tpaine posted:
undertale sequel looking great
tpaine posted:imagine how awesome it would be to just fly wherever you want to go. i'm not saying there wouldn't be cars and stuff for particularly lazy birdpeople but i can't help but feel that if you could just flap up and coast your way down to the liquor store or circle k to get beer there'd be more bird people doing that. i guess the weight of a 18 pack of nattie ice would weigh you down some but if you built your wing muscles up you could easily do it. i mean, can't most birds carry pretty heavy shit, like fish? i bet they could make a satchel you could could tie around your feathered midriff and you could just put all the groceries in there and i doubt it would be much harder to fly, if you had room to get going but of course there would be frickin runways everywhere for you to run on to get your momentum up. holy shit, i'm getting excited here.
probably large towers with elevators wd be a more efficient use of space....every trip to the store ends with a fricking base jump
cars posted:countdown to koffing at treblinka
cars posted:cars posted:countdown to koffing at treblinka
you didn`t grab the paragraphs that are literally about koffing, including the reporter just deciding to check if he could catch one:
One image circulating online appears to show a player encountering an unsettling digital critter inside the museum: a Pokémon called Koffing that emits poisonous gas floating by a sign for the museum's Helena Rubinstein Auditorium. The auditorium shows the testimonials of Jews who survived the gas chambers.
The image, which appears to have originated from a now deleted post on the photo-sharing site imgur, might be a hoax: That particular Pokémon didn't appear nearby when this Post reporter visited the museum Monday afternoon, although the specific Pokémon that appears in each location does vary from time to time. Hollinger said that the museum is concerned about the potential Koffing appearance.
2016 ladies and gentlemen
heres a bird