karphead posted:good thread, please consider this image for the frontpage

Sinn Fein
Sinn Fein was founded in 1905 during the colonial period of Ireland, when Engerland still ruled the waves and Kautsky was still all the rage. Sinn Fein has as goal to unite all the Irish nationalist groups and tried to do so through abstentionism in Parliament and peaceful resistance. Main force of the Easter Uprising of 1916. Took the Anti-Irish Free State Treaty side during the Irish Civil war in the ‘20s. Would split after the Civil War into Fianna Fail and Fine Gael with only a handful Sinn Fein members remaining. Influenced by the theory of James Connolly, the National Liberation Strategy and the Communist Party of Ireland, Sinn Fein went Marxist in the ‘60s. In a discussion on the end of abstentionism, Sinn Fein split again with the Workers’ Party of Ireland coming forth as a result. Sinn Fein went on to follow an Armalite and ballot strategy, campaigning for seats in Norn Iron while the IRA continued its guerrilla tactics. Opponents would go on to form Republican Sinn Fein. Became more electorialist under current leader Gerry Adams. Not a big fan of the EU but not really against it either, against Brexit, end goal is a unified Ireland with left-reformist characteristics. Seized the means of production of dank memes.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 23 deputies in the Dail, 7 in the Seanad, 27 Norn Iron MPs, 4 House of Commons MPs, 4 MEPs.
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: independent within the GUE
Favorite flavour of IRA: Provisional
Position on the European Union
“The European Union is in crisis – an economic crisis, a social crisis and a political crisis. Poor design, bad policies and incompetent leadership are to blame. The consequence of this crisis is being felt by families in every member state. Unemployment, emigration, debt and poverty have become a daily reality for millions of people.
10 Commitments of Sinn Fein MEPs:
1) More investments from the European Investment Bank for Ireland north and south
2) A deal on the AIB legacy debt and a new deal on Anglo Irish Bank promissory notes
3) Defend workers’ pay and conditions and promote a base of decency for all workers
4) Fairer distribution of CAP
5) Secure urgent action on climate change
6) Return powers to member states and make national parliaments more important in EU legislation
7) Reduce the powers of the Commission
8) Increase power of smaller states in the Council of Ministers
9) Reassert Irish neutrality and withdraw from Common Defence Policy
10) Promote Irish unity and support for a border poll”
On the formation of a Northern Ireland government
"There can be no return to petty-minded and bigoted ministerial decisions; no return to the treatment of any group of people as second-class citizens; no return to the arrogant disregard for the squandering of public money; and no return to the short-sighted dismissal of the need for genuine reconciliation and peace-building.
"Those are the issues which need to be dealt with if we are to take this opportunity to fix what is broken and to move society forward on the basis of equal partnership government and rights for all.
"But time is running out. We are now in a critical period and there needs to be substantial movement from both the British Government and the DUP over the coming days. If they again fail to do so then the people should have their say."

An Comhghuaillíocht Frith-Dhéine–Pobal Roimh Bhrabús – Solidarity – People Before Profit
The 2015 merger of Solidarity (formerly the Anti Austerity Alliance) and People Before Profit, but the parties also still exist separately but also don’t? Schrodinger’s parties I tell you what. In any case here’s a small writeup of both: the party formerly known as AAA might actually just be the Irish section of the CWI, Socialist Party Ireland. People Before Profit is a front of another Trotskyist party. Who the fuck knows, more importantly, who honestly cares how many proxy parties you’re behind. Was one of the pioneers in the fight against water charges, but then got swamped completely bu more competent parties.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 6 deputies in the Dail
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: EACL
Favorite flavour of IRA: /
Position on the European Union
“This stance reflects the Irish state’s position in the global capitalist system ‘between Boston and Berlin’. Post-Brexit and post-Apple, a section of the Irish establishment is already starting to argue in favour of closer alignment with ‘Britain and the US and their corporate behemoths’ than the EU91. For working people, this is a choice between the frying pan and the fire. Whatever illusions some may still have in a ‘social Europe’, the reality is that the EU and the US state are both deeply neo-liberal institutions with an imperialist approach, which serve the interests of the 1%.
“*The EU is designed to impose neo-liberal and austerity policies on the peoples of Europe. Its punishment of the Greek people for daring to vote for an anti-austerity party was a classic example.
*The EU has created a fortress Europe that excludes migrants and refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict.
*The EU is fundamentally an undemocratic union which facilitates corporate lobbying.
*The EU is promoting an arms industry and is increasingly developing a military apparatus that serves the interests of the big powers.”
On the bombing of Syria
“Decades of experience of US and Western interventions from the Gulf War of 1991, through the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War to the attack on Libya show clearly that they do not bring peace but only make matters worse. It is precisely a century of imperialist meddling in the region, largely motivated by the struggle for oil that has so devastated the whole area.
“People Before Profit is equally opposed to both US and Russian military involvement in Syria and we call for an end to all foreign intervention so as to allow the Syrian people to determine their own future.”
Gníomhaíochta na n-Oibrithe is iad atá Dífhostaithe – Workers and Unemployed Action (WUA)
Founded in 1985 by two brothers who thought there weren’t enough jobs in South Tipperary. Good lads who mean well. Campaigns alongside most of the Irish left against higher water prices in the Right2Change campaign. Their only deputy is a bit like your old uncle who liked the Old Labour, not the New Labour and flirted with the Maoism.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 1 deputy in the Dail
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Favorite IRA flavour: /
Position on the European Union
“Our members are appalled that the Irish people have been led into subordination to Britain, Germany and France and the bankers and speculators of these countries through the EU/IMF deal.
(…) It was a huge betrayal by the 26-co government and its supporting elites to agree to the Fiscal Treaty and to agree to have the Irish people pay 42% of all European Bank Debt. It is this which has made the Irish people so deeply powerless and vulnerable to this shock
I call on the government to open immediate talks with the European Union.
There must be no second capitulation to the EU threat that a “bomb would go off in Dublin”
People Power Will Abolish Water Charges!
“I was present at the founding meeting of the Right2Water campaign in 2014 in Leinster House and I was present again today in Leinster House at the Oireachtas Water Committee meeting when it became clear that a majority of members are now in favour of abolishing these water charges and are also opposed to any charge for so called “excessive use” of water.
Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Irish people took to the streets to defeat this unfair double taxation.
While it’s early days yet, your opposition to these charges, your protest, your opposition to meter installation, your non-payment campaign has put us on the verge of an historic victory.
But beware, “there’s many a slip between the cup and the lip” and we must remain vigilant.
Keep up the good work.

Páirtí na nOibrithe – Workers’ Party of Ireland
The Workers’ Party of Ireland was the result of a split within Sinn Fein in 1972, mirroring the split of the IRA during the troubles. Sinn Fein supported the Provisional IRA (who wanted to remove Norn Iron from the UK to create a fully sick Irish state), the Workers’ Party supported the Official IRA (who wanted all that but only if it was also a workers’ republic). Already within Sinn Fein, the people who would go on to create the Workers’ Party said the main problem with unifying Ireland would be the division of Protestants and Catholics, created as a diversion from the true class struggle. Currently works on a three stage theory: first working-class unity in the Irish Republic, then Irish unity, then Socialist Ireland. Because of this, it started disarming itself and opposes republican violence. Not a fan of the EU or US imperialism.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Favorite IRA flavour: Official
Position on the European Union
“The Workers’ Party believes that the EU serves the interests of big business and the multi-national companies. This is clearly demonstrated by the plans for TTIP. The EU, and its vast bureaucracy, is inherently anti-democratic. It has been instrumental in the attacks on the social and economic conditions of working people. Irish neutrality is under attack. Fortress Europe is being constructed with contempt for democratic rights. Increasingly the EU coalesces with NATO in its aggression against sovereign states.”
On the demand of the Irish Bus workers to have a fair portrayal of their strike
““While it comes as no surprise that the billionaire-owned print media would openly and unashamedly take the side of the employer in this dispute, we demand better of our publicly-owned media.” The workers point to the fact that many journalists and reports in RTÉ are themselves members of the National Union of Journalists, saying:
“Members of the National Union of Journalists in RTÉ have always been shown solidarity and support by the rest of the trade union movement when faced with cuts to their pay and conditions or the threat of redundancy. “ The letter was handed in to Ms. Dee Forbes, Director General of RTÉ, this afternoon (Thursday, 6th April), by the Workers’ Party, and signed by Workers’ Party councillors Éilis Ryan and Ted Tynan, and representatives Gavin Mendel- Gleason and Séamus McDonagh, as well as the Bus Éireann workers.”

Sinn Féin Poblachtach – Republican Sinn Fein (RSF)
Split of Sinn Fein in 1986. Does not accept the Good Friday Agreement or the Anglo-Irish Treaty and thinks both Irish parliaments are illegitimate. Reject Gerry Adams and the end of absentationism. They feel the Irish Rpublic of 1916 continues to exist and want to give more power to the Irish provinces. Their end goal is Eire Nua, a 32 county Ireland independent of the UK and divided in a federation of 4 provinces, this Ireland is based on social justice as written in the Easter Proclamation.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Favorite flavour of IRA: Continuity
Position on the European Union
“We recognise the danger of the growing European Union becoming a world superpower in its own right. As it grows stronger it will assert itself and become involved in what Jack Deleors described as the “resource wars” of the 21st Century. We do not believe that Ireland, with its history of being a colonial possession, should involve itself in the oppression of other nations that the growing EU will eventually mean. There is also the danger that, instead of finally winning its freedom and independence, Ireland will find itself swapping British domination for European domination.
Republican Sinn Féin has opposed full membership of the EU from the outset as a highly centralised political and economic power-bloc where decisions about our lives are taken in completely undemocratic institutions. Our struggle has been to manage our own affairs and our programme is for maximum power at the base. That is real democracy and the very opposite of EU imperialism.”
On the bombing of Syria
“The United States has no right to interfere in the affairs of Syria. Over the last six years they have trained, funded and provided material military aid in the region of billions of dollars to try topple Bashar al-Assad Government. Failing, it has resulted in great suffering for the innocent people caught up in this war.
The great so called ‘humanitarian nations’ of Saudi Arabia, Australia, Israel have all come out in support of these strikes. The so-called UK of course also cheering on this latest act of aggression which threatens a war of far greater proportions.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had no prior warning. His Government has condemned the attacks. Russia of course had a legal right to operate air-support missions in Syria backed by the Government. President Putin has stated this illegal attack seriously damages US / Russian relations.
Republican Sinn Féin once more highlights the wrong and unwanted use of Shannon Airport by the US war machine. The People of Ireland had no say in this but yet it remains a reality backed up by imperialist lapdogs in Leinster House.”

Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann – Communist Party of Ireland (CPI)
Founded in 1933 by several left-wing groups whose purpose was to create a revolutionary party. Suspended activities in the Irish Republic in 1941 as it became more difficult to work there (a combination of state terrorism and emigration to the UK), entered trade unions and the Labour Party instead. Still existed in Northern Ireland as the CPNI. After WWII the CPI was re-established as the Irish Workers’ League (later Party) and fused back with the CPNI in the 70s in the CPI. Supported the Soviets (until the invasion of Czechoslovakia) and the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War. Loves socialism, hates the EU.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: /
Favorite IRA flavour: /
Position of the European Union
“The world remains politically, economically and militarily dominated by the imperial power of the United States, and to a lesser extent of the European Union, its ally and rival. (…) The forcing on the Irish people of a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty by a supine Irish ruling class at the behest of the European Commission and the governments representative of European monopoly interests exposed once again the subservient and dependent relationship between the Irish ruling class and the European Union. The Irish state has lost all potential for independent action and has become a compliant tool of both European and American imperialism. There is little if any progressive potential left in the Irish ruling class.
The struggle against the Lisbon Treaty exposed a number of important facts:
(a) that the state is not neutral in the political, economic, social or cultural life of society;
(b) that it is an illusion that governments do not represent the dominant class interests;
(c) that the mass media are the principal means of ensuring that the interests of the ruling class are secured and that its ideology is reproduced daily;
(d) that government under the conditions of private ownership of the means of production is purely a committee to look after the affairs of the ruling elite, the owners of wealth and power.”
Continue to push for an end to water charges
“The Communist Party of Ireland calls on working people to continue to mobilise and push for the full abolition of water charges and for a referendum to put the people’s ownership of all water resources into the Constitution of Ireland.
It has been the people’s persistent struggle over the last few years that has forced the Irish establishment and their EU guardians to back down regarding water charges. It has been the people’s mobilisation and resistance that has been the decisive factor, not parliamentary manoeuvring.
The establishment have constantly tried to draw the people’s demands into the quagmire of Dáil procedures and committee structures, into structures and processes that they control. This is a process designed to emasculate the demands and the will of the people and make them submit to corporate needs and power.
We need to make the national demonstration next Saturday an important step in the remobilisation of the mass movement, which is the only sure way to prevent the Irish establishment and the European Union regrouping and launching their counter-strategy.
The struggle for water is but one small step in the assertion of the sovereignty of the Irish people and their right to effect the changes in social and economic policy that they require, regardless of what the European Union will or will not allow.
Working people need now to assert the sovereignty and independence of our country, to give substance to democracy. We call for the dropping of all charges pending against water protesters and the quashing of all convictions—not a pardon, as that implies guilt. Protesting is a democratic right that needs to be defended. It is one off the very few weapons working people have.
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, together with with other establishment parties, are part of the problem, not part of the solutions to the challenges facing our people. A victory on water is small but necessary step.”

Páirtí Sóisialach – Socialist Party
Irish section of the CWI. Split from Labour in 1996. Part of Solidarity-PBP. Thats it really.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 3 in the Dail (Solidarity-PBP)
International affiliation: CWI
European affiliation: EACL
Favorite IRA flavour: /
Position on the European Union
“Events of the last six years have exposed the deeply undemocratic, anti-worker, racist and regressive nature of the EU. The unelected European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB), as two central components of the Troika, have brutally foisted a diet of austerity on the working classes of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland, including programmes that have slashed and privatised public services. One infamous incident that illustrates plainly the pro-banker and anti-democratic nature of the EU, was the ECB President Jean Claude Trichet’s phone call to Finance Minister Michael Noonan before a Dáil debate in March 2011, telling him that “a financial bomb would go off” if any attempt was made to burn bondholders.”
On the Northern Ireland elections
“The snap Northern Ireland Assembly election took place in the aftermath of the ‘cash for ash’ scandal which emerged in December, the most recent in a series of debacles which left Stormont – and particularly the DUP – shrouded in a smog of incompetence and corruption. After 10 years of DUP / Sinn Féin-led government characterised by neo-liberal austerity and lack of progress on LGBT and
women’s rights which deepened cynicism and disillusionment towards the Orange and Green establishment, many workers and young people hoped that this election would deliver meaningful and positive change. (…) In these two constituencies, PBP were subjected to a sustained smear campaign from Sinn Féin who distorted their correct call for a vote to leave the European Union from a left perspective and attempted to lump them in with the DUP, UKIP and the Eurosceptic Tories. Undoubtedly, this would have had an impact, particularly in Catholic communities, due to the widespread but incorrect perception that the EU is a guarantor of minority rights.”

Páirtí Sóisialach na nOibrithe – Socialist Workers Party
Supported the Velvet Revolutions. Irish Section of the IST. Also part of Solidarity-PBP.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IST
European affiliation: EACL
Position on the European Union
“Globally, its effect could be no less significant. For the US, the EU project represents a crucial pillar of a US dominated international order. Any cracks in the EU edifice will make it harder for the US to rally European governments effectively behind its lead, either militarily or in terms of pressing ahead on its deregulation agenda, such as TTIP.
The Brexit vote, it is true, could resonate with right wing groups such as the National Front in France and Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom in Holland. But it could also reinvigorate movements against the hated austerity of the neoliberal EU. “
Fighting for trade union freedom
“Trade unions have been under sustained attack globally, and in the North are fettered by a litany of anti-union laws to colloquially as the “Thatcher anti-union laws”, these labour restrictions are actually Stormont’s anti-union laws since they are a devolved matter. (…) Strong unions willing to take militant action and mobilise people power are needed to effectively challenge poverty and fight for the redistribution of wealth.”

