NounsareVerbs posted:
I was robbed by a dude last year but I had no cash on me. He took the fake 1 million dollar bill that I kept in my wallet as a joke and he didn't hurt me.
oh no....
that bill was REAL
i just needed you to hold it for a while before i cashed it in!
i told you it was fake so you wouldn't cash it yourself!
GoldenLionTamarin posted:
i invented the name german joey. its a portmonteau of germany and joseph
Youre a buster
because the name is ImTallGermanJoe

Myfanwy posted:
I invented the name Baby Finland, did you know that
this is true
Goethestein posted:
your a nice dude getfiscal. i hope u know that wddp will betray you.
i've only posted on wddp like a week out of the past five months or so, so yeah probably
Goethestein posted:
glenn greenwald and johann hari are talking about how god damn much they want to pork brazillian dude ass
Goethestein posted:
getfiscal tell me what is going on in wddp.
my account was suspended for, you guessed it, most of the past five months, including now. and for most of the past year i was only allowed in mainthread, i haven't read wddp:lf in a long time. i have no idea. lots of depression and mildly amusing anecdotes i suppose.
Goethestein posted:
the way gay dudes talk abort hot dude cocks and asses really undermines the ridiculous feminist notion that society causes men to objectify the sex parts
they learned how to talk like that from sexist heteros, goat.
it was patriarchy all along....
Goethestein posted:
the way gay dudes talk abort hot dude cocks and asses really undermines the ridiculous feminist notion that society causes men to objectify the sex parts
sounds like you spend a lot of time listening to gay dudes talk about cocks and asses, goatstein
what made me mad was he was obviously in a car and i was obviously walking through a bad part of town with no ride at 3am. who do you think needed that $5 more buddy, you or me
getfiscal posted:i invented the name "let's get fiscal" but it is based on "let's get physical" by olivia newton-john
You should have copyrighted it bro
Merzbow posted:getfiscal posted:i invented the name "let's get fiscal" but it is based on "let's get physical" by olivia newton-john
You should have copyrighted it bro
I truly doubt this makes sense even to them
— alt right deez NUTS (@babyfinland2) September 17, 2016
@babyfinland2 🤔 try harder pumpkin
— agent fox smolger (@smolgerbil) September 17, 2016
fat tom's embarrassing past is catching up to him
he just left, and this is just funny
drwhat posted:do you guys not like him or what, i don't know what the history of stupid old beef is
well, there used to be this guy on SA who would sell fatty bacon. a certain tom was his greatest customer, the guy put his kids through college with the fatty bacon money, then the FDA shut him down. this marks the beginning of tom's crusade against capitalist regulation and the first chapter of the history of the old beef
i come here in good faith trying to have a conversation and you insert these blatant lies, i can't believe this
drwhat posted:do you guys not like him or what, i don't know what the history of stupid old beef is
Jefferey doxed me on here and said i was working with the CIA to arrest all of you for posting about communism and you guys went along with it bc you felt loyal to taryn