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tpaine posted:

i bet mr. crow remembers jiminy glick because his humor is so beholden to the ongoing legacy of martin short

TRUE! (?) but... maybe not? Praise God/Stalin and let's party... Or maybe... fuck along now

what in the immediate fuck

tpaine posted:

i bet mr. crow remembers jiminy glick because his humor is so beholden to the ongoing legacy of martin short

Liberty is one of the few universities where the football players have exactly as much sex as the engineers. By University code, all romantic contact beyond hand-holding is prohibited. Hugs are allowed, but only for a three-second maximum. (There used to be a Facebook group poking fun at this rule called, "I Hug for 3 Seconds, Sometimes 4.") And some students are actually saving their first kiss for their wedding night. It's no wonder that Liberty charges any student who spends the night with a person of the opposite sex with 30-reprimands.

But does the repressed fanatic at Liberty have a more healthy psyche than the average guy growing up in the decadent west? Actually, yes.
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tpaine posted:

i bet mr. crow remembers jiminy glick because his humor is so beholden to the ongoing legacy of martin short

Television talk show host Tyra Banks featured a sex industry survivor named Tiana, porn star Sasha Grey and Dr. Drew Pinsky of MTV fame. The following exchange took place:

Sex industry survivor (speaking to Sasha Grey):
“...what you’re physically doing to your body… by the time you are thirty years old, you’re going to be wearing a diaper.”

Sasha Grey:
“No, actually that’s not true.”

Sex industry survivor: “Because you’re not going to be able to hold in your bodily fluids.”

“Dr. Drew, tell us. He’s a doctor. Dr. Drew Pinksy: “If she doesn’t get prolapse of those organs, yes, she will be wearing a diaper. Yes.”

If you are one who enjoys pornography, force yourself to think about these things the next time you start to masturbate.
anti-diaper bigotry finally turtles it's ugly brown head in this thread.

*fucks off back to wddp*
i was thinking that there's a similarity between priestly celibacy and women who say they are sex workers because they like sex. like polar opposites that seem unlikely. are they possibly both true? or are they false and create dangerous stereotypes?
i dont know, i enjoy my job and so far its involved facial scarring and getting treated like shit by people who treat their pet dogs like shit, and is basically a punchline occupation in a lot of ways, so maybe just because a sex worker likes sex wouldn't make sex work actually better for her, in fact I'd say that would be more "amelioration of conditions" that distracts her from rebelling against sex working.
Or are you saying, that catholics try to pretend that celibacy is a "perk" of being a priest though we all know it's the absolute worst part..
Maybe we as men should stop pretending to know what each of the world’s 3.5 billion women might think?

gyrofry posted:



I actually consider myself more of a male lesbian.
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stegosaurus posted:

I actually consider myself more of a male lesbian.

This is true, steg introduced himself as “Jenny” to my friends wife and tried to hit on her it was really unethical

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tpaine posted:

jenny from the bloc

mad magazine: jenny from the blech

Silver Whining Playblech
de blechs roond efrika

AmericanNazbro posted:

tom cruise was the inspiration for american psycho, specifically a letterman interview he did, i think this was it? i'm not sure

i'm afraid to watch this w/that stellar review

I guess I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to work, unless it physically hurts me the reward is worth the struggle. I will consent to bad sex that I hate because I know at the end of our set time I will walk away with money and little to no awkwardness about my blatant dislike for the experience (and the regulars with whom this has happened are the sweet ones who know but say nothing). I'll save the what-did-that-mean head trips for my free time.



Prostitute kidnapped, forced to service multiple 'Johns' before leaping through 6th floor Harlem window to escape: DABy LAURA ITALIANO

A pair of Manhattan men held a female escort worker enslaved in apartments on the Upper West Side and Harlem, forcing her to have sex with multiple additional "customers" until -- desperate to escape -- she jumped from a sixth story window, prosecutors said in describing a horrific rape-kidnapping case today.

The unnamed woman had gone last November to an escort job at an apartment on West 92nd St. and Columbus Avenue -- only to have her "John" steal her cell phone, money and identification, telling her, "You're not leaving the apartment -- you're working for me and making me money."

That first "John," -- allegedly Benjamin Gaston, 36 -- struck the woman and held a pillow to her face when she protested, prosecutors say. The woman repeatedly snuck 911 calls on a cell phone she found in the apartment, but couldn't give an accurate address, and police were unable to save her, officials said.

Gaston allegedly took the woman the next night to a second apartment on West 149th Street, where there were six or seven additional men waiting to have sex with her, including co-defenant Johnny Jackson, 53.

"You do what I say in there," Gaston allegedly threatened her again.

Instead, she climbed out of a window of the sixth-floor apartment -- attempting to use her jacket as a rope but instead falling to the ground, breaking both femurs and her back, according to the complaint against the two men who have been arrested as codefendants in the alleged rape-kidnapping so far.