Páirtí Poblachtach Sóisalach na h-Éireann – Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP)
Founded in 1974 by ex-Workers’ Party members who immediately went and created their own flavour of IRA, the INLA. Support a policy of ‘No First Strike’ as they assume this will show peace has failed without military action. Have since ended armed struggle. Hate the EU and their site gave me the chills its so bad.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Favorite flavor of IRA: INLA
Position on the European Union
They don’t have one but they’ll gladly give you their position on the European Community, comrade!
Just look at this Comic Sans piece of shit

Saoradh is a LARP group roleplaying a political party under attack by the Irish state since 2016. They’re very socialist, very revolutionary and apart from Sinn Fein noone seems to like them. Must’ve rolled a 1 on revolutionary organisation building. Some people say their favorite IRA flavor is New, but they deny that.
Membership: my guild
MPs: 250 im level 20 after all
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Favorite flavor of IRA: Celtic Armies
Position on the European Union
They don’t have one, presumably because in the fantasy world of LARP the EU would not exist *sigh*
They only talk about prisoners and the British army and they might actually be cryptofascist now I think about it? Uh oh
some duplicates:
AntiAusterityAlliance is the rebrand of the Socialist Party, recently rebranded again as 'solidarity'.
PeopleBeforeProfit is the rebrand of the Socialist Workers Party, cliffite (bad) trots.
both have membership of 250-500 each, though the central committees which control them are tiny.
SWP are also actively infiltrating every struggle they can find... for example the irish Anti War Movement has been taken over by them and follows the SWP line http://www.irishantiwar.org/

the workers party has about 200 members
one party you didnt mention is Eirigi, republican socialists who are quite good
they dont have a website? so here is their err .... youtube channel
the organised anarchists are these guys
other left wing things happening are:
pro abortion movement is growing strong
attempts at far right demos are quashed
housing activism is getting more militant & mainstream
there are a handful of left wing trades unionists organising here
thats all i can think of

overall i feel like the state of the left here has positive prospects, but there is not the same level of repression that exists in other countries
xipe posted:thats really good!
overall i feel like the state of the left here has positive prospects, but there is not the same level of repression that exists in other countries
Thanks for the additions, I think the left in Ireland (and esp. the prospects of the WPI and SF) id doing pretty good as well. I was actually surprised the Ireland writeup ended up to be about as long as the France writeup but I got less sad at the state of Ireland.
Prepare to become sad after this writeup because the Baltic states and Malta are really depressing.
The state of the left in… Italy
Sinistra Italiana (SI)
Formerly an electoral alliance of three minor parties of the left, SI became a party in February 2017 when all the constituent parties liquidated themselves into the new structure. The main goal at the founding congress was to create a new mass labor party in opposition to the Partido Democratico of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. To do this, its become an ideological big tent ‘going beyond the divsion of reformism and radicalism’ and is mirroring itself on SYRIZA and PODEMOS. I don’t see any structural problems with this at all showing up in the next few years. Want a controlled breakup of the EU. Keynesian.
Membership: 19,346 (2017)
MPs: 13 Deputies, 8 Senators, 2 MEPs
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: one MEP is independent within GUE, another within PES (the social democrats)
Position on the European Union
“The flood of appeals and events to celebrate the Rome Treaties has become really unbearable. Rhetoric is cloying. Indeed, irritating to those who live in acute increasingly difficult conditions, exacerbated by deepening the single market and the euro to consolidate. The reality is removed from a fantastic narrative. It continues to call for another Europe, as if the current one was accidental or due to a handful of diehards entrenched bureaucrats in Brussels and was not the result of deliberate treaties and a currency designed to assert the interests of the strongest and marginalize and devalue the work. It is worrying that so many 'good liberals' and 'social Europeans' so casually widen their detachment from the peoples of the peripheries economic, social and cultural rights. It is irresponsible for the Italian government to accept the way of multiple speeds which means additional subordination and the impoverishment of Italy "
On attacks on unions by the mainstream Italian parties
It is striking that those who think of going to govern feels the need to slap trade unions. From Renzi to M5S to gain credit towards "who counts" the recipe seems to always be the same: hit the unions who represent workers' interests. (…) The union can and must be renewed, but not to please a government or a political force. The unions do not need government re-educators. The representatives of the workers must be free and independent”
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (PRC)
Founded in 1991 by a minority within the Eurocommunist PCI who did not agree with the PCI becoming the social democrat Partito Democratico della Sinistra. Wants to unite all communists in Italy. Supported Prodi’s first cabinet from 1996 until 1998, which meant the fall of the government. Member of the Prodi II cabinet, where they vote to refinance the Italian operations in Afghanistan. Not a democratic centralist party, it has tendency right and thus there are several factions within the PRC. The majority sees the task of the PRC as being the main actor within the anti-globalization movement in Italy. Created and disbanded a whole bunch of leftist electoral alliances.
Membership: 17,053 (2015)
MPs: 1 MEP
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: European Left
Position on the European Union
“This European Union is beyond reform. It is inconceivable, given the current balance of power, a
democratization of the EU on the basis of the Treaties of Maastricht and Lisbon and the Fiscal Compact. This European Union is based on neoliberalism, and divorce between capitalism and democracy that connotes. The EU has acted as a gigantic device of the ruling classes (and not leaders, even because the European architecture has made so far immune to the problem of consent) to erode powers and rights for the lower classes. We need to build the strength, without sacrificing the hegemonic dispute in the European area. A new democracy within Europe can only be born in
Construction of the conflict and a struggle for liberation by the austerity policies: on the combination of the reconstruction of a European political subjectivity, of a European agenda of conflicts and movements, with the popular Defense of the Constitutions born from the Resistance.
We think that putting in the political discussion of the use, economic and ideological debt is a node
central. The construction of audits of public debt is a necessity not only economic, but
On the antisocial campaign of the M5S
“Beppe Grillo, at the convention of Ivrea, announced the race to the government of the country of the MSS with a proclamation: “The time of the demonstrations and protests is over. Now is the time to draw our future ". It does so at a time during liberal austerity policies and increase unemployment, poverty, social unrest. The M5S is a candidate to rule denying legitimacy to social conflict, as called for by the interests of the dominant system. Nothing new under the sun. Anti-politics M5S fits fully with the business community, the media, businesses, with the idea of leaving unchanged the dramatic imbalances that shakes now. In a society deprived of social and collective identities ties for gentlemen, citizens must be relegated to the limbo of simple passive consumers of political messages. We have to disappoint them. To build the change must be re-launched social conflict, it should set up a political struggle movement, social, cultural against pledged to make the economy and financial markets play governments and powers. In the squares we have to go back, now more than ever, against old and new masters.”
Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI)
What the, Belgend, I thought you said the PCI has turned all reformist and don’t exist anymore??? They don’t, this is a new PCI created in 2016 through a merger between th PCdI and several factions within PRC. The PCdI in itself was already a 2014 transformation of the PdCI, which was itself a splinter of PRC members who didn’t want to support the Prodi I cabinet. It’s really simple if you think about it. Why this group keeps using the names the old PCI used I don’t really know. Hate the EU and NATO, love socialism!
Membership: 12,000 (2016)
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: European Left observer member
Position on the European Union
“The next March 25 will be "celebrated" the Capitol the sixth anniversary of the signing of the "Pact of Rome" of '57, with the participation of 28 heads of state, who gave birth to the process that led in time to the birth of the European Union . Actually this is not an occasion to be celebrated since the creation of the EU and the euro currency as Continental have produced:
A worsening income and spread of income and living conditions of workers, the popular sectors and the middle classes often led to levels of poverty, particularly in southern European countries.
A restriction of democratic spaces with the application of treaties that centralize the economic and the most important political decisions reducing the sovereignty of the European peoples. The constitutional reform proposed by Renzi, put to a referendum and rejected by the Italians was exactly in this direction.
A military interventionism that has multiplied the conflicts from Ukraine to the south of the Mediterranean, in particular in Syria and Libya, and amplified the dramatic migration of people affected by war.”
PCI as the alternative to Renzi on Syria
“While threatening war clouds rise again in the world, strict liability, total and cynical of US imperialism and its puppet for president, Donald Trump, the Italian Government confirms its subordinated nature, vile and tail fully endorsing the umpteenth military aggression against Syria by the North American army, along with an entire "war online world."
While spreads in the world the area of general doubt on chemical weapons used in Khan Sheikhoun and are the same governments of Syria, Russia and Iran to seek an urgent international investigation to shed light on the massacre, Gentiloni ( "L 'ordained action tonight as Trump is a response motivated by a crime of which he is responsible Bashar Al Assad ") has no doubt some in genuflect to the American master, threatening to drag behind its shameful wag an entire country. (…) The PCI severely condemns the irresponsible role, subordinated and consequently the warmongering Gentiloni government Renzi and PD (formerly responsible party, through the government Renzi, hard liberal policies against workers and against social EU tax status) and relaunches therefore, with even more force, is its proposal for an alternative to the Democratic Party policy (both at the national level, starting from the next national elections, which every local and regional level, from more forthcoming elections) and the its project aimed at the exit of Italy from NATO and NATO and US bases from Italy.”
Partito Comunista (PC)
2009 split of the PdCI (or was it the PCdI) led by Marco Rizzo. Officially a Marxist-Leninist party, it hates revionism and reformism. Against the EU and NATO, in the spirit of the PCI who was the only party in Italy to vote against the Rome Treaties. Fan of the Kims, the PCPE and the KKE.
Membership: 4,000 (2016)
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
“The anniversary of the European treaties has further demonstrated the groove exists now between the Communists and the forces of the so-called radical left. Participation in pro-European demonstrations that while criticizing EU policies support the need for an internal battle for his change, his advocate reformability, mark the final choice of field of these forces. The adhesion of the GUE / NGL the pro-European event is the latest confirmation of the mutation of the European Left forces, deceiving the peoples of the EU reformability, in fact reinforce the power of the capitalist monopolies and their international organizations. Contrary to what was stated in their slogans, these forces, the test of government in Greece have done nothing more than apply the anti-people policies desired by the EU, ECB, IMF. No third ways exist: either we act in the wake of capitalist compatibility, regulations imposed by international organizations, or breaks this cage acting in the interest of the workers and popular classes. Outside the EU, the euro and NATO is the watchword that the Communists speak, without closing in any nationalistic vision, without suggesting a return to the past. Together we strive in this direction the Communists in Europe, for the common liberation of the working classes of our countries from capitalist exploitation, by the power of the big monopolies.”
On the war in Syria
“Today in Rome presidium of the Communist Party and Communist Youth Front - FGC against the imperialist war in #Siria. From the Colosseum, a first immediate response of US military aggression communists last night; a place chosen symbolically to show that Italy there is a different response from that of the Government Gentiloni, who immediately declared support for direct military intervention of the USA. It is essential that this rumor is not limited to militant circles, but is taken up by the workers and youth of the working class of our country, that this war wanted by the multinationals, the big monopolies of energy and hydrocarbons, have nothing to earn. Not a base, not a soldier for the masters of war!”
cars posted:im in ur thread reading ur posts

Latvijas Sociālistiskā partija (LSP)
Founded in 1994 as the successor of the Communist Party of Latvia, which was banned in 1991 after the break-up of the Eastern bloc. The former president is banned from ever doing electoral politics again as he's accused of plotting a coup against the post-Soviet Latvian state. Popular with the Russian minority of Latvia, as they want to stop the current Latvian policy that everyone who started living in Latvia during the Soviet period has to be naturalized as a citizen first, while everyone who can prove they're a descendant of anyone who lived during the Latvian Republic gets automatic citizenship. Used to be part of a Russian minority single-issue electoral alliance, but left it in order to have an independent leftist party in Latvia
Membership: unknown
MPs: 3 national MPs
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
Don't mention the EU in the last year and a half or in their program
On the US-Latvia common defence agreement
" In this regard, there have been the loudest conclusion that Latvia donated their sovereignty in the US interest. It restricted Latvian jurisdiction in its territory in order to protect American soldiers from criminal responsibility. The new bill provides that in the future American military in Latvian territory can be held criminally liable only if there is a political agreement between the Latvian and US governments (...) For an example of how this happens, a well-known event, the Latvian Foreign Ministry apologized to the British soldiers who beat Latvian citizen, and allowed them to return home without hindrance rather than defend the victim. Judging by the numerous violations with impunity in Japan and several European countries, such as Germany, Italy and elsewhere, made by American soldiers serving there, the Latvian government has created a serious security threat to its citizens.
Really confusing is this bill unconditional approval of the Parliament, the public with an independent ethos is about to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the Latvian Republic."

The state of the left in... Lithuania

Socialistinis liaudies frontas (SLF)
The SLF is a merger of two left-wing parties that were made after the ban on the Communist Party of Lithuania, FRONTAS and LSP, in 2009. Say they want a democratic socialist state and promote equal rights, but hate the gay community(?!?) and foreigners. Their former president is banned in Estonia. Still thinks the constitution of the People's Seimas that established the Lithuanian SSR is the only legitimate constitution. Supported Yanukoych during Euro-Maidan.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
"We are for Lithuania's withdrawal from the EU and NATO, to restore the country's independence" That's all I can find on the EU on their site.
The rest of their site seems to be uh, reposts from conspirationist websites? Idk what the fuck

Dei Lenk
Founded in 1999 by several leftist activists to create an alternative to the social democratic parties in Luxembourg. The KPL used to be part of Dei Lenk, but left after tensions in 2004. Doesn't seem to use Luxembourgish that much, with their official publications alternating between French and German.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 2 national MPs
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: European Left, EACL
Position on the European Union
"The neoliberal policy of the past decades, the deregulation of the markets, especially the financial markets, the privatization of the public sector and the redistribution from the bottom up, have led the world and the European Union into a deep economic, social and political crisis. Instead of pulling the helm, European policy continues on the path so far. The austerity policy leads to the recession and exacerbates the social inequalities. The financial oligarchy prevails as always; The democratic rights of peoples are undermined. The Luxembourg government is actively involved in this endeavor. The social and democratic reestablishment of Europe requires a thorough revision of existing treaties and agreements (including the Fiskalpakt). (...) 9. Develop a broad public debate on the EU's direction and strengthen the democratic powers of the European population."
Parliamentary question on the autonomy of the University of Luxembourg
"First is the lack of transparency regarding the budget allocation processes of the research units and the interdisciplinary centers which are taken into account in determining the possibilities for the organization of the research. Secondly, there is a lack of transparency regarding the external actors on the boards and commissions of the university which have a say in defining the direction of research and the organization of education. The competition between the research units and the faculties with the CIs stipulated in the evaluation reports, recommending that third-party funds be sought from the faculties, even though they are autonomously managed in coordination with the deans, unlike the CIs Submitted directly to the decisions of the rectorate-questions the democratic functioning and the autonomy of the research. Finally, as noted in the IEP evaluation report, the lack of communication between the various decision-making bodies and the students who are poorly represented also poses an obstacle to the democratic management of the university. There is no student organization representing all the students enrolled at the university."

Kommunistesch Partei Lëtzebuerg (KPL)
Founded in 1921, making it one of the oldest active parties in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg state tried to ban it in 1937, but the law that installed the ban was voted away in a referendum. Their minister in the National Unity government after WWII was called Charles Marx! Co-founded Dei Lenk, but left. Seems to work mostly in German.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: / (participates in the Four-Country Conference alongside the DKP, the Dutch NCPN and the PVDA-PTB)
Position on the European Union
" The European Union, contrary to the claims of its politicians and supporters, is neither a project for the working people nor a peace union or the home of democracy, freedom and progress.
Since the foundation of its predecessor organization, the Montanunion in 1951, the EU has been and still is a structure which serves exclusively the interests of the big banks and corporations and is at odds with the interests of the creators. From the outset, the merger was aimed solely at securing the best conditions for banks and corporations to achieve ever greater profits. Any decisions taken by the EU and its predecessor organizations, including the abolition of customs borders in the Schengen area and the introduction of the euro, have always been subordinate to this main objective."
On the expansion of the Differdange Lidl instead of using the plot for a school
"The discussion of two sub-development plans in the Route de Pétange in Niederkorn and in the Rue de Soleuvre in Differdingen-Fousbann gave the Communist Council, Ali Ruckert, the opportunity to contend with the fact that Luxembourg still had laws, That the private ownership of contractors and groups has priority over general social interests.
On the Rue de Pétange in Niederkorn, this will lead to a 1.72 hectare area with a playground - the councilor council said of a "vacancy" - partly two blocks of flats with an underground car park, so that the municipality administration in exchange elsewhere Building land gets to build a much needed school.
In the Rue de Soleuvre in Differdingen-Fousbann, Lidle Belgium GmbH, which is part of the German retail group Schwarz, which has an annual turnover of 65 billion euros, will expand its branch by 6,300 square meters and cut a larger green area. However, due to the company-friendly law, the Group does not need to take any compensatory measures in Differdingen, but can take such measures on the premises of other Lidl branches, for example in Mertert or Pommerloch. The KPL Council, which was the only one to vote against the sub-development plan, also complained that the very critical opinion of the Municipal Commission on the Environment was not given to the municipalities until the beginning of the meeting."
drcat posted:(for the 4,000th time to myself) i should have just moved to ireland
No Dr cat, you seem like a nice guy and do not deserve that
It's extremely bad
Partit Komunista Malti
Founded in 1969 as a split from the Labour Party and now existing solely as a blog. They introduce themselves on this blog and I will give you some snippets, even though it looks like they Google Translated their own texts:
"An organized Communist Party did not exist prior to 1969. Secret Communist cells existed in various periods from the 1920's onwards, but they were always small in number. Maltese communists militated either in the Communist Party of Great Britain, or in the Partito Comunista Italiano, or worked under cover within the Malta Labour Party, which was also infiltrated by the catholic clergy at that time, in an effort to prevent the Labour Party from taking a Marxist line (...) DEMOCRACY DID NOT REALLY EXIST IN MALTA PRIOR TO 1971, not under the direct British Colonial rule, neither under the first Nationalist Administration after the 1964 independence. It was not possible to form a Communist Party. It was enough just to receive the "Soviet Weekly" from the United Kingdom, to find yourself watched and tailed by plainclothes policemen, and even taken to be interrogated by the Police (...) In the mid 1990’s the party slowly started again on the road of being active once again"
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
It bad
On Religion Classes in Public Schools
" The Communist Party of Malta believes that the controversy that is going on in Malta right now about the teaching of Islamic Religion in state run schools is a xenophobic, nationalistic, and a hysterically religious fervour which amounts to a fascistic attitude, that without hesitation the Party condemns. The Communist Party of Malta deems that that Maltese state should be secular. As State and Church should be separate entities. If so then there would have been no obligation for the state to offer religious instruction classes in state run schools. However reality in Malta is quite different. The Self Government constitution of 1947 was drawn up by an assembly made up by the political parties and all the NGO’s that existed then. This assembly decided that Malta should be a Secular state, but the Government that was elected subsequently decided otherwise and declared Malta as a Catholic state. This has obliged subsequent Maltese Governments since then, to provide religious instruction in state run schools. The Maltese Constitution also provides a clause that does not allow any discrimination on racial, colour, and religious bases. In Malta today live Maltese citizens that belong to other religious denominations, such as Islam and other faiths. This obliges the Maltese state to provide them also with religious instruction in state run school according to their religious believes. A case already exists where civics classes are held for the children that their parents object that they should be given religious instructions. The Maltese Communist Party praises the position taken by the Maltese Government and also the Catholic Hierarchy for it’s’ support towards the solving of the problem of Islamic religious teaching to Maltese students that are of that faith."
My verdict is that if 5 Rhizzone posters create a party in Malta they'd probably do better, but oh well

