bumpthread posted:I down voted this
What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!" i bet you'd fucking regret downvoting me then, huh?
bumpthread posted:woah this is 6 years old
yeh... some would call it a bump... thread
bumpthread posted:woah this is 6 years old
*puts on glasses* actually master-slave morality dates back to about 1887, making it approx 130 years old
The true, correct morality is of course Christianity, wherein we are called to be slaves to Christ and servants to all men, and that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Here we see an inversion of "worldly", or sinful values, which aren't quite the same as master morality, as the Christian appreciates beauty. Nor are Christian values the same as slave morality, because Christians reject pessimism and cynicism. And we respect free will, such that we hope for people to become slaves to Christ voluntarily, due to a desire for God's love. But the Christian does reject the "master morality" values of consequentialism, pride, and excessive wealth.
Agnus_Dei posted:Master-slave morality is not correct, because the fundamental assumption that the masters "created" some original morality and that the slaves just "reacted" to it does not hold up to scrutiny. It is pure speculation that is generally without scientific basis. Similarly, we see throughout history that values which are allegedly associated solely with the "slaves" are also held by the masters, and vice versa.
The true, correct morality is of course Christianity, wherein we are called to be slaves to Christ and servants to all men, and that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Here we see an inversion of "worldly", or sinful values, which aren't quite the same as master morality, as the Christian appreciates beauty. Nor are Christian values the same as slave morality, because Christians reject pessimism and cynicism. And we respect free will, such that we hope for people to become slaves to Christ voluntarily, due to a desire for God's love. But the Christian does reject the "master morality" values of consequentialism, pride, and excessive wealth.
Belphegor posted:please do the zizek effortpost! I don't know how to make a bot but to make up for it I will work on scaring boourns off
Hey now, don't make things difficult. Their heart is in the right place, a little left of center but well below the shoulder
shapes posted:The_Boourns_Identity posted:Nietzsche viewed Christianity as a form of slave morality, and by his own definition sure it takes those characteristics, but I believe that the true Christian ethical action allows one to 'win' even in a moment of submissive self-sacrifice, like we see with Christ or the protest model of Dr King.
I think this is the best morality
Dr. King is a terrible example to use for slave morality. Nietzsche thought slave-morality was ultimately a morality of self pity, ie, "blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
if Dr. King's position had been, "yes, it's true that black people are a slow-witted race of layabouts and pickaninnies, but our simple ways have a noble goodness to them" then THAT would be slave morality
i'm sure that Nietzsche would find the praxis of Dr. King ingratiating due to its Christian background and imagery (conversely, Dr. King probably was familiar with Nietzsche, he taught a college class on ethics and the reading list was quite in-depth and featured a lot of German philosophy), and technically Nietzsche emphasized that ANY morality is ultimately a historical, social construct. but Nietzsche definitely had his favored qualities, and Dr. King had more of them than some doofus like Richard Spencer could ever hope to
drcat posted:is anyone going to care about Nietzsche in 100 or 200 years? this is a real question.
i feel like if he were alive today he would be very easy to confuse with the timecube guy.
i mean, as much as any philosopher will be read in 100-200 years. he's got huge advantages over a lot of his peers in that he's much more readable. compare him to Hegel or Heidegger, and it's night and day. he's pithy, sarcastic, endlessly quotable. reading Hegel is a chore even for his fans. reading Nietzsche is actually enjoyable, or at least as enjoyable as anything in philosophy.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:lol nietzche was even goonier than i thought
if it helps, there's a good chance his physical and mental decline was due to syphilis, so at least he lost the ol' V-Card, amirite?
I wasn't saying that Dr. King was an example of slave morality, I was saying that from a Nietzchean perspective it would be considered such. King's praxis was rooted in his Christian ethics, which Nietzsche specifically deemed to be a slave morality.
I disagree with that perspective, & I think Dr. King's praxis would be very beneficial for today's revolutionary movements, as it seems to be absent.
I think the movement associated with Dr. King disproves the Nietzchean assertion that Christianity is a slave morality which is similar to Marxist-Leninist positions on religion which asserted that religion was counter revolutionary because the bourgeoisie uses it as a means to impose their ideology on the working class. Of course they do this & of course religion can be counter revolutionary, but I don't think this is necessarily true.
Petrol posted:sometimes i think i should finish that zizek effortpost and then i think the time and effort would be better spent creating a bot that automatically downvotes every boourns post then hides it from me before i ever see it
Is this a critical view of Zizek? Please do, I read so much of his work back when I first started turning away from liberalism & getting interested in Marxism. I enjoyed several of his books but most of all I appreciated how attention getting style grabbed hold of my young froward mind & got me interested in reading other, better writers. Basically Zizek was like a gateway drug onto better thinkers
Belphegor posted:please do the zizek effortpost! I don't know how to make a bot but to make up for it I will work on scaring boourns off
If anyone wants a real growing revolutionary movement, shouldn't you work on educating people rather than pushing them away?
Idk tho I'm just an idiot
roseweird posted:The_Boourns_Identity posted:Belphegor posted:please do the zizek effortpost! I don't know how to make a bot but to make up for it I will work on scaring boourns off
If anyone wants a real growing revolutionary movement, shouldn't you work on educating people rather than pushing them away?
Idk tho I'm just an idiotare you saying if the rhizzone is nicer to you and dignifies all your thoughts replies in quote-response form that revolutionary science will be advanced
No im saying it's probably good to have an ethical stance grounded in winning over support for revolutionary movements & perhaps not actively pushing people away is part of that.
Never asked for anyone to be nice or whatever, I'm just saying teaching people may be more effective than casting them away.
Petrol posted:i, however, sincerely dislike you, insofar as everything you post is incredibly annoying and bad.
That's fine I don't really have an opinion about you so whatever
The_Boourns_Identity posted:Never asked for anyone to be nice or whatever, I'm just saying teaching people may be more effective than casting them away.
I think the issue is that proselytizing on one's own is not actually very effective, whereas working with an org that tries to meet the needs of the people is highly effective
Petrol posted:hey, everyone's gotta have a gimmick. i'm scared if i actually finish the zizek thing my posts will be like twin peaks after they tell you who killed laura palmer
release the zizpunk wedding post
swampman posted:The_Boourns_Identity posted:Never asked for anyone to be nice or whatever, I'm just saying teaching people may be more effective than casting them away.
I think the issue is that proselytizing on one's own is not actually very effective, whereas working with an org that tries to meet the needs of the people is highly effective
i agree with the second part of course, but why is the first part less effective?
also here's this
The_Boourns_Identity posted:i agree with the second part of course, but why is the first part less effective?
because one's beliefs do not significantly affect one's behavior, but material conditions do. it's called marxism
roseweird posted:The_Boourns_Identity posted:swampman posted:The_Boourns_Identity posted:Never asked for anyone to be nice or whatever, I'm just saying teaching people may be more effective than casting them away.
I think the issue is that proselytizing on one's own is not actually very effective, whereas working with an org that tries to meet the needs of the people is highly effective
i agree with the second part of course, but why is the first part less effective?
for one thing you arent jesus
oh word?
the difference between Jesus & myself is the gap that drives my ethics
The_Boourns_Identity posted:swampman posted:The_Boourns_Identity posted:Never asked for anyone to be nice or whatever, I'm just saying teaching people may be more effective than casting them away.
I think the issue is that proselytizing on one's own is not actually very effective, whereas working with an org that tries to meet the needs of the people is highly effective
i agree with the second part of course, but why is the first part less effective?
also here's this
because the idea that people respond to good arguments and effective rhetoric is an idiot liberalism practiced by people who dont have to listen to anyone and will stay in power no matter what anyone thinks or says anyway
beliebers who engage in this sort of rational discourse and say things like "the marketplace of ideas" wihtout a gun in their mouth need only hear the word "regime" uttered allowed before their programming activates and they vanish faster than you can say DSA