Jackson told cops that his only involvement was in lending his apartment out so Gaston could bring "a girl" over for prostitution. "She was OK with it," he insisted. "She didn't want to leave."

"My client is an honorably discharged Marine -- that's all I feel comfortable saying right now," Jackson's lawyer, Arnold Keith, said after Jackson and Gaston pleaded not guilty in Manhattan Supreme Court.

"The facts of this crime are truly heinous," Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance said after today's arraignment. "These defendants are accused of holding a woman hostage in order to essentially enslave and prostitute her."

hmm, reminds me alot of the service industry

good thing the justice system will set things right.
fuck the system and enslave the whores!!!

March 18, 2013

Ögmundur Jónasson
Innanríkisráðuneytið (Minister of Interior)
Reykjavík, Iceland
Dear Mr. Jónasson,

We are writing to express our support for current efforts in Iceland to develop and implement legal limits on violent Internet pornography. As scholars, medical and public health professionals, social service providers, and community activists, we commend your government’s determination to confront the harms of pornography. As part of a comprehensive approach to violence prevention, sex education, and public health, legally limiting Internet pornography will reduce the power of this multi-billion dollar global industry to distort and diminish the lives, opportunities, and relationships of Icelandic citizens.

Especially commendable is your government’s commitment to protect children from the harms of pornography. We recognize in other contexts (e.g., advertising) that children’s unique developmental needs mandate protecting them from predatory corporate interests. As pornography invades children’s lives and psyches at ever earlier ages and with ever more distressing effects, this recognition must be applied to pornography. It is naïve and unrealistic to expect parents and schools to counter effectively the influence of this powerful and pervasive industry. Rather, society must act on its compelling interest in providing a safe and nourishing environment for children. We applaud your government’s effort to exercise collective responsibility for children’s well-being by placing limits on a toxic media environment from which they cannot otherwise be sufficiently shielded.

We understand that your deliberations remain at an early stage and that many important aspects of the proposed legislation remain to be worked out. That said, we commend your government’s stated intention to define pornography narrowly (as sexual material involving violence and degradation), thus ensuring Icelandic citizens’ access to the fullest possible range of online information consistent with the protection of children and of women’s civil right to equality. As your efforts continue to develop, we would urge you not to be dissuaded by dark invocations of totalitarianism or of an unregulated black market in pornography. The pornography industry could hardly be any less regulated than it is currently, nor could the motivations and methods of the Icelandic initiative differ more starkly from those of authoritarian governments.

From adopting the so-called “Nordic” approach to prostitution in 2009 to banning strip clubs in 2010, and having stood virtually alone among nations in holding banks to account in the wake of the global financial crisis, Iceland is a global leader both in gender equality and in confronting corporate power. We are inspired by your boldness and innovation in protecting children, honoring women’s rights to safety and equality, and maintaining the integrity of Icelandic culture against the onslaught of an unrestrained industry of sexual exploitation. As a group of similarly committed scholars, activists, and professionals across the globe, we stand with you and look forward to seeing the final result of your efforts.


