Ask Me Anything
bush was in florida
jansenist_drugstore posted:what are you going to do with or to adorno
Listen to alice coltrane with him

guess I don't have what it takes to fight against american imperialism after all
nomogram posted:every time I try to post anything I end up getting incredibly anxious over sounding cool enough for this place and give up after a while
guess I don't have what it takes to fight against american imperialism after all
a lot of people here are stunningly uncool, its no big deal. plus youve got a funny painted animal as a picture. just find an obscure country to make some vaguely informed posts about and you'll be in like hamza el din
nomogram posted:every time I try to post anything I end up getting incredibly anxious over sounding cool enough for this place and give up after a while
guess I don't have what it takes to fight against american imperialism after all
I think you got a good feel for this forum purely cus of your av choice
just find an obscure country to make some vaguely informed posts about and you'll be in like hamza el din
expect a yugoslavia effortpost in the near future
nomogram posted:your kind words fuel the fire in my heart. inshallah
just find an obscure country to make some vaguely informed posts about and you'll be in like hamza el din
expect a yugoslavia effortpost in the near future
hmm, not sur eif thats obscure enough.. mods?
just kidding

drwhat posted:no one here is cool.
This is wrong. There are three cool posters, including me.