babyhueypnewton posted:actually i hate christmas just like everything christian
jews can enjoy christmas. look at deadken. enjoying himself in a ski chalet. living the life.
deadken posted:christianity is awesome. christmas isnt christian
interested in this statement if it actually means anything
running list:
- not exchanging presents
- might get with chalet girl
baby huey:
- the gift of the knowledge that kwanzaa is a CIA cult
Merry christmas y'all.
babyhueypnewton posted:yeah but american christmas is a celebration of capitalism and liberalism (so is american christianity). I hate reform judaism 'hannukah' for the same reason
did you like judaism before it was revisionist
babyhueypnewton posted:actually i hate christmas just like everything christian
lol of couse you do

"King of California"

Superabound posted:i watch tv all day every day. to be a leftist in America and not watch tv is like Jane Goodall trying to be an expert on apes and constantly talking about apes and convincing people that they should start treating apes in x fashion, but then like, finding it distasteful and beneath her status to be expected to actually sit around in the dirt watching apes do their thing. Please Watch TV
Thats pretty condescending.. I dont watch lot of TV, then when Apelike Common Man says "hey did you see that epi of Big ben theory" I just say, nah, I dont watch that shit, and they're say like Yeah i probably shouldnt either. Then we hug.
gyrofry posted:im watching midnight cowboy
"i've got a fever and the only prescription is more cowboy" - midnight cowby shooting script
gyrofry posted:finally, a day off work for the 'fisc
no rest for the wicked!
animedad posted:Merry Christmas.

this was my only christmz present

Impper posted:
this was my only christmz present
tube rat