A couple more of my favourite juke joints:

(forgive me for going off-topic, BF. tried to redeem myself by posting novelty hip-hop vids)

shermanstick posted:

for someone who doesn't like juke or footwork, what do you consider to be the essential songs or albums to listen to (youtubes are encouraged)

the planet mu bangs & works compilation is awesome if u wanna listen to a selection of chicago juke tunes handpicked by some white british people

skinny white dudes in europe been doin some kewl things w/ juke

like check out kuedo, he used to be one half of vex'd and now he does all these weird synth-drenched compositions that are still within the parameters of juke
lol i was just sayin that its cool g-side sampled hyph mngo seein as it was a massive tune a couple years back in the uk but doesnt seem to have made much impact here lol
deadken, do you like Evian Christ? (still on the footwork-inspired Europeans tip here, obviously)
not heard him before but dat tune kewl
i really like sully cuz he keeps p strictly to the 808 + samples + bass framework of chicago juke but takes it much further than dudes like addison groove who basically just replicate it with a coupla synths thrown in.... yall should get his album 'carrier', first half some kewl-ass el-b style uk garage, second half Doin Weird Things with Footwork

rockys crazy on this (4:40ish)

LandBeluga posted:

blinkandwheeze posted:

that's interesting you don't think footwork isn't technically innovative or interesting LandBeluga, that's what i've found most remarkable about that genre. those drum patterns don't fuck around and the sample flips are on some steve reich shit

I guess I can see how it sounds like it would be hard to do, but the technology that's out now makes most of the programming trivial imo. I've heard about Swizz Beats putting together beats in 10-15 minutes, and it wouldn't surprise me if Rashad, Earl, Roc et al make a lot of their beats within a similar time frame when inspiration hits.

hip hop

I wonder how many of these battle dudes hook up after calling each other faggots repeatedly.

Remember back in the day when they at least had to recite their pre-written rhyming insults to a beat? Battles are the worst.
[account deactivated]





GoldenLionTamarin was probated until (May 13, 2012 12:01:24) for this post!

whenever I'm in a bad mood I watch this video
does neone remember the name of the brotha lynch hung movie where they go kill people for nor eason and shit?
Now Eat: The Movie?

The ballot or the bullet, some freedom or some bullshit
Will we ever do it big, or keep just settling for little shit
We brag on having bread, but none of us are bakers
We all talk having greens, but none of us own acres
If none of us on acres, and none of us grow wheat
Then who will feed our people when our people need to eat
So it seems our people starve from lack of understanding
Cos all we seem to give them is some balling and some dancing
And some talking about our car and imaginary mansions
We should be indited for bullshit we inciting
Hand the children death and pretend that its exciting
We are advertisements for agony and pain
We exploit the youth, we tell them to join a gang
We tell them dope stories, introduce them to the game
Just like Oliver North introduced us to cocaine
In the 80s when the bricks came on military planes

The end of the Reagan Era, I'm like number twelver
Old enough to understand the shit'll change forever
They declared the war on drugs like a war on terror
But it really did was let the police terrorize whoever
But mostly black boys, but they would call us "niggers"
And lay us on our belly, while they fingers on they triggers
They boots was on our head, they dogs was on our crotches
And they would beat us up if we had diamonds on our watches
And they would take our drugs and money, as they pick our pockets
I guess that that's the privilege of policing for some profit
But thanks to Reaganomics, prisons turned to profits
Cos free labor is the cornerstone of US economics
Cos slavery was abolished, unless you are in prison
You think I am bullshitting, then read the 13th Amendment
Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits
That's why they giving drug offenders time in double digits
Ronald Reagan was an actor, not at all a factor
Just an employee of the country's real masters
Just like the Bushes, Clinton and Obama
Just another talking head telling lies on teleprompters
If you don't believe the theory, then argue with this logic
Why did Reagan and Obama both go after Qaddafi
We invaded sovereign soil, going after oil
Taking countries is a hobby paid for by the oil lobby
Same as in Iraq, and Afghanistan
And Ahmadinejad say they coming for Iran
They only love the rich, and how they loathe the poor
If I say any more they might be at my door
Who the fuck is that staring in my window
Doing that surveillance on Mister Michael Render
I'm dropping off the grid before they pump the lead
I leave you with four words: I'm glad Reagan dead

Edited by LandBeluga ()

danny brown samples this heat. das kewl
at this point i pretty much hate kanye as much as any of those other idiots. but I remember waiting so long for someone to use a decent sample of move on up, because I always felt like Curtis Mayfield has been underutilized by a lot of people.


Jerthebear posted:

at this point i pretty much hate kanye as much as any of those other idiots. but I remember waiting so long for someone to use a decent sample of move on up, because I always felt like Curtis Mayfield has been underutilized by a lot of people.


obviously you've never listened to 9th wonder or the justus league because they sample curtis like crazay


Move On Up in particular hadn't been sampled much in hip-hop, though, that's true
you do realize both of those databases are very very incomplete because they're user maintained?

edit:nvm i was being mean


dats just off the top of my head

shermanstick posted:

you do realize both of those databases are very very incomplete because they're user maintained?

edit:nvm i was being mean

yes I'm aware they aren't revelation

edit:nvm thanks that helps

yes because when I said curtis is underutilized i meant he's never been sampled by anyone. are you stupid?
no, but you're a goddamn idiot if you think he's been underutilized because almost every single one of his fucking songs has been sampled and the cost to actually sample mayfield can be so exceptionally high as to discourage people from just throwing their favorite riff on every other song. go rub your dick and balls together and make fire and communicate with me using smoke signals because your posts in this thread are worse (and looser) than my already loose stools

i nominate we restart this thread with established ground rules

shermanstick posted:

everyone including landbeluga > you


shermanstick posted:

i nominate we restart this thread with established ground rules

Tom's thread, Tom's rules. Sharia law 2012