MarxUltor posted:
Yeah, Hamas is not kidding when they say they have surprises in store. Even with the old rockets, they are costing the economy of Israel Millions of dollars every time they launch a salvo. And iron dome throws multiple $100,000.00 missiles at rockets made out plumbing pipe. The resistance axis has developed a very strong strategy to hit the Israel where it hurts, and they have done virtually nothing to prepare for it.
Parenti posted:Solidarity protest in Paris banned by the fascist Interior Minister Darmanin based on fears of violence.
Montreuil (suburb right to the East of Paris) is crawling with riot police around Place Jacques Duclos which is abnormal because you rarely see even the regular police there. I think they're out there just to intimidate, I haven't heard anything about a demonstration planned.
I also saw a bunch of them head off towards Paris at high speed on motorcycles with sirens blaring so maybe there's something going down.
Updated with some bad pictures I took of the cops and a picture someone else took of Place de la Republique.
Edited by Parenti ()
Holy shit this whole time I legit thought when sirens go off israelis run off to underground bunkers which probably has a lamp and a couple of mattresses but THEY LITERALLY HAVE HOTEL ROOMS? This is what they’re crying about to media as the inconvenience they have to endure?
— Malak (@lilakarmi) May 13, 2021
When we went to brunch the first thing I asked was “do you have a bomb shelter?”
— Anna Ahronheim (@AAhronheim) May 15, 2021
These people really thought they could just relax on a beach while Jerusalemites are being ethnically cleansed and entire Gazan families are being wiped out barely an hour away.
— A Man in the Sun 🌞 (@AManInTheSun) May 15, 2021
repulsive shameless parasites lol
In English they said our strikes on Gaza are aimed solely at terror targets, and that great efforts are made to ensure civilians wouldn’t be hurt.
— Breaking the Silence (@BtSIsrael) May 15, 2021
In Hebrew the strikes were "the furthest thing possible from 'surgical'" & are conducted even at the price of harming civilians.
the hebrew part, courtesy of google translate:
IDF Spokesman Hedi Zilberman: "Our activity today is the furthest from tweezers, it shakes the city of Gaza. "The army is attacking the military targets of terrorist organizations - even at the cost of harming non-involved people who have been chosen by Hamas and Islamic Jihad to launch rockets from their crowded and populated neighborhoods."
shot, shot, shot, shot, chaser
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) May 15, 2021
I been laughing for 2 minutes straight. This is so based I don’t even know what to say.
— Unusually Uncertain (@simchrison) May 15, 2021
Big up
tears posted:gaza press tower collapses after airforce-involved incident

tears posted:gaza press tower collapses after airforce-involved incident
the actual headline the AP went with for the bombing of their own office was even more pathetic
"Israel strikes Gaza home of Hamas leader, destroys AP office"
cars posted:
What the?? #Israeli Government spokesperson "explains" that the use of live fire and the shooting dead of #Palestinian protestors in #Gaza is because they "can't put all these people in jail". This is genocide. (Source - @rtenews)
— Robbie Doyle (@Doyle1876) May 14, 2018
thinking about Hilarion Capucci again. Rise In Palestine
cars posted:
Israel Defense Forces is the world's most moral army. Watch:
— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) May 17, 2021
Via @PragerU
sovnarkoman posted:
they don't seem so bad
Israel's zionist regime must be brought to trial for its crimes against the Palestinian people, says Bolivia's Vice President David Choquehuanca 🇵🇸
— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) May 16, 2021