
So, we should just let it crash and burn down, pick up the pieces and start over?

Yes, with the focus on the big war on this extreme capitalism. I couldn’t vote, but I was hoping Sarah Palin won last time in the US elections. I’m hoping Donald Trump wins this year’s election. For the reason that it will fuck up that country so much faster then if a less bad President wins. Our whole world is just so focused on money, money, money. That’s the biggest problem. That’s why everything fucks up. That’s the target we have to fix. We need to make sure that we are going to get a different focus in life.

The only thing crashing and burning is marxism and the political left generally. The world will go on just fine without this increasingly irrelevant branch of nihilism.

swirlsofhistory posted:

The only thing crashing and burning is marxism and the political left generally. The world will go on just fine without this increasingly irrelevant branch of nihilism.

surely it's already crashed and burned?


swirlsofhistory posted:

The only thing crashing and burning is marxism and the political left generally. The world will go on just fine without this increasingly irrelevant branch of nihilism.

bless this mess


getfiscal posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

The only thing crashing and burning is marxism and the political left generally. The world will go on just fine without this increasingly irrelevant branch of nihilism.

surely it's already crashed and burned?

Tibet is still in chains, and the PRC still exists so it's not curtains yet, but I think we will see some progress in that area in the next decade or two.


swirlsofhistory posted:

Tibet is still in chains

the chains of the buddhaite cult maybe!

free tibet! because "give it back to the buddhist godking to rule with CIA assistance!" is too many words for my poster

(Michael Parenti btfo)
yes, let's weep for Tibet, the feudal theocratic monarchy with a brutal system of serfdom that considers anyone who was born a woman, queer, poor, or not ethnically tibetan to be inherently inferior and the rightful property of the priestly class. those poor tibetan aristocrats.
mustang hack swirls account or is he just going on a boring trolling run for the hell of it?
if memory serves that guy has always been a crummy weird liberal with a bug up his ass for some really stupid causes, but maybe i'm thinking of someone else

shriekingviolet posted:

yes, let's weep for Tibet, the feudal theocratic monarchy with a brutal system of serfdom that considers anyone who was born a woman, queer, poor, or not ethnically tibetan to be inherently inferior and the rightful property of the priestly class. those poor tibetan aristocrats.

The yellow man's burden...

its ninja now

swirlsofhistory posted:

https://www.studentsforafreetibet.org/get-involved/action-toolbox/a-lie-repeated-the-far-left2019s-flawed-history-of-tibet(Michael Parenti btfo)

One wound't know from reading all this that the actual official position of the Dali Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration has been for awhile autonomy within the PRC, not independence or the destruction of the present government in Beijing:

"The Middle-Way Approach is proposed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet and to bring about stability and co-existence between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples based on equality and mutual co-operation. It is also a policy adopted democratically by the Central Tibetan Administration and the Tibetan people through a series of discussions held over a long time. This brief introduction to the Middle-Way policy and its history is intended for the Tibetan people inside and outside Tibet - and all those interested - to have a better understanding of the issues involved.

A. Meaning of the Middle-Way Approach
The Tibetan people do not accept the present status of Tibet under the People's Republic of China. At the same time, they do not seek independence for Tibet, which is a historical fact. Treading a middle path in between these two lies the policy and means to achieve a genuine autonomy for all Tibetans living in the three traditional provinces of Tibet within the framework of the People's Republic of China. This is called the Middle-Way Approach, a non-partisan and moderate position that safeguards the vital interests of all concerned parties-for Tibetans: the protection and preservation of their culture, religion and national identity; for the Chinese: the security and territorial integrity of the motherland; and for neighbours and other third parties: peaceful borders and international relations."


Let's have a moment of silence for slaveowning aristocrats the world over
tibet's claim about 'autonomy within china' also includes the idea of a 'zone of ahimsa' which means the PLA would have to withdraw, which sounds to chinese ears like saying that india gets to stage troops in tibet.
Still very different than the all-or-nothing 1991 version 2.0 that swirls is proposing.
If the "Free Tibet" folks want more nuanced takes on traditional Tibetan culture, they should reciprocate with less melodramatic takes about the economic and cultural realities of communist rule since the 50s.

