cars posted:drwhat posted:
can one not post in jest on the rhizzone anymore
what is the joke. the height of recreational ketamine use was years before 2004, something about which i know nothing.
the joke is creating the character of someone so naive, spoiled, and self-centred that they evaluate the world only through fads of recreational drug use, and so therefore your post about something serious is in his eyes not serious at all because you are behind the times, not that he even really knows what the times are, and basically lives in a haze of narcisstic bullshit with his shitty ignorant friends. so you laugh at the idea of that character while we reassure each other, with the shared laughter, that this character is funny to us because that perspective is obviously absurd and we hate this type of person. this is what i call ironic forum posting
never mind i'll go to the election thread, thanks for your informative op

Keven posted:Doesn't ketimine also completely fuck up your liver and kidneys that seems like a bad idea
there's renal toxicity associated with chronic abuse, would be unheard of following a single use treatment, and its hepatoxicity is absolutely minimal even with chronic abuse. it's also pretty hard to get addicted to since it necessitates being a numbed up idiot robot person for extended periods of time and consistent access to the drug, combined with its not being even close to as reinforcing as stimulants or opiates.
the main problem would be people relapsing after a week or it just not being effective in the first place; it'd be useless without doing normal rehab shit along with it
this massive single dose to treat alcoholism thing seems more like part of that press push, a solution in search of an existing problem, unless they are planning on having people self-dose in a bathtub full of water and the idea is to literally murder alcoholics which doesn't seem likely.
camera_obscura posted:sucking is normal though
groundservices posted:I think they pegged me as a drug seeker at the free clinic cuz I was smoking a lot of weed
first rule of getting adequate mental health treatment is never admit to any recreational drug use
chickeon posted:first rule of getting adequate mental health treatment is never admit to any recreational drug use
100%. if you show up and apply for disability in the U.S. with a letter from the Surgeon General saying you're a paranoid schizophrenic and then mention you need treatment for substance abuse problems you will be auto-binned.
i was still fucked over once for "drug seeking behaviour" despite repeatedly specifying that I want painkillers that aren't opiates. some doctors are great evidence that education doesn't make you smarter
shriekingviolet posted:some doctors are great evidence that education doesn't make you smarter
this is my lived experience every god damned day. the only difference between a doctor and any jagoff from the street is doctors are possessed of an inhuman streak of self-denial that allowed them to get through the miserable, decade-long grind that is medical education
finally i went to another new guy who, right in front of me, looks up "cluster headache" on fucking wikipedia, sees in the opening paragraphs that triptans are a recommended treatment.
"did any of your doctors try any kind of triptan?" "no" "well let's try that"
now i take sumatriptan and it works. but i'll never get back those years of pointless agony that incompetent rich pricks cost me!!
That's especially true for psychiatric meds, by the way. I've had multiple experiences of being told I couldn't actually be having whatever side effect I was in fact having because they'd never heard of that happening.
toyotathon posted:i briefly worked at a pharma plant that made around 2 lbs of product per year, sold it for $1.2 billion. huge money maker. i got talking to a consultant guy who did marketing for the drug, and their #1 marketing strategy was to target pediatricians (read: young children), because at that age the body adapts to the drug at the expense of competitors'. so you snag a lifelong customer that needs the drug to survive.
shriekingviolet posted:finally i went to another new guy who, right in front of me, looks up "cluster headache" on fucking wikipedia
Why had you not looked it up on the internet yourself?
toyotathon posted:i briefly worked at a pharma plant that made around 2 lbs of product per year, sold it for $1.2 billion. huge money maker. i got talking to a consultant guy who did marketing for the drug, and their #1 marketing strategy was to target pediatricians (read: young children), because at that age the body adapts to the drug at the expense of competitors'. so you snag a lifelong customer that needs the drug to survive.
what drug is this
toyotathon posted:those ketamine manufacturing plants cost a billion bucks, easy. they don't wanna build a new clinical plant for hundreds of millions, wait 10+ years for clinical to come back, then spend another billion on the production plant.
i briefly worked at a pharma plant that made around 2 lbs of product per year, sold it for $1.2 billion. huge money maker. i got talking to a consultant guy who did marketing for the drug, and their #1 marketing strategy was to target pediatricians (read: young children), because at that age the body adapts to the drug at the expense of competitors'. so you snag a lifelong customer that needs the drug to survive.
yeah, curious to know what drug that was or at least what class? that doesn't really square w/ my knowledge of pharmacology. the body doesn't really "adapt" to different drugs at the expense of others afaik but whatever i'm just an ass-wiper