shriekingviolet posted:c_man posted:Ive done some very minor organizing and im astonishingly bad at it. Going to events and helping people prepare by doing manual labor, cleaning up, etc is pleasant and within the range of usef thinge i can do well enough
<3 the people who stay to put away chairs/help pack
Stacking chairs is incredibly satisfying and i wish i had more opportunities to stack chairs for cool events again
sovnarkoman posted:if i had a tolerable life i wouldn't be posting at all lol
all the best there... but in my experience this is usually just a minor version of the idea that you'll be motivated to fix everything else about your life once you're in a committed relationship. from the same experience, ups and downs, i just assume i'll keep posting forever and if i'm wrong, what are y'all going to do, track me down and drag me back here to prove me right?? b-because it won't work.. baka....
it's a cool world not being able to use twitter because everything is broken and each page takes 15 minutes to load, discord isn't compatible with XP and the webapp barely functions, facebook and mainstream news sites are completely impossible. all these places bogged down with 500gb of tracking cruft and ads on every click that I can just blissfully ignore because even if I wanted to look at them I couldn't. at the same time it's striking to me how much of the old internet has been completely consumed and erased, a ghost town outside the walled gardens.
the rhizzone(blessèd by the posting gods) still runs like a dream
shriekingviolet posted:the rhizzone(blessèd by the posting gods) still runs like a dream
this makes me happy to know, i have worried since i made some changes that it would be bad on old computers, but i know we have a few people here that have good old beige boxes
shriekingviolet posted:my pc catastrophically blew up and through a rube goldberg conjuction of various different hardware failures the only functioning access to the internet I have left is a clunky XP laptop that is like 15 years old, it's neat seeing which parts of the modern internet are completely inaccessible to me right now.
for my last stint on old LF, i posted exclusively with a wiimote, and my posts were never better & never have been since
shriekingviolet posted:my pc catastrophically blew up and through a rube goldberg conjuction of various different hardware failures the only functioning access to the internet I have left is a clunky XP laptop that is like 15 years old, it's neat seeing which parts of the modern internet are completely inaccessible to me right now.
it's a cool world not being able to use twitter because everything is broken and each page takes 15 minutes to load, discord isn't compatible with XP and the webapp barely functions, facebook and mainstream news sites are completely impossible. all these places bogged down with 500gb of tracking cruft and ads on every click that I can just blissfully ignore because even if I wanted to look at them I couldn't. at the same time it's striking to me how much of the old internet has been completely consumed and erased, a ghost town outside the walled gardens.
the rhizzone(blessèd by the posting gods) still runs like a dream
now you know my 9 year crusade against youtube embeds in this site
elemennop posted:now you know my 9 year crusade against youtube embeds in this site
i never open the music thread anyways, but if i click it accidentally it really hurts
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:awoke to the same 2-second loop of some dnb song i had left on repeating
not sure how this is any different from regular dnb
shriekingviolet posted:i never open the music thread anyways, but if i click it accidentally it really hurts
shriekingviolet posted:not sure how this is any different from regular dnb
you definitely might not want to go in there at the moment
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:i undersftand i am postingf with complete disregard for the culture here at this point. i dont know if its good or bad.. we will see
Me too, since I was let in. But your posts are actually interesting and show dedication whereas mine are like
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:i undersftand i am postingf with complete disregard for the culture here at this point. i dont know if its good or bad.. we will see
posting is always right
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:i cant beliueve i posted jcore on the rhizzone. that dont belong here!
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:i undersftand i am postingf with complete disregard for the culture here at this point. i dont know if its good or bad.. we will see
don't worry about it. the only bad kind of posting is anticommunistposting. you do you
Petrol posted:the only bad kind of posting is anticommunistposting
took this as an accusation probably because pogfan upvoted it ooooh.. but i thought it was fine and also funny to be real. also the phd lie was my invention which i am proud of
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:Petrol posted:the only bad kind of posting is anticommunistposting
took this as an accusation probably because pogfan upvoted it ooooh.. but i thought it was fine and also funny to be real. also the phd lie was my invention which i am proud of
i actually posted that before i saw any of the stalin stuff in the other thread haha
anyway as long as you now accept comrade stalin into your heart as your lord and savior you are guaranteed an eternal home for your posts here in the rhizzone
Petrol posted:My dream is to one day have killed 101 people, thus surpassing Stalin's record of confirmed kills and cementing myself as the greatest communist monster of all time
if you think about it really, all that would mean is that youd be more powerful than small hitler (literal hitler) and large hitler ("stalin".. whos really just another hitler) so youd be uhhh like mega hitler i guess. the biggest hitler in town
pogfan1996 posted:ironic fascism isn’t funny imo but I don’t hold grudges as long as people self crit
its done in such a way that you are implying the opposite. its a criticism dude
Petrol posted:Not that it matters but I wasn't aware of anything like a reliable "Stalin Death Count" by which I mean, an actual number of people killed on his orders - like, traitors or whatever, not nazis obviously, i did say People... Would it even be 100? Are we counting people ultimately executed after trials he organised? Because it all starts to get a bit six degrees of kevin bacon. AND thats before you even get into whether all the people convicted in certain trials were actually executed or just received death sentences
ooh.. it used to be in my bookmarks but i got the grey 90s looking stalin death count examination website somewhere. i could probably track it down given the time but id have to look around a bit. thats what i read that convinced me that stalin did indeed kill less than 100 people, potentially 0
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:within the next few months you guys will be stanning lysenko the way you stan stalin and it will be my fault. just give me time to make some posts about it
lol, you think we haven't had debates about lysenkoism like 6 years ago