Socialistische Partij (SP)
Founded in 1972 as the successor of the Communist Party of the Netherlands/Marxist-Leninist and in its first years was a Maoist party that even got financial aid from the Chinese. Ended relations with the Chinese in 1975 when it started its turn to the West and against the Soviets, and condemned the Chinese when they called for supporting NATO. Wrote a really weird almost fascist pamphlet against migrant workers in the ‘80s. Left-reformist since the ‘90s, when it abandoned Marxism-leninism. Eurosceptic.
Membership: 39,550 (2017)
MPs: 9 senators, 14 deputies, 70 regional MPs, 2 MEPs
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: independent within the GUE
Position on the European Union
“We want to collaborate in Europe, but we don’t want to sacrifice our democracy and the welfare state on the Brussels altar. We can no longer prioritize the survival of the euro and the short-sighted economic interests of the big companies, banks and speculators. We have to prioritize the democratic and social interests of the citizens of all European Member States. It’s better for everyone.”
On the strike in the Jumbo Distribution Centres
“If people want security, it’s a very normal demand. There are two things needed for progress, the flame of anger and the flame of optimism. The anger is clear here, but you’re also optimistic. That’s why I’ve brought with me the flame of victory for you all. I hope you win this trial, and I’ll be thrilled to no longer be able to buy my Easter eggs at Jumbo. (...) The wages need to increase and they can increase. Don’t be divided by Jumbo because of the lollipop of the 1.5% and keep on the struggle for the demanded wage increase of 2.5%. Activism pays off! Struggle, hold on and win! The SP supports you!”

Nieuwe Communistische Partij – NCPN (NCPN)
The NCPN was founded in 1992 by former members of the Communist Party of the Netherlands and the Party of Communists of the Netherlands who didn’t agree with the CPN’s liquidation into the new electoral alliance GroenLinks in 1990. Likes Cuba and the Bolivarians, hates the Iraq War and the Milosevic trial.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: / (founder of the 4-Party Conference with the PVDA-PTB, DKP and KPL)
Position on the European Union
“The EU and its predecessors were created after the Second World War in order to rebuild the major capitalist businesses of Western Europe behind the walls of import restrictions, and without internal limits to trade and takeovers. The Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome) determined that there should be one internal market with "the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital" guaranteed (article 26). This is the cornerstone of the original Treaty of Rome (1957) that meant the foundation of the European Economic Community. The present-day EU is a club of big business. At the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the EU sets the tone in policies aimed at opening the borders of other countries to investment by European monopoly capital. The EU has greatly benefited big business. In the last 60 years, the multinationals profited especially. The EU is responsible for 16% of worldwide import and export and has trade agreements with a great number of countries. (…) The EU as an imperialist project must be replaced by the cooperation of democratic states, where the peoples can influence policy, based on social goals. In these countries, there should be an unrestrained discussion on the need for a socialist future. Down with the capitalist EU, towards a socialist Europe.”
On the 2017 Dutch elections
“The NCPN was unable to participate in the elections because of practical, financial and organisational limitations. We also hold no illusions that under the present conditions, without mass support from the people, such a participation in parliament can be useful. What is needed now is building our party in the base, in the neighbourhoods and workplaces. The necessary next step is to act within institutions, workplaces and neighbourhood action groups with clear objectives for change. Success within the labour movement and organising the counterattack is only possible with such goals. Real change has to be realised in collaboration with the growing sections of the masses who understand that the people always lose under capitalist conditions.
People must get over the limitations of anti-communism and exchange thoughts with the party and its youth movement and cooperate with them. They must understand that all the wonderful election promises will turn to more "reforms", i.e. the continued gradual decay of the standard of living. The beginning of the end has come for the decades of illusions. People are searching for truly useful answers, even if the lovely spring weather and some crumbs sometimes reinforce the existing illusions about the future. There is a political reversal going on throughout the social fabric of the West.”

Socialistisch Alternatief
The Dutch section of the CWI. Started out as a faction within the social democratic PVDA (not the Belgian PVDA!) until the ‘90s when Alternatief made the analysis that the PVDA was no longer a workers’ party, after which they tried to enter the SP. In 2009 SP members were banned from also being members of Socialistisch Alternatief. Apparently had a split in 2014 but the split is no longer active it looks like.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: CWI
European affiliation: EACL
Position on the European Union
Don’t seem to have one. I’m shocked
May Day as warning to the new cabinet
“Only the organisation of concrete forces, of organisations who can resist and are able to let capitalism disappear, has any meaning. The rebuilding of the workers’ movement on class consciousness, ideas and programmes, it should have happened a long time ago… the delay is historically explainable, but a further delay is useless. The analysis of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, a socialist alternatief, broad organisations who dare to struggle, would be the best answer to Trump, May and Rutte III. May Day is coming; it should be a national day of action and strikes as a warning for whatver new cabinet with demands such as higher wages, more security for the worker (m/w), a shorter working week with the same pay, automatic compensation of higher prices, lower rent, free public transport and healthcare, an end to tax cuts for big business, lower VAT, a raise of the minimum wage, the age of pension to 65 and an end to discrimination and racism.”
Socialistische Alternatieve Politiek
Founded in 1973 after the Fourth International failed to reform the Pacifistische Socialistische Partij into a Trotskyist party. Were asked to join GroenLinks but refused. Currently trying to enter the SP.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: Fourth International (reunified)
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
Don’t have their own position, copy and paste theirs from Eurosceptic blogs. Actually they don’t have any position pieces, they just translate other people’s work. What a bunch of shites.
Internationale Socialisten (IS)
Dutch section of the IST. Like Chavez only a bit, hate NATO, hate Fortuyn, the SP hates them, GroenLinks doesn’t mind them. You’re not allowed to be a passive member. Either you sell papers or you give money. Actually Existing Socialism was state capitalist according to them.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IST
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
They don’t have one
On the extreme right during the Dutch elections
“While Klaver, Rutte and Pechtold cried victory because ‘the wrong populism’ was stopped, the election results also led to jubilations in the extreme right. The PVV won 5 seats, the cryptofascist Forum For Democracy of Thierry Baudet 2. (…) It is of utmost importance that the left sees the writing on the wall and organises self-defence against the right. The past weeks show we’re already too late.”

Groep Marxisten-Leninisten/ Rode Morgen
Maoist split of the CPN, a party ‘under construction’ for exactly 40 years now. Bourgeois press they legit thought Pol Pot was a cool dude, but then again they would say that. They’re extremely boring
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: ICOR
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
Nothing. They’re legit just some sort of RSS feed of news and they put a slightly red tinge on it. Just horrible.
There's also a split of the NCPN active near Groningen who pretend they're a national party but they only exist for the one elected dude they have in some random shithole.
belgend posted:
belgend posted:Socialistische Partij (SP)
Founded in 1972 as the successor of the Communist Party of the Netherlands/Marxist-Leninist and in its first years was a Maoist party that even got financial aid from the Chinese. Ended relations with the Chinese in 1975 when it started its turn to the West and against the Soviets, and condemned the Chinese when they called for supporting NATO. Wrote a really weird almost fascist pamphlet against migrant workers in the ‘80s.
as it was explained to me by a member the pamphlet in question was basically "this country is treating migrant workers like utter shit after years of false promises, if nothing else we should give them compensation before they're forced to leave"
i haven't read that pamphlet though because my dutch isn't very good
Horselord posted:as it was explained to me by a member the pamphlet in question was basically "this country is treating migrant workers like utter shit after years of false promises, if nothing else we should give them compensation before they're forced to leave"
i haven't read that pamphlet though because my dutch isn't very good
it starts like that but then it goes "if you're not going to adjust yourself to dutch norms then go home darkie' and when fortuyn was getting popular the sp was like HAH, YOU FOOL, WE WERE THE ORIGINAL CRYPTORACISTS

Partia Razem
Founded in 2015 in an attempt to create another alliance left of the social democratic Democratic Left Alliance. Main force in the struggle against the planned abortion ban in 2016. US imperialism rag Foreign Policy likes them a lot. Pro-EU, but against TTIP and CETA. Tries to mirror itself to the Nordic Green-Left. Big Bernie fans.
Membership: 3000 (2016)
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
Not on their site sadly.
Starting a campaign against anti-choice media
“In public space in Poland, more and more often, shocking posters are sponsored by anti-choice media. In order to facilitate the fight against this unethical propaganda, we begin the action #dalaudszpitala.
Picket organizers - sheltering themselves from the fight against abortion - epitomize troubling images of mutilated fetuses. Photographs are accompanied by untrue, manipulative and outdated information.
We do not agree to such a form of blackmail! We think that it should not be her place especially at the hospital; Where to find help for pregnant women at risk, people who have lost their pregnancy and those who have decided to legalize it.
In the fight for safe public space, we launched and launched the website www.zdalaodszpitala.pl . We inform you where and how to submit drastic posters. We also offer reference to specific law regulations, model notifications to the police, as well as sample petitions to advertising media owners.
In addition, we uncover the lies widely used by pickup organizers and show examples of the situation when our interventions were successful.
The law is on our side and it's time to take advantage!
You see a macabre banner? Read what you can do!”

Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (PPS)
Founded in 1987 as the reincarnation of the old PPS, which existed from 1892 up until the 1948 merger with the Polish United Workers’ Party during the People’s Republic. Socialist in name, anticommunist in nature.
Membership: 1286 (2009)
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“The PPS is in favor of a model of Europe driven by the will of the people rather than the narrow elite of technocrats, eliminating the barriers between peoples but preserving the cultural identity of societies, and above all guaranteeing the development of the social rights of its inhabitants. Such a vision of our continent is defined as Social Europe.
Contemporary Europe is made up of nation states shaped by centuries of historical processes. Every European nation is bound by its own language, tradition, culture, and material heritage. National communities want to preserve sovereignty over the affairs of the being and the national interest. The Polish nation desires it. Europe is seen as a Europe of the Homeland of its citizens, united for economic and civilization development, in the brotherhood of people and nations.”
Socialism is not communism
“At the place of Tsarist autocracy a new autocracy was born in Russia - nationalist Bolshevism, which he himself called communism. (…) Nowadays, socialism and communism are no longer two factions in the labor movement. There are no two different approaches to social justice, but two separate historical currents, incompatible with one another: (…) The Communist Party, according to the Soviet model, consisted of "professional revolutionaries" or ruling caste, it is an elite party. It is a monoparty, according to Bakunin's words, there may be different parties in the Soviet system, but only one in power, all in prison. ' Communism, therefore, is a denial of democracy. Socialism is the movement of the working masses, where workers have the greatest jobs (workers are the avant-garde of all working masses), but they do not demand privileges. Socialists conceive a working-class alliance with peasants and other classes sincerely and in partnership.”

Komunistyczna Partia Polski (KPP)
Founded in 2002 by activistis within the Polish United Workers’ Party and considered to be the political heir of the Communist Party of Poland (1918-1938) and its successors. Hates the EU and NATO, does not agree with the overthrow of the Polish Peoples’ Republic. Is semi-legal within the Polish political spectrum because while it is communist, it does not refer to ‘totalitarian ideology or practice’. Currently some members of the party are in a lawsuit against the State trying to discredit the KPP as propagating totalitarianism.
Membership: 1000 (2014)
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
Not done in the last years, understandable considering their semi-clandestine status.
New phase of political repression in Poland
“The prosecution demands that members of the Communist Party of Poland and the editorial staff of "Brzask" be accused of "propagating totalitarianism".
The District Prosecutor's Office in Katowice, claiming that "referring to Marxist-Leninist ideology points to the propagation of a totalitarian system," appealed against the decision of the District Court in Dąbrowa Górnicza, which discontinued criminal proceedings for over a year .
The first conviction was ordered in a purely order based on the prosecution file submitted by the public prosecutor without the defendants being heard. On March 31, 2016, four members of the editorial staff of "Brzasku" were sentenced to 9 months of social work and fines for referring to Marxism-Leninism. All the defendants appealed against the judgment, demanding a hearing in the standard procedure.
On 26 January the District Court in Dąbrowa Górnicza decided to discontinue the proceedings. The court recalled that both KPP and "Brzask" were legal. In publications, he did not see the propagation of the totalitarian system. He added that "there is no punishable identification with (...) communist ideology."
Ten days before the dismissal of the case, one of the defendants, Marian Indelak, died.
The case will be re-examined by the District Court in Katowice.”

Partido Comunista Português (PCP)
In my opinion probably the best party we’re gonna meet in this series of writeups I love them. Founded in 1921 from activists in the Portuguese Maximalist Federation, a group of trade unionists who feel the Portuguese working class needed a mass party, who felt this mass party needed to be a vanguard party. Outlawed after Salazar’s coup in 1926, but worked clandestine since 1929. Got expelled from the Comintern because the Soviets were surprised how this big party suddenly went AWOL. Only in 1947 would the PCP go back to meeting communist parties. Between the coup in the 20s and the Carnation Revolution, the members of the PCP Central Committee had an aggregate jail time of about 300 years. Founded the MUD in 1945 during the democratic opening of the Salazar regime, and founded national liberation movements in the Portuguese colonies. One of the main forces of the Carnation Revolution. Got the struggle for socialism inscribed in the Portuguese constitution. Remained Leninist after the fall of the Soviets. Supports the current left government in Portugal.
Membership: 60,484 (2012)
MPs: 15 national, 3 regional, 3 MEPs
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: independent within the GUE
National affiliation: CDU (electoral alliance with the Greens)
Position on the European Union
“1. The adhesion of Portugal to the EEC, against which the PCP rightly fought and whose negative implications it foresaw, created further obstacles to a democratic policy, was integrated in the process of destruction of April's achievements and inserted the Country in a serious National interest.
The subordination of government policy to the objective of restoring the power of big capital and the lack of a policy to defend national interests led not only to the fact that they were not adequately guarded in the process of negotiating Portugal's accession to the EEC but also to Commitments and demands arising therefrom were constantly hasty and anticipated and that the transitional periods were unproductive.
The nature of the process of European capitalist integration - an instrument of great capital, monopolies, transnationals and the great powers at its service -, the government policy followed, the criteria for applying the large financial resources received, without prejudice to the realization of many Have not contributed to the modernization of the national productive apparatus, to the attenuation of regional asymmetries and to the relative backwardness of the country in relation to other EEC / EU countries. On the contrary, it has contributed to the destruction of the productive apparatus and the Deforestation and desertification of vast areas of the country, sacrificing the indispensable bases for a true process of economic and social development.
On the bombing of Syria
“This attack on Syria confirms that the US goal is not to fight terrorism but to impose its hegemony on the Middle East and the world. By inserting itself in the attempt to cut off paths of dialogue leading to peace in Syria, this attack carries the danger of an escalation of unpredictable and grave consequences.
The PCP reaffirms its solidarity with the resistance of the Syrian Arab Republic and its people against the aggression of which they are victims and in defense of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of their State and of peace.
The courageous resistance of Syria and its people and the defense of their rights require not the association or connivance with the campaigns aimed at laundering the aggression carried out by the US and its allies, but the solidarity of all who defend the rights Of the Syrian people and peace.
Portugal is demanding a stance condemning aggression against Syria, and striving for the peaceful resolution of conflicts, for the intransigent defense of the sovereignty of peoples and for the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and International Law.”

