tHE arcHivE

Superman v. capitalism
The swift rise of Superman to national icon captures a moment when young boys in big cities in the United States would save up their allowances to purchase weekly the exploits of an anti-capitalist strong-man, a “Man of Steel”, as he did what any self-respecting man would do when faced with the iniquities of the world. He would go out there, find the crooks responsible, and kick their asses.
The Life and Death of Meghan Wren
Is there any way to reform the porn industry? Or are the deep seated issues at the heart of packaging women for mass sexual gratification too entangled in the industry itself?
Capitalism from a distant vantage point
Google Earth as an aid to dialectical materialism.
So let me get this straight.
Article Review: Book Review: Manufacturing Consent
Both Sides Are The Same, The Truth Is Somewhere In The Middle, and I Am Smarter Than Both Sides For Seeing This
Jacobin Superstition
Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being, Bonaparte's solutions, and confused, vacillating Jacobin enthusiasm.
Cognitive Psychology and Neo-Phrenology
The phrenologists are all dead, but their torch is yet carried.
Schoddey & Poor: The Right Wing Think Tank & The Neopets 'Master Artisan'
Welcome to Lupine_canine's petpage! This page serves as a gallery for a great deal of Pacmanite's artwork, both neopet and non-neopet related.
Autonomous Integrated Sustainable Infrastructure Theory
Sustainable infrastructure is not only within reach of any cohesive state, but also in within reach of any individual who could afford to own about an acre of land.
A scabby ketchup bottle and a two-dollar bill I guess its time to pay the bill, but you know I never will I'm hungry still
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