Arabs were among the first to institute chattel plantation slavery of the sort we associate with the South and southern Iraq was chock full of African slaves for quite some time and subject to some horrific rebellions
im sure a lot of arabs are really f'in mean to black people

i know for a fact your gulf arab has about as much respect for his Bangledeshi skivvy as normal people do for me, the depressed cuckold

im sure the immediate experience of being racist'ed at by a racist arab can often be subjectively worse than being racist'ed at by a white liberal

fsad is dumb and unmarxist enough to think these facts actually determine anything though lol
Or maybe I'm Marxist enough to divorce the circumstances that exist upon this gay Earth from being embarrassed when grandpa called your best friend a niggerling and taking that out on Canadian pedestrians 20 years later

discipline posted:

in egypt there is nearly zero racism - you can find an egyptian who looks like a sub saharan african and an egyptian with blonde hair and blue eyes and they will marry each other and have babies and it's totally normal but why am I telling you this when you're an idiot

the same can be said of nearly all of latin america, but uhhh


FSAD posted:

Arabs were among the first to institute chattel plantation slavery of the sort we associate with the South and southern Iraq was chock full of African slaves for quite some time and subject to some horrific rebellions

those institutions are gone, they aren't the things keeping racism alive today. "cultural momentum" is a racist myth.

The most canadian thing is living in a town that's 98% white, pretending to be all into diversity, political correctness and shit while everyone else is white and you don't have to do fuck all or even seen anyone of color ever except at maybe a token charity event and then eventually get very very upset when you visit THE BIG CITY and you can't understand the taxi driver and you go out for chinese food and get ripped off on the bill
the ICBM silo built next to my house in north dakota represents an enormous wealth transfer into my community

RBC posted:

The most canadian thing is living in a town that's 98% white, pretending to be all into diversity, political correctness and shit while everyone else is white and you don't have to do fuck all or even seen anyone of color ever except at maybe a token charity event and then eventually get very very upset when you visit THE BIG CITY and you can't understand the taxi driver and you go out for chinese food and get ripped off on the bill

alright zizek


caprimulgus posted:

alright zizek

[account deactivated]
canadian racism is what we call back racism in britain
the racism of my youth is beginning to disappear the older i get
"Premier Rachel Notley suggested Wednesday her government may not hike Alberta’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2018 if the economy remains in the doldrums, calling the campaign pledge a “notional” target."

Here's some classic Chinese racism:

Dirty Chinese stealing African babies from their mothers

wow look at that hat. cultural appropriation much? i dont think they asked that POC for their consent to be portrayed. im triggered

ignorant portrayal of americans by racist chinese. they should respect that most white people were pro-imperialist and respect their choice

naked chinese imperialism on display. the text may talk about friendship but everyone knows favorable trade is actually sino-imperialism

the sad legacy of chinese racism, look at these people who nailed this chinese man's picture to a tree.

give me some good old Canadian liberal racism, it's much easier to ignore. also the ottomans had slaves therefore racism even though any sociologist who said that pre-modern societies had racism as a concept would be laughed out of the conference.

Black women in our posters... the test of racism.
yeah chinese people can be pretty fuckin racist. imo the question is, does it matter? and the answer is, not too much, really

Black women in our posters... the test of racism.

damn the 'zzone is hella racist

Nazi's in china can be pretty cool. Does the nanjing safety zone matter?
those images are cool
We've got to save the Yazidis!!! - The collective will of the United States of America

I am at the barber's, and a copy of Paris-Match is offered to me. On the cover, a young Negro in a French uniform is saluting, with his eyes uplifted, probably fixed on a fold of the tricolour. All this is the meaning of the picture. But, whether naively or not, I see very well what it signifies to me: that France is a great Empire, that all her sons, without any colour discrimination, faithfully serve under her flag, and that there is no better answer to the detractors of an alleged colonialism than the zeal shown by this Negro in serving his so-called oppressors.

You can't equate socialist propaganda intended to promote solidarity among peoples with capitalist propaganda intended to encourage murder among peoples. Ignoring this basic political reality in order to do focus on the semiotics of the form is nauseating.

*eta: while i know we all have a lot of lauffs posting 'ironically' here at rhizzone.com, let's not cross the bridge of sincerely comparing the people's republic of china to the united snakes of amerika

Edited by postposting ()


postposting posted:

You can't equate socialist propaganda intended to promote solidarity among peoples with capitalist propaganda intended to encourage murder among peoples. Ignoring this basic political reality in order to do focus on the semiotics of the form is nauseating.

That's the joke.


postposting posted:

sincerely comparing the people's republic of china to the united snakes of amerika

Please never accuse me of this.

i saw a lot of those posters at a museum a guy maintains in his condo basement in shanghai. you have to call his apartment and he comes down and shows you around a storage space with big character posters and such. officially the cultural revolution is a moronic phase in history so the police used to hassle him i guess. but enough people like it that they went to this condo tower in the old french quarter and paid to see like those solidarity posters. blew my mind.... i was a liberal at the time too. drawback of the situation was there was no real ventilation and my friend passed out.
i bought a booklet there which was a 1974 communist party membership package which was filled out by the applicant. then i packed it away and lost track of it. i should find it, if it didn't get lost over the years.
actually now that i remembered that it's bizarre i never looked for it in the past ten years.
i apologize for doubting you getfiscal, sometimes this crazy world makes fools of us all
I apologize for joking about people's China. I looked through all my old belongings and I couldn't find the party application.
I don't know much about the Klan in Ontario (I know Liz Rowley, who's head of CP-Ontario had her house burnt down by them when she was organizing against them in the 80s) but I do know there's this other organization that, no fucking kidding, is headed by a Pickup Artist loon, called The New Constitution Party.

Here's the dipshit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Sears

Anyways, judging by the quality of what he puts out, one might be inclined to place him in the same vein as the anti-semitic crank pamphleteers at Union Station, but he does have some money behind him that's allowing him to do a pretty thorough blanketing of certain neighbourhoods in Toronto with stickers, as well as fund mass mailings of his fascist newspaper.
Also, anti-FN racism is insane in Canada, pretty much in every single place you can find a Canadian, (city, rural, suburb) through every class, and (occasionally in my experience) replicated by new immigrants because it's probably the easiest way to signal to other Canadians you're assimilating!

getfiscal posted:

postposting posted:

You can't equate socialist propaganda intended to promote solidarity among peoples with capitalist propaganda intended to encourage murder among peoples. Ignoring this basic political reality in order to do focus on the semiotics of the form is nauseating.

That's the joke.

hello ayjawtts you seem like a decent poster please talk more
i think you would get more of a reaction calling a nazi a rando than calling a rando a nazi. just a tip there
To those who so confidently claimed that Chinese racism "doesn't matter"


FSAD posted:

To those who so confidently claimed that Chinese racism "doesn't matter"


I bet they even shrank him throughout the movie, without Lucas the chance to maneuver through the innumeral ensuing plotholes... chinese bastards!!

Please don't spoil the movie for me I'm about to go see it!!
lol at the notion that the chinese aren't racist
[account deactivated]
do you think there was ever a time where two asians of different races were being racist at each other and some redneck said "what are you doing, you're both the same," which is correct, for the wrong reasons