Bloco de Esquerda
Founded in 1999 as the merger of a Marxist, a Trotskyist and a left-reformist party. The result is a big tent party gathering most everything on the left between the PS and the PCP. Only came up as a real electoral force the last few years, currently having a bigger parliamentary faction than the PCP. Seen as more modern than the PCP.
Membership: 6,830 (2009)
MPs: 19 national MPs, 4 regional MPs, 1 MEP
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: European Left, EACL
Position on the European Union
“In Europe, the Bloc does not give up the alliance with the left-wing forces fighting for European treaties and the construction of a cooperation which serves the interests of the protection of democracy and human rights. Social, economic and environmental rights. The failure of the Treaties and institutions of the EU is not the failure of Europe and its people. The strongest contribution made by the peoples of Europe is the successive electoral loss of the parties of the European Community; Everything is open. The left, in every country and in Europe, should be the answer that beats fear and the politics of hatred. This is the time of building the alternative, democratic cooperation between states, of rescuing popular sovereignty.”
On the PS proposal to decentralize government
“And he said: "The Government project, the PS project that has been under debate and as you know already deserved some changes, is a dangerous project because it thinks decentralization without thinking about democracy, and this is the biggest problem of our country. Without democracy is centralization in the mayor of all the powers and that is that the Block can not allow ". "In a country where 70% of municipalities have less than 30,000 inhabitants, when education, health, culture, social security, infrastructure are municipalized, what are we doing?" Asked the Bloco coordinator, "Are we going to deliver services to municipalities that the municipalities have the capacity to manage, when 70% have less than 30,000 inhabitants?" (…) "We no longer want the autarchy centered on the roundabout but the autarchy centered on people," he said, noting that "in the fight for the rights of all and all will be the Left Bloc."

Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses/Movimento Reorganizativo do Partido do Proletariado (PCTP/MRPP)
Founded in 1970 as the MRPP, this Maoist party was one of the forces in the Carnation Revolution. During the Revolution the PCP accused it of being a CIA psyop as they collaborated with the PS to oppose the programme the PCP put forth. The president left the party after the 2015 elections, and noone seems to know if the party still does things in the streets. There was an extraordinary congress but there’s no public records. Might be working clandestine.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“The successive governments of the PS, the PSD and the CDS gave all our best resources to the richest countries in Europe and the monies that came from the European Union served to finance the abandonment of fields and mines, the slaughter of fishing vessels and The destruction of the commercial navy, and the closure of our major industries. That is why Portugal is now a country that practically produces nothing and everything has to matter.
With the euro, which is no more than the German mark disguised as a "European" currency, which is too strong for an economy like ours, making it very difficult to export the little we produce and easier to import than to produce here - we have made this situation even worse. Dependence and indebtedness. But above all we have lost our independence because Portugal has not been able to take any economic, financial, monetary, fiscal or budgetary measures without the prior authorization of Brussels and Berlin.
The euro is thus a club of German Europe that deprives us of our sovereignty and our national independence and that we must free ourselves by creating our own currency, the Escudo Novo! Off the euro!”
Their last article on the site dates from last year and is about the Paris Commune. Will we hear from them again…?

Partido Operário de Unidade Socialista (POUS)
1976 Trotskyist split from the PS. Haven’t done anything interesting since
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: Fourth International (ICR)
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
These political and trade union leaders believe there will be a left European Parliament that will impose reforms in the European Union to serve the interests of the peoples. Do they want to reform what is not reformable? (…) Those who have designed this parliament instituted this "parliament" to camouflage, through the vote of the populations, the antidemocratic nature of the institutions of European Union, a direct instrument of capital and the financial framework and to challenge the sovereignty of national parliaments, however much degraded democracy is in European countries. “
They have no own position pieces, transcribing articles from other, better parties.

Movimento Alternativa Socialista (MAS)
Founded in 2000 by the FER, itself a former Trotskyist party founded in the 80s and finally liquidated itself completely alongside student org Ruptura to make the MAS a unitary party. Against the one-party state.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: International Workers’ League – Fourth International
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“Today is more obvious than ever that any European unification that does not come from the hands of workers and peoples is catastrophic for them. Attempts to unify the continent by military means only served to raze and share - this was the story of two great wars - but also the unification "peaceful" by the hands of the continent 's bourgeoisies is a weapon in the war against the people , unable to truly unite the "old continent". Despite the " pro- European" ideology that has eluded many of the employees and European middle classes , the EU is revealed today as it ever was: a tool for the privileges of European ruling classes . The European ideology breaks up in the air because, ironically, "European integration" requires the destruction of the base material that supported the pro-European illusions by decades. This material base was the so - called welfare state but also a certain hierarchy between the various countries, where despite the inequalities , there was cooperation between the Central Powers and the countries of the periphery , which maintained a relative independence and met an imperialist role albeit in a "third division" under the "Champions League" German, British and French. Since the economic crisis of the 70s and the advent of neoliberalism that this balance was jeopardized . But with the open economic crisis in 2008 there was a accelerate this project. The economic counter-revolution and the recolonization advanced more in Europe in the last five years than in the previous 20.”
On the PS budget of 2016
“The recovery of wages has been reversed by the destruction of investment in public services and infrastructures. Taxes on wages were exchanged for consumption taxes. As for privatizations, not only were they reversed but also deepened. For example, the New Bank has just been privatized, at zero cost, and CGD has issued a bond loan that can open doors to a private entry into the bank. Precarity is our daily bread, also in the sectors of the State itself. The aging of the retirement age is being prepared. Unemployment is at 10%. PPPs continue to increase state spending and public debt continues to increase.
As you can see, in reality, the PS Government, supported by BE and PCP, is not very different from the previous PSD / CDS-PP Government.
However, there is an innovation in the PS Government, which has nothing to do with the issues. This PS Government, with the support of BE and PCP, has deceived us with its exoticism and this has allowed us to reach the social stability so desired. This is the big difference.
As can be seen from the budgetary implementation of 2016, the support of BE and PCP does not serve to "turn the page of austerity", because this is something that is yet to happen, but rather fulfills the role of fueling the hopes in this PS Government and appease the social contestation.
This is where our question comes from: Has not PS been converting BE and PCP to its plan? It is that the opposite, certainly, did not happen.”

Partidul Socialist Român (PSR)
Founded in 2003 by the minority within the Socialist Party of Labour that didn't want to merge into a social democratic party. Are trying to be considered the legal heir of the former Communist Party of Romania. It hasn't worked so far, and neither has trying to re-establish the old Communist Party.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: European Left
Position on the European Union
"Socialist Party ROMANIAN campaigning for a Europe of countries with equal rights
and sovereign, a Europe of nations with their specific national identities.
Socialist Party ROMANIAN campaigning for close relations and cooperation in all
levels with neighboring countries for the implementation of basic political treaties and other agreements
concluded bilateral, multilateral and EU towards deepening cooperation and trust between all
countries in the region." Sounds a bit contradictory PSR but OK.
Romania has President?
"PSR-768x768 Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, the actions repeated incitement against the government by repeated statements that appeal to "my government" to "my party", the "parliament mine" and, more recently, the "Romanians mine who are street "demonstrates with great arrogance that it is not my president, which means it is unable to lead Romania's destiny because it is unable to understand the role and responsibilities as President. In such circumstances, we are faced with the situation we all ask: Does ROMANIA have a president?
Romania needs a president who has the ability to solve problems facing Romanians, a president must work constantly to defend the independence, sovereignty, integrity and unity of Romania for economic and social development of Romania, to ensure a standard of living more prosperous all citizens and makes us all to be proud of being Romanian.
Since the President of Romania has no honor and act on demand for dividing Romanians, Romanian Socialist Party considers necessary steps for dismissal His Excellency start of the high office of President."
There's also a current Communist Party of Romania, but it's not been oficially accepted as one by Romania (and it probably won't for a while seeing as explicitly Communist parties are banned in Romania) and it sees itself as a reorganisation attempt of the old PCR rather than a new party. Their site is just .pdf files of their newspaper.

Komunistická strana Slovenska (KSS)
Founded in 1992 as the merger of two parties who didn't agree with the original Communist Party of Slovakia becoming a social democratic party and going "Hey wait why are we two seperate parties?" Is an observer member of the European Left while disagreeing almost completely with the founding Congress of the European Left.
Membership: 2,100 (2015)
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE, European Left observer
Position on the European Union
The Google deep mind says all the pages on their site might have some sort of virus on it. Will look in the future if shit's fixed

Iniciativa za demokratični socializem (IDS)
Founded in 2014 by Occupy Movement activists and based on the economical and political analyses of the Workers and Punks University in Ljubljana. End goal is the end of capitalism in favor of democratic ecosocialism.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 4 national MPs
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: European Left
National affiliation: Zdruzena Levica
Position on the European Union
" European integration were already at their inception, therefore, the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951 in Paris, distinctly antisocialist project. One of the main strategic reasons to start process of European integration has been preventing the spread of socialism from the East, which the capitalist elite bale because of militant working class in the West. ECSC has therefore established a "strong market", designed by the father of European integration, Jean Monet. According to him, to the process of integration of European markets (and thus the European national capitalist classes) established gradually, through the creation of a joint stronger market in certain sectors, such market is expected to gradually transform into all other branches, so that eventually formed completely integrated European economy. (...) Therefore, only a socialist united states of Europe to stop the misery, exploitation and dehumanisation brought about by the requirement of renunciation in the name of a better tomorrow that never comes. If we left the position of the blind dictates of capital and neoliberal devastation, we will soon be repeated well-known European history. An alternative to socialism is barbarism. The last major crisis of capitalism has expired emerging fašizmov and the Second World War. Therefore, today we can no longer ignore the fact that there is a steep rise of fascism both in the center as in the periphery, in the form of movements and parties. In fascism, the class (both economic and political) antagonisms moved to the nationalist campaign against foreigners, migrants, homosexuals, Roma, increasingly, toward emancipation movements and left parties. The crisis instead of laws of motion of capital FASCISMS blaming minority and stereotyped social group. In this respect, the fight against neofašizmu one of the key tasks of the Left, and thus the Initiative for democratic socialism."
On removing the statue of Gyorgy Lukacs in Budapest
" György Lukács as the founder of the tradition of Western Marxism is one of the most influential theorists , who have a key contribution to the development of Marxist thought. He was among the first to loosen rigid ekonomistično understanding of Marx and Marxist range of the creative to expand in various fields, such as culture, literature and science.
At the same time it was between rows theorists in an exceptional situation also due to its persistent involvement in real politics. He was a participant of the Hungarian revolution and the cultural minister in the government of Bela Kun in brief Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919, he spent the war years in Russia, and in 1956 found himself in yet another failed revolutionary government Imreja Nagyja ones.
It is precisely thanks to the people who were from defeat in defeat ready to fight on the great efforts, it has become our world a little bit better. For this reason alone they deserve to be remembered.
And if you have become with the rise of right-wing populism various attempts of misrepresentation and distortion of the history of such rather an everyday phenomenon, but it comes at Lukácsevi removal of no less than for its removal, primeljiv gesture dictatorships or the worst excesses of the post-socialist transition.
Hungary is slowly becoming a combination of both.

Stranka za ekosocializem in trajnostni razvoj Slovenije (TRS)
Founded in 2011 during a meeting of the movement with the same name in the Grand Union Hotel in Ljubljana. Their end goal is the end of neoliberal capitalism in favor of democratic ecosocialism. Hates NATO.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 1 national MP
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: European Left
National affiliation: Zdruzena Levica
Position on the European Union
"Europe, the EU, after a brief transitional period greening of capitalism and socialization for the first half of the 21st century instead of the neoliberal economy and the collapse of state socialism as a doctrinal innovation of the future European economic system the world has to offer Third, sustainable and equitable socio designed the way: eco-social market economy, society democratic organic (eco) socialism with the following three columns:
sustainable, steady economy - to quantify the non-growing economy, ensure economic competitiveness in the context of environmental and social constraints and standards;
social and legal state - social security, free education and affordable health care for all, social justice, sustainable social dialogue and planetary solidarity;
permanent protection of the environment and nature - peacekeeping, natural foundations of life and critical environmental resources for future generations."
Public call for a ban on the concert Thompson in Maribor 20. 5. 2017
" We urge you to avoid musical performance Croatian singer Marko Perkoviću - Thompson, who announced on 20. 5. 2017 in Maribor. As far as is known, Slovenia still a country that has fought against Nazism and fascism and against collaborators of the Nazis and fascists, along with allies, the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and other allied states, and many resistance movements that have for sacrifice many lives.
Enough sad that Slovenia each year authorizes that through its territory chase Ustasha hordes of followers, the Ustasha flags in cars, with the Ustasha songs on your lips. We live in the year 2017 and the final one would have to say STOP Ustasha, the Nazi, fascist and other ideologies them friendly, are Europe and world brought only death and suffering.
72 years after the victory over Nazism and Fascism opposed to reviving and glorifying criminal ideologies and therefore the onset of the controversial singer, whose performances promotes the glorification of the Independent State of Croatia, allies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy and ustaštva and their symbol is doing Thompson on their performances and we urge you that in the name of the Republic of Slovenia and its citizens do too!
Both are already done in some other European countries, and prevent him from appearances, sometimes enter the country, and certainly you will also find that article in the Constitution, which prohibits the dissemination of hatred and on the basis of which we can citizens continue to believe that the struggle of our ancestors against the Nazis and fascists and their accomplices successful.
Remember: the inflaming of national, racial, religious or other hatred and intolerance is not freedom of speech!"
There should be a third party in Zdruzena Levica but they seem to almost no longer exist apart from their lone MP. What a shame
Note: due to the abundance of coalitions and parties active in only one or several regions, parties are only mentioned if they have contested national elections independently. Leftist parties who choose to represent themselves in the European Free Alliance instead of the EU-wide left are also not included.

Founded in 2014 as an attempt to create a political wing for the anti-austerity movement (and more specifically the Indignados movement) in Spain by Pablo Iglesias. Second biggest party in Spain behind Franco’s successors in the Partido Popular. Hate the EU and NATO, incredibly big tent party from weird Pirate direct democrats to democratic socialists. Ideological end goal is the stop to the austerity measures in Spain favoring the basic income, reforming the Lisbon Treaty and a turn to renewable energy. Organisationally pretty weird, not a classic structured party, you can pretty much speak for the party, create a local section and vote for the president of the party wtihout actually being a member.
Membership: 480,812 (2017)
MPs: 59 deputies, 20 senators, 5 MEPs, 139 regional MPs
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: independent within the GUE
National affiliation: Unidos Podemos
Position on the European Union
“We will push for an in-depth reform of the Stability and Growth Pact, eliminating the objective of structural budget balance and making debt and deficit objectives more flexible, so that they are better adapted to the needs of each country. We will put in place a genuine European fiscal policy: a common budget with significant weight, a mechanism for transferring resources between countries according to their cyclical situation, the emission of Eurobonds and a greater degree of harmonization in some taxes, Companies. (…) We will push for a reform of European institutions that will democratize political and economic decision-making in the eurozone. The economic government of the eurozone - the Eurogroup - is an entity that is not required to be accountable to any institution directly elected by the citizens, not even to the European Parliament, so we will support the creation of a parliamentary chamber of the eurozone, Formed by representatives of the different national parliaments according to population and territorial criteria and, unlike the European Parliament, with real legislative capacity and political control. “
Notes on the regional financing system
“Some considerations on the objectives of the Conference.
Autonomous financing is an eminently political issue, even if it requires technical solutions. Therefore, we are committed to a multilateral negotiation between ALL the Autonomous Communities and the State. Expert committees are necessary to address the technical problems of the autonomous financing system, but they are not those that must solve a problem whose entity is essentially political. Only through a durable agreement that involves all parties, and that takes into account the diversity and peculiarities of each territory and the different positions of the parties present in Congress, can move towards a new model of truly shared funding .
We believe that it is fundamental that the reform of the SFA is driven by the need to reach an agreement to shield the social rights of the welfare state. For this, first of all, we must start with a progressive tax reform at the state level that tackles the structural insufficiency of public revenue and bring us closer to European standards. Spain has an income problem, which affects all levels of administration. It is necessary to increase the total revenues of the system.
It is necessary to open the debate so that the financing of the local Haciendas is reviewed, to assure their capacity of attention to the necessities of the citizenship, and that they can collect according to the level of competences that they have transferred. In addition, local administrations - responsible for part of social policy - have been heavily punished by the laws dictated by the Troika, and implemented by the Popular Party government. It is necessary to review the absurd and inefficient Expenditure Rule, which limits the expenses of some well-resourced and surplus local administrations who, in the absence of such a rule, could carry out policies to ensure the welfare of citizens.”