Dr. Esohe Aghatise, Executive Director, Associazione Iroko Onlus, Turin, Italy
Ruthanna Barnett, Human Rights Lawyer, Santa Cruz, California, USA/Oxford, England
Roseanne Barr, Actress, Producer (“Roseanne”), USA
Dr. Kathleen Barry, Author, “Female Sexual Slavery” and “Prostitution of Sexuality,” Professor Emerita, Penn State University, USA
Angela Beausang, Chair, Roks (The National Organization for Women´s Shelters and Young Women’s Shelters), Sweden
Julie Bindel, Journalist and Feminist Activist, London, England
Edda Björgvinsdóttir, Actress, Iceland
Dr. Ana Bridges, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas, USA
Anne Burns, 
Health Improvement Lead, Child & Maternal Health, 
Health Improvement Team
 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scotland, Scotland
Tanith Carey, Author, “Where Has My Little Girl Gone?” London, England
Vivien Caldwell, Solicitor, The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscals Service, Glasgow, Scotland, former Local Councillor, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Elaine Carr, Clinical Psychologist, Coathill Hospital, Coatbridge, Scotland
Vednita Carter, Founder and Executive Director, Breaking Free (Anti-Trafficking Organization), St. Paul, Minn., USA
Alexandra Charles, President, Ordförande, 1.6miljonerklubben, Stockholm, Sweden
Chris Cherry, Director of Communications, South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council, USA
Dr. Deirdre Condit, Associate Professor of Political Science, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
Angie Conroy, Activist, Strategic Advisor, Strey Khmer, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Dr. Gail Dines, author of “Pornland,” Professor of Sociology and Chair of American Studies, Wheelock College Boston, Mass., USA
Anni Donaldson, Violence Against Women Team Lead, West Dunbartonshire Violence Against Women Partnership, Glasgow, Scotland
Kezia Dugdale, Member, Scottish Parliament, Shadow Minister for Youth Employment, Lothian Region (Labour & Co-op) Scotland
Sharon Dunn, Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation
Matthew B. Ezzell, Ph, Assistant Professor of Sociology, James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Va., USA
Dr. Melissa Farley, Executive Director, Prostitution Research & Education, USA
The Feminist Party of Germany
Camilla Silva Floistrup, Project Manager, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark
Robert L. Franklin, MS, Sexual Violence Prevention Professional, Virginia, USA
Fredrika-Bremer Association (Oldest Women’s Movement Organisation in Sweden)
Dawn Fyffe, Say Women, Glasgow, Scotland
Marlyn Glen, Former Member, Scottish Parliament
Ruchira Gupta, President, Apne Aap Women Worldwide (sex trafficking), India
Sophie Gwyther, Team Leader, Children and Young People’s Service, Fife Women’s Aid, Scotland
Professor Simon Hackett and Dr. Nicole Westmarland, Durham University Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA), UK
Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir, President, Federation of Icelandic Artists
Elizabeth Handsley (Northwestern) Professor of Law, Flinders University; President, Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM)
Birgitta Hansson, Union President, Sweden Union, Soroptimistklubbar
Maree Hawken, coordinator, Queensland Women’s Health Network, Australia
Dr. Susan Hawthorne, Publisher, Spinifex Press, Adjunct Professor, James Cook University
Ann Hayne, Gender-Based Violence Manager, Coathill Hospital, Coatbridge, Scotland
Marta Torres Herrero, Violence Program Coordinator, Pozuelo de Alarcon, Spain
Wiveca Holst, Swedish Expert, The Observatory European, Women’s Lobby
Derrick Jensen, Author, “Endgame,” Crescent City, California, USA
Cherie Jimenez, Director, Kim’s Project (Anti-trafficking), Boston, Mass., USA
Dr. Jennifer A. Johnson, Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
Hetty Johnston, Founder and Executive Director, Bravehearts (child abuse prevention), Australia
Dr. Sue Jones, Centre for Gender and Violence Research, School for Policy Studies, Bristol University, UK
Guðrún Jónsdóttir, Spokesperson for Stigamot, Reykjavík, Iceland
Jackson Katz, Ph.D., Director, MVP Strategies, Long Beach, Calif., USA
Dr. Liz Kelly, Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University London, England
Jenny Kemp, Coordinator, Zero Tolerance Campaign, Scotland
Connie J. Kirkland, National Certified Counselor, Certified Trauma Specialist, Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists, Northern Virginia Community College, USA
Dr. Renate Klein, Associate Professor (retired), Women’s Studies, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia; Publisher, Spinifex Press
Elizabeth Koepping, Associate Director, CSWC, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Iluta Lace, Manager, Association Resource Centre for Women, MARTA, 
Riga, Latvia
Dr. David Levy, Professor and Chair, Business School, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Linda MacDonald, MEd, BN, RN, Nurse and Human Rights Defender for Women, Persons Against Non-State Torture, Nova Scotia, Canada
Finn Mackay, Founder, London Feminist Network; Centre for Gender and Violence Research, University of Bristol, UK
Jan Macleod, Senior Development Office, Women’s Support Project, Glasgow, Scotland
Dr. Ramesh Manocha, Convenor and Chairman, “The Right to Childhood,” CEO Healthed and Generation Next, Australia
Malka Marcovich, Mediterranean Network Against Trafficking in Women; International Coalition Zero Impunity
Dr. Betty McLellan, Coalition for a Feminist Agenda, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Robin Morgan, Author, Activist, USA
Kate Morrissey, Counselling and Supervision Services, Manchester; UK Feminist Network
Sarah Morton, Co-Director, Knowledge Exchange, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR), University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Wendy Murphy, JD, Professor of Sexual Violence Law, New England Law, Boston, Mass., USA; Former Sex Crimes Prosecutor
Pauline Myers, National Chairman, Townswomen’s Guilds, Birmingham, England
The National Organization for Women’s Shelter and Young Women’s Shelters, Sweden
Rachel McPherson LLB (Hons) M.Res (Law), Institute for Society and Social Research, Glasgow, Caledonian University
Bel Mooney, Author, Columnist, UK
Hiroshi Nakasatomi, Associate Professor, University of Tokushima, Japan
The Hon. Alastair Nicholson, AO RFD QC, Former Chief Justice of the Family Court and Founding Patron, Children’s Rights International, Australia
Dr. Caroline Norma, RMIT University, Australia, School of Social, Urban and Global Studies
Dr. Lesley Orr, Feminist Historian, Theologian; Acting Chair, Zero Tolerance Trust (Fighting Male Violence Against Women), Scotland
Sue Palmer, Author of “Toxic Childhood,” Edinburgh, Scotland
Bridget Penhale, Reader in Mental Health, School of Nursing Sciences, University of East Anglia Norwich, UK
Dianne Post, International Human Rights Attorney, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Dr. Helen Pringle, School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Rape Crisis Scotland
Rape Crisis Glasgow, Scotland, Emma Ritch, Chair; Isabelle Kerr, Manager
Eha Reitelmann, General Secretary, Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable
Dr. John Sanbonmatsu, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mass., USA
Amber Schalke, Feminist Party of Germany; Renate Schmidtsdorff-Aicher, Treasurer; Margot Müller, National Spokeswoman
Dr. Marsha Scott, Convener Engender, Scotland
Elaine Smith, Member, Scottish Parliament
Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, British Home Secretary (2007-09), UK
Gloria Steinem, Writer, Lecturer, Co-founder, Ms Magazine
Ane Stoe, Ottar (Feminst Organization), Norway
John Stoltenberg, MDiv, MFA, Author, Washington, DC, USA
Jacci Stoyle, Amnesty Paisley (Campaign Against Human Trafficking), Scotland
Swedish Medical Women’s Association, Gothenburg, Sweden (Johanna Berg, National, Coordinator)
Swedish Women’s Lobby, Gertrud Åström, President, Stockholm, Sweden
Melinda Tankard Reist, Editor, “Big Porn Inc.,” Australia
Emily Thomson, Lecturer, Co-Director of Women in Scotland’s Economy Research Centre, Glasgow, Caledonian University
Liane Timmermann, MillionWomenRise, Wales, UK
Linda Thompson, National Development Officer, Women’s Support Project, Scotland
Teresa Ulloa Ziaurriz, Regional Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and Girls in Latin America and the Caribbean; Winner, 2011 Gleitsman International Activist Award (Harvard)
Megan Walker, Executive Director, London Abused Women’s Centre, London, Ontario. Canada
Vivien Walsh, Professor, Innovation Studies, University of Manchester, England, Author, “Whose Choice?”
Karin Werkman, Researcher, The Netherlands
Maria Weston, Nurse, National Health Service, Nottingham, England, UK
Dr. Rebecca Whisnant, Associate Professor, Philosophy, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA
Women Graduates’ Association, Dr. Catherine Dahlstrom, Associate Professor, Stockholm, Sweden
Women’s Front of Norway, Agnete Strøm, International Coordinator
WOCAD: Women’s Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues, Stockholm, Sweden
John Woods, Consultant Psychotherapist, The Portman Clinic, London, England
it's good to see social-democratic governments taking real steps towards the equality of women. sort of makes radicalism look silly....
So how is Iceland going to determine what is violent pornography and what is progressive sex positive erotica? Are they going to have a review board who will like watch movies and review websites using a set criteria?
yeah probably. erring on the side of caution because an exposed boobie ought to set your alarms going from the outset

