ah yes, rhizzone projects so far itt: let's all become cops or buy a town. pretty stupid since most of us are already cops.
Several of us have committed to making websites.
[account deactivated]

aerdil posted:

ah yes, rhizzone projects so far itt: let's all become cops or buy a town. pretty stupid since most of us are already cops.

I also had the idea for the International Library of Stalin


aerdil posted:

ah yes, rhizzone projects so far itt: let's all become cops or buy a town. pretty stupid since most of us are already cops.

let's buy a town and then start a town police force and make everybody a cop. what could go wrong


This pic is funny enough by itself but its worth noting that this new type of terrorism is represented by Dallas and also Orlando, its called "Public Space Terrorism", and it goes to show that even though a bunch of whiners complain about the militarization of police, what happened in Orlando and especially in Dallas, specifically the Bomb Robot, goes to show that militarisation of police is actually Good.
Yeah, the bomb robot is pretty cool. I mean instead of shooting Fred Hampton in his bed you could just zip a little flying drone through a window and paint the room with some high explosive.
[account deactivated]
We need to invite over all the milgoons to discuss this and other ideas we have. It seems to me that since carrier battle groups are indestructible, the President should always be on a carrier battle group.
[account deactivated]

Petrol posted:

This pic is funny enough by itself but its worth noting that this new type of terrorism is represented by Dallas and also Orlando, its called "Public Space Terrorism", and it goes to show that even though a bunch of whiners complain about the militarization of police, what happened in Orlando and especially in Dallas, specifically the Bomb Robot, goes to show that militarisation of police is actually Good.

militarization of police isn't enough. we can militarize all public space -- why should killers be allowed to roam freely? control is possible. and america needs jobs. even i can add two and two. let's get on this

[account deactivated]

walkinginonit posted:

The head of the Fraternal Order of Police went on the radio and said that police were targeted "just because the color of their uniform" because liberal identity politics is a snake eating itself.

If that's the problem they should start all wearing different color uniforms, an entire rainbow of uniforms in fact, which would also serve as a gesture of good will to the LGBT community.

[account deactivated]
not all cops are bad... for instance, the canine officers arent all bad, and Officer Gunny here seems like a real hero
Spooked Police Horse Throws Officer and Runs Loose in Midtown Manhattan

drwhat posted:

Petrol posted:

This pic is funny enough by itself but its worth noting that this new type of terrorism is represented by Dallas and also Orlando, its called "Public Space Terrorism", and it goes to show that even though a bunch of whiners complain about the militarization of police, what happened in Orlando and especially in Dallas, specifically the Bomb Robot, goes to show that militarisation of police is actually Good.

militarization of police isn't enough. we can militarize all public space -- why should killers be allowed to roam freely? control is possible. and america needs jobs. even i can add two and two. let's get on this


tpaine posted:

yeah or just brown

At first I didn't get this: what was he referencing by saying all cops should wear brown pants and brown shirts? But then I remembered that brown is the poop color.

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jeremy corbyn is the key to all of this. if we get jeremy elected... because he's a funnier candidate than we've had before.
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drwhat posted:

CNN now has decided the attacks are leftist terrorism:

if the bomb robot had a GoPro hooked up to a livestream that would be, fucking badass, imo, and provide our extrajudicial execution bots with the accountability we've been demanding for so long
[account deactivated]

thirdplace posted:

What is the source article for this?


thirdplace posted:

such a miranda


Gssh posted:

thirdplace posted:

What is the source article for this?

a song of ice and SPOOKS: A DYSTOPIA by emma r. r. quangel


thirdplace posted:

SPOOKS: A DYSTOPIA by emma r. r. quange

Ah, was interesting but never managed to finish as only had the free version requiring me to log in to kindle reader.

praise stalin, the cop killer used an SKS


thirdplace posted:

i was looking for that today ty.


Gssh posted:

What is the source article for this?

a don delillo novel


aerdil posted:

Pokemon Go and Schizophrenia


Panopticon posted:

praise stalin, the cop killer used an SKS


*runs amok*
Slaves to Ammok: God of Blood, Chapter II: tHe rHizzonE