Luckily, my 17-year-old cousin with the pink streak in his hair was there. I traded it to him for his Chick-fil-A gift card.
Last year, my parents gave me a loaf of habanero cheddar bread and a box of specialty hot sauces. I'm allergic to capsaicin. It makes my throat close up and my skin break out in hives. They know this.
swirlsofhistory posted:today is a celebration of the birth of yeshu (may his name and memory be obliterated), the non-existent bastard rape baby of a roman soldier who would go on to found a death cult that would kill countless millions and wipe out a millennium of human progress
and remember, think twice before you drink this holiday season! always plan your way home ahead of time
cheers and merriment to all
guidoanselmi posted:damn i thought im normally the first to post sparks.
1 part tequila (well)
1 part peppermint schnapps
Serve chilled
merry christsmas zzoners!
at least when i grew up reddit didn't exist
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:well wasted just downvoted a bad santa quote. which of course is something i agree with because that movie doesn't have any realistic female characters at all.
i said like one word in that kubrick-is-the-worst-director-ever thread
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:what kubrick thread?
the brooklyn bridge is for sale just ask for dad's checkbook thread
Also a lot of stuff I'm seeing on TV is starting to freak me out a little. I saw a commercial for this show called "king of the nerds" and I'm just wondering if that's really the future.
I shouldn't post RL things
babyhueypnewton posted:kwanzaa was created by the CIA
In case it wasn't obvious, the whole holiday is a watered down, de-radicalized version of the black power. for example, the concept of Ujamma in Kwanzaa means 'co-operative economics'. Basically, helping other black people and maintaining black businesses and black charity. Too bad that's not what it means, it's actually the term for Nyerere's radical socialist program in Tanzania.
e: It is interesting though how little interest 1st world leftists have in socialist experiments in Africa. We're still arguing about the Russian revolution lol