Anti-prostitution not pro-marital rape. For instance, prostitution would never have happened if womens needs were recognized as fundamental to society. Shelter, food etc.
We gain nothing by holding up bodily autonomy, what's the point of arguing whether a woman should have the right to sell sex? It's obviously wrong.
Just like everything else your individual judgments are meaningless. Where it matters to the social whole society should decide. It's also true that your desires and wishes are shaped by society in the first place, so they should be shaped to maximize your own flourishing such that you don't make bad decisions because there are correct decisions when it comes to human happiness, we are just animals.
Edited by bumpthread ()
bumpthread posted:We gain nothing by holding up bodily autonomy, what's the point of arguing whether a woman should have the right to sell sex? It's obviously wrong.
What's obviously wrong is for a man to purchase sex. The woman selling sex isn't breaking any ethical code or responsibility to society. Fuck off Mike Huckabee.
bumpthread posted:This is literally impossible to refute.
bumpthread posted:we are just animals.
no we're not, why do people say this? what does it even mean? what do you mean by this?
swampman posted:bumpthread posted:We gain nothing by holding up bodily autonomy, what's the point of arguing whether a woman should have the right to sell sex? It's obviously wrong.
What's obviously wrong is for a man to purchase sex. The woman selling sex isn't breaking any ethical code or responsibility to society. Fuck off Mike Huckabee.
She is by not working.
A defense of prostitution on the grounds that it allows the prostitute to eat is not the same as the liberal defense I'm engaging and you haven't said anything of relevance there.
Are you one of those people who think there will be prostitution under communism? If your answer is no then you agree with me and you can dispense with the outrage.
tears posted:bumpthread posted:we are just animals.
no we're not, why do people say this? what does it even mean? what do you mean by this?
Just means we can be trivially optimized. There is no significant uniqueness.
tears posted:the reason that humans do a certain thing is because they are within the taxonomic clade animalia, a grouping of multicellular eukaryotic organisisms difering from the other clades in that they form and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula
bumpthread posted:Just means we can be trivially optimized. There is no significant uniqueness.
if theres one thing you can say about animals, its that they can be trivially optimized
toyotathon posted:read marx
Just means we can be trivially optimized. There is no significant uniqueness.
bumpthread posted:swampman posted:The woman selling sex isn't breaking any ethical code or responsibility to society.
She is by not working.

c-goat ifap judgment: too annoying
Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()
Edited by tears ()
neckwattle posted:Eyyy check out lil Mussolini here. Straight up advocating organicism on a communist message board
did I write this today? doesn't feel like it.
There is no such thing as society. There are classes, and there are material interests
— Cam Fantastic (@CamFantastic1) June 6, 2017
Edited by neckwattle ()
Edited by neckwattle ()
c_man posted:im glad the mods decided to actually ban a nazi after humoring them for only a few days instead of humoring them for years. slowly but surely, props to the mod squad cgoat in particular
sometimes im not around for a few days or i just dont really read certain threads so its pretty easy for me to miss stuff. i'd like if we selected an additional new mod, but people can always gimme a shout on twitter if im missing something.
Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()
This whole saga of never ending pro pimp propaganda seems never ending, and while all these well meaning liberals who follow a few college educated upper middle class sex workers who claim that this what is going to make their lives better while over looking the fact that they arent going to do this forever and usually have a 2nd career.
I have seen a lot of discourse from current sex workers on twitter that want decriminalization is they keep on repeating that they dont like their "job" all the time which raises a lot of questions about what is exactly sex work as a job.
One of the most frustrating things is the anti sex buyer/abolitionists organisations seem to just sweep in donations and profit but how are these vast funds actually helping women that drastically want to leave the sex industry but are living in countries illegally and will have no homes. A lot of these state funded exit schemes will usually only help women who are citizens of the country and are sober.
Its just so annoying to see various groups that want to end prostitution spend $200,000 on an ad campaign but aren't assisting women that dont fit a very narrow criteria for them to supposedly help
Taxi drivers (although the gig sharing economy has somewhat equalised this cause capitalism)
Construction (but the UK has made various attempts to attract more women in the field)
Resturants (very few female chefs but fuking loads of female waitress/bar maids)
Self employed construction roles never seem to have any women
I know a lot more men that are freelance compared to women like....
Ugh its just frustrating to see well educated working class women resorting to sex work to pay rent cause they're not fucking men and arent going to be given the same opportunities as vastly medorice men
Cuntessa_Markievicz posted:Also I have been trying to list all the male dominated working class industries that I can think of:
Taxi drivers (although the gig sharing economy has somewhat equalised this cause capitalism)
Construction (but the UK has made various attempts to attract more women in the field)
Resturants (very few female chefs but fuking loads of female waitress/bar maids)
Self employed construction roles never seem to have any women
I know a lot more men that are freelance compared to women like....
Ugh its just frustrating to see well educated working class women resorting to sex work to pay rent cause they're not fucking men and arent going to be given the same opportunities as vastly medorice men
landscaping and pretty much any sort of van or truck driving seems to be overwhelmingly male dominated. Mechanics too. I imagine the overwhelming majority of working class jobs for women come in retail and service, which are quite troublingly starting to be heteromated at a very rapid pace--self checkout, ordering online, ipads in restaurants to take your order, etc etc.
A big one is any kind of major resource extraction, particularly those that involve isolated fly in fly out work camps (which are hell on everyone) oil, mining, lumber.
Edited by shriekingviolet ()
There was an article on the topic recently, where a waiter said that a common thing now is for customers to use the comments field in the satisfaction survey to leave sexually suggestive compliments or insults about the women waiting their tables
Comments on women's looks were probably common enough on pencil-and-paper comment cards, but now the instant feedback technology allows for nightly meetings on how the customers rated everyone. So, the woman in the article explains, her managers use those nightly meetings as an opportunity to bring those sorts of comments up on the screen, so everyone there can see them and discuss them in terms of the waiter's performance as an employee. Big laughs all around, under capitalism