There is nothing logically inconsistent in saying, for instance, that the policies of the CPC broke the chains of clericalist serfdom and perpetuated economic underdevelopment in Tibet.

shriekingviolet posted:

yes, let's weep for Tibet, the feudal theocratic monarchy with a brutal system of serfdom that considers anyone who was born a woman, queer, poor, or not ethnically tibetan to be inherently inferior and the rightful property of the priestly class. those poor tibetan aristocrats.

Pop quiz, which 1940s political entities deserve to lose their freedom as a nation-state because they weren't founded on the basis of racial, ethnic, or sexual equality


RedMaistre posted:

If the "Free Tibet" folks want more nuanced takes on traditional Tibetan culture, they should reciprocate with less melodramatic takes about the economic and cultural realities of communist rule since the 50s.

There is nothing logically inconsistent in saying, for instance, that the policies of the CPC broke the chains of clericalist serfdom and perpetuated economic underdevelopment in Tibet.

Which link in the chains of clericalist serfdom was broken by kidnapping and imprisoning a six-year-old kid for the last 20 years?


FSAD posted:

Pop quiz, which 1940s political entities deserve to lose their freedom as a nation-state because they weren't founded on the basis of racial, ethnic, or sexual equality

all of them. you might have heard of this process, its called a "communist revolution"


FSAD posted:

shriekingviolet posted:

yes, let's weep for Tibet, the feudal theocratic monarchy with a brutal system of serfdom that considers anyone who was born a woman, queer, poor, or not ethnically tibetan to be inherently inferior and the rightful property of the priestly class. those poor tibetan aristocrats.

Pop quiz, which 1940s political entities deserve to lose their freedom as a nation-state because they weren't founded on the basis of racial, ethnic, or sexual equality

This is assuming that Tibet was an independent nation state though, when no one recognized it to be such at the time.


swirlsofhistory posted:

RedMaistre posted:

If the "Free Tibet" folks want more nuanced takes on traditional Tibetan culture, they should reciprocate with less melodramatic takes about the economic and cultural realities of communist rule since the 50s.

There is nothing logically inconsistent in saying, for instance, that the policies of the CPC broke the chains of clericalist serfdom and perpetuated economic underdevelopment in Tibet.

Which link in the chains of clericalist serfdom was broken by kidnapping and imprisoning a six-year-old kid for the last 20 years?

"The Royal Family is now reduced to two: a girl and a little boy. The boy, once named Dauphin, was taken from his Mother while she yet lived; and given to one Simon, by trade a Cordwainer, on service then about the Temple-Prison, to bring him up in principles of Sansculottism. Simon taught him to drink, to swear, to sing the carmagnole. Simon is now gone to the Municipality: and the poor boy, hidden in a tower of the Temple, from which in his fright and bewilderment and early decrepitude he wishes not to stir out, lies perishing, 'his shirt not changed for six months;' amid squalor and darkness, lamentably,—so as none but poor Factory Children and the like are wont to perish, unlamented!"

-From The French Revolution by Thomas Carlyle

it was basically a British puppet state up until the PLA invaded it and an autonomous vassal of the Qing dynasty before that
looking forward to the free east prussia thread
Also: The institutional freedom of the monks to decide their own successors is a issue that is distinct from independence and resolvable without it.
[account deactivated]
before we talk about US control of the internet's infrastructure, I am first going to tell you a little bit about the country called Tibet

sorry about your thread Panopticon
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
politics aside i think it's pretty silly to suggest that a 6 year old can be imprisoned for any longer than a single year??

chickeon posted:

politics aside i think it's pretty silly to suggest that a 6 year old can be imprisoned for any longer than a single year??

let's ask tpaine, our resident expert on the confinement of children.

[account deactivated]
always got the feeling tpaine had some dark secrets
[account deactivated]
yeah house arrest is so terrible boo hoo
probably should let the ICRC or someone else visit to make sure they're being treated humanely, at least.

Urbandale posted:

yeah house arrest is so terrible boo hoo

according to PRC authorities he isn't under house arrest. he's just had his whereabouts kept as classified information with the justification being he would be kidnapped by Tibetan separatists. still the lack of independent confirmation is concerning.