littlegreenpills posted:

yeah probably. erring on the side of caution because an exposed boobie ought to set your alarms going from the outset

Secondly, a committee, headed by the ministry, is now exploring how the law can be implemented. The key question pertains to the possibility of placing restrictions on online distribution of violent and degrading pornography in Iceland. Under discussion are both technical solutions and legal and procedural measures.

Critics of this effort have argued that any such attempt automatically involves censorship and unlawful restrictions on the protected freedom of speech. It is important to emphasise that our freedom of speech and behaviour is limited in many ways, without it being considered in violation of our universal human rights. The obvious example is the general consensus on the illegality of child pornography, which includes material that does not place children directly at risk, eg cartoons with child-related sexual material.

Similarly, we should be able to discuss the circulation and the harmful effects of violent online pornography. And we need to be careful not to force the debate into the bipolar trenches of complete laissez-faire on the internet, on the one hand, and online censorship, on the other.

actually banning cartoons is hotly debated in the hen-tai community
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discipline posted:

omg imagine the crying into hankies when Icelanders can't jerk it to women being choked on cocks and slapped around and spat on

actually they will still be able to do that they'll just have to fast-forward through fifteen minutes of prelude in the french art film they are watching instead of pornography.


discipline posted:

omg imagine the crying into hankies when Icelanders can't jerk it to women being choked on cocks and slapped around and spat on

Well they can still do it through proxies, VPNs and bittorrent sites. It'll just take a bit more effort.

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Crow posted:

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/prostitute_kidnapped_forced_harlem_fbii9oNNZ4wlayLUngOwVLhmm, reminds me alot of the service industry

i know you're havin a laugh but i bet people wouldn't be so unfazed by men renting womens' bodies for rape if everyone weren't taught from childhood on that there's nothing wrong with renting peoples' bodies for everything else