discipline posted:lol this guy picking at me on twitter about prostitution then he turns around and sez Oh God Why Do You Keep Talking About This With Me
that's actually a good question. don't waste your life.

Goethestein posted:
feminists, don't have a cow
Goethestein posted:
Gary!! It's Gary
The NCMEC estimated in 2003 that 20% of all pornography traded over the Internet was child pornography
lmao yeah right
Goethestein posted:The NCMEC estimated in 2003 that 20% of all pornography traded over the Internet was child pornography
lmao yeah right
tpaine posted:Goethestein posted:like dont get me wrong, i'm sure there is a lot of child pornography on the internet. i am also sure that there are a lot of jellyfish in the ocean but i don't think that they constitute 20% of its volume
wait what does one have to do with the other
its an analogy tpaine.
roseweird posted:Goethestein posted:like dont get me wrong, i'm sure there is a lot of child pornography on the internet. i am also sure that there are a lot of jellyfish in the ocean but i don't think that they constitute 20% of its volume
but how much jellyfish pornography do you think there is
although genki genki is just one website, its power is such that it could be said to deform the surrounding topography. the metric for measuring internet potency is in Kse's (Kilograms of Salaryman Erections)
Goethestein posted:like dont get me wrong, i'm sure there is a lot of child pornography on the internet. i am also sure that there are a lot of jellyfish in the ocean but i don't think that they constitute 20% of its volume
It's weird because that when I was a kid and they gave you the "stranger danger" talks, the implication was if you did go into a stranger's van for candy he's going to touch you in your' swimsuit area. i.e. http://www.ep.tc/problems/fifteen/index.html
Now they're going around claiming that kids shouldn't talk to strangers because they will abduct and sell them into white slavery rings, I mean what changed?
roseweird posted:all cheese is rape
i was a vegetarian for five years until last month when i met my first actually stereotypically rude and weird vegan and she kept saying that dairy was rape and telling me i was a horrible monster for "only" being vegetarian and i sorta realized i was hypocritically participating in the exact same kind of consumer activism i constantly shit on otherwise and went and ate some chicken lol