karphead posted:"we need a do-yo-have-stairs-in-your-house" but for the rhizzle"
I think it's "what agency do you work for?"
i'm sorry for your loss (of weed)
roseweird posted:Urbandale posted:I learned theres a 24 hr dispensary a block away from work. Hmm
i approached a couple of guys whose truck i thought smelled of weed, one of them called me later that night and told me to listen to "mao tse tung said change must come through the barrel of a gun" by alabama 3, and invited me to shoot up an old radiator in an empty field with an ak-47. Hmm
depending on where you were you should do this cuz when shit kicks off im gonna wanna know someone in prairie fire
roseweird posted:also i dunno what this means in this context, 'prairie fire'
Its an old post-weathermen Maoist outfit in the American south/Appalachia

Edited by herbsaint ()
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:i've been trying to stop smoking weed and just do a vape pen so consequently i've been burning through like a lot of wax. i normally smoke ~ 3 8ths to a half an oz a week but instead i just smoked a 1.5g capsule of indica wax in 2 days. weed. i am a drug addict.
Maybe the vape pen is bad? I picked one up and it's immediately become a favorite, and it's very sparing on the wax input. But I tried the different atomizer options available for it and one of them does nothing at all for me. Weed disappears, I just don't get high. Put some of the same rosin in another atomizer and get wrecked. In 2/3 atomizers I have a gram would last a week easily and I'm not really holding back, but the third I feel like I could probably burn through it in a day and not get anywhere.
You may want to try home-rolled edibles. I've sworn off storebought edibles as useless and am working on developing methods to go from concentrates to food or drink. State mandated edible "dosage" is one dose = 10mg and I don't even notice it. My resistance is such that 100 is a good place to start if I'm also using the vape. But that'll last pretty much all day.
We have a producer here that makes a distilled THC oil which they then back flavor with distilled terpenes, I mixed that into some everclear and concentrated it down a bit, works pretty good dosed into OJ. Gonna try it with some more typical concentrate product as well, see if the more "complete" repertoire of cannabinoids makes it more interesting and still palatable.
roseweird posted:i had 30 minutes to kill near a little farmer's market and i got really bored so i talked to a wiry old beardo in a straw hat with a "WEED IS LEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW" sign and asked him what his deal was. he showed me a printout of a special order to the metro pd of dc legalizing the possession of small quantities of weed and got annoyed at me every time i said "but this is just in dc". he told me that the 14th amendment meant you can't give special privileges to people in DC. when i said i didn't think this was a very convincing legal argument, he got really upset and said he spent 53 months in a federal prison researching it, and started swaying and gesticulating and made fun of me for being selfish and unpatriotic until i went away.
To be fair, his argument is about as logically cogent as any other legal argument by someone wearing better clothes with more money.

roseweird posted:i had 30 minutes to kill near a little farmer's market and i got really bored so i talked to a wiry old beardo in a straw hat with a "WEED IS LEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW" sign and asked him what his deal was. he showed me a printout of a special order to the metro pd of dc legalizing the possession of small quantities of weed and got annoyed at me every time i said "but this is just in dc". he told me that the 14th amendment meant you can't give special privileges to people in DC. when i said i didn't think this was a very convincing legal argument, he got really upset and said he spent 53 months in a federal prison researching it, and started swaying and gesticulating and made fun of me for being selfish and unpatriotic until i went away.
one of the cruelest things we do as a society is have "law libraries" inside jails and prisons. and by cruelest i mean cruelest to me, because every now and then i get clients who think they know a ton about the law and its so painful
at least theyre mostly not sovereign citizens who rant on and on about maritime law controlling in the courtroom because the fringe on the flag means its a naval flag and such rot