Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:is this Socialist Alternative gibbonstrength? i assume so.
yes but operating under an alias for some reason
Obviously we need to open up rHizzonE cHaptErs with solid anti-imperialist lines worldwide. Donald can go on Chapo and give us a shout out, sending thousands of rose emoji posters into our ranks, where we will teach them about scientific marxism-leninism
stegosaurus posted:a good org to join if youre in a remote area is mim prisons. you can help them from your couch. and retyping prisoner letters keeps you in close contact with tHE mAsSEs
Thanks for the reminder stigo
stegosaurus posted:a good org to join if youre in a remote area is mim prisons. you can help them from your couch. and retyping prisoner letters keeps you in close contact with tHE mAsSEs
For anyone who isnt caught up I work with dogs, so my clients include a large group of people who have no idea what a dog will cost and dont bother to find out until after they owe huge amts to me and various vets and cleaning companies etc
Edited by swampman ()
swampman posted:So i been on a collections drive recently, collecting owed money from all m,y customers who are willing to cough up, and trying to figure out who is a lost cause for chasing down / wrangling down...I had looked into selling debt to a collection agency and the return is so bad it's not worth the effort at our level. BNut what I had never thought of before was small claims court, I just dickin looked at it today and hecko shoot, it would cost me $15-20, plus like $60 more for an employee to go do the filing and represent us in court, and I get to ruin people's lives? just because I'm mad about finances? bc the thing is, if someone walks out on their balance I can jjust write it off on my taxes anyway. It's just more convenient for me at themoment to actually have cash so, I should probably, legally sue the shit out of millions of criminals? Any ethical objections to this?
imo those third-party debt buyers mostly exist so that team leaders in big corporate structures can report fewer losses per quarter up the chain to their bosses at quarterly meetings, they're not intended to make financial sense, let alone for small businesses
toyotathon posted:wait i read down your post more don't sue ppl and 20k is plenty sorry :weed emoji:
It's not just about me though. We have to pay sales tax at the end of the quarter, we can't just hope a bunch of people decide to pay their balances in time. We have all this other expensive shit t o spend money on. People who owe us $1 can fucking die
roseweird posted:lead the dogs in revolutionary struggle against the owners
I hate to say this but after several years working among them I'm pretty sure dogs are lumpenproles
platzapS posted:I applied for a job today! It would be at a gas station. Please wish me luck.

tears posted:im about to again start working in a bar again
platzapS posted:applied for a job today! It would be at a gas station. Please wish me luck.
Tried that.
Now I saw cars apart and recycle them.
Populares posted:dytd
tears posted:im about to again start working in a bar again
bit188 posted:i'm at the wwp national conference
Ah, how was it? I really wanted to go but was busy Saturday + it would be a little more expensive (cause of travel) than I'd like to pay just for Sunday