one thing i love about being a landless peasant living under the joint tyranny of USA funded military regime, the USA funded paramilitary looters, the USA funded drug lords and the USA funded cattle ranchers, is this delicious, refreshing water the USA taught me how to make drinkable. our people drank from river for centuries, before the clearcutting runoff anyway, but hey, looking forward right? USA! USA!
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getfiscal posted:

cleanhands posted:

dont kill london i might have to move there

"have to"

if i get a JOB there, sure

on your somethingawful profile it lists your occupation as "peace kkkorps", as a joke, but really its the true thing of how it actually is
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has your landlord sent an exterminator to your apartment and all neighboring apartments like he is required to by law
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For how long have you been living there?
Roseweird, here is what you should do. Go to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal office, I think it's in Jamaica somewhere, and get the rent history for your apartment. Specifically request the long form rent history from them. Then find out what the actual rent on your apartment is, and what percentage of that you're paying. If you're paying more than your "share" of rent, ie if there are 2 other renters you should be paying one third of the rent, you're being overcharged on rent. You should also consider withholding your rent if the landlord is failing to act on the bedbug problem. You should contact a tenant's rights attorney over this stuff because honestly its totally illegal to have this "sub-sub-tenant" situation and I only know a limited amount about the law.
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well the general idea is that the two families need to get on board with you. if you've been living there a little while, i think 6 months, they can't evict you without a court order. if the landlord knows about the bugs, the downstairs family should be getting the landlord to exterminate in the entire building and withholding rent until this is done. the upstairs family should be getting the downstairs family to get the landlord to exterminate, and withholding rent from THEM. And you should be withholding your rent from the upstairs family until they pressure the downstairs family to pressure the landlord. Its all very simple really. But talk to a lawyer before you do anything.
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roseweird posted:

well it's not simple because this is real life and the upstairs family are my friends and are very poor and things are complicated, i wouldn't withhold my rent from them, also there are multiple language barriers involved but it is really useful to know that the owner is obligated to exterminate, i didn't even know that

you're never going to make it in nyc if you cant aggressively fuck with the people closest to you over a few square feet of storage space

no, I mean, all of you should be putting your rent into an escrow account that will go to the landlord when he exterminates properly.
true grit up in the big apple. gotta dog stomp and rent hustle 2 the top
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again, if you do this stuff without getting an actual lawyer to tell you its the right thing to do first, its not my fault if it was stupid advice, because thats what you get for trusting strangers on the internet
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tpaine posted:

Landlords and Dogs: The Swampman Story

swampman is our super for the zzone. see him about all pet and leasing issues. he can also act as a mediator or bodyguard according to one LinkedIn profile.

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didnt a tiny purse dog beat him up one time
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jools posted:

the peace corps is pretty clearly a Tool of US Imperialism. i dont see how you could see it any other way. like, clean drinking water or whatever shit can be a tool of us imperialism. its good, but its still that thing

us imperialism is p. good, ya. *smacks lips* mmmMMmmm *gulps* That imperialism hit the spot.


babyfinland posted:

didnt a tiny purse dog beat him up one time

he made a village for ants using toothpicks and hotwheel public transit

lol if you're even reasonably certain that your apartment in nyc is legal
our apartments lease has been in some dudes name who overdosed on heroin 5 years ago for 8 years so no.
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Why would anyone move to New York alone of their own accord, unless some idiot was paying them a mountain of gold? It's just one more fly over state between Chicago and Europe, and dreadfully overpriced at that.

Lykourgos posted:

Why would anyone move to New York alone of their own accord, unless some idiot was paying them a mountain of gold? It's just one more fly over state between Chicago and Europe, and dreadfully overpriced at that.

i've found it, the dumbest grumblefish post

who here doesn't live in a city with >250,000 residents other than me

huge cities make me claustrophobic as hell and I hate them
I'm the opposite, creepy little Towns make me claustrophobic
i'm the guy on the porch in a rocking chair that advises ye to jes keep on movin
Theres no anonymous homeless people to kill in small Towns. They're all known by name like "hobo Steve"
i'm the loveable town drunk

ChairmanMao posted:

who here doesn't live in a city with >250,000 residents other than me

i just moved to a town of about 500 and it Owns