Greater Black-Backed Gull, very clean
it's fall migration nerds get the fuck outside !
i dont bird as much as i used to but birds are great

a small part of this years recently fledged 3rd brood of barn swallows, they like to shit in my tea while im on break, just like the last two broods:

[account deactivated]
i like birds.
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spring is coming (northern hemisphere only), please consider to going outside, its nice out there

its been spring weather where i am since basically groundhog day. that little shit lied to us
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i moved into a house with a big tree in the backyard. i can hear birds in it a lot. my child is very small so i dont think he understands what a bird is yet (do any of us, truly?) but i take him out to look at the tree at least once a day and listen to the birds and he seems to like it. thanks for reading.
hell yeah. what kinda birds
[account deactivated]
i'm a member of a phenology-and-nature-photos facebook group and a guy posted this plot graph of his initial tree sparrow sightings over the last 14 years which reminded me of the title of this thread. no one can get away talking about biased climate researchers and their doctored data to that dude

thirdplace posted:

i'm a member of a phrenology-and-nature-photos facebook group

The Big Phrenners Club
the ol' rhizzone alley-oop

groundservices posted:

Oh hello

[account deactivated]
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migration is completely fucked this year by the way, everything's weeks off. massive thawing in the arctic means enormous changes in the availability of food and corresponding mass movements of birds and other migratory wildlife in response. it's fucked up on its own but it's also a really dire indicator of the overall situation in the biosphere, shit is really really not good

thirdplace posted:

i'm a member of a phenology-and-nature-photos facebook group and a guy posted this plot graph of his initial tree sparrow sightings over the last 14 years which reminded me of the title of this thread. no one can get away talking about biased climate researchers and their doctored data to that dude

imagine this but for every species and every subspecies and multiply it a million times and you got an idea of the kind of field science being done day in and day out by volunteers, birdfolk carry on the subbotnik tradition

i just bought an audubon society field guide to my state/region and i cant wait to go out and look at some fucking birds! and also flowers, furry animals, and fungi

chickeon posted:

imagine this but for every species and every subspecies and multiply it a million times and you got an idea of the kind of field science being done day in and day out by volunteers, birdfolk carry on the subbotnik tradition

qft, eternal glory to all the amatuer botanists, mycologists, lichenologists, entomologists, herptologists and all the other ologists who put in work.

also if you want to learn about flowers (which it turns out no one ever does), then im your gal
i want to know as much about everything as possible but i cant think of any specific flower related stuff atm
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hemlock water dropwort (botanist joke)
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Edited by karphead ()

[account deactivated]

chickeon posted:

hell yeah. what kinda birds

i am very bad at identifying birds by sight let alone by sound, and mostly i can only hear these birds. however i am sure there are magpies in the area, and crows also. and just yesterday i found a medium-sized yellow and green feather on my back porch. it came from some kind of parrot i suppose.

i'll id anyone's birds any time if yall snap piccos
welp, you asked for it

..('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
....''...\.......... _.·´
recent birb news: hummingbirds go nuts for karpheads krazy knectar (sorry). 4 parts water for 1 part sugar with a little extra to keep them coming back for more. omg they fucking love it!!!

tears posted:

also if you want to learn about flowers (which it turns out no one ever does), then im your gal

whats up fellow plant nerd

hell yess, what plants u on
im into cacti and succulents mostly, i was kind of interested in bonsai for a while but its such a long term hobby and my attention span is short. im also interested in halophytes and some conifers but theyre hard to grow in a home situation