Maybe you should've bulked up, played sports, if you didn't want to look effeminate. Sorry your parents failed you so badly.
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god damn, upvotes from roseweird and sari bari, that post must have either been more insightful or more platitudinous than i thought
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i like you and think you bring an interesting perspective to the rhizzone and tbqh while i understand the radfem critique, i'm regularly startled by how brazenly bigoted it can get.

But i don't really know shit, i'm a straight white male who wasn't victimized or pressured to do anything growing up

roseweird posted:

and there are good reasons apart from my family to want to become a girl, for example if you are a very pretty and effeminate boy, other boys will be attracted to you

i can confirm this. stop drunk dialing me every night please, Crow!


swirlsofhistory posted:

Maybe you should've bulked up, played sports, if you didn't want to look effeminate. Sorry your parents failed you so badly.

i think you'll find that gender is a social construct, so there is no such thing as looking "effeminate"

[account deactivated]

Edited by cemetery ()

once transgender rights have been achieved (not likely soon) what identity will everyone pick next?
i predict fat activism becoming successful due to majority of USA being fat.
the idea of "rights" for minorities is a shitty fucking concept see: recuperation

cemetery posted:

the idea of "rights" for minorities is a shitty fucking concept see: recuperation

not everyone wants to 'freak the squares'... support rights!

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

trans ppl should get employment/housing nondiscrimination, so like all those 30-year-old computer science trans types can keep their jobs, but other than that 'rights' are not really the majority of trans problems

im pretty sure that even after the rev i would still be fucking insane, ive given up trying to blame my internal problems on capitalism, im not sure im really supposed to exist

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demons arent supposed to exist because they don't but that doesn't mean they aren't controlling my mind and body
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im going to kill myself but, like, politically so it's actually really cool lol
Thank you for blaming yourself, or god per our earlier request.
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cemetery posted:

im going to kill myself but, like, politically so it's actually really cool lol

pls suicide bomb the imf headquarters

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yeah exactly or rather daemon is supposed to be the wiser subconscious part of your brain that you talk to for guidance and im fucking brain damaged and never had that part of my brain to begin with just a fucking insane monologue spiraling endlessly into oblivion and by political suicide, i mean like, hahaa heres some quotes from some fucking left wing insurrectionary shit! so its actually really cool that im self destructive because im throwing myself against the gears or whatever! im so thankful for politics
Well, this thread has certainly convinced me that trans people are mentally stable individuals whose political and social demands deserve to be engaged with and incorporated into a tolerant, open society.
i already said im for pathology and against society so its not like your extrapolating much with your sarcasm
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neither do i
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roseweird posted:

do you believe pathological perspectives are not valuable or that harmless people suffering pathologies should not be at least treated with basic respect

No, ideally they would be cured of their pathology, otherwise they should shut up.


swirlsofhistory posted:

roseweird posted:

do you believe pathological perspectives are not valuable or that harmless people suffering pathologies should not be at least treated with basic respect

No, ideally they would be cured of their pathology, otherwise they should shut up.


[account deactivated]
also pathology is sexier than being normal
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cemetery posted:

also pathology is sexier than being normal



roseweird posted:

maybe the people who call them faggots and freaks and murder them should shut up first? also people like you? a thought

When you deliberately alienate yourself from society in order to preserve an identity, or flaunt how different you are, then you're partially responsible for the reaction you get, as you've brought it upon yourself.

Not that I condone that reaction, but it's not a one-way street.