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I got a Hot Topic gift card from my parents for Hanukkah this year. If you didn't know, Hot Topic sells prefab punk and goth clothes for teens. I am almost thirty, have a professional academic job, and am very interested in fashion. None of these things have anything to do with Hot Topic.

Luckily, my 17-year-old cousin with the pink streak in his hair was there. I traded it to him for his Chick-fil-A gift card.

Last year, my parents gave me a loaf of habanero cheddar bread and a box of specialty hot sauces. I'm allergic to capsaicin. It makes my throat close up and my skin break out in hives. They know this.
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damn i thought im normally the first to post sparks.
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I beat the shit out of some kids today. But it was for a purpose. It made me feel good about myself. It was like I did something constructive with my life or something, I dunno, like I accomplished something.

swirlsofhistory posted:

today is a celebration of the birth of yeshu (may his name and memory be obliterated), the non-existent bastard rape baby of a roman soldier who would go on to found a death cult that would kill countless millions and wipe out a millennium of human progress

and remember, think twice before you drink this holiday season! always plan your way home ahead of time

cheers and merriment to all

don't american liberals get really mad if you say merry christmas, like by not referencing the generic sanitized, culture-free Holidays you are literally hitler

guidoanselmi posted:

damn i thought im normally the first to post sparks.

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someone posted this awhile ago i like it if only for the cameo

well wasted just downvoted a bad santa quote. which of course is something i agree with because that movie doesn't have any realistic female characters at all.
Christmas in Mexico

1 part tequila (well)
1 part peppermint schnapps

Serve chilled

merry christsmas zzoners!
im pretty sure that posting on SA and being immersed in goon culture for those years has poisoned my mind to the extent that i'm incapable of meaningful conversation with people without a little bit of idiocy and general goonness seeping in and ruining it all. merry goonmas.
i fear for the youth, immersed as they are during such delicate formative years in the depravity and horrific ugliness of internet culture

at least when i grew up reddit didn't exist
its always weird to me when people have significant sibling hostilities that result in one of them nebbishly sulking off to the internet to impotently complain instead of everyone involved trading insults at the top of their lungs or someone winding up with a broken digit. Merry Christmas

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

well wasted just downvoted a bad santa quote. which of course is something i agree with because that movie doesn't have any realistic female characters at all.

i said like one word in that kubrick-is-the-worst-director-ever thread

what kubrick thread?
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EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

what kubrick thread?

the brooklyn bridge is for sale just ask for dad's checkbook thread

The marinate your briskit in canned papaya juice megathread?? The ASK me about my grandpa molesting my dad & me megathread?!! THE photoshop this unearthly visage megathread/??!!!!
I don't know. I don't like A Christmas Story that much. I mean all this kid wants is a gun and he's kind of a brat about it.

Also a lot of stuff I'm seeing on TV is starting to freak me out a little. I saw a commercial for this show called "king of the nerds" and I'm just wondering if that's really the future.
TV totally freaks me out now. The only time I'm exposed to it is visiting family and my sister is sitting there (my sister is a 43 year old single mom on social assistance who is on a maury povich esque quest to find out if her daughter's dad is the professional sports player she thinks he is (he probably is)) soaking in the psychotic montage of modern television and it all looks completely insane. the tween shows my niece watches look more intelligibly human than the gunshots and screaming her mother watches after she goes to bed

I shouldn't post RL things
i watch tv all day every day. to be a leftist in America and not watch tv is like Jane Goodall trying to be an expert on apes and constantly talking about apes and convincing people that they should start treating apes in x fashion, but then like, finding it distasteful and beneath her status to be expected to actually sit around in the dirt watching apes do their thing. Please Watch TV
i just got back from midnight mass and it was pretty kewl. the choir was solid, nice alto section. the priest was so dorky and unprepared it was painful to watch him, though at least he wasn't the chap from Nigeria whose accent is nearly incomprehensible. where do they dig these emergency priests up from and where was the real one
a Christmas thread is an appropriate a place as any to be real in
tv is good. its like reading a book or a newspaper except all of your senses are sufficiently engaged so youre not having to rely on something as dangerous and delusional as "imagination" to (falsely) fill in the informational gaps with whatever your poisonous ego decides to inflict upon your worldfilter that day. tv also pays the bills of millions of blue collar semi-skilled laborers and service people, unlike print which is and always has been the sole domain of the detached, tree-hating bourgeoisie and liberal academics
i might have sex w/ the chalet girl. i dunno
being out here has been really good for my mood. im spending most of my day engaging in wholesome outdoors exercise and the rest reading or drinking. everyone else finds it weird that my family isnt doing christmas presents but Whatever
kwanzaa was created by the CIA

babyhueypnewton posted:

kwanzaa was created by the CIA


Kwanzaa was created by U.S. (known by the black panthers as 'united slaves') a rival to the panthers basically created by the government to agitate and disrupt the panthers.

In case it wasn't obvious, the whole holiday is a watered down, de-radicalized version of the black power. for example, the concept of Ujamma in Kwanzaa means 'co-operative economics'. Basically, helping other black people and maintaining black businesses and black charity. Too bad that's not what it means, it's actually the term for Nyerere's radical socialist program in Tanzania.
As far as I can tell, there are only two histories of modern Tanzania that aren't racist bourgeois propaganda: Walter Rodney's: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa and a collection of essays by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o. both of these are pieces, not even whole works. tbh, I'm not sure a serious, full socialist history of Tanzania exists (at least in English), scholarship on Africa is dire despite every school having an 'african studies department'. Perhaps that is the reason why those departments exist.

e: It is interesting though how little interest 1st world leftists have in socialist experiments in Africa. We're still arguing about the Russian revolution lol