Partido Comunista de España (PCE)
Created in 1921 from the merger of the original PCE and a group of activists from the PSOE who wanted that party to join the Comintern. Repressed under the de Rivera regime between 1923 and 1931, and severly weakened as a result. Cofounders of the Spanish Frente Popular during the Second Republic. Followed the Soviet line and even sent troops for the Red Army during the first years of the Franco regime. Abandoned the armed struggle against Franco in 1963 and took a Eurocommunist turn, which was reversed in 1982 after electoral and member losses. Re-legalized in 1977. Is active in all of Spain apart from Catalonia, where the PCE refers to PSUC viu as its local section (this is because of the 1936 split of Catalan communists due to the special regime in Catalonia at the time). Founding party of Izquierda Unida, an electoral alliance between several leftist parties in Spain.
Membership: 35,000 (2010)
MPs: 5 deputies, 1 senator, 2 MEPs
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: European Left
National affiliation: Unidos Podemos (through Izquierda Unida)
Position on the European Union
Communicates on the EU through the Party of the European Left, its own news services are currently promoting the campaign of the PCE to install a Third Spanish Republic with an Anti-capitalist Social Alternative.
Wave the Republican flag on April 14th!
“The Communist Party of Spain proposes that on April 14, Republican flags wander in the institutions.
The Secretary of Historical Memory and Republican Movement of the PCE has proposed that this April 14, they fly Republican flags in the institutions in which they form part before the offensive of the Popular Party to disavow their placement or denunciation.
Thus, we have known cases like the Valencian Community where the Delegation of the Government has sent a circular in which threatens to consistories and councils with the judicial route if Republican flags are fluttered during the 14 of April. Or the "kidnapping" of the Republican flag that waved on the balcony of the municipal group of Ganar Alcantarilla, in the Region of Murcia.
From the PCE we consider that this is a new sample of the deeply reactionary and undemocratic character of the PP and a government with dyes of the Francoist past of this country, trying to punish those who commemorate a democratic epoch of our history as was the Second Republic.
That is why, from the PCE our public offices are encouraged to democratic rebellion by waving more Republican flags than ever as an action that announces in the way of a constituent process in which we go step by step building the Third Republic. “

Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España (PCPE)
Founded in 1984 through a merger of several Leninist political parties, mostly PCE splits who didn’t agree with the eurocommunist turn of the PCE. Their Catalan reference is the PCPC. Cofounder of Izquierda Unida, but left after IU was seen as a way to re-integrate the PCPE into the PCE. Merged with the majority of the PCEU in 2008.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
“Yes, there is . Although unfortunately not within the framework of the European Union, it was created to favor big business to the detriment of the working class and even small business.
The solution passes through the exit of the European Union but with a proposal different from the one of Eurosceptic. A proposal that is to benefit the interests of workers.
The nationalization of the strategic sectors of the economy, to serve the majority and not the companies, is the key. For this, it is necessary to organize and fight to recover what they took away.
Full employment, decent wages, universal and free public services, full labor rights, the rights and dignity of immigrants, the defense of the environment and the end of wars is possible.
Not to the EU, not to free trade, yes to immigrants, yes to workers!"
Let's build Socialism!
On the bombing of Syria
“The PCPE has consistently denounced the aggressive use of the Rota, Morón and other bases in the Spanish state, as well as the risk they pose to the security of the populations where they settle. That is why we demand the immediate withdrawal of foreign forces, as well as the departure of the imperialist military structure of NATO.
Likewise, the PCPE expresses its solidarity with the Syrian people and their legitimate government, which for six years has been suffering a cruel and unjust war imposed by imperialist interests. We call on the working class and other popular sectors of the Spanish state to show their strongest repulsion against the attacks against this sovereign nation through a wide movement of protests and mobilizations that demand the immediate cessation of this war of prey and Looting by the US and its allies, generating a broad internationalist and anti-imperialist front to help the Syrian people regain peace and sovereignty.”

Unificacion Comunista de España (UCE)
A Maoist party founded in 1973 by the editorial board of the Tribuna Obrera newspaper. End goal is the creation a society without classes and without the exploitations of humans by humans. Anti-Soviet line. Sees Spain as a dependent ally of the US, England and re-unified Germany. Says there is an Anglo-German conspiracy to fund independist movements in Spain and is itself against all kinds of regionalism. Their campaign site for 2012 was a Tumblr page.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“The Brexit is preceded by a series of events which must be emphasized: the new German hegemony over Europe, the end of the Franco-German axis as the driving force of the EU, the tensions between different states over politics The ECB, the differences in the policy to be followed during the crisis (which were emblematized in the defense or questioning of the "austerity" policies imposed by Germany), the tensions surrounding the case of Greece and the rescue of the The Hellenic Republic, the end of the common agricultural policy, etc. All this cascade of events and conflicts has in recent years been turning the EU into a minefield of internal strife.
But in addition to a blow to Europe, Brexit could also be a blow to Britain. It is not strange the divorce in which the two lose and both are damaged. After the "popular" decision, the most difficult period opens: the negotiation of divorce, which threatens to be a hard and uncompromising tug-of-war. Britain wants, logically, "to leave rositas". But Germany wants to penalize the exit, so you do not set the example. Britain wants a favorable trade agreement, in exchange for continuing to provide "military collaboration". But Berlin has already said that it will not accept such blackmail. And, in addition, England has to face secessionist tensions on all fronts: from Scotland and Northern Ireland to Gibraltar.
For the moment, it seems that there are, therefore, two clear winners in this matter: the United States of Trump and Putin, another that bet with brazenness for the weakness of Europe.”
On the upcoming elections in France
“There is no doubt that a victory of the FN would unleash an unprecedented storm in Europe. The current EU architecture would be unsustainable; It is unthinkable to speak of a European Union where neither France nor England were present. If his proposal to return to the franc is met, the euro would surely be mortally wounded. Hence the dissolution of the EU is only a matter of time. And that would fulfill the dreams of both the current tenant of the White House ... and of Putin, to whom the disappearance of the EU would come from pearls in order to be able to re-intervene at his leisure in Eastern Europe. The EU would disappear, both as a global power and a regional cohesion factor, leaving its members to the edge of their particular agreements with the real great powers.
However, one can not yet assume that Washington is going to end up playing as a pyromaniac in Europe at this time. As with so many other announcements made by Trump, it is time to differentiate the president's explosive tweets from the real policy that the White House will advance. And indeed, Vice President Pence's recent visit to Europe has served to tone down, and even contradict, many of Trump's incendiary messages. Pence reaffirmed in Brussels the commitment of the USA to the defense (defense, yes, that now Europeans will have to pay) and to the unity of Europe. Words of mere commitment or announcement of a policy change? We will soon know. The French elections themselves will certainly be a good thermometer to clarify. “
Partido Comunista Obrero Español (PCOE)
Founded in 1973 as a split from the PCE by members who did not agree with the Eurocommunist turn. Supported the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Chose not to follow the majority of the members who re-integrated themselves in the PCE in the ‘80s nor with the people who merged with the PCPE in the 2000s.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: / (took part in the International Communist Seminar of the PVDA-PTB)
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“Originated from the well-known Treaty of Rome in 1957, the EU is a way of international economic integration that meets the needs of the development of European State monopoly capital, the aim of which is to contain within controlled limits the struggles of the working class of the continent and subject it to a higher degree of exploitation, continue maintaining under its splint the peoples who wage heroic battles for their economic emancipation and to stand in the construction of socialism in the world “
For the Socialist Republic
“One year more an amalgam of political parties take to the streets to recall the Second Republic and at the same time to claim the advent of a third. Most organizations are demanding the elimination of monarchy and establishing a republic of bourgeois character, as was the previous or as the current French Republic in which the development of fascism is allowed, as we can see in the case of Front National Marine Le Pen. (…) The PCE, an organization far removed from any Leninist conception, proposes that on April 14, Republican flags should be waved in the institutions, as an action to be announced on the path of a constituent process in which we will go step by step building the Third Republic. This republic, raised by the PCE, is nothing more than "the best political envelope that capitalism can take" and therefore this proposal is what it does is to reinforce the bourgeoisie, which currently reigns in the form of a constitutional monarchy. (…) The Regional Committee of the Spanish Communist Workers Party in Madrid denounces the reformism and opportunism of these organizations, such as the PCE, always at the service of the bourgeoisie and trying to mask itself against the working class, and claim the socialist republic as the only way out of the proletariat to To take the reins of its destiny and to impose the dictatorship of the proletariat, authentic democracy of the workers.”

Socialismo Revolucionario
Spanish section of the CWI. Pro Catalan independence if it’s done without the pro-capitalist parties.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: CWI
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“We can see that the capitalists themselves are pushing the euro and the EU towards fragmentation. As is evident in Greece, they ask us to endure more and more misery under the excuse of "staying in the euro", when they condemn it to failure with their policies. The capitalists who run the EU will have no problem in pushing the euro and the EU itself to those states which they no longer consider necessary to continue their imperialist project, obviously after having bleed them as much as possible. Our answer has to be: the euro is not worth our lives! Not the blackmail of the straitjacket that is the capitalist euro. (…) Being part of the euro does not deserve the destruction of our lives. If implementing policies in favor of the working class means being expelled from the euro, we will call on workers from all over Europe to form an alternative confederation of democratic socialist countries, in which they will command the interests of the people.”
On the leadership elections in PODEMOS
“On February 10, 11 and 12, the We Citizen Assembly will be held, in a context of public and hard confrontation between the sector agglutinated by Pablo Iglesias and that of Íñigo Errejón. The most acute expression of this struggle, so far, was expressed last December in the consultation of the bases on the rules of operation of the Assembly, with 41.57% of the votes in favor of the theses of Iglesias, 39.12% for Errejón and 10.5% for the anticapitalists. What are the political causes of this conflict? Is it just a struggle for power or are there conflicting political projects? What role does the ruling class, its media and social democracy play in this dispute? Without a doubt, Vistalegre II will be an important event not only for the future of the purple formation, but for the left and the class struggle in the Spanish state. (…) The Errejón sector has the moral, political and material support of the ruling class and its spokesmen. However, its true asset is inertia and the lack of a consistent alternative on the part of Pablo Iglesias and his sector. This is the main task to be solved for all those who defend a PODEMOS that responds to the interests of workers, youth, the unemployed, the precarious, and all oppressed sectors of society. There can be no capitalism with a human face, there can be no reforms for the benefit of the population that have not been uprooted by struggle and mobilization. There can be no real change without socialism. “

Vänsterpartiet (V)
Founded in 1917 as the Swedish Social Democratic Left Party in a split with the Swedish Social Democrats. The OG Communist Party of Sweden. Hate the EU, love the Non-Aligned Movement. Followed the Comintern line in the 20s, which pissed off a lot of people, but their organisations ceased to exist. Only party in Sweden who supported the Soviets during the Winter War. Sadly kept supporting the Soviet line also afte 1956, which made the party turn to Eurocommunism and Nordic Green-Left politics. Is officially socialist and feminist, no longer communist.
Membership: 8706 (2009)
MPs: 21 national MPs, 1 MEP
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: NGLA
Position on the European Union
" Left socialist, feminist and ecological objectives challenge prevailing power relations in the world. Conditions at the European level is strongly institutionalized through the European Union and NATO. In comparison, the Swedish public institutions - despite its shortcomings - more open to public pressure and democratic transparency and impact. Sweden's ability to pursue an independent and progressive politics cropped by the EU and NATO, but also directly by the Swedish and international capital.
The Left seems therefore together with like-minded people in Europe for the dissolution of NATO, a fundamentally different pan-European cooperation than today's EU and the establishment of solidarity, peaceful and equal relations within Europe and between Europe and the South and East.
The key in this endeavor is the direction. Several complementary paths need to be tested. What strategies applied must be determined by the facts and the political developments in Sweden and Europe.
EU fundamental structures counteract usually this kind of collaboration. EU's neoliberal-inspired treaty does in practice the freedom of capital to the overriding principle. Deregulation, tax cuts, privatization and removal of trade barriers within the single market is a priority, while social, environmental and labor is regarded as a problem because they can reduce capital freedom. "
On the terror attack in Stockholm
" What has happened is a national tragedy. We think of those who have lost their lives. And we think of their mothers, fathers, their children and their loved ones. All those who have been affected by this terrible deed.
For me, Stockholm has always been a safe place. I myself was about to get my children when I reached the terrible message.
It is a time of unrest and because so important that we remain calm. We should not allow ourselves to be intimidated and be afraid of each other, but help each other. We should stick together. We will not allow violence and terrorism break us.
I am extremely grateful to all those who are now making efforts for the security of us all. Police, rescue workers, all other needed in a time like this.
Now we have to get answers to what happened and bring those responsible to account. The necessary resources must be deployed to support and assist those affected and their relatives."

Kommunistiska Partiet
Founded in 1970 as a split of the Maoist KPML. The then-named KPML(revolutionary) thought the Maoists turned reformist. Are under surveillance by the Swedish state. There's some actors and musicians who are members but they're all Swedish so you probably wouldn't know them.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation / (participated in the International Communist Seminar)
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
" It is 20 years since the Swedish people were lured into the EU. Instead of work and prosperity that we promised, we have mass unemployment and growing inequality. EU means statutory right policies and undemocratic expert rule. Therefore, the Communist Party fights for:
Sweden out of the EU.
Boycott EU decisions contrary to Swedish law and the will of the Swedish people."
On the 6-hour work day
" Sweden needs a general reduction in working hours to six hours. A work hours with a minimum loss of pay converts part-time work to full-time for all, especially women, who had to lose work time. Six-hour day reduces stress and wearing out of all the work and provides the opportunity for jobs and livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of people who today are denied work.
A shorter working hours increases the possibility for both women and men to catch the child, family, community involvement and personal development. Moreover, a reduction in the general working a huge and much needed transfer of public resources from the few to the many, from profits to wages.
To implement the six-hour day is estimated to cost 90 billion, a fraction of the increase in profits and the fortunes of the class in our country have accumulated high the past decades. In Sweden with a productivity which has increased more than tenfold since the current eight-hour day was introduced in 1919 should be a six-hour working day not even be controversial. Only those who put the big companies and the rich well before people can be opposed to working hours.
Every municipality and every county / region, they should work with the greatest need for a reduction in working hours to take the first step. The workplaces where workers fought for six-hour day is a victory and an inspiration for all other workers.
The power to enforce these improvements are especially at workplaces. Improvements will come as gifts from above, but can only be won by a movement from below. The Communist Party has for decades been working for a six-hour day. By including citizen, petitions, motions shadow and dissemination of leaflets outside the workplace and on the streets we are now intensifying the struggle for a shorter working hours."

Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti (SKP)
Founded in 1995 as a revival of the APK, the pro-Soviet minority in the Vänsterpartiet who split in the 70s, but whose party became bankrupt after the fall of the Soviet Union. Haven't done that much since.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
Under globalization conditions, capital needs international regulatory system to check and balance the capitalist world economy. Organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, G7, respectively. The G8 has the task to realize the international monopoly capital interests in common. Meanwhile, the places for the fierce competition. Alongside these global organizations create monopoly capital, its regional power instruments. In Europe, this instrument is the European Union (EU).
Dismantling of socialism in Europe is due to the capitalist economy since the 1900s eventually see global opportunities to consolidate its imperial power positions. The main room is the US building a total domination on land, at sea, in the air and in space. Today there is a resistance to such domination remain in Asia and to a growing extent in Latin America. Encirclement of the former Soviet Union remains and is expanding with the encirclement of China. In the early 1990s, the United States declared that it will not accept any challenge of power. It is the foundation of the collective imperialism's current China policy in all areas. Since imperialism's economic dependence on China, while growing, is the destabilization of the country a primary interest to operators."
On cuts on healthcare in Sweden
" Sollefteå are now held courses in how to perform the birth of the automobile. This after county politicians decided to drop the BB in Sollefteå to save money. In the same folkförakt yacht sitting this time Social Democrats, the Left Party, Sweden Democrats and the Greens. Does that mean that the bourgeois opposition who were against the proposal is preferable? Hardly. History tells us which side the bourgeoisie is - the people opposite. A glimmer of humanity can actually benefit the business.
That decision is disgusting no doubt. But to counter this, we must also consider the events as part of a larger context. There is no magical coincidence that it is the common people who will suffer when the money should be saved. The rich get richer and the differences between managers and workers' wages continue to rise. It's you and the rest of the majority of the people who are affected when the financial crisis after another. The system built-winning baiting is not the people for the benefit - capitalism is directly hostile people, and all the politicians who are trying to make up with reforms as well. Slowly but surely dismantled countryside with the result that schools and hospitals spent on assembly lines. Who knows, in the near future we may be sent home with a scalpel, a needle and thread to make the actual pick out appendicitis in the home.
Never forget that the rights we have today is a result of popular struggle, the people before you have risked much for you to take part of them. It is by inviting up to battle as improvements are made.
Swedish Communist Party expresses all its sympathy and solidarity with Sollefteå population, especially for those women who are forced to bear the concerns decision entails and all the support to those struggling to preserve the BB in Sollefteå."

Socialistiska Partiet
Swedish section of the Fourth International. Some splits happened
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: FI(post-reunification)
European affiliation: EACL
Position on the EUropean Union
Their last piece on the EU dates from 2003. Welp
On the reactions to the Stockholm terror attack
" How encouraging it is then to see the mass manifestations of love and cohesion. How do people refuse to be part of hathögerns "civilization war". There is a tug of war going on, but with such strong solidarity demonstrations like those in Stockholm, it is clear that the battle is far from settled. The only problem is that the whole of our social model is heading in a direction that strengthens the forces of hatred and undermine cohesion.
Although great many Stockholmers and Swedes stood united against hatred and violence is neither a unified Stockholm Sweden city or a united country. Instead, Sweden is today characterized by growing class differences and conflicts between different groups. Contradictions that are shaped by politics. How understandable it is to seek fellowship and comfort at a time like this, it is not up, we should seek alliances. We can not accept the story that the attack in Stockholm would be an "attack on Sweden." Terrorism is an international phenomenon that yields life in the same way and with the same motive whether in Stockholm, Paris or Cairo. The vast majority of victims of the Islamic fundamentalist terror are Muslims - the Wahhabi terror has destroyed political life in countries like Pakistan. That every deed done to a national issue and that the debates allowed stuck around issues of police resources and surveillance is not only factually incorrect - it is directly counterproductive."

Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (RS)
Swedish section of the CWI. Support Kobane. Used to be entryists in the social democratic party.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: CWI
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
"Ahead of the 60th anniversary presented the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker five different possible scenarios for the future of the EU. These included everything from the closer integration of countries and the possibility of "different speeds" for various states to continue as now, stagger from crisis to crisis.
What the EU's current relaxation is the inability of capitalism to truly unify the different nation states and their capitalist masters. The EU also has no answers to the growing climate crisis, in practice subordinate NATO military and sends thousands of refugees into the death is further evidence of the need for a socialist alternative to the EU. Unlike large corporations and capitalists, the working class and left the same interests in Europe and globally.
How to avoid terror attacks
" Terrorism is a consequence of a capitalist world order in crisis and resolution, even if, for example, ICE can weaken and even defeated. For the Socialists, it is more important to see the connections. An end to terrorism requires an end to the war and the terror raging in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and other countries. Then also Swedish politician's co-responsibility for these wars and arms exports to those exposed and connected to a sharpened opposition to military rearmament and Swedish NATO connection.
Here at home, the fight against racism and any escalation of attempts to blame and expel the refugees are themselves the victims of terrorism go hand in hand with the fight against the growing social divisions that strikes hard against the poor suburbs.
The bottom side piece, this is also a struggle for the working unit, international solidarity and socialism."

Da fwiggen Fifth International dude
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: L5I
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
On the terror attack in Stockholm
" Identity politics and the cultural relativism that realpolitik in countries like Sweden have to be suspended. That means no more state financial support for reactionary Islamic groups. Applying the principle of no platform for fascists to them - they will therefore not have access to the public. Block emergence of religiously and culturally conservative environment by banning religious schools, and by not allowing child marriage, the ban on forced marriages more persistent, and so on. Arbitration also Muslims and Islamists. Jihadists in the West can be isolated by turning back the discrimination and baiting of working Muslims and want to be part of society, but opposed by segregating mechanisms. With solidarity and anti-racism can jihadists propaganda against the people of the West disproved."

Scottish Socialist Party (SSP)
Founded in 1998 as the result of discussions for a Socialist Scotland in the Scottish Socialist Alliance. Called for a Yes vote on the Scottish independence referendum, as its end goal is an independent socialist Scotland. Co-founder of the new socialist alliance in Scotland, RISE, but are probably leaving it soon as they’re no longer getting votes partly because of it. Supported Remain during the EU referendum, but call for a Social Europe.
Membership: 3500 (2014)
MPs:: No
International affiliation: /
European afifliation: EACL
National affiliation: RISE
Position on the European Union
“Sturgeon has presented the myth over recent months that the EU is some ‘Garden of Eden’ where privileges are bestowed on Scotland from on high by some philanthropic guardian angel in Brussels when it is in fact an anti-democratic bureaucracy entirely in the grip of a neoliberal corporate elite.
The Scottish Socialist Party voted to Remain in June 2016 but we did so only ‘as the lesser of two evils’. That puts us, in my view, alongside the vast majority of Scots who similarly had no illusions in the EU.
The SNP and Greens however seem to have lost the plot — the SNP’s MPs were singing the EU anthem, Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, during the Westminster vote on Article 50!
(…) The EU is an institution controlled by Europe’s corporate elite, the Scottish Socialist Party is under no illusions about that. But neither are we in any doubt about the nature of the British state and its lack of democracy. The enormity of the task facing the left in rolling back the tide of neo-liberal capital here and abroad is daunting yes but it must be faced nonetheless.
Our vision of Europe is not the same as David Cameron’s or Nicola Sturgeon’s. Both neo-liberal politicians favour a bosses Europe where workers are treated like chattels of corporations. We will vote to ‘remain’ in the EU in order to change it from top to bottom working with people of like mind throughout Europe to do so.
Jeremy Corbyn speaks of ‘a social Europe’ where solidarity, workers’ rights and environmental protection are guaranteed. That sounds about right as it includes an EU free from neo-liberal manipulation.
On the snap election
“In one decisive step it was done. Presented with polls showing her main opponent not just on the ropes but out of the ring, Theresa May has called a general election.
It is a classic piece of ruthless politics which grasps control of the political terrain on which the UK’s future direction will be decided and greatly increases the danger of twenty years of hard nosed Tory rule.
In UK terms, the prospects are bleak with all the evidence suggesting that May will sweep Labour aside, shoot UKIP’s fox and marginalise the Lib Dems to cruise to a 100+ Commons majority.
Brutally that is why she did – it’s a moment of maximum advantage for the Tories and therefore one of great danger for everyone else. (…) As an immediate and urgent task the independence movement must enter the battle for both democracy and transformative change which can only build support for an independent Scotland as an alternative to the Tory nightmare on Downing Street.”

Left Unity
How ironic that a post on the British left includes a party called Left Unity, founded in 2013 by Ken Loach to try and be an alternative to Labour while still supporting Labour most of the way. They are officially an explicitly anti-capitalist party, refusing to work with those social democrats of the SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Greens. Don’t like the EU but don’t support anti-EU fronts, instead creating ~~Social Europe~~ fronts. Support Corbyn and Momentum.
Membership: 1500 (2015)
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: European Left
Position on the European Union
“Left Unity does not call for withdrawal from the European Union, and we reject the current UKIP and Tory-led racist and xenophobic campaign against free movement of people within the EU (see Migration). But we recognise that the EU in its current form is a club for bankers and big business. It imposes neoliberal economic policies across Europe which increase the exploitation of ordinary people and attack our welfare provision. EU legislation like the Maastricht and Nice treaties underpin this.
We oppose the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and oppose joining the single currency. We support the European Left, of which Syriza is a member, and other similar parties and movements for a different Europe based on solidarity and democracy, and we support governments that stand up for ordinary people against the corporations, speculators and investment bankers.”
On the snap elections
Theresa May has today called a general election for 8th June.
Left Unity calls for a victory for the Labour Party under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. The Corbyn-led Labour Party is the only party which has the policies to regenerate the British economy through an investment-led programme, to unite the country in defence of our diverse communities, and to defend and extend the welfare state. A Tory victory will give free rein to extreme neo-liberalism, divide and rule politics, and the implementation of a hard Brexit which will destroy our hard won rights and protections.
Left Unity National Secretary, Felicity Dowling, said:
‘The weakness and instability of May’s Brexit vision has produced this general election. This general election represents an opportunity to defeat the Tory government and their destructive policies – to win with Labour and defend the NHS, the jewel in the crown of the welfare state
‘It offers a chance to campaign for an end to sanctions, to cuts to social security and disabled people’s benefits, and to child poverty. It gives a chance to defend workers’ rights and support our schools, to end the waste of nuclear bombs and to protect free movement of people. Internationally, it offers the chance to oppose the dangerous and divisive politics of Trump and the rise of the far right that he stands for.
‘Left Unity calls on all progressive forces to mobilise in support of a Corbyn-led Labour Party.’”

Communist Party of Britain (CPB)
In 1988 the editorial staff of the Morning Star and other activists within the old Communist Party of Great Britain walked out in a disagreement on the leading of the CPGB. The CPB wanted nothing to do with the Eurocommunist line the CPGB was about to take at the time. Several years after the CPGB disbanded itself. Political heir of the CPGB. Co-founder of several social movements in the UK, such as Stop The War, No2EU and the People's Assembly against Austerity. The ideological end goal is a socialist society and the end of exploitation. Critically supports Actually and Currently Existing Socialism.
Membership: 772 (2015)
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
"The left and the labour movement must intervene in the debate around Brexit to put forward a working class perspective(...) So far, it has been a largely neoliberal dialogue between Prime Minister Theresa May and her pro-EU opponents. Both sides base their arguments on a belief in free-market fundamentalism, whether inside or outside the European Union and its Single Market. Exit from EU and Single Market membership opens up greater possibilities for workers to assert their rights through collective bargaining and for a progressive government to support industry and regulate investment, trade and the exploitation of migrant labour. But he warned that the Tories are prepared to barter these prospective economic freedoms away in order to obtain TTIP or CETA-style trade and investment deals with the EU and countries such as the US, Canada, Turkey and Japan. Access to European and other markets under WTO rules would be preferable to extending neoliberal freedoms for big business.
On the announcement for snap elections in June
"The Communist Party is not entirely surprised by the announcement to hold a General Election on June 8, never having taken Tory leaders at their word and aware that the so-called 'fixed term' Parliament Act is bogus.
Theresa May seeks a mandate to pursue a five-year programme of neoliberal policies, including yet more austerity, privatisation, militarism and war in alliance with the USA and NATO.
Her section of the Tory leadership - most of whom campaigned in favour of EU membership - want to reach a trade and investment deal with the EU on the basis of most Single European Market rules. The EU Commission welcomes this approach and has made little secret of its support for the election announcement.
Another section of the Tory leadership wants Britain to regain full control over trade, immigration and taxation policies, with no more contributions to the EU budget.
A bigger majority at Westminster would allow May's section to push through its agenda without the support of its most hardline anti-EU dissidents.
It might also strengthen her position, at least in the short run, against the growing opposition to many of her domestic policies such as the reintroduction of grammar schools (and therefore of secondary moderns), the privatisation of the NHS and social housing, deeper cuts in public services and welfare benefits and more tax reductions for the rich and big business.
Both sections of the Tory Party support May's vision of Britain as a low-wage, deregulated, privatised, anti-trade union, offshore tax haven. Both favour neoliberal economic agreements with the USA, Turkey, Japan and others.
That is why it is essential to win a Labour victory on June 8 and open the way for a government led by Jeremy Corbyn to pursue left and progressive policies across a wide range of domestic and international issues.
It is precisely because the ruling class fears such a prospect that it does not want to give Labour three years - or even three more months - to rebuild party unity and take its policies directly to the people, not least in Scotland.
New freedoms outside the EU and Single Market rules would allow the Labour leadership to enact its key policies to rebuild Britain's industrial base, defend and enhance public services, promote regional development, slash or abolish VAT, strengthen our trades unions and end the super-exploitation of migrant labour.
A Labour government is needed that would not bargain away those potential freedoms in trade negotiations with the EU.
That's why the Communist Party urges the working class and peoples of Britain to seize the opportunity on June 8 to throw out the Tories. No to pessimism and defeatism! Yes to a victory for the labour movement, progress and peace!"

Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB)
Split from the Social Democratic Formation in 1904 against the domination of the group around of HM Hyndman. Impossibilists and against reformism. Except when they aren't. Trying to understand their programme is the final exam on dialectics. Says voting can be revoltutionary but thinks revolution will be done peacefully as all the former violent revolutions are no longer relevant. Socialism will only happen if a majority of people worldwide agree with it, which is good news for the socialist movement seeing already 2 billion people (give or take) think it's cool and good. Thinks the step from socialism to communism will be automatic. Thinks Actually Existing Socialism is state capitalist. Didn't think fascism was all that much of a problem. Support strikes while actively saying it's no use??? Against nationalism, also if this means national liberation.
Membership: 500 (2000)
MPs: no
International affiliation: World Socialist Movement
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
They don't have one, and I don't think they actually comment on current events, preferring to masturbate intellectually in the Socialist Standard.

Socialist Equality Party (SEP)
Originally the Internationalist faction in the Workers' Revolutionary Party, they left the WRP in 1986 when it broke with the ICFI. Defend Assange, against Scottish independence. End goal is building a socialist movement against the Tories.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: ICFI
European affiliation: no
Position on the EUropean Union
"Workers in Britain must reject all forms of racism and nationalism and link their struggles with workers in Europe and throughout the world. Against the European Union and its pro-business governments, we stand for workers’ rule across the continent."
They have no proper position pieces, using only the positions of the ICFI.

Socialist Labour Party (SLP)
Split from Labour in 1996 after Tony Blair won the battle on rewriting Clause 4 from a (very vague) commitment to socialism to left-reformist shite. Their short-term goal is undoing the Thatcher and Major privatisations.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
"The Socialist Labour Party is totally committed to complete withdrawal from the European Union. That is the only way Britain can begin to regain control of our economy, sovereignty and our political power and end the free movement of capital and labour. The free movement of capital and labour both threaten the independence of not only Britain but of all countries which are members of this United States of Europe. The European Union is a capitalist club that makes it easy for multinational companies to exploit workers throughout its member states, while the sovereignty of those states is increasingly meaningless, and we are all at the mercy of a vast, faceless bureaucracy."
Position on the snap elections announcement
"SHOCK! Theresa May Calls Off the General Election
We refer of course to the General Election of 2020 which the Prime Minister has decided we no longer need. Instead, in a shameless example of exactly the kind of abuse the Fixed Term Parliaments Act was designed to deter, the political class, including all the 'mainstream' parties, is united in its enthusiasm for a quickie poll in which they hope once again the issues relevant to the lives of ordinary people will fail to be heard. The focus will be the phoney arguments over Brexit coming from the different factions of the establishment.
One party, however, will be putting before the public an alternative to the expansionist, 'free' market agenda supported in one form or another by all the major parties. Saying No to the EU, No to NATO and No to the armed alliance with the US, the SLP will never accept a Britain tied to political-military powers or blocs.
Socialist Labour stands for a national economy built on the industry of our people in a democratic sovereign state that lives and trades in peace, equality and friendship with all other nations. The governing principles of our Britain are the economic, political and health needs of our people, not the profit calculations of big business interests."

Workers' Revolutionary Party (WRP)
There's been several splits of this party who've all took the same name an are only discernible by newspaper. I think this is the Newsline group but I don't know for sure. When was it founded? What does it actually stand for? It seems no one knows. Broke with the ICFI but is still a member???
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: ICFI
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
" It is this background that drove the working class in the UK to reject the bourgeois political order with the Brexit referendum vote, and then workers in the US to elect the outsider (billionaire Trump) in the US presidential election, and then to create a huge crisis in France, where it is now being fought out on the streets before the presidential election, and in Germany, Greece etc.
The UK ruling class has now been reduced to adopting a parody of its pre-1945 role, when it still had a great empire and a great navy and was a world power. It now has none of these assets, and is being reduced to the role of a clown boasting that the world is once again its oyster, and is returning to its role east of Suez, now that it has been freed (against its will) from the EU.
In fact, UK capitalism is just a shadow of its former self, that cannot even guarantee the continuing unity of Britain! All it can guarantee is a total war to destroy forever all of the gains that the working class made post-1945 – from the NHS, to free state education, and council housing, while eliminating the right to strike.
It can only survive by becoming a gun for hire for US imperialism, and spreading the Uber, Deliveroo poison of seeking to reduce the working class to individuals with no basic rights or trade unions. In fact, the referendum is just the beginning of the revolutionary role of the working class in the UK and thoughout Europe in particular.
Immediately ahead in the UK is the organisation of a general strike to defend the NHS from Tory privatisation, to win wage rises that take back all that has been lost since 2010, and provide all young people with free state education, as well as putting an end to sleeping on the streets by building millions of council houses.
This general strike will create the conditions for a socialist revolution in the UK and for spreading it all over Europe, where the working class is also on the march, in France, Italy, Greece and Germany and ready for the call to bury the EU, and replace it with the Socialist United States of Europe!"
On the snap election
"The June 8 election is to bring in a Tory dictatorship. However, the real anger at the Tories’ barrage of attacks will find its expression in a massive anti-Tory vote, and perhaps another Brexit defeat for the Tories.
Tory PM May has taken a great gamble by calling this election. A Tory victory will usher in a rapidly developing civil war to defend the NHS and all of the gains of the working class. A ‘shock’ victory for Labour will however see the working class surge forward well beyond the reformist limits of Corbynism to seize back for the working class everything that it has lost since the 2008 crash!
While giving full support for a Labour victory in the general election, the duty of the WRP is to prepare for the revolutionary situation which will be its aftermath and to mobilise the working class to smash UK capitalism and take the power.
There is no doubt that the British socialist revolution will take place alongside the revolutionary movement of the working class of the world and particularly of the EU. This will bring down the EU as a whole and replace it with the Socialist United States of Europe.
In order to fight and mobilise for this perspective we will be standing a number of candidates in the June 8 general election."

Socialist Party
Started out, like every other fucking Trotskyist party, as a entryist faction in a social democratic party. In 1991 they stopped doing that. Work with a minimum programme and transitional reforms. Against Actually Existing Socialism. Co-founder of the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: CWI
European affiliation: EACL
National affiliation: TUSC
Position on the European Union
"The worst thing socialists can do in this situation is to forget what they know and allow themselves to be buffeted by temporary moods. The EU’s neoliberal core remains pro-market and anti-working class. It compels the privatisation of public services, prohibits nationalisation, and makes it easier for employers to exploit workers in numerous ways. The EU is, in essence, an agreement between the different national capitalist classes of Europe with the aim of creating the largest possible arena to conduct their hunts for profit. It should be opposed on a socialist and internationalist basis."
On the snap election
"It is clear that much of the pro-capitalist cabal at the top of the Labour Party will be secretly welcoming this election because they think Corbyn will be defeated and they can then replace him with some pro-capitalist pro-austerity leader. However, they could rue the day this election was called. If Corbyn fights on a clear socialist programme - for a Brexit in the interests of the working and middle-class - he could win the general election.
The policies that first thrust him into the leadership of the Labour Party would be a good beginning - an immediate introduction of a £10 an hour minimum wage, free education for all, mass council house building and nationalisation of the rail and energy companies. These should be combined with policies such as an immediate end to all cuts in public services and a pledge to immediately renationalise Royal Mail. Jeremy should make clear that he would kick the privateers out of public services and education. He should pledge to introduce a real socialist NHS - a well-funded, comprehensive, high quality NHS, under democratic control, with care free at the point of use. These demands should be linked to the need for fundamental socialist change - for a society run in the interests of the majority instead of for the profits of a few."
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (CPB-ML)
CPB-ML is a Maoist split from the CPGB done in the '60s. At the time of the Sino-Albanian split, it sided with the Hoxhaists. Have supported the Soviets now and again since. Alexei Sayle used to be a member. Hates the EU and calls Remainers 'enemies of the people'. Opposes mass immigration which makes them sound hella fash.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
"We are throwing off the shackles of the misnamed European Union, which seeks only to dictate and deny sovereignty. By March 2019 we must be out.
This day is truly one to celebrate.
In 1975 the British people did not believe we could run our own affairs. The referendum vote then was by more than 2 to 1 to throw in our lot with the European Economic Community, to ask it to please manage Britain for us (actually, for its own interests). Last June this woeful decision was finally reversed.
The people have shown we want a sovereign Britain. We have declared confidence in ourselves to determine the country’s future without any instruction from Brussels or Berlin.
We know that we can and must control our economy, our laws, our borders, and we expect the government to act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, no fudges. Only full independence will do. Push aside any who still wish to block it.
The blockers are fewer and fewer but they are dangerous enemies of the people and the country. They want to hand us back to foreign control. All who desire a successful Britain must unite to see this through, engage in the discussion and planning for the future, and act to carry it out."
On the minimum wage
With a rise in the minimum wage coming into effect on 1 April, the Low Pay Commission has published its analysis of the impact of the National Minimum Wage introduced by the Treasury in 2016. The Commission hails as success that 12.9 per cent of workers in Northern Ireland and 10.8 per cent of workers in the North East are set to get a pay “increase” as opposed to 4.8 per cent in London, 6 per cent in the South East and 7.7 per cent in Scotland.
But what the Commission sees as success the trade union movement should see as reason to hang its head in shame because the National Minimum Wage is being hailed as the norm not the bottom of the wages ladder. Why do we who claim to be organised labour skulk along, cap in hand, like Oliver Twist?
The proportion of workers on the minimum wage has risen to 8.5 per cent of the workforce, up from 7.3 per cent in 2016 and 5.6 per cent in 2015. The Commission also indicates that the regionalisation of pay has not changed or improved, with traditional pockets of low pay still remaining – such as Somerset, Devon, Rossendale in the North West, Boston in East Anglia where one worker in five is now on the minimum wage.
Half of all minimum wage earners are in retail, hospitality, cleaning. A third of these jobs are in Britain’s allegedly boom sector of hairdressing, beauticians, tattoo artists and so on.
All the cries from employers that the national minimum wage would lose jobs have been proved false: jobs are available but at reduced rates of pay. And the schemes to supposedly elevate poverty wages – national living wage, London living wage, the national minimum wage – are all based on benefits being included to hide poverty at work.
And thousands of workers are receiving even less. The government’s “name and shame” list of employers not paying the national minimum wage lengthens every time it is published. That’s the reality of Britain’s poverty wage, low wage, minimum wage economy."

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (CPGB-ML)
Split from the SLP in 2004. Led by Harpal Brar, which coincidentally sounds like the murmurs I make when anyone asks me about the CPGB-ML. Hates trotskyism, revisionism and think the 2011 riots where hella anti-cap. Openly love Stalin. Supports leftist movements abroad, thinks Sinn Fein should lead a 32-county Ireland and is against Scottish independence.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: / (participated in the International Communist Seminar
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
I don't think they have one, but their articles are all really fucking long. Like, twice the length of the PCRF.

New Communist Party of Britain (NCP)
Split from the CPGB in 1977 after the latter had, according to the NCP, revised the 'British Road to Socialism' so much it had de facto given up on socialism. The CPGB was also not able at that time to provide an alternative to the anti-union politics Labour pushed through in the 60s and 70s. Hates the EU and Gorbachev, started defending Actually Existing Socialism through its international contacts.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
European affiliation: INITIATIVE
Position on the European Union
“The ruling classes of Europe are determined to put the entire burden of the slump on the backs of working people. They’re going to slash state welfare, pensions and social provision. They want to drive down wages through social dumping by closing down their operations in high‑wage areas and setting them up in other parts of the European Union where labour is cheap or recruiting cheap labour from poorer regions of Europe to undercut existing rates for the job.
The development of the Common Market, and the EU that followed, was the choice of European imperialism and western European monopoly capital.
It promotes neo‑liberal measures favouring the monopolies and the concentration and accumulation of capital. It cannot represent a genuine counterweight to the United States in favour of the people. With the Lisbon Treaty, new steps are being taken towards the configuration of the EU as an imperialist, economic, political and military bloc, contrary to the interests of the workers and the people.
The sovereignty and independence of peoples and countries are being further undermined. The attack on labour and trade union rights throughout the EU is escalating in the name of “modernisation”, “competitiveness” and “flexicurity” — and in order to ensure the profits of capital.
For years Labour, SNP and the majority of the leaders of our unions have elevated the EU as an instrument for social progress and economic advance. They say that the EU is becoming more representative through the authority of the European Parliament and establishment of regional autonomy. The social‑democrats claim that the anti‑working class “directives” and “rulings” can be reversed. The revisionist and left social‑democratic circles that still pose as communists in some parts of Europe argue that the EU can be reformed to serve the interests of working people.
But the EU with its toothless parliament, Ruritanian regional governments and farcical referendums, which only count when the vote agrees with what has already been decided by the powers that be, hasn’t been reformed. Nor can it ever be under the Treaty of Rome.
Now people see the European Union for what it is — an institution designed solely for the benefit of the oppressors and exploiters — and millions upon millions are seeing through the lies of the bourgeoisie. What few benefits the EU has brought, such as increased trade and open borders, could all have been achieved through separate agreements and treaties. The cost of the introduction of the Euro would be entirely borne by the working class and it must be opposed.
The European Union is neither genuinely federal nor democratic and every stage of European integration has been financed by working people through higher indirect taxes, lost jobs and lost benefits. The European Union cannot be reformed. It must be dissolved and the Treaty of Rome, which established the Common Market in the first place, and all addenda repealed.
We will call for Britain to leave the EU during the 2016 referendum on the issue”
On the snap elections
“The divisions within the Parliamentary Tory party are just as great as within the Parliamentary Labour Party but the media have been very quiet about them, whilst making the most of the Blairite traitors within the Labour ranks. And it is the activity of those traitors that is responsible for Labour’s low poll ratings.
But during the upcoming election process the Tories will not be able to hide their divisions over Brexit. Look out for some seismic battles between Boris Johnson and May — his attitude to the European Union may change with the tide but his greed for power is his constant pole star.
The Liberal Democrats, who are set on reversing Brexit, will be looking for a revival after their treachery in the 2010—2015 coalition left them truly unelectable. They are looking to be in a position once again to hold the balance of power and overthrow the result of the Brexit referendum.
It is not only Labour supporters who will be chanting: “Let June be the end of May.”

Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (RCPB-ML)
Founded in 1972 as a Maoist alternative to the other communist parties in Britain, it turned Hoxhaist in 1979. Love DPRK
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“The unity and close co-operation of the workers' movement in the countries of the EU does not and cannot depend on the institutions of the EU. These institutions, besides representing the interests of the monopolies, are themselves in crisis. Remaining within them further compromises the movement of the people in Britain for both democratic renewal and modern sovereign states. Withdrawing from them would facilitate the building the alternative, not only in Britain but throughout Europe.
The European Commission sees only the end of nation-building and works to impose the dictate of supra-national institutions on peoples and states within the EU. The EU is taking Europe down the road of neo-liberalism and austerity. The fight of the working class of each of these countries at the head of the people's movement against austerity and the anti-social offensive is to settle scores with their respective ruling elites which do the bidding of the European, US or other monopolies. It is only turning around the neo-liberal economies of these countries, establishing sovereign control over the economies, that can begin to resolve the economic crises. The call that jobs, rights, working conditions, and so on, “depend on Europe” is false. Even were trade conducted on the basis of mutual benefit, a functioning national economy depends not on being competitive in the global market, but first and foremost on a planned economy under the control of public authorities accountable to the people, in which the working class and people have a decisive say on their direction.”
On the bombing of Syria
“RCPB(ML) condemns in the strongest terms the military attack launched by the government of the United States on the sovereign territory of Syria on April 6. During the attack, fifty-nine Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles were launched from U.S. navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean targeting aircraft, aircraft shelters, fuel and other storage, ammunition, air defence systems, and radar at the Shayrat Airfield in Homs province. There can be no justification for such a unilateral use of force by one country against another. The military action was not sanctioned by the Security Council of the United Nations, was contrary to the UN Charter and international law and must therefore be considered a criminal act. The support for this warmongering activity by the British government and its allies must also be strongly condemned. According to reports, the actions of the US government resulted in the deaths of five soldiers and nine civilians, four of them children, from nearby villages hit by the missiles. (…) RCPB(ML) calls on all people to condemn the criminal actions of the US government and vigorously oppose the warmongering actions of the British government and the dangerous escalation of military force and provocation.”

Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP)
Tony Cliff was a man who got expelled from a Trotskyist group in the 50s for saying the Soviet Union was state capitalist. Him and seven mates entered Labour to try and get a bigger group based on Trotskyism and bashing Existing Socialism. They ended up with 200 people who thought a democratic centralist party is wicked naff, we should get on the spontaneanist train innit. In 1968 they remembered that this was stupid and the making of a vanguard party commenced. Working against the Vietnam War, the ancestors of the SWP grew to a stunning 3000 members. 1977 would show the completion of the party from just being a newspaper to being a newspaper with cadres and the foundation of the SWP. Seeing the positive effects of having mass organisations to help build the party, the SWP immediately disbanded these organisations when they wanted a say in the party programme (yikes!). When the Soviet Union collapsed Cliff was being a right shithead on the matter saying ‘I told you so’ to everyone he could meet. Called to vote for New Labour as the people would clearly see that they would be deceived, without actually putting together an alternative for when that would happen. Co-founer of Stop the War and Respect. Would probably just be another unremarkable Trotskyist party if it weren’t for the fact that they were and are still covering up a rape done by the only cadre who hasn’t resigned yet, letting only the mates of the rapist talk to the victim and the press and ruling on the case in an internal discussion without actually telling the justice system that can do something about the rape about it. Got more mad at leaks about the rape than the rape itself. The official line on the rape is that no rape has occurred, and disagreeing with this line is a breach of democratic centralism. Vile shit if you ask me.
Membership: Dwindling, since who even wants to be in a party with rape apologists
MPs: no
International affiliation: IST
European affiliation: EACL
National affiliation: TUSC
Position on the European Union
“The EU today is best understood as a dysfunctional would-be imperialist power. We can see its imperialist character most clearly in its promotion of neoliberalism—through its expansion to incorporate Central and Eastern Europe, in its policies towards neighbouring states in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe and now, within the EU, through the disciplinary mechanisms enforcing permanent austerity. But the dysfunctional nature of this imperialism is evident both internally (the eurozone) and externally (Ukraine). (…) Imperialism is the theme running through the history of the EU: its origins lie in the crisis of European imperialism at the end of the Second World War and the drive by American imperialism to reconstruct European capitalism. Far from European integration ending the possibility of further wars, it began in conditions in which it was no longer possible for the major European states to pursue the antagonisms that had led to three Great Power wars between 1870 and 1945—antagonisms that were the consequence, not of nationalism as such, but of the struggle for resources and territories among rival imperialist powers.”
On the snap election
“The next seven weeks matter. Real power does not lie in parliament—but the result on 8 June will frame many of the battles to come.
Every rotten element in society—racists, bullying managers, police chiefs, admirers of Donald Trump—will want to see the Tories celebrating outside Downing Street.
A victory for Labour will boost the confidence of working class people to fight and to pressure the government.
It will raise the question of a society that breaks from austerity.
The Tories say every vote cast for them will make the Brexit process better for everyone. The opposite is true.
To win a Brexit that serves the interests of the majority rather than the bosses means dumping the Tories.
Some of the Labour right would prefer the Tories to win than to see Corbyn in Downing Street. They will have to be pushed aside.
Labour’s campaign would be stronger if it was uncompromising and directed firmly towards the interest of working class people.
Labour will win only if it inspires people and gives them hope of real change. Labour lost in the 2015 election because it was for austerity-lite and because it had snubbed strikes and protests.
And Labour councils must stop implementing Tory cuts and attacking their workers.
Let’s now see policies such as the £10 an hour minimum wage, taxing the rich, opposition to war and funds for schools and hospitals. Building a million council houses, fighting racism, ending privatisation, taking back rail and the Royal Mail should also be at the very centre of the campaign.
“Moderation” is the enemy. Labour would be in a better position if it could raise slogans such as—“For the NHS, not Trident missiles”, “Chuck out the parasites, take over the banks”.
And the union leaders should be stepping up strikes and protests, not holding them back in the false belief that such resistance harms Labour.
We want Corbyn to win—but that means more struggle not less.”
belgend posted:The state of the left in... the United Kingdom
nice, but where's the Sam Kriss Fraktion
btw u missed out Revolutionary Communist Group (good people) who actually exist and u have a good chance of meeting poeople from.
tears posted:groups like the NCP, RCPB(ML), CPB(ML) all have about 5 memebers each, but they all seemed to inherit property meaning they could continue to exist and produce a paper. its wierd
btw u missed out Revolutionary Communist Group (good people) who actually exist and u have a good chance of meeting poeople from.
i thought of putting RCG in but they don't consider themselves a party, and if i had to put in every pol org that wasn't a party that post would be a) way longer than the greece post (yugh) and b) i'd have to include the awl D:
Europarties, unlike what their name might make you think, don’t stop at the EU borders. Here are the parties of the EU-wide left that aren’t actually in the EU.
European Left outside of the EU

Беларуская партыя аб'яднаных левых «Справядлівы сьвет» (Belarus)
Founded in 1991 as the official successor of the Communist Party of Byelorussia, it was one of the first main political forces in post-Soviet Belarus. The party would split in 1996, however, in two on the question of supporting Aleksandr Lukashenko. The party we’re talking about here is the anti-Lukashenko camp of the former PKB. Is trying to oust Lukashenko outside of the elecotral process, which they call a sham, and look to the US to intervene.
Membership: unknown
MPs:: no
International affiliation: /
National affiliation: United Democratic Forces of Belarus
Position on the European Union
A bunch of Belarussian sites say their site is called camarade.biz, but it just looks like a regular old newspaper to me, unless the former Communist Party of Belarus thinks the Champions League results is mandatory reading for marxists (I can’t say I disagree).

Партидул Комуништилор дин Република Молдова (ПКРМ) (Moldova)
Founded in 1994 and the only communist party to have been in a majority government in a Post-Soviet state. It used this majority not to do away with the capitalist modes of production that had already developed, but to privatise even further. Used to like the EU, now they don’t anymore.
Membership: 40,000 (2014)
MPs: 21
International affiliation: Union of Communist Parties – Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Position on the European Union
“By signing the Association Agreement with the European Union, the government betrayed the country and its citizens, lacking Moldova's economy of prospects. (…) At the moment, our country is not prepared to meet the requirements of the Association Agreement with the EU, hasty signed by corrupt and directed government against our Eastern partners. Moldova needs an agreement that will take into account the interests of the entire Moldovan people, including the inhabitants of the left bank of the Dniester.”
On Moldova being overrun by… snow!
“On the morning of Thursday, April 20, the snow covered the entire country. Stihia once again turned into a "catastrophe" for both the inhabitants of the capital and for the tens of thousands of inhabitants of the districts of the country, who remained on this day without electricity, as well as for the drivers who had Risked coming out on national routes.
An alarm signal also fired the farmers. But in their messages, some representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry have said that "the situation can not be criticized so far". On the other hand, farmers did not share the optimism of ministerial officials. According to them, they have suffered from stony cultures - persians, apricots, cherries, plums and others. And while the special commission, created to check the state of agricultural production in the country, will work, the frosts expected in the coming days could have destroyed about 70 percent of the fruit. The situation is equally sad for many legumes, which in some districts have already been planted in the open field.
At the same time, the situation has raised concern with the Government. Prime Minister Pavel Filip has asked for an estimate of damage caused by stigma in the last 24 hours and proposals for concrete actions for the liquidation of the situation and support for farmers should be submitted. It is noteworthy that no one in the bureaucratic structures took care of the "concrete actions" in time, and, at the same time, of their immediate implementation. Most likely, this time, no official will suffer. Unlike the rest.”

Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz (PdA) (Switzerland)
Founded in 1944 after the Communist Party of Switzerland was banned by the Swiss state for supporting the Molotov-Ribbentropp Pact. Since then haven’t done a whole bunch apart from some mad infighting, but they seem to have gotten their shit together on keeping the party afloat in recent years.
Membership: 2000 (2009)
MPs: 1
International affiliation: / (Participated in the ICS and is since 2015 an observer member of the Four Party Conference)
Position on the European Union
“Since the creation of the EU, a multitude of EU Directives have been implementing a Europe-wide coordinated policy of social reduction, deregulation of employment and social systems, privatization of public enterprises and services. The consequences: pressure on wages caused by unfettered site competition, widening of the precarious low-wage sector, increased retirement age, increased health care, long-term and youth unemployment, growing poverty even in highly developed countries, increasing social insecurity, more difficult access to education and future prospects. A policy at the expense of the broad population, which the EU is ruthlessly enforcing through its so-called Troika (ECB, IMF and EU Commission) in the countries of Europe (Greece as the best known example). Officially, the EU stands as a "community of values" that ensure peace in Europe and around the world, serve the ideals of democracy and human rights, guarantee economic stability and social progress. All this has turned out to be a big lie. The EU is a power construct to protect and expand internally and externally the capitalist, imperialist interests of large corporations and capital. Inward, there is a process of the development of the state surveillance of the citizens and the reinforcement of the state repressive instruments, especially under the pretext of «combating terrorism». The crisis in Ukraine shows that Europe does not provide protection against wars. In order to enforce the imperialist interests of the powerful corporations, even openly appearing Fascist forces are supported and waged. Every year, thousands of children, women and men die in the desperate attempt to cross the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean has become the largest cemetery in the world because of EU policy.”
On the bombing of Syria
“The PdAS expresses its full solidarity with the Syrian people and the peoples of the region and places itself behind their right to self-determination without external interference. The Swiss government is called upon not only to condemn the poison gas use on one hand, to be half-hearted for "an avoidance of a military escalation" and a political solution in Syria. It must also clearly condemn US intervention and draw consequences in relations with the USA. The sanctions against Syria, which mainly affect the civilian population, with the exception of the export ban on war materials, must be abolished immediately. The Swiss government is also called upon to make a stronger commitment to peaceful mediation between all civil war sides.
The PdAS calls on all those who wish to receive peace in the world to protest against the US intervention in Syria. The war in Syria can not be ended with war! It must not be repeated what happened in the Iraq war! No to the imperialist war!”

Özgürlük ve Dayanışma Partisi (ÖDP) (Turkey)
The ÖDP was founded in 1994 as a merger of several left-wing groups and calls itself a socialist libertarian party (whatever that means). Their history is filled with parties being pissed that building an actual political party is taking too long and leaving for bigger parties. Might no longer exist when these posts are done.
Membership: 3119 (2017)
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
Also member of the EACL
National affiliation: United June Movement
Position on the European Union
“At the beginning of the 21st century, he sat in the head of the country's agenda on Turkey's membership to the EU. The major forces of Turkey, the big capital, the ruling media, the self-changing segment of political Islam on February 28th, and the armed forces have established their future strategies on integration into the EU. This has the effect of being accepted as the goal of the Republic's 80-year Westernization project, as much as the preferences of sovereign powers to join capitalist globalization over the EU. Much of the trade union circles are based on the institutionalization of social and trade union rights in Europe; The main body of the Kurdish opposition, with the expectation that identity and culture demands will find a legitimate ground in the EU, The majority of the people support the process with the hope that a better level of life can only be achieved through the EU. (…) It is now the goal of the EU to fight for the revolutionary transformation of Europe, while the citizens are kept away from decision-making mechanisms, the anti-democratic institutional structure obstructing participation, the neoliberal policies it implements, especially the elite character of the EU Commission. On the other hand, we have the responsibility to uphold the progress made in the EU process on the democratic rights and achievements that we have been paying for the sake of Turkish leftists, socialists, for many years. It is not based on an 'essential' assumption that only the concepts of labor, democracy, human rights and women's rights can be found in Europe. There is no reason not to create common grounds in other geographies where our projections can be found.'Social Europe' and 'labor of Europe' defender of the Third World against the racist, the most serious opponents of imperialist policy, organizers of the anti-war movement and the global justice movement also needs to remember that they are a part.”
They don’t seem that active anymore for the rest sadly, they do post sometimes but it’s about rude graffiti on their buildings.
The Nordic Green-Left not in the EU

Tjóðveldi (Faroe Islands)
Founded in 1948 when the Danish king declared and immediately after annuled Faroese independence. Ecosocialist and democratic socialist, but are looking for Faroese independence more than anything else.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 7 Faroese, 1 Danish
International affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
I know too little Faroese to comprehend their site sadly and this is the first time Google has failed me, as neither Danish nor Icelandic are good to help me. I’m sorry, this has all turned into a colossal failure.

Inuit Ataqatigiit (Greenland)
Founded in 1976 by radicalised socialist youths in Denmark. Has since turned democratic socialist but in favor of privatisations. Yuck!
Membership: unknown
MPs: 11 Greenland MPs, 1 Danish
International affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
Don’t have one
Their ‘position pieces’ right now are just them saying where they are in municipal coalitions and they’re saying goodbye to an MP who’s going back to being a helicopter pilot. Nordic politics.

Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð (Iceland)
Founded in 1999 by leftists who thought all the leftists getting co-opted into one social democratic party was a dumb idea. Democratic socialist, hates NATO, hates the US and EU, loves Palestine. Seem like sort of a good bunch.
Membership: unknown
MPs: 10
International affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
Pretty straightforward, they want to keep Iceland out of the EU. No real analysis.
Do not point to me
“Has a decision been taken to introduce a dual health system in Iceland? And if so, who made that decision? And when was she taken? What is the right of a National Medical Director or Minister for Health regarding the Clinical Operating License? Is the private hospital there illegal or legal? Who is responsible when the minister, the head of the litigation says: Do not point to me? The debate about privatization in the health service has certainly been confusing, as the Medical Director of Health points out. And the dangers of recording a dual health system have been discussed a little.
It is easy to pronounce the phrase that those who have enough money should have the option of paying for their own actions rather than waiting for those who are not as well-offenders. It is also easy to say that by this means only the waiting for us is shortened and even claim that those who have enough money just have to pay for themselves. This argument, however, is contrary to one of the main assumptions on which our welfare system is based: That everyone should have equal opportunity to get the best possible health care regardless of the economy.
Once a double healthcare system has been confirmed, the next step is the requirement for free patient insurance to be prepared to pay the amount of money that is paid to the victim. Thus, the development has been in the Nordic countries, and these requirements have already been heard here, including the Cancer Society of Iceland for several years. But what happens when people have paid for their actions from their own pocket or through the insurance? Then the question arises: Why should I pay taxes so others who do not buy insurance can enjoy healthcare? And then the co-responsibility has disappeared, and when we arrive in the American model, private healthcare, the world's most expensive health service, which is not paid out of joint funds (Obamacare is outgoing), but everybody - through an employer or insurance company Pay for yourself. If he missed the job, was sick as a child or escaped paying a premium, he was aware.
Do we want such a society? No, actually not. Studies have shown that Icelanders want health services for all and cost from joint funds. And what's more: 86,761 voters demanded that the healthcare system be restored and that the state will make more efforts to improve service to all, not just some. And it was not the promises of the chairman of the future Bjartrar, that same Ottars Proppé and now responsible for this terrible development.”

Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV) (Norway)
Founded in 1975 as the merger of an electoral alliance consisting of the Communist Party of Norway, the Socialist People’s Party and AIK (the Communists eventually decided to remain an independent party). Feminist, ecosocialist and democratic socialist, against NATO and EU. Part of the Red-Green Coalition between 2005 and 2013 (Stoltenberg II).
Membership: 9422 (2014)
MPs: 7
International affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
“The EU is characterized by mass unemployment, poverty and collapse in the confidence of it
Political system. In the absence of good democratic alternatives, people are turning in
More and more to right-wing extremists and extreme religious groups. The best medicine against Europe's growing extremism is political solutions that ensure worthy lives and safe jobs for most people. Besides working to solve the social crisis, Europe has to cooperate closely to follow up the threat extremism constitutes”
New Work Program for a Warm Community
“The world and Norway are not poor, but security, opportunities, power and money are unfairly distributed. It increases the differences between people and the economic and political elite, both in Norway and in the world.
We better benefit, we create more. Do we stop climate emissions, make the world safer and we get jobs we can live off. If we create fair agreements between countries on trade and cooperation, conflicts will be muted and opportunities opened to all.
Norway is a country with relatively small differences, a strong welfare state, high labor participation among both sexes, strong unions and a stable economy. This has made Norway one of the world's best countries to live in. Nevertheless, we know that this can turn around. The differences in power and wealth increase, unemployment has gotten stuck and more people have to work in temporary positions. At the same time housing prices are shrinking. How to create and reinforce differences.
We need a fair and environmentally friendly society, both locally, nationally and globally. We must safeguard the best of Norwegian society, such as small differences, high employment and strong common arenas. We must reduce the differences, strengthen welfare and fight poverty in general, and poverty in families with children in particular. We must contribute to more and safer jobs by transforming ourselves into the zero-emission society and pursuing an active business policy.”
The EACL just has some weird Swiss minor parties that doesn’t exist, and the ODP
INITIATIVE outside of the EU
INITIATIVE works with a whole bunch of Communist parties that aren’t registered because of the virulent anti-communism in those states, so I won’t do a writeup of them but I will mention them here: Communist Party of the Workers of Belarus, Russian Communist Workers' Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Union of Communists of Ukraine.

Norges Kommunistiske Parti (NKP) (Norway)
Founded in 1923 when the Norwegian Labour Party no longer agreed with the democratic centralism of the Comintern. The pro-Comintern line would found the NKP. Main force in the Norwegian resistance against fascism. Opposed the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviets. Officially calls itself ‘democratic socialist’ since the fall of the USSR. Opposed the Soviet coup of 1991. Under surveillance by the Norwegian state
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
Position on the European Union
“The battle for further integration efforts by Norway in the imperialist world, through the EU and NATO's new attack strategies, is a struggle for peace. It is a struggle for increased national independence and independence. It is a struggle for popular rule against capital power and militarism. (…) The most important prerequisite for creating a world without war is that the opinion prevents weapons and military-strategic installations from being placed in space and that the earthquake ceases. It must be sharpened to fight the United States missile shield in the room and we must prevent a radar to this technology placed in the Czech Republic and rockets in Poland. It is a tragedy that the former socialist countries have become the most reactionary guns to the United States and NATO. The accession of these countries to the EU does not serve the economic, social or anti-militarist goals of the working class. (…) All EU treaties (the Maastricht Agreement, the Services Directive, etc.) aim to weaken the wage workers' influence on economic policy. EU countries must meet these requirements to enter the Economic and Monetary Union”
The NKP hasn’t done any articles since 2016 yet, as they are currently preparing for the elections. That’s a bit shit how they’re not able to do both.

Türkiye Komünist Partisi (TKP) (Turkey)
Founded in 1993 as SIP, the TKP took the name from the original Communist Party in a Special Congress in 2001. Had a short split in two factions in 2014 which meant all activity was stopped, but the factions reconciled in January of this year and the TKP was re-instated. Opposed the Iraq War. Hates AKP, NATO and EU. Close to the KKE and PCP, one of the founders of INITIATIVE.
Membership: 1987 (2017)
MPs: no
International affiliation: IMCWP
Position on the European Union
“Peace movements around the world have risen against the war. Opposite trends in a number of capitalist European countries gained momentum as the enlargement and integration period of the EU understood that it would bring new heavy loads to the laborers, and the scale of these trends became evident by the rejection of the European Constitution by popular vote.”
On the results of the presidential referendum
“We declared the same day that there was no legitimacy of the announced results of the referendum on April 16th.
Later, new evidence emerged about the theft and irregularities in the referendum. Every day, every day, new ones are added.
We say it one more time. No referendum came out, the ruling YSK and using the AA and Erdogan came to a balcony. Erdogan, who is very frightened in any way, has made a Presidential speech after this.
They have made a great mistake, believing that the honest, honest people of Turkey will accept such a widespread fraud. They can not accept the ruthlessness of this referendum, arrogantly posing, challenging, saying "we do not rule".
It is obvious that he will not be busy.
Now they go out and say "respect the democratic process, national will".
Moreover, millions of people questioning the fraudulent referendum that owns their will have begun to call the coup.
You know how to blow. With NATO, imperialist countries, internationally, we are especially well aware of the piling of our people. Remember that you celebrated with fireworks when you signed the agreement that the European Union delivered this country. At that time the communists of this country were struggling, saying, "Fucking EU imperialism." Just like we struggle with NATO, US imperialism.
In response to the call of the people, "there is Germany behind them, there is great capital"
The big bosses in power in the AKP are the powerful imperialist countries dominated by the USA and Germany. As these forces are deeply contradictions and conflicts within themselves, now they have begun to live deep problems with their old friends, Erdogan.
It is no doubt of anyone; Erdogan and his team are now ready to make every concession to regain the support of these forces. Major tenders, new privatizations, new free zone agreements, exemptions, privileges ... These are all our people, the harm of our country.
If these are not enough for the class of capital, if they are to say, "We will bring them back as we brought them" ...
There is no interest in the search for our rights. The NATO is the AKP, which begs the EU gov- ernments and plunders our country into the bigger monopoly. We represent the laboring people.
One day, it is not our problem if Erdogan can no longer defend even those who have brought him to power.
We have opened the flag against imperialism, the monopoly, the exploiters, the anti-secularist reaction. Our history is the history of the struggle against them.
If you understand, you will be bragged as "great friend USA", "our partner is Germany" and if you live in tension, you are so impersonal enough to be called "ohyyy Europe".
Darbeymiş, exploded, empty!
Better, submit to the will of the people and return immediately to this Constitutional amendment.
Know the friendly enemy well: the TKP will continue the legitimate struggle for strengthening the will of the people. This struggle is a struggle against money fathers, imperialist occupation and wars, Sorosist interventions and anti-public reactionism.
From tomorrow, everywhere, in the workplace, in the neighborhood, in the schools call for the establishment of Committees against the President, we organize these committees.
We know that the people are continuing to say NO.
And this people will not bow to you.”
There might be other partner organisations in Georgia, Moldova and Macedonia but apart from the INITIATIVE site or Wikipedia there’s no active propaganda on the web from them

belgend posted:
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (CPB-ML)
CPB-ML is a Maoist split from the CPGB done in the '60s. At the time of the Sino-Albanian split, it sided with the Hoxhaists. Have supported the Soviets now and again since. Alexei Sayle used to be a member. Hates the EU and calls Remainers 'enemies of the people'. Opposes mass immigration which makes them sound hella fash.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: /
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
"We are throwing off the shackles of the misnamed European Union, which seeks only to dictate and deny sovereignty. By March 2019 we must be out.
This day is truly one to celebrate.
In 1975 the British people did not believe we could run our own affairs. The referendum vote then was by more than 2 to 1 to throw in our lot with the European Economic Community, to ask it to please manage Britain for us (actually, for its own interests). Last June this woeful decision was finally reversed.
The people have shown we want a sovereign Britain. We have declared confidence in ourselves to determine the country’s future without any instruction from Brussels or Berlin.
We know that we can and must control our economy, our laws, our borders, and we expect the government to act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, no fudges. Only full independence will do. Push aside any who still wish to block it.
The blockers are fewer and fewer but they are dangerous enemies of the people and the country. They want to hand us back to foreign control. All who desire a successful Britain must unite to see this through, engage in the discussion and planning for the future, and act to carry it out."
On the minimum wage
With a rise in the minimum wage coming into effect on 1 April, the Low Pay Commission has published its analysis of the impact of the National Minimum Wage introduced by the Treasury in 2016. The Commission hails as success that 12.9 per cent of workers in Northern Ireland and 10.8 per cent of workers in the North East are set to get a pay “increase” as opposed to 4.8 per cent in London, 6 per cent in the South East and 7.7 per cent in Scotland.
But what the Commission sees as success the trade union movement should see as reason to hang its head in shame because the National Minimum Wage is being hailed as the norm not the bottom of the wages ladder. Why do we who claim to be organised labour skulk along, cap in hand, like Oliver Twist?
The proportion of workers on the minimum wage has risen to 8.5 per cent of the workforce, up from 7.3 per cent in 2016 and 5.6 per cent in 2015. The Commission also indicates that the regionalisation of pay has not changed or improved, with traditional pockets of low pay still remaining – such as Somerset, Devon, Rossendale in the North West, Boston in East Anglia where one worker in five is now on the minimum wage.
Half of all minimum wage earners are in retail, hospitality, cleaning. A third of these jobs are in Britain’s allegedly boom sector of hairdressing, beauticians, tattoo artists and so on.
All the cries from employers that the national minimum wage would lose jobs have been proved false: jobs are available but at reduced rates of pay. And the schemes to supposedly elevate poverty wages – national living wage, London living wage, the national minimum wage – are all based on benefits being included to hide poverty at work.
And thousands of workers are receiving even less. The government’s “name and shame” list of employers not paying the national minimum wage lengthens every time it is published. That’s the reality of Britain’s poverty wage, low wage, minimum wage economy."
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (CPGB-ML)
Split from the SLP in 2004. Led by Harpal Brar, which coincidentally sounds like the murmurs I make when anyone asks me about the CPGB-ML. Hates trotskyism, revisionism and think the 2011 riots where hella anti-cap. Openly love Stalin. Supports leftist movements abroad, thinks Sinn Fein should lead a 32-county Ireland and is against Scottish independence.
Membership: unknown
MPs: no
International affiliation: / (participated in the International Communist Seminar
European affiliation: /
Position on the European Union
I don't think they have one, but their articles are all really fucking long. Like, twice the length of the PCRF.
until now i thought these were the same party, thank you for your informative post