radical homosexuality
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Anecdotally, a (male) friend of mine passed out drunk next to a mutual (female) friend of ours one night when we were partying and his ex got pissed off and woke him up and had intercourse with him. He said later that, 'she pretty much raped me,' but he didn't really seem all that bothered. However, I'm sure if a man had done something like this to him he would have been greatly bothered. Is this homophobia, or is there something deeper about how 'will' works for men and women in our society?
Female-on-male rape seems to have a broader range of ways in which its victims react. Pretty much all women have either a negative or neutral reaction to being raped, whereas some men have a positive, Goatstein-esque reaction that defies rational explanation (also more men have a neutral reaction). I know it's not "PC" to say, but it's true. See Sexually Aggressive Women: Current Perspectives and Controversies for more information on the subject of adult female-on-male rape.
Edited by Cycloneboy ()
kinch posted:go to bed idiot
i just got up double idiot.
just might be.
Transient_Grace posted:might be that rape is less traumatic for dudes cause of a. social attitudes b. is not painful (or less so) c. lesser chance to contract std d. no risk of pregnancy
just might be.
i think it might be partially that what is clearly sexual coercion in a male-on-female encounter may be interpreted in a less extreme light in a female-on-male encounter.
but, there's that dude from that serial woman rapist in Russia who used codeine and was all like "awww yeah, only problem is that i can't remember anything," I recall reading a story from someone about a friend who passed out at a party and was raped while unconscious by a woman and was also like "aww yeah," in the book there's a direct quote from a dude who was basically gang-raped (jumped by several women who pushed him out of sight of the road and proceeded to forcibly have sex with him, can't remember if it was piv and oral or just oral) and halfway through he starts to like it?? i dunno, it's fucking weird as hell.
intercourse is far more dangerous for females, this is true for pretty much all mammals and avians and most species of lizards and fish as well, it is pretty dam n BASIC.
Transient_Grace posted:are you aware of the different physical roles of male and female mammals during intercourse?
No, I thought they just rubbed their cloacas up against eachother.
Cycloneboy was probated until (Aug. 11, 2012 18:58:32) for this post!
societies are stil 'trying to find their feet' when it comes to balancing sexual legislature.
it's pretty damn obvious that society needs to defend its mothers and community builders with greater priority than it needs its DUDEs. this has not been the case for the LONGEST TIME and now society in most places finally understands that women need to be defended against the whims of men, unfortunately there's a fine balance that needs to be struck as some men (a minority to be certain) do not deserve to be treated like rapists. but let's face it, this is a transition period.
"she can like get an abortion, she should just grow a pair and get her womb grafted or whatever"
women usually don't enjoy rape and those who do find themselves involuntarily aroused are often psychologically scarred by this fact, this means penis in dry vagina. yes?
Transient_Grace posted:cboy, an unaroused woman might and can suffer internal injuries regardless of external beating.
women usually don't enjoy rape and those who do find themselves involuntarily aroused are often psychologically scarred by this fact, this means penis in dry vagina. yes?
Physical arousal in both male and female humans often occurs in response to sexual stimulus which is not actually arousing, e.g. studies have found that women get wet from watching bonobos fuck.
last i checked most rapists do not play their victims videos of bonobos fucking, i'm pretty sure this sort of thing would've been well advertised.
cboy it's ok i know you'll change all of these awful opinions once you find a chubby goon girlfriend to be chivalrous with. i'm actually quite sure you'll grow up to be a good loving husband one day.
Cycloneboy posted:A woman who is raped by a man and becomes pregnant can get an abortion. A man who is raped by a woman who becomes pregnant can pay a bunch of money in child support.
i saved a bunch of money on my child support by switching gender roles and becoming the rapist

Transient_Grace posted:are you aware of the different physical roles of male and female mammals during intercourse? do you understand that rape can be extremely physically painful for a woman and can cause long lasting injuries and sexual/reproductive issues?
intercourse is far more dangerous for females, this is true for pretty much all mammals and avians and most species of lizards and fish as well, it is pretty dam n BASIC.
Cycloneboy posted:Physical arousal in both male and female humans often occurs in response to sexual stimulus which is not actually arousing, e.g. studies have found that women get wet from watching bonobos fuck.
since when is watching things fuck not arousing?
maybe the first man who was ever raped by a woman made the mistake of admitting his enjoyment and forever ceding sexual victimhood status to women, and as men we are just going to have to get used to living with the consequences of that Original Sin
deadken posted:cycloneboy owns.....
unironic thissery
babyfinland posted:lol is there any opinion cycloneboy espouses on this forum that isnt horrible psychotic depravity thats justified in reference to some invisible phantom "study"
Here's your "phantom" study. And here's an NYT article about it. I'll accept your apology in the form of one hundred American dollars.
Impper posted:lol studies
i'm a positivist.
Cycloneboy posted:Impper posted:lol studies
i'm a positivist.
fuck.... well... they've got drug cocktails for that now that'll stop the worst of it... stay strong little buddy
Cycloneboy posted:babyfinland posted:lol is there any opinion cycloneboy espouses on this forum that isnt horrible psychotic depravity thats justified in reference to some invisible phantom "study"
Here's your "phantom" study.And here's an NYT article about it. I'll accept your apology in the form of one hundred American dollars.
check your epistemology son
Cycloneboy posted:babyfinland posted:lol is there any opinion cycloneboy espouses on this forum that isnt horrible psychotic depravity thats justified in reference to some invisible phantom "study"
Here's your "phantom" study.And here's an NYT article about it. I'll accept your apology in the form of one hundred American dollars.
haha you think my point was that the studies dont exist. lol.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:manne tom not a year ago i would talk to you about how cycloneboy is clearly a fucking ridiculous/awful creature and you'd be like 'cycloneboy owns.....' more proof im right about everything you just need to accept it bruh it would make your life a whole lot easier
youre right
Cycloneboy posted:Impper posted:lol studies
i'm a positivist.