EmanuelaBrolandi posted:when did i say i was a liberal lol wut
i dont even know what tihs guys politics are
but her'es my favorite talk talk song and on eof my favorite songs ever
tpaine posted:get puffy amiyumi's discography while you're at it
i can't find it on an active torrent
Keven posted:Reminder that literally its 2012, and people still, hth
Unironically fuck this gay earth... Cripes
Keven posted:Reminder that literally its 2012, and people still, hth
Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:lolling at every depresso broken weirdo who upvoted the op lol
Maoist_Third_World_Sex_Tourist posted:Seriously how much of a broken fuck up friendless and unlikeable weirdo do you have to be to assume the concept of happiness was manufactured by evil mammonite capitalists to keep you, the middle class white man, in check with such shallow pursuits as "friendship", and "fulfilling relationships". Does the OP like think Communist Utopia is this gray formless wasteland where everyone chooses LOGIC and spends all day beeping and booping at the factory. I've met a fucking ton of depressos but holy shit op you are way beyond that.
how about you don't insult our broken post factory and i won't come to your work and tell you how to master maggots