KING ABDULLAH ECONOMIC CITY - A new world city for Saudi Arabia – A new Saudi Arabian city for the world

Announced in 2005 King Abdullah Economic City is fast becoming the CITY OF THE FUTURE.

OH yeah. THe Big time. YOu've hit it. THis is it.

almost there, just gotta drive down this long ass road first
You want a modern, healthy lifestyle. A safe, family environment, with expansive greenery and open views. Offering connected communities and with access to the pristine waters of the Red Sea, KAEC gives you a new way to live your life.

And of course we offer state of the art, world class golf facilities

And this place

“There is only one description that is apt for King Abdullah Economic City- an economic, industrial, tourism super hub”
I could not have put it better myself.
At King Abdullah Economic City you really can have your KAEC and eat it too!
And now introducing NEOM – The World's Most Ambitious Project
The land of the future, where the greatest minds and best talents are empowered to embody pioneering ideas and exceed boundaries in a world inspired by imagination.
Unrivalled in concept, unmatched in intelligence, unconstrained by history, and built on humanity's greatest resource: imagination. NEOM is a new kind of tomorrow in the making. A place on earth like nothing on earth. A new blueprint for sustainable life on a scale never seen before. Where inventiveness shapes a new, inspiring era for human civilisation.
Where we live the future, as we create the future.
- The future of energy and water
- The future of mobility
- The future of biotech
- The future of food
- The future of technological and digital sciences
- The future of advanced manufacturing
- The future of media and media production
- The future of entertainment
- The future of living as NEOM’s foundation
NEOM – Tomorrow's Technology, Today