously ill patients, with implications not only for public health but for the ongoing treatment of psychiatric disorders. Making matters worse, well-meaning tobacco-control policies have had the unintended consequence of further stigmatizing the mentally ill. A groundbreaking look at a little-known public health problem, Smoking Privileges illuminates the intersection of smoking and mental illness, and offers a new perspective on public policy regarding cigarettes"--Provided by publisher.
it’s on google books, where I found it by running a search on a snippet of conversation I may have hallucinated
one for our deep state / mali thread fans
He was an "engineer" (that is, a machine operator), he had lived and worked in Shanghai for a long time, and now he lived in Peking. This was our exchange.
"Are you still working?"
"No, I am retired."
"And what do you do?"
"For the most part, I propagandize Mao's thought in the neighbourhood."
"And the rest of the time, what do you do? Do you listen to music on the radio?"
"No, I don't like music."
"Do you watch television?"
"No, I don't like television."
"Do you take walks in the park?"
"No, I don't like taking walks."
"What do you do?"
"I read the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao."
also this video should have been in that article
Lead: America’s Real Criminal Element
Put all this together and you have an astonishing body of evidence. We now have studies at the international level, the national level, the state level, the city level, and even the individual level. Groups of children have been followed from the womb to adulthood, and higher childhood blood lead levels are consistently associated with higher adult arrest rates for violent crimes. All of these studies tell the same story: Gasoline lead is responsible for a good share of the rise and fall of violent crime over the past half century.

glomper_stomper posted:i got an out-of-print documentary history of the red brigades. they were pretty remarkable in that they were based almost entirely out of factories and working class neighborhoods, then managed to succeed somewhat in building an armed vanguard party and politico-military infrastructure among the workers. nearly all of their actions emanated from political strikes, internal struggles against reformist and fascist unions, and labor disputes the PCI had no interest in solving. like the RAF if the RAF actually stuck to its most cogent program of building an armed vanguard with an actual mass base, instead of degenerating into a half-assed politico-military organization vying for party and mass backing in a social and political climate that they failed to adapt to.
all the "armed struggle in the metropole" type groups were and still are unanimously derided or written off completely. which is stupid as fuck, imo
is there any way u could put that online ?
Synergy posted:saw this article during a stream:
Lead: America’s Real Criminal Element
Put all this together and you have an astonishing body of evidence. We now have studies at the international level, the national level, the state level, the city level, and even the individual level. Groups of children have been followed from the womb to adulthood, and higher childhood blood lead levels are consistently associated with higher adult arrest rates for violent crimes. All of these studies tell the same story: Gasoline lead is responsible for a good share of the rise and fall of violent crime over the past half century.
fascinating stuff
uh, ahem, haha... i mean, if science were real.
lo posted:im reading 'the red book and the great wall', which is alberto moravia talking about his visit to cultural revolution china. he met this guy who i thought was extremely cool:
He was an "engineer" (that is, a machine operator), he had lived and worked in Shanghai for a long time, and now he lived in Peking. This was our exchange.
"Are you still working?"
"No, I am retired."
"And what do you do?"
"For the most part, I propagandize Mao's thought in the neighbourhood."
"And the rest of the time, what do you do? Do you listen to music on the radio?"
"No, I don't like music."
"Do you watch television?"
"No, I don't like television."
"Do you take walks in the park?"
"No, I don't like taking walks."
"What do you do?"
"I read the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao."
i will be this man as soon as possible
jools posted:the revolutionary cells were probably closer to what you are describing there in germany imo.
also this video should have been in that article
Video link is dead, anybody know what this was?
or it might have just been flagged for copyright infringement or something lol.
JohnBeige posted:if you have an fbibook, i highly recommend joining Leading Like Communist Organization (Argument Archivist Shock Division). crow and a lot of other people interested in ML pro-China views have posted a lot of articles on the subject. if you'd like i can repost some of the articles here?
is this group secret?
bit188 posted:JohnBeige posted:if you have an fbibook, i highly recommend joining Leading Like Communist Organization (Argument Archivist Shock Division). crow and a lot of other people interested in ML pro-China views have posted a lot of articles on the subject. if you'd like i can repost some of the articles here?
is this group secret?