13 Hours is titled after Mitchell Zuckoff’s book Thirteen Hours: A Firsthand Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi, which details the assault by local insurgents on 11 Sept, 2012, the anniversary of 9/11. The initial attack left US ambassador J Christopher Stevens and diplomat Sean Smith dead, with a second assault on a separate CIA compound one mile away later killing two CIA contractors, Tyrone S Woods and Glen Doherty.
goonswarm is literally cia
paranoid randroid posted:thandie newton tapped to play the laughable Xhosa girl Nongqawuse
just like old times folks
breaklaw posted:Release date October (Surprise) 2016.
Sean Smith is on the phone.
Mr. President, could you substantiate the
heightened security risk?
President Obama sits alone in the dark with a handset to his ear.
How about you substantiate being a fat idle
office jockey who makes posts about silly
nigger girls from the state-thieved comforts
of the Green Zone?
Obama's finger hovers over the red "Send Jihadis" button.
Like I owe you a fucking thing you murderous
flaccid ignoble scum.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:had to try and explain to my girlfriend this morning why i thought it was funny that this dude was dead
yeah i celebrate the m urder rate
aerdil posted:never thought i'd have to do this considering our demographic, but i'd like to remind all rhizzonites that sex before marriage will result in eternal damnation. put a ring on her before putting anything else inside her. and even then only for procreation purposes.
c_man posted:i unironically want mobutu to write an article about vilerat's post history for the guardian when that comes out
theyd fire him for risking hillarys election
c_man posted:he's said bad stuff about hillary before iirc but that might get harder in the future i guess
yeah harper's had a cover article by doug henwood saying clinton sucks, they need to get that out of the way before the 2-year mark or else theyll lose subscribers
(10:01:16 AM) aryanorion: shut the FUCK up
(10:01:28 AM) ilmdge: lol im sorry, just sayin
(10:01:50 AM) LeonardJCrabNebula: if you didnt play with him, you wouldn't understand, so fuck off. some of us have known him since before his kid was even born
(10:02:02 AM) directorbot: You cannot deny us our right to pay our respects for a fallen comrade. If the admiration of the hundreds/thousands who play this game overshadows the obligatory love of one wife and kid, it isn't our fault. But Sean Smith was a nameless IT jockey. Vile Rat was a Hero. Anybody can bust a nut into a whore, but It takes an exceptional Man to serve in the Goonswarm the way he did.
(10:02:16 AM) commanderass: well said
(10:03:00 AM) ilmdge: oh ok, that makes sense i guess..
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:(10:01:04 AM) ilmdge: i just wonder if his wife and kid think this is kind of weird that all anyone can talk about is EVE online character
(10:01:16 AM) aryanorion: shut the FUCK up
(10:01:28 AM) ilmdge: lol im sorry, just sayin
(10:01:50 AM) LeonardJCrabNebula: if you didnt play with him, you wouldn't understand, so fuck off. some of us have known him since before his kid was even born
(10:02:02 AM) directorbot: You cannot deny us our right to pay our respects for a fallen comrade. If the admiration of the hundreds/thousands who play this game overshadows the obligatory love of one wife and kid, it isn't our fault. But Sean Smith was a nameless IT jockey. Vile Rat was a Hero. Anybody can bust a nut into a whore, but It takes an exceptional Man to serve in the Goonswarm the way he did.
(10:02:16 AM) commanderass: well said
(10:03:00 AM) ilmdge: oh ok, that makes sense i guess..
aryanorion, leonardjcrabnebula, and commanderass should p ost here.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:(10:01:04 AM) ilmdge: i just wonder if his wife and kid think this is kind of weird that all anyone can talk about is EVE online character
(10:01:16 AM) aryanorion: shut the FUCK up
(10:01:28 AM) ilmdge: lol im sorry, just sayin
(10:01:50 AM) LeonardJCrabNebula: if you didnt play with him, you wouldn't understand, so fuck off. some of us have known him since before his kid was even born
(10:02:02 AM) directorbot: You cannot deny us our right to pay our respects for a fallen comrade. If the admiration of the hundreds/thousands who play this game overshadows the obligatory love of one wife and kid, it isn't our fault. But Sean Smith was a nameless IT jockey. Vile Rat was a Hero. Anybody can bust a nut into a whore, but It takes an exceptional Man to serve in the Goonswarm the way he did.
(10:02:16 AM) commanderass: well said
(10:03:00 AM) ilmdge: oh ok, that makes sense i guess..

tpaine posted:From The Guardian
Sean "Vilerat" Smith, an American doing stuff overseas who was killed in some kind of conflict or something, had a lengthy meltdown over a chatroom making fun of his gaudy embarrassing tattoo, was thoroughly owned by a number of people who can't even take care of themselves and only accidentally stumbled upon the correct political opinion, spent countless hours making virtual spaceships and mining virtual asteroids in what must be the saddest nerd timesink among a panoply of extremely sad nerd timesinks, and used his gay little internet power to ban and ostracize anyone who dared to criticize US foreign policy in the decrepit debate corner of an internet comedy forum. He was 36.
owned by boniface. helldump lives on
tpaine posted:oh christ is it seriously michael bay??
can't wait for the shaky cam action shot inside the embassy, as explosions are heard all around. a battle-weary vilerat collapses to the floor in front of the camera, torn shirt revealing the viletat, covered in a sheen of sweat yet muted by smudged ash and char.
"i must find a working terminal, i have to let my... fleet know..."
a pillar collapses in the background, raining ceiling tiles in a backdrop as the structure clearly begins to fail.
"it... it's really all... laughable"
dramatically the screen goes black yet the audio continues, as the sounds of destruction and battle intensify. abruptly the sounds cut to silence. the credits slowly begin to roll.