
MarxUltor posted:

I'm almost surprised that no definitely guilty suspects who are likewise so black and guilty that a trial would be redundantly pointless have admitted in a secret communication to the police moments before being shot that they pledge allegiance to Isis on behalf of all BLM, of whom they are the official secret president and spiritual leader, but the day isn't over yet.

The guy did confess to cops "I'm not in any org specifically, I'm just angry about Black Lives Matter"

Ah shit I typed " Black Lives Matter" (My room is suddenly filled with Keffiyehs and rifles and I become retroactivelt guilty of three counts of intent to distribute cough syrup
according to cops, shooting suspect was an avowed communist, muslim, and black lives matter activist, as admitted in the moment before being neutralized by a robot bomb. this is reeaaall life and not a badly written dystopian novel.
If I were in their shoes I'd probably say "Is that a fucking bomb on a fucking robot? You think you can stop this Communist Muslim with your bomb, just because I participated in Black Lives Matter? Get real, forces of good! I eat pieces of shit like white folk for breakfast!" ... "N-no... I don't eat.... Waugh!!" (blows up)

c_man posted:

MarxUltor posted:

I'm almost surprised that no definitely guilty suspects who are likewise so black and guilty that a trial would be redundantly pointless have admitted in a secret communication to the police moments before being shot that they pledge allegiance to Isis on behalf of all BLM, of whom they are the official secret president and spiritual leader, but the day isn't over yet.

this didnt happen but the police did release a picture of some random BLM protestor saying they were looking for him as a suspect

oh man have they still not deleted it. every bald black man with a soul patch needs to get the fuck out of dallas

According to Lt. McNoget, negotiations broke down during the last few minutes of the incident when the suspect listed up to two dozen co-conspirator groups and began frisbeeing membership cards over the top of the barricade behind which he was hidden.

"We kept reading him his Miranda rights over and over," McNoget said in a press conference this morning, "with our fingers jammed into our ears, but we just couldn't stop him."

The automaton employed by the station made no statement but was seen to turn and flop its mechanical wrist limply with a knowing glare from a window above.
[account deactivated]
stop reaching for his gun
stop. stop. dispatch, send backup, shots fired
thanks for the inspiration. i'm also drawing some things atm about throwing cops in the trash.
srsly if something's going on in your town tonight go out there. at least provide another set of eyes and ears.

glomper_stomper posted:


from brendle

[account deactivated]

cars posted:

srsly if something's going on in your town tonight go out there. at least provide another set of eyes and ears.

here is an event that was happening in a town tonight

BREAKING: Authorities: Man called 911 in south Georgia to report break-in, then ambushed, shot officer who came to investigate.


glomper_stomper posted:


they should make out imo

police telepresence robot suicide bombs black radical. the future, conan??

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

future, conan??


cars posted:

srsly if something's going on in your town tonight go out there. at least provide another set of eyes and ears.

my brain immediately thought it was a cartoon of obama hugging cops. i guess that would be a real political car tune
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

somebody 'chop that comic so the guy is reaching for the gun lmao


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

glomper_stomper posted:


they should make out imo

I'm surprised there isn't one single police department somewhere that has been totally infected by communism and informs on other cops all the time. Maybe tHE r H i z z o n E should start a cop shop, how does one go about that?
CNN now has decided the attacks are leftist terrorism:

The Dallas attack is the first instance of deadly terrorism seemingly motivated by extreme left-wing ideology in the post-9/11 era. Brown called it a "a well-planned, well-thought out, evil tragedy."


But there hasn't been a case of lethal terrorism emanating from the left for more than a decade and a half. In the post-9/11 era, left-wing plots have tended to target property. The FBI considers militant animal rights and eco-terrorism groups as a top domestic terrorism priority, though their violence has resulted in no deaths.
During the 1970s, terrorist attacks by leftists were far more common. The Black Panthers and their splinter groups carried out a number of bombings and assaults. So too did the Weather Underground and its splinter groups.

These leftist militant groups largely disappeared in the 1980s, and since then lethal domestic terrorist attacks, such as the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, have either been carried out by far-right or by jihadist terrorists, as we saw last month in Orlando and in December in San Bernardino, California.
Now law enforcement must focus, once again, on the possibility that far-left militants may carry out lethal attacks.


I don't know where the fuck that came from but uh, what the fuck
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

swampman posted:

I'm surprised there isn't one single police department somewhere that has been totally infected by communism and informs on other cops all the time. Maybe tHE r H i z z o n E should start a cop shop, how does one go about that?

First I think you need a political majority in a jurisdiction. As none of us is likely to actually vote in any elections, it seems this leaves us at an impasse, but a way does present itself. If we just bought a whole city, like this one, https://www.denverpost.com/2016/07/08/colorados-craigslist-ghost-town-cant-find-a-buyer/ , our appointed elders and platinum level kickstarter supporters would be able to confer political authority upon themselves in the only way which matters in america, with all the attendant privileges.

dibs on liquor and cannabis control board

Fuckin http://www.11alive.com/news/wxia-breaking-news/94484108

swampman posted:

Fuckin http://www.11alive.com/news/wxia-breaking-news/94484108

"holding the powerful accountable"

When i linked that it was an incredible aerial shot. Now it's only shot from behind the cops so you cant see anything.
[account deactivated]
oh shi, footage of the shooter in dallas preparing for the attack has been released, this does kinda explain things, there's no way normal police could handle this kind of firepower and mobility, MAY be NSFW:

[account deactivated]
pretty sure the only forthcoming change from all this bullshit is now the police are gonna start regularly murdering black folks with robots.
Ed 209 2016!!!
it's great cause they filmed that movie in dallas, so of course they'd be the first to make a robocop

The head of the Fraternal Order of Police went on the radio and said that police were targeted "just because the color of their uniform" because liberal identity politics is a snake eating itself.
[